991 resultados para Regime Analysis


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We explore the recently developed snapshot-based dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) technique, a matrix-free Arnoldi type method, to predict 3D linear global flow instabilities. We apply the DMD technique to flows confined in an L-shaped cavity and compare the resulting modes to their counterparts issued from classic, matrix forming, linear instability analysis (i.e. BiGlobal approach) and direct numerical simulations. Results show that the DMD technique, which uses snapshots generated by a 3D non-linear incompressible discontinuous Galerkin Navier?Stokes solver, provides very similar results to classical linear instability analysis techniques. In addition, we compare DMD results issued from non-linear and linearised Navier?Stokes solvers, showing that linearisation is not necessary (i.e. base flow not required) to obtain linear modes, as long as the analysis is restricted to the exponential growth regime, that is, flow regime governed by the linearised Navier?Stokes equations, and showing the potential of this type of analysis based on snapshots to general purpose CFD codes, without need of modifications. Finally, this work shows that the DMD technique can provide three-dimensional direct and adjoint modes through snapshots provided by the linearised and adjoint linearised Navier?Stokes equations advanced in time. Subsequently, these modes are used to provide structural sensitivity maps and sensitivity to base flow modification information for 3D flows and complex geometries, at an affordable computational cost. The information provided by the sensitivity study is used to modify the L-shaped geometry and control the most unstable 3D mode.


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The continual eruptive activity, occurrence of an ancestral catastrophic collapse, and inherent geologic features of Pacaya volcano (Guatemala) demands an evaluation of potential collapse hazards. This thesis merges techniques in the field and laboratory for a better rock mass characterization of volcanic slopes and slope stability evaluation. New field geological, structural, rock mechanical and geotechnical data on Pacaya is reported and is integrated with laboratory tests to better define the physical-mechanical rock mass properties. Additionally, this data is used in numerical models for the quantitative evaluation of lateral instability of large sector collapses and shallow landslides. Regional tectonics and local structures indicate that the local stress regime is transtensional, with an ENE-WSW sigma 3 stress component. Aligned features trending NNW-SSE can be considered as an expression of this weakness zone that favors magma upwelling to the surface. Numerical modeling suggests that a large-scale collapse could be triggered by reasonable ranges of magma pressure (greater than or equal to 7.7 MPa if constant along a central dyke) and seismic acceleration (greater than or equal to 460 cm/s2), and that a layer of pyroclastic deposits beneath the edifice could have been a factor which controlled the ancestral collapse. Finally, the formation of shear cracks within zones of maximum shear strain could provide conduits for lateral flow, which would account for long lava flows erupted at lower elevations.


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Altough nowadays DMTA is one of the most used techniques to characterize polymers thermo-mechanical behaviour, it is only effective for small amplitude oscillatory tests and limited to a single frequency analysis (linear regime). In this thesis work a Fourier transform based experimental system has proven to give hint on structural and chemical changes in specimens during large amplitude oscillatory tests exploiting multi frequency spectral analysis turning out in a more sensitive tool than classical linear approach. The test campaign has been focused on three test typologies: Strain sweep tests, Damage investigation and temperature sweep tests.


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The t/t production cross section is measured with the CMS detector in the all-jets channel in $pp$ collisions at the centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV. The analysis is based on the study of t/t events in the boosted topology, namely events in which decay products of the quark top have a high Lorentz boost and are thus reconstructed in the detector as a single, wide jet. The data sample used in this analysis corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 2.53 fb-1. The inclusive cross section is found to be sigma(t/t) = 727 +- 46 (stat.) +115-112 (sys.) +- 20~(lumi.) pb, a value which is consistent with the theoretical predictions. The differential, detector-level cross section is measured as a function of the transverse momentum of the leading jet and compared to the QCD theoretical predictions. Finally, the differential, parton-level cross section is reported, measured as a function of the transverse momentum of the leading parton, extrapolated to the full phase space and compared to the QCD predictions.


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Whole body vibration treatment is a non-pharmacological intervention intended to stimulate muscular response and increase bone mineral density, particularly for postmenopausal women. The literature related to this topic is controversial, heterogeneous, and unclear despite the prospect of a major clinical effect. The aim of this study was to identify and systematically review the literature to assess the effect of whole body vibration treatments on bone mineral density (BMD) in postmenopausal women with a specific focus on the experimental factors that influence the stimulus. Nine studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, including 527 postmenopausal women and different vibration delivery designs. Cumulative dose, amplitudes and frequency of treatments as well as subject posture during treatment vary widely among studies. Some of the studies included an associated exercise training regime. Both randomized and controlled clinical trials were included. Whole body vibration was shown to produce significant BMD improvements on the hip and spine when compared to no intervention. Conversely, treatment associated with exercise training resulted in negligible outcomes when compared to exercise training or to placebo. Moreover, side-alternating platforms were more effective in improving BMD values than synchronous platforms and mechanical oscillations of magnitude higher than 3 g and/or frequency lower than 25 Hz were also found to be effective. Treatments with a cumulative dose over 1000 minutes in the follow-up period were correlated to positive outcomes. Our conclusion is that whole body vibration treatments in elderly women can reduce BMD decline.However, many factors (e.g. amplitude, frequency and subject posture) affect the capacity of the vibrations to propagate to the target site; the adequate level of stimulation required to produce these effects has not yet been defined. Further biomechanical analyses to predict the propagation of the vibration waves along the body and assess the stimulation levels are required.


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Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources (TKaGRs) is acknowledged as a valuable resource. Its value draws from economic, social, cultural, and innovative uses. This value places TK at the heart of competing interests as between indigenous peoples who hold it and depend on it for their survival, and profitable industries which seek to exploit it in the global market space. The latter group seek, inter alia, to advance and maintain their global competitiveness by exploiting TKaGRs leads in their research and development activities connected with modern innovation. Biopiracy remains an issue of central concern to the developing world and has emerged in this context as a label for the inequity arising from the misappropriation of TKaGRs located in the South by commercial interests usually located in the North. Significant attention and resources are being channeled at global efforts to design and implement effective protection mechanisms for TKaGRs against the incidence of biopiracy. The emergence and recent entry into force of the Nagoya Protocol offers the latest example of a concluded multilateral effort in this regard. The Nagoya Protocol, adopted on the platform of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), establishes an open-ended international access and benefit sharing (ABS) regime which is comprised of the Protocol as well as several complementary instruments. By focusing on the trans-regime nature of biopiracy, this thesis argues that the intellectual property (IP) system forms a central part of the problem of biopiracy, and so too to the very efforts to implement solutions, including through the Nagoya Protocol. The ongoing related work within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), aimed at developing an international instrument (or a series of instruments) to address the effective protection of TK, constitutes an essential complementary process to the Nagoya Protocol, and, as such, forms a fundamental element within the Nagoya Protocol’s evolving ABS regime-complex. By adopting a third world approach to international law, this thesis draws central significance from its reconceptualization of biopiracy as a trans-regime concept. By construing the instrument(s) being negotiated within WIPO as forming a central component part of the Nagoya Protocol, this dissertation’s analysis highlights the importance of third world efforts to secure an IP-based reinforcement to the Protocol for the effective eradication of biopiracy.


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Mechanical fatigue is a failure phenomenon that occurs due to repeated application of mechanical loads. Very High Cycle Fatigue (VHCF) is considered as the domain of fatigue life greater than 10 million load cycles. Increasing numbers of structural components have service life in the VHCF regime, for instance in automotive and high speed train transportation, gas turbine disks, and components of paper production machinery. Safe and reliable operation of these components depends on the knowledge of their VHCF properties. In this thesis both experimental tools and theoretical modelling were utilized to develop better understanding of the VHCF phenomena. In the experimental part, ultrasonic fatigue testing at 20 kHz of cold rolled and hot rolled stainless steel grades was conducted and fatigue strengths in the VHCF regime were obtained. The mechanisms for fatigue crack initiation and short crack growth were investigated using electron microscopes. For the cold rolled stainless steels crack initiation and early growth occurred through the formation of the Fine Granular Area (FGA) observed on the fracture surface and in TEM observations of cross-sections. The crack growth in the FGA seems to control more than 90% of the total fatigue life. For the hot rolled duplex stainless steels fatigue crack initiation occurred due to accumulation of plastic fatigue damage at the external surface, and early crack growth proceeded through a crystallographic growth mechanism. Theoretical modelling of complex cracks involving kinks and branches in an elastic half-plane under static loading was carried out by using the Distributed Dislocation Dipole Technique (DDDT). The technique was implemented for 2D crack problems. Both fully open and partially closed crack cases were analyzed. The main aim of the development of the DDDT was to compute the stress intensity factors. Accuracy of 2% in the computations was attainable compared to the solutions obtained by the Finite Element Method.


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Due to increased interest in miniaturization, great attention has been given in the recent decade to the micro heat exchanging systems. Literature survey suggests that there is still a limited understanding of gas flows in micro heat exchanging systems. The aim of the current thesis is to further the understanding of fluid flow and heat transfer phenomenon inside such geometries when a compressible working fluid is utilized. A combined experimental and numerical approach has been utilized in order to overcome the lack of employable sensors for micro dimensional channels. After conducting a detailed comparison between various data reduction methodologies employed in the literature, the best suited methodology for gas microflow experimentalists is proposed. A transitional turbulence model is extensively validated against the experimental results of the microtubes and microchannels under adiabatic wall conditions. Heat transfer analysis of single microtubes showed that when the compressible working fluid is used, Nusselt number results are in partial disagreement with the conventional theory at highly turbulent flow regime for microtubes having a hydraulic diameter less than 250 microns. Experimental and numerical analysis on a prototype double layer microchannel heat exchanger showed that compressibility is detrimental to the thermal performance. It has been found that compressibility effects for micro heat exchangers are significant when the average Mach number at the outlet of the microchannel is greater than 0.1 compared to the adiabatic limit of 0.3. Lastly, to avoid a staggering amount of the computational power needed to simulate the micro heat exchanging systems with hundreds of microchannels, a reduced order model based on the porous medium has been developed that considers the compressibility of the gas inside microchannels. The validation of the proposed model against experimental results of average thermal effectiveness and the pressure loss showed an excellent match between the two.


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Il lavoro è volto all’approfondimento, anche in chiave comparatistica, della vigente normativa riguardante la tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni archeologici. Nell’ambito della disciplina predisposta nell’ordinamento italiano si sono prese le mosse dal regime delle scoperte e dei ritrovamenti, per passare successivamente all’approfondimento della tutela approntata nella legislazione nazionale anche con riferimento alle limitazioni alla libera disponibilità e circolazione. Una particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla tutela del territorio in cui i beni archeologici sono inseriti e quindi alla tutela indiretta, ai vincoli ope legis e alla pianificazione paesaggistica, mentre una specifica trattazione ha riguardato il regime dell’archeologia preventiva e la valorizzazione e fruizione di aree e parchi archeologici nel reciproco interfacciarsi delle legislazioni regionali e delle linee guida emanate con il d.m. MiBAC 18 aprile 2012. Un’indagine articolata ha avuto per oggetto la tutela del patrimonio archeologico subacqueo e in particolare la Convenzione dell’UNESCO adottata a Parigi nel 2001, nonché la tutela sovranazionale dei beni culturali, con riferimento alla disciplina dell’Unione europea e a quella della Convenzione europea per la protezione del patrimonio archeologico del 16 gennaio 1992 e della Convenzione UNIDROIT del 24 giugno 1995 sui beni culturali rubati o esportati illegalmente. Hanno infine fatto seguito due specifiche indagini sulla tutela del patrimonio archeologico in Spagna e in Francia. Quanto alla prima si è esaminato l’attuale quadro costituzionale in cui si inserisce la tutela del patrimonio culturale con particolare attenzione alle disposizioni della Ley 16/1985 del 25 giugno 1985 e alla legislazione delle Comunidades autónomas. Per quanto riguarda la seconda una particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla Legge 27 settembre 1941 che ha introdotto in Francia la prima disciplina organica relativa agli scavi e ai ritrovamenti archeologici. Nel quadro normativo vigente un’analisi particolareggiata è stata dedicata al Code du Patrimoine, il cui quinto libro è interamente dedicato all’archeologia.


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The PhD thesis analyses the financial services regime in international economic law from the perspective of the difficult relationship between trade liberalisation and prudential measures. Financial stability plays a fundamental role for the well-being and well-functioning of the global economy, but, it is at the same time a complex sector to regulate and supervise and, especially after the 2007-08 economic crisis, States have tightened up their regulation of financial services, introducing more severe and protectionist prudential measures. However, in an increasingly interconnected global economy, the harmonization of prudential regulation at the international level is an essential step to guarantee integrity, fairness and stability of financial markets and trade. The research analyses the tools at disposition to achieve this aim, the related problematic issues and the perspectives and possible solutions for the future, starting from the World Trade Organization (WTO) legal framework and its General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS), devoted to discipline trade in services among the WTO Members. Then, the research moves to a second legal instrument, the Free Trade Agreements (FTAs), which has witnessed a remarkable spread in the last decades. Finally, the research addresses the international standards, developed by supranational entities and implemented by an increasing number of States, as they offer rules and guidelines adequate to update the international financial scenario. Nevertheless, the international standards alone cannot be the solution because, first, they are not mandatory, as governments decide voluntarily to apply them and, second, their decision-making process do not respect the requirements of transparency and representative membership. In light of this analysis, the thesis aims at providing an answer to its research question: how to give more certainty to States and economic operators in the planning of the domestic disciplines and business activities in order to provide a sound and stable international financial system.


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There are many natural events that can negatively affect the urban ecosystem, but weather-climate variations are certainly among the most significant. The history of settlements has been characterized by extreme events like earthquakes and floods, which repeat themselves at different times, causing extensive damage to the built heritage on a structural and urban scale. Changes in climate also alter various climatic subsystems, changing rainfall regimes and hydrological cycles, increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme precipitation events (heavy rainfall).  From an hydrological risk perspective, it is crucial to understand future events that could occur and their magnitude in order to design safer infrastructures. Unfortunately, it is not easy to understand future scenarios as the complexity of climate is enormous.  For this thesis, precipitation and discharge extremes were primarily used as data sources. It is important to underline that the two data sets are not separated: changes in rainfall regime, due to climate change, could significantly affect overflows into receiving water bodies. It is imperative that we understand and model climate change effects on water structures to support the development of adaptation strategies.   The main purpose of this thesis is to search for suitable water structures for a road located along the Tione River. Therefore, through the analysis of the area from a hydrological point of view, we aim to guarantee the safety of the infrastructure over time.   The observations made have the purpose to underline how models such as a stochastic one can improve the quality of an analysis for design purposes, and influence choices.


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The Fourier transform-infrared (FT-IR) signature of dry samples of DNA and DNA-polypeptide complexes, as studied by IR microspectroscopy using a diamond attenuated total reflection (ATR) objective, has revealed important discriminatory characteristics relative to the PO2(-) vibrational stretchings. However, DNA IR marks that provide information on the sample's richness in hydrogen bonds have not been resolved in the spectral profiles obtained with this objective. Here we investigated the performance of an all reflecting objective (ARO) for analysis of the FT-IR signal of hydrogen bonds in DNA samples differing in base richness types (salmon testis vs calf thymus). The results obtained using the ARO indicate prominent band peaks at the spectral region representative of the vibration of nitrogenous base hydrogen bonds and of NH and NH2 groups. The band areas at this spectral region differ in agreement with the DNA base richness type when using the ARO. A peak assigned to adenine was more evident in the AT-rich salmon DNA using either the ARO or the ATR objective. It is concluded that, for the discrimination of DNA IR hydrogen bond vibrations associated with varying base type proportions, the use of an ARO is recommended.


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Although various abutment connections and materials have recently been introduced, insufficient data exist regarding the effect of stress distribution on their mechanical performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different abutment materials and platform connections on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations with the finite element method. Nine experimental groups were modeled from the combination of 3 platform connections (external hexagon, internal hexagon, and Morse tapered) and 3 abutment materials (titanium, zirconia, and hybrid) as follows: external hexagon-titanium, external hexagon-zirconia, external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, internal hexagon-zirconia, internal hexagon-hybrid, Morse tapered-titanium, Morse tapered-zirconia, and Morse tapered-hybrid. Finite element models consisted of a 4×13-mm implant, anatomic abutment, and lithium disilicate central incisor crown cemented over the abutment. The 49 N occlusal loading was applied in 6 steps to simulate the incisal guidance. Equivalent von Mises stress (σvM) was used for both the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the implant and abutment in all the groups and the maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses for the numerical comparison of the zirconia parts. The highest abutment σvM occurred in the Morse-tapered groups and the lowest in the external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, and internal hexagon-hybrid groups. The σmax and σmin values were lower in the hybrid groups than in the zirconia groups. The stress distribution concentrated in the abutment-implant interface in all the groups, regardless of the platform connection or abutment material. The platform connection influenced the stress on abutments more than the abutment material. The stress values for implants were similar among different platform connections, but greater stress concentrations were observed in internal connections.


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Current guidelines have advised against the performance of (131)I-iodide diagnostic whole body scintigraphy (dxWBS) to minimize the occurrence of stunning, and to guarantee the efficiency of radioiodine therapy (RIT). The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of stunning on the efficacy of RIT and disease outcome. This retrospective analysis included 208 patients with differentiated thyroid cancer managed according to a same protocol and followed up for 12-159 months (mean 30 ± 69 months). Patients received RIT in doses ranging from 3,700 to 11,100 MBq (100 mCi to 300 mCi). Post-RIT-whole body scintigraphy images were performed 10 days after RIT in all patients. In addition, images were also performed 24-48 hours after therapy in 22 patients. Outcome was classified as no evidence of disease (NED), stable disease (SD) and progressive disease (PD). Thyroid stunning occurred in 40 patients (19.2%), including 26 patients with NED and 14 patients with SD. A multivariate analysis showed no association between disease outcome and the occurrence of stunning (p = 0.3476). The efficacy of RIT and disease outcome do not seem to be related to thyroid stunning.