967 resultados para Relatório anual 2010


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This report focuses on forest product users in the COMADEL and FMJ forest concessions, Cabo Delgado, as well as the effects of their combined strategies and activities on sustainable use of natural resources and sustainable socio-economic development of the region. The aim is to contribute to understanding the effects of these strategies and activities on forest regeneration, ecosystem services and on resource sustainability. The study examines the role played by the Committees of Natural Resources in forest exploitation. Data obtained from interviews and observations were used to complement and update a variety of existing data from oral and written sources dealing with forest regeneration in Cabo Delgado. These existing materials originate from previous studies conducted in the context of the ESAPP project that started more than two years ago. They include results from Learning for Sustainability workshops (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learningfor- Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx), as well as field reports, academic studies, management plans used by concessionaires, and others. The interviews and observations took place more or less continuously from the beginning of this phase of the project in 2008. Interviews were systematically conducted with owners of concessions operating in the region, employees of logging companies, residents of villages within the existing concessions, government officials and others. It was not possible to collect information directly from poachers in part due to the illegal nature of their work. Information on these activities was obtained indirectly through members of the Committees of Natural Resources, the concessionaire, and its workers, as well as by observing the traces of extraction – traps, bones and parts of slaughtered animals, tree stumps, material ready for transportation, etc. The main results indicate that extraction by the logging company MITI Ltd. and others acting in the region, by poachers and by other actors – e.g. sawyers using manual saws – put a lot of pressure on marketable species, particularly Millettia stuhlmannii, Afzelia quanzensis and Swartzia madagascariensis. Natural regeneration of forests in northern Cabo Delgado is being compromised by the combination of various extracting activities and uncontrolled fires. MITI Ltd. continued the pattern of exploitation of forest resources that was characteristic of companies operating in the region earlier, such as COMADEL. MITI Ltd. failed to implement the broad range of development and conservation activities encouraged by the new legislation on forest concessions that was created to promote sustainable use of resources.


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Our study considers the natural resources of the Miombo forests in Cabo Delgado from a broad ecosystems perspective. Thus, our view goes beyond the disciplinary approaches of forestry, agronomy, biology or zoology, and also of the social sciences, namely anthropology, history, sociology, political science or economics. The present study aims to establish a dialogue and create synergies between Miti Ltd. – the logging company and owner of the forest concessions – as well as government and state structures at the various levels and the communities – through the Committees on Natural Resources – in order to promote the sustainable use of resources and ecosystems. The research methodology we used can broadly be described as moderated transdisciplinary interaction for action-research based on the approach known as Learning for Sustainability (LforS, http://www.cde.unibe.ch/Pages/Project/2/14/Learning-for-Sustainability-Extension-Approach.aspx). The research methods used include: LforS seminars; field work; forests observations focusing, among others, on ecosystems, trees, wildlife, and burned areas; visits to farms; and interviews. We conducted both collective interviews and individual interviews, including with key informants. The main results indicate that members of the Committee on Natural Resources have a dual attitude: their statements defend the paradigm of sustainable use of natural resources as well as their own immediate monetary gain. They are willing to apply the values, concepts and theories of sustainable development that underpin the establishment of Committees on Natural Resources if they are paid for their work or if they can derive direct benefits from it, i.e. if they can earn a salary or allowance. If this does not happen, however, they are willing to allow actors to engage in illegal hunting or logging activities. This dual attitude also exists in relation to forestry operators. If the concession workers pay the committee members in cash or provide goods, they can run their business even if they violate the law. Natural forest regeneration in Nkonga and Namiune already shows the impact of such use. Although there are many saplings that could basically ensure continuous regeneration under sustainable management, repeated burning is damaging the young trees, deforming them and killing a great number of them. Campaigns against uncontrolled fires are ineffective because the administrative and political authorities have a dual attitude as well and are also part of the group that uses resources to their own profit and benefit. There are institutional structures within the administration, populations, and communities to perform regulating functions, create and implement rules, punish offenders, and oversee resource use. However, they feel that since they are not paid for performing these functions, they do not have to do so. This attitude shows a lack of awareness, but also indicates a situation where everyone seeks to derive maximum benefits from existing resource use patterns. Anything goes.


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Relatório do Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce relativo ao ano de 2010. O Programa Nacional de Diagnóstico Precoce tem como objectivo primário, o rastreio neonatal de doenças cujo tratamento precoce permita evitar nas crianças rastreadas, atraso mental, situações de coma e alterações neurológicas ou metabólicas graves e definitivas.


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A presente dissertação é uma sinopse do trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Física. O estágio decorreu em duas escolas dos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. A dissertação encontra-se dividida por partes: preparação e planificação de aulas, conhecimento das turmas, condução das aulas, avaliação e processo reflexivo das várias etapas. Foram desenvolvidas actividades para as comunidades escolares de ambas as escolas e foi feita uma reflexão final do estágio que teve como objectivo analisar todos os procedimentos que foram desenvolvidos ao longo do ano lectivo. A passagem pelos quatro ciclos de ensino foi bastante produtiva para o enriquecimento do processo enquanto professor. As aulas seguiram o planeamento anual que estava delineado e foi esta ferramenta que possibilitou a existência de uma grande autonomia dos alunos, um maior controlo na prática pedagógica e a presença sistemática do jogo, trazendo uma motivação e empenhamento suplementar nas aulas e nas actividades desenvolvidas. ABSTRACT: The following dissertation is a synopsis of what was done at the scope of Supervised Practices for Physical Education beginning teachers. The traineeship took place in two schools from Primary to Secondary levels. The dissertation is divided into several parts: preparation and lessons planning, students' profile, lessons, evaluation and reflexive process on the different stages. lt was developed activities for the communities of the booth schools and was made a final reflection of the traineeship stage that have as a propose analyze all the procedures that was developed in all the academic year. The passage for the four cycles of school was very productive for the enrichment as a professor. The classes were follow as was expected and was that possibilities the existence of a great autonomy of the students, a bigger contrail in the pedagogy practice and systematic presence of the game that bring a motivation and supplementary interest in the classes and activities developed.


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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la sobrevivencia y el incremento de seis especies forestales: Caoba del Pacífico (Swietenia humilis. Zucc.), Pochote (Pachira quinata (Jacq.) Alverson), Roble ( Tabebuia rosea(Bertol) DC.), Teca (Tectona grandis L.F.), Caoba Africana (Khaya senegalensis (Desr.) A. Juss) y Ñambar (Dalbergia retusa Hemsl). La plantación se encuentra establecida en la finca Eco forestal, San Juan del Sur, Rivas. Se inventariaron 62 parcelas de 20m x 20m (400 m²), estas parcelas tienen un área útil de 225m², las plantas están establecidas con un distanciamiento de 2.5m x 2.5m entre planta, cada parcela contiene 64 árboles y la parcela útil contiene 36 árboles, el inventario se aplicó a la parcela útil. Las variables evaluadas fueron diámetro, altura total y sobrevivencia. La sobrevivencia general de la plantación fue 76% (entre las edades de 5 a 11 años). La especie que presentó mayor porcentaje de sobrevivencia fue Caoba africana (Khaya enegalensis(Desr) con 87% y la especie que presentó menor porcentaje de sobrevivencia fue el Pochote (Pachira quinata (Jacq.)con 66.59%. El mayor incremento medio anual en diámetro lo obtuvo la especie Caoba africana (Khaya senegalensis (Desr)) con 1.6 cm/año, mientras que el Ñambar (Dalbergiaretus a Hemsl.) presentó el menor incremento medio anual en diámetro con 0.82 cm/año. Los valores en incremento medio en altura total por especie la Teca (Tectona grandis L.F.)presentó el mayor valor con 1.11 m/año, debido a que es una especie de rápido crecimiento y el espaciamiento fue ideal para dicho incremento, mientras que el Ñambar (Dalbergia retusa Hemsl.) presentó el menor incremento medio anual en altura con 0.64 m/año


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Relatório sobre o setor nuclear no Brasil desenvolvido por meio de ações do grupo de trabalho criado pela Comissão de Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável.


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Relata as atividades realizadas durante o ano de 2007 pela Subcomissão permanente destinada a analisar a eficácia do sistema de reserva legal e avalia os resultados dos trabalhos de zoneamento ecológico-econômico. Apresenta as principais disposições presentes na legislação ambiental em vigor acerca do zoneamento ecológico-econômico e da reserva legal.


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Traz informações sobre a Comissão e faz o balanço das proposições apreciadas, dos projetos em tramitação, dos requerimentos apresentados e das audiências públicas realizadas durante o ano de 2007.


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Relatório de atividades de março de 2008 a fevereiro de 2009 da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias.


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Relatório de atividades de 2008 da Comissão de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Câmara dos Deputados.