242 resultados para Rhesus


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Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) and four pigeons (Columba livia) were trained in a visual serial probe recognition (SPR) task. A list of visual stimuli (slides) was presented sequentially to the subjects. Following the list and after a delay interval, a probe stimulus was presented that could be either from the list (Same) or not from the list (Different). The monkeys readily acquired a variable list length SPR task, while pigeons showed acquisition only under constant list length condition. However, monkeys memorized the responses to the probes (absolute strategy) when overtrained with the same lists and probes, while pigeons compared the probe to the list in memory (relational strategy). Performance of the pigeon on 4-items constant list length was disrupted when blocks of trials of different list lengths were imbedded between the 4-items blocks. Serial position curves for recognition at variable probe delays showed better relative performance on the last items of the list at short delays (0-0.5 seconds) and better relative performance on the initial items of the list at long delays (6-10 seconds for the pigeons and 20-30 seconds for the monkeys and a human adolescent). The serial position curves also showed reliable primacy and recency effects at intermediate probe delays. The monkeys showed evidence of using a relational strategy in the variable probe delay task. The results are the first demonstration of relational serial probe recognition performance in an avian and suggest similar underlying dynamic recognition memory mechanisms in primates and avians. ^


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Deficits in social cognition are prominent symptoms of many human psychiatric disorders, but the origin of such deficits remains largely unknown. To further current knowledge regarding the neural network mediating social cognition, the present research program investigated the individual contributions of two temporal lobe structures, the amygdala and hippocampal formation, and one frontal lobe region, the orbital frontal cortex (Areas 11 and 13), to primate social cognition. Based on previous research, we hypothesized that the amygdala, hippocampal formation and orbital frontal cortex contribute significantly to the formation of new social relationships, but less to the maintenance of familiar ones. ^ Thirty-six male rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) served as subjects, and were divided into four experimental groups: Neurotoxic amygdala lesion (A-ibo, n = 9), neurotoxic or aspiration orbital frontal cortex lesion (O, n = 9), neurotoxic hippocampal formation lesion (H-ibo, n = 9) or sham-operated control (C, n = 9). Six social groups (tetrads) were created, each containing one member from each experimental group. The effect of lesion on established social relationships was assessed during pre- and post-surgical unrestrained social interactions, whereas the effect of lesion on the formation of new relationships was assessed during an additional phase of post-surgical testing with shuffled tetrad membership. Results indicated that these three neural structures each contribute significantly to both the formation and maintenance of social relationships. Furthermore, the amygdala appears to primarily mediate normal responses to threatening social signals, whereas the orbital frontal cortex plays a more global role in social cognition by mediating responses to both threatening and affiliative social signals. By contrast, the hippocampal formation seems to contribute to social cognition indirectly by providing access to previous experience during social judgments. ^ These conclusions were further investigated with three experiments that measured behavioral and physiological (stress hormone) reactivity to threatening stimuli, and three additional experiments that measured subjects' ability to flexibly alter behavioral responses depending on the incentive value of a food reinforcer. Data from these six experiments further confirmed and strengthened the three conclusions originating from the social behavior experiments and, when combined with the current literature, helped to formulate a simple, but testable, theoretical model of primate social cognition. ^


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From early in the AIDS epidemic, psychosocial stressors have been proposed as contributors to the variation in disease course. To test this hypothesis, rhesus macaques were assigned to stable or unstable social conditions and were inoculated with the simian immunodeficiency virus. Animals in the unstable condition displayed more agonism and less affiliation, shorter survival, and lower basal concentrations of plasma cortisol compared with stable animals. Early after inoculation, but before the emergence of group differences in cortisol levels, animals receiving social threats had higher concentrations of simian immunodeficiency virus RNA in plasma, and those engaging in affiliation had lower concentrations. The results indicate that social factors can have a significant impact on the course of immunodeficiency disease. Socially induced changes in pituitary–adrenal hormones may be one mechanism mediating this relationship.


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Selective inhibition of T cell costimulation using the B7-specific fusion protein CTLA4-Ig has been shown to induce long-term allograft survival in rodents. Antibodies preventing the interaction between CD40 and its T cell-based ligand CD154 (CD40L) have been shown in rodents to act synergistically with CTLA4-Ig. It has thus been hypothesized that these agents might be capable of inducing long-term acceptance of allografted tissues in primates. To test this hypothesis in a relevant preclinical model, CTLA4-Ig and the CD40L-specific monoclonal antibody 5C8 were tested in rhesus monkeys. Both agents effectively inhibited rhesus mixed lymphocyte reactions, but the combination was 100 times more effective than either drug alone. Renal allografts were transplanted into nephectomized rhesus monkeys shown to be disparate at major histocompatibility complex class I and class II loci. Control animals rejected in 5–8 days. Brief induction doses of CTLA4-Ig or 5C8 alone significantly prolonged rejection-free survival (20–98 days). Two of four animals treated with both agents experienced extended (>150 days) rejection-free allograft survival. Two animals treated with 5C8 alone and one animal treated with both 5C8 and CTLA4-Ig experienced late, biopsy-proven rejection, but a repeat course of their induction regimen successfully restored normal graft function. Neither drug affected peripheral T cell or B cell counts. There were no clinically evident side effects or rejections during treatment. We conclude that CTLA4-Ig and 5C8 can both prevent and reverse acute allograft rejection, significantly prolonging the survival of major histocompatibility complex-mismatched renal allografts in primates without the need for chronic immunosuppression.


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Many primates, including humans, live in complex hierarchical societies where social context and status affect daily life. Nevertheless, primate learning studies typically test single animals in limited laboratory settings where the important effects of social interactions and relationships cannot be studied. To investigate the impact of sociality on associative learning, we compared the individual performances of group-tested rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) across various social contexts. We used a traditional discrimination paradigm that measures an animal’s ability to form associations between cues and the obtaining of food in choice situations; but we adapted the task for group testing. After training a 55-member colony to separate on command into two subgroups, composed of either high- or low-status families, we exposed animals to two color discrimination problems, one with all monkeys present (combined condition), the other in their “dominant” and “subordinate” cohorts (split condition). Next, we manipulated learning history by testing animals on the same problems, but with the social contexts reversed. Monkeys from dominant families excelled in all conditions, but subordinates performed well in the split condition only, regardless of learning history. Subordinate animals had learned the associations, but expressed their knowledge only when segregated from higher-ranking animals. Because aggressive behavior was rare, performance deficits probably reflected voluntary inhibition. This experimental evidence of rank-related, social modulation of performance calls for greater consideration of social factors when assessing learning and may also have relevance for the evaluation of human scholastic achievement.


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It is generally thought that an effective vaccine to prevent HIV-1 infection should elicit both strong neutralizing antibody and cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. We recently demonstrated that potent, boostable, long-lived HIV-1 envelope (Env)-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses can be elicited in rhesus monkeys using plasmid-encoded HIV-1 env DNA as the immunogen. In the present study, we show that the addition of HIV-1 Env protein to this regimen as a boosting immunogen generates a high titer neutralizing antibody response in this nonhuman primate species. Moreover, we demonstrate in a pilot study that immunization with HIV-1 env DNA (multiple doses) followed by a final immunization with HIV-1 env DNA plus HIV-1 Env protein (env gene from HXBc2 clone of HIV IIIB; Env protein from parental HIV IIIB) completely protects monkeys from infection after i.v. challenge with a chimeric virus expressing HIV-1 env (HXBc2) on a simian immmunodeficiency virusmac backbone (SHIV-HXBc2). The potent immunity and protection seen in these pilot experiments suggest that a DNA prime/DNA plus protein boost regimen warrants active investigation as a vaccine strategy to prevent HIV-1 infection.


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Invasion of erythrocytes by malaria parasites is mediated by specific molecular interactions. Whereas Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi use the Duffy blood group antigen, Plasmodium falciparum uses sialic acid residues of glycophorin A as receptors to invade human erythrocytes. P. knowlesi uses the Duffy antigen as well as other receptors to invade rhesus erythrocytes by multiple pathways. Parasite ligands that bind these receptors belong to a family of erythrocyte-binding proteins (EBP). The EBP family includes the P. vivax and P. knowlesi Duffy-binding proteins, P. knowlesi β and γ proteins, which bind alternate receptors on rhesus erythrocytes, and P. falciparum erythrocyte-binding antigen (EBA-175), which binds sialic acid residues of human glycophorin A. Binding domains of each EBP lie in a conserved N-terminal cysteine-rich region, region II, which contains around 330 amino acids with 12 to 14 conserved cysteines. Regions containing binding residues have now been mapped within P. vivax and P. knowlesi β region II. Chimeric domains containing P. vivax region II sequences fused to P. knowlesi β region II sequences were expressed on the surface of COS cells and tested for binding to erythrocytes. Binding residues of P. vivax region II lie in a 170-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 7, and binding residues of P. knowlesi β region II lie in a 53-aa stretch between cysteines 4 and 5. Mapping regions responsible for receptor recognition is an important step toward understanding the structural basis for the interaction of these parasite ligands with host receptors.


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CB1, a cannabinoid receptor enriched in neuronal tissue, was found in high concentration in retinas of rhesus monkey, mouse, rat, chick, goldfish, and tiger salamander by using a subtype-specific polyclonal antibody. Immunolabeling was detected in the two synaptic layers of the retina, the inner and outer plexiform layers, of all six species examined. In the outer plexiform layer, CB1 was located in and/or on cone pedicles and rod spherules. Labeling was detected in some amacrine cells of all species and in the ganglion cells and ganglion cell axons of all species except fish. In addition, sparse labeling was found in the inner and/or outer segments of the photoreceptors of monkey, mouse, rat, and chick. Using GC/MS to detect possible endogenous cannabinoids, we found 3 nmol of 2-arachidonylglycerol per g of tissue, but no anandamide was detectable. Cannabinoid receptor agonists induced a dramatic reduction in the amplitude of voltage-gated L-type calcium channel currents in identified retinal bipolar cells. The presence and distribution of the CB1 receptor, the large amounts of 2-arachidonylglycerol found, and the effects of cannabinoids on calcium channel activity in bipolar cells suggest a substantive role for an endogenous cannabinoid signaling system in retinal physiology, and perhaps vision in general.


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We optically imaged a visual masking illusion in primary visual cortex (area V-1) of rhesus monkeys to ask whether activity in the early visual system more closely reflects the physical stimulus or the generated percept. Visual illusions can be a powerful way to address this question because they have the benefit of dissociating the stimulus from perception. We used an illusion in which a flickering target (a bar oriented in visual space) is rendered invisible by two counter-phase flickering bars, called masks, which flank and abut the target. The target and masks, when shown separately, each generated correlated activity on the surface of the cortex. During the illusory condition, however, optical signals generated in the cortex by the target disappeared although the image of the masks persisted. The optical image thus was correlated with perception but not with the physical stimulus.


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Brain capillary endothelial cells (BCECs) are targets of CD4-independent infection by HIV-1 and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) strains in vitro and in vivo. Infection of BCECs may provide a portal of entry for the virus into the central nervous system and could disrupt blood–brain barrier function, contributing to the development of AIDS dementia. We found that rhesus macaque BCECs express chemokine receptors involved in HIV and SIV entry including CCR5, CCR3, CXCR4, and STRL33, but not CCR2b, GPR1, or GPR15. Infection of BCECs by the neurovirulent strain SIV/17E-Fr was completely inhibited by aminooxypentane regulation upon activation, normal T cell expression and secretion in the presence or absence of ligands, but not by eotaxin or antibodies to CD4. We found that the envelope (env) proteins from SIV/17E-Fr and several additional SIV strains mediated cell–cell fusion and virus infection with CD4-negative, CCR5-positive cells. In contrast, fusion with cells expressing the coreceptors STRL33, GPR1, and GPR15 was CD4-dependent. These results show that CCR5 can serve as a primary receptor for SIV in BCECs and suggest a possible CD4-independent mechanism for blood–brain barrier disruption and viral entry into the central nervous system.


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IgG antibodies can suppress more than 99% of the antibody response against the antigen to which they bind. This is used clinically to prevent rhesus-negative (Rh−) women from becoming immunized against Rh+ erythrocytes from their fetuses. The suppressive mechanism is poorly understood, but it has been proposed that IgG/erythrocyte complexes bind to the inhibitory Fc receptor for IgG (FcγRIIB) on the B cell surface, thereby triggering negative signals that turn off the B cell. We show that IgG induces the same degree of suppression of the response to sheep erythrocytes in animals lacking the known IgG-binding receptors FcγRIIB, FcγRI + III, FcγRI + IIB + III, and FcRn (the neonatal Fc receptor) as in wild-type animals. Reinvestigation of the ability of F(ab′)2 fragments to suppress antibody responses demonstrated that they were nearly as efficient as intact IgG. In addition, monoclonal IgE also was shown to be suppressive. These findings suggest that IgG inhibits antibody responses through Fc-independent mechanisms, most likely by masking of antigenic epitopes, thereby preventing B cells from binding and responding to antigen. In agreement with this, we show that T cell priming is not abolished by passively administered IgG. The results have implications for the understanding of in vivo regulation of antibody responses and Rh prophylaxis.


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Defining the rate at which T cells turn over has important implications for our understanding of T lymphocyte homeostasis and AIDS pathogenesis, yet little information on T cell turnover is available. We used the nucleoside analogue bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) in combination with five-color flow cytometric analysis to evaluate T lymphocyte turnover rates in normal and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques. T cells in normal animals turned over at relatively rapid rates, with memory cells turning over more quickly than naive cells. In SIV-infected animals, the labeling and elimination rates of both CD4+ and CD8+ BrdUrd-labeled cells were increased by 2- to 3-fold as compared with normal controls. In normal and SIV-infected animals, the rates of CD4+ T cell BrdUrd-labeling and decay were closely correlated with those of CD8+ T cells. The elimination rate of BrdUrd-labeled cells was accelerated in both naive and memory T lymphocytes in SIV-infected animals. Our results provide direct evidence for increased rates of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell turnover in AIDS virus infection and have important implications for our understanding of T cell homeostasis and the mechanisms responsible for CD4+ T cell depletion in AIDS.


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One of the obstacles to AIDS vaccine development is the variability of HIV-1 within individuals and within infected populations, enabling viral escape from highly specific vaccine induced immune responses. An understanding of the different immune mechanisms capable of inhibiting HIV infection may be of benefit in the eventual design of vaccines effective against HIV-1 variants. To study this we first compared the immune responses induced in Rhesus monkeys by using two different immunization strategies based on the same vaccine strain of HIV-1. We then utilized a chimeric simian/HIV that expressed the envelope of a dual tropic HIV-1 escape variant isolated from a later time point from the same patient from which the vaccine strain was isolated. Upon challenge, one vaccine group was completely protected from infection, whereas all of the other vaccinees and controls became infected. Protected macaques developed highest titers of heterologous neutralizing antibodies, and consistently elevated HIV-1-specific T helper responses. Furthermore, only protected animals had markedly increased concentrations of RANTES, macrophage inflammatory proteins 1α and 1β produced by circulating CD8+ T cells. These results suggest that vaccine strategies that induce multiple effector mechanisms in concert with β-chemokines may be desired in the generation of protective immune responses by HIV-1 vaccines.


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Normal aging is associated with a significant reduction in cognitive function across primate species. However, the structural and molecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly. Extensive cell loss does not occur as a consequence of normal aging in human and nonhuman primate species. More recent studies have demonstrated significant reductions in functional neuronal markers in subcortical brain regions in primates as a consequence of aging, including dopaminergic and cholinergic systems, although corresponding losses in cortical innervation from these neurons have not been investigated. In the present study, we report that aging is associated with a significant 25% reduction in cortical innervation by cholinergic systems in rhesus monkeys (P < 0.001). Further, these age-related reductions are ameliorated by cellular delivery of human nerve growth factor to cholinergic somata in the basal forebrain, restoring levels of cholinergic innervation in the cortex to those of young monkeys (P = 0.89). Thus, (i) aging is associated with a significant reduction in cortical cholinergic innervation; (ii) this reduction is reversible by growth-factor delivery; and (iii) growth factors can remodel axonal terminal fields at a distance, representing a nontropic action of growth factors in modulating adult neuronal structure and function (i.e., administration of growth factors to cholinergic somata significantly increases axon density in terminal fields). These findings are relevant to potential clinical uses of growth factors to treat neurological disorders.


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The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are dietary lipid sensors that regulate fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The hypolipidemic effects of the fibrate drugs and the antidiabetic effects of the glitazone drugs in humans are due to activation of the α (NR1C1) and γ (NR1C3) subtypes, respectively. By contrast, the therapeutic potential of the δ (NR1C2) subtype is unknown, due in part to the lack of selective ligands. We have used combinatorial chemistry and structure-based drug design to develop a potent and subtype-selective PPARδ agonist, GW501516. In macrophages, fibroblasts, and intestinal cells, GW501516 increases expression of the reverse cholesterol transporter ATP-binding cassette A1 and induces apolipoprotein A1-specific cholesterol efflux. When dosed to insulin-resistant middle-aged obese rhesus monkeys, GW501516 causes a dramatic dose-dependent rise in serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol while lowering the levels of small-dense low density lipoprotein, fasting triglycerides, and fasting insulin. Our results suggest that PPARδ agonists may be effective drugs to increase reverse cholesterol transport and decrease cardiovascular disease associated with the metabolic syndrome X.