942 resultados para Reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel


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Proteins disabled in Fanconi anemia (FA) are necessary for the maintenance of genome stability during cell proliferation. Upon replication stress signaling by ATR, the FA core complex monoubiquitinates FANCD2 and FANCI in order to activate DNA repair. Here, we identified FANCD2 and FANCI in a proteomic screen of replisome-associated factors bound to nascent DNA in response to replication arrest. We found that FANCD2 can interact directly with minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins. ATR signaling promoted the transient association of endogenous FANCD2 with the MCM2-MCM7 replicative helicase independently of FANCD2 monoubiquitination. FANCD2 was necessary for human primary cells to restrain DNA synthesis in the presence of a reduced pool of nucleotides and prevented the accumulation of single-stranded DNA, the induction of p21, and the entry of cells into senescence. These data reveal that FANCD2 is an effector of ATR signaling implicated in a general replisome surveillance mechanism that is necessary for sustaining cell proliferation and attenuating carcinogenesis.


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After antigen driven activationnaïve CD8 T cells develop intocytolytic effector cells and subsequentlyinto memory cells. The molecularinteractions orchestrating Tcell activation are complex and we sofar have a limited understanding howindividual signals impact the Tcell response.Using OT-1 TCR transgeniccells and Listeria monocytogenesstrains expressing a set of altered peptideligands (APL) for the OT-1 TCRwe have recently studied how thelevel of TCR stimulation impacts theT cell response in vivo. We therebyobserved that even very low levels ofTCR stimulation are sufficient forfunctional effector and memoryT celldifferentiation. In order to addresshow much further the level of TCRstimulation can be reduced until the Tcells do not become activated anymore,we generated additional OT-1APL expressing Listeria strains. TheAPLused in our present study cover arange of potency down to the level ofpositive selection. Using all our APLListeria strains we can demonstratethat the threshold of peripheral T cellactivation is above the level of positiveselection but far below the levelthat is thought to be required for negativeselection. Furthermore, we characterizedthe thresholds of activatingmemory T cells and found them intrinsicallyto be very similar to thoseof naïve T cells. However, we observedthat T cell competition at thelevel of antigen presenting cells criticallyraises the activation threshold ofmemory CD8 T cells. Taken togetherour data indicate that the threshold foractivating T cells critically dependson the context and the environment inwhich T cells respond to antigen.


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Whether adenosine, a crucial regulator of the developing cardiovascular system, can provoke arrhythmias in the embryonic/fetal heart remains controversial. Here, we aimed to establish a mechanistic basis of how an adenosinergic stimulation alters function of the developing heart. Spontaneously beating hearts or dissected atria and ventricle obtained from 4-day-old chick embryos were exposed to adenosine or specific agonists of the receptors A(1)AR (CCPA), A(2A)AR (CGS-21680) and A(3)AR (IB-MECA). Expression of the receptors was determined by quantitative PCR. The functional consequences of blockade of NADPH oxidase, extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), phospholipase C (PLC), protein kinase C (PKC) and L-type calcium channel (LCC) in combination with adenosine or CCPA, were investigated in vitro by electrocardiography. Furthermore, the time-course of ERK phosphorylation was determined by western blotting. Expression of A(1)AR, A(2A)AR and A(2B)AR was higher in atria than in ventricle while A(3)AR was equally expressed. Adenosine (100μM) triggered transient atrial ectopy and second degree atrio-ventricular blocks (AVB) whereas CCPA induced mainly Mobitz type I AVB. Atrial rhythm and atrio-ventricular propagation fully recovered after 60min. These arrhythmias were prevented by the specific A(1)AR antagonist DPCPX. Adenosine and CCPA transiently increased ERK phosphorylation and induced arrhythmias in isolated atria but not in ventricle. By contrast, A(2A)AR and A(3)AR agonists had no effect. Interestingly, the proarrhythmic effect of A(1)AR stimulation was markedly reduced by inhibition of NADPH oxidase, ERK, PLC, PKC or LCC. Moreover, NADPH oxidase inhibition or antioxidant MPG prevented both A(1)AR-mediated arrhythmias and ERK phosphorylation. These results suggest that pacemaking and conduction disturbances are induced via A(1)AR through concomitant stimulation of NADPH oxidase and PLC, followed by downstream activation of ERK and PKC with LCC as possible target.


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Joints are always a concern in the construction and long-term performance of concrete pavements. Research has shown that we need some type of positive load transfer across transverse joints. The same research has directed pavement designers to use round dowels spaced at regular intervals across the transverse joint to distribute the vehicle loads both longitudinally and transversely across the joint. The goal is to reduce bearing stresses on the dowels and the two pavement slab edges and erosion of the underlying surface, hence improved long-term joint and pavement structure performance. Road salts cause metal corrosion in doweled joints, excessive bearing stresses hollow dowel ends, and construction processes are associated with cracking pavement at the end of dowels. Dowels are also a cost factor in the pavement costs when joint spacing is reduced to control curling and warping distress in pavements. Designers desire to place adequate numbers of dowels spaced at the proper locations to handle the anticipated loads and bearing stresses for the design life of the pavement. This interim report is the second of three reports on the evaluation of elliptical steel dowels. This report consists of an update on the testing and performance of the various shapes and sizes of dowels. It also documents the results of the first series of performance surveys and draws interim conclusions about the performance of various bar shapes, sizes, spacings, and basket configurations. In addition to the study of elliptical steel dowel performance, fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) are also tested as elliptical dowel material (in contrast to steel) on a section of the highway construction north of the elliptical steel test sections.


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Of the approximately 25,000 bridges in Iowa, 28% are classified as structurally deficient, functionally obsolete, or both. The state of Iowa thus follows the national trend of an aging infrastructure in dire need of repair or replacement with a relatively limited funding base. Therefore, there is a need to develop new materials with properties that may lead to longer life spans and reduced life-cycle costs. In addition, new methods for determining the condition of structures are needed to monitor the structures effectively and identify when the useful life of the structure has expired or other maintenance is needed. High-performance steel (HPS) has emerged as a material with enhanced weldability, weathering capabilities, and fracture toughness compared to conventional structural steels. In 2004, the Iowa Department of Transportation opened Iowa's first HPS girder bridge, the East 12th Street Bridge over I-235 in Des Moines, Iowa. The objective of this project was to evaluate HPS as a viable option for use in Iowa bridges with a continuous structural health monitoring (SHM) system. The scope of the project included documenting the construction of the East 12th Street Bridge and concurrently developing a remote, continuous SHM system using fiber-optic sensing technology to evaluate the structural performance of the bridge. The SHM system included bridge evaluation parameters, similar to design parameters used by bridge engineers, for evaluating the structure. Through the successful completion of this project, a baseline of bridge performance was established that can be used for continued long-term monitoring of the structure. In general, the structural performance of the HPS bridge exceeded the design parameters and is performing well. Although some problems were encountered with the SHM system, the system functions well and recommendations for improving the system have been made.


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OBJECTIVE: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) is the predominant PPAR subtype in cardiac cells and plays a prominent role in the regulation of cardiac lipid metabolism. However, the role of PPARbeta/delta activators in cardiac hypertrophy is not yet known. METHODS AND RESULTS: In cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes, the selective PPARbeta/delta activator L-165041 (10 micromol/L) inhibited phenylephrine (PE)-induced protein synthesis ([(3)H]leucine uptake), induction of the fetal-type gene atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and cardiac myocyte size. Induction of cardiac hypertrophy by PE stimulation also led to a reduction in the transcript levels of both muscle-type carnitine palmitoyltransferase (50%, P<0.05) and pyruvatedehydrogenase kinase 4 (30%, P<0.05), and these changes were reversed in the presence of the PPARbeta/delta agonist L-165041. Stimulation of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes with PE and embryonic rat heart-derived H9c2 cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) enhanced the expression of the nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB-target gene monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1). The induction of MCP-1 was reduced in the presence of L-165041, suggesting that this compound prevented NF-kappaB activation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) revealed that L-165041 significantly decreased LPS-stimulated NF-kappaB binding activity in H9c2 myotubes. Finally, coimmunoprecipitation studies showed that L-165041 strongly enhanced the physical interaction between PPARbeta/delta and the p65 subunit of NF-kappaB, suggesting that increased association between these two proteins is the mechanism responsible for antagonizing NF-kappaB activation by PPARbeta/delta activators. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that PPARbeta/delta activation inhibits PE-induced cardiac hypertrophy and LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation.


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Adjuvants are vaccine additives that stimulate the immune system without having any specific antigenic effect of itself. In this study we show that alum adjuvant induces the release of IL-1beta from macrophages and dendritic cells and that this is abrogated in cells lacking various NALP3 inflammasome components. The NALP3 inflammasome is also required in vivo for the innate immune response to OVA in alum. The early production of IL-1beta and the influx of inflammatory cells into the peritoneal cavity is strongly reduced in NALP3-deficient mice. The activation of adaptive cellular immunity to OVA-alum is initiated by monocytic dendritic cell precursors that induce the expansion of Ag-specific T cells in a NALP3-dependent way. We propose that, in addition to TLR stimulators, agonists of the NALP3 inflammasome should also be considered as vaccine adjuvants.


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Abstract Activation of the Wnt pathway through mutation of the adenomatous polyposis coli and 13-catenin genes is a hallmark of colon cancer. These mutations lead to constitutive activation of transcription from promoters containing binding sites for Tcf/LEF transcription factors. Tumour-selective replicating oncolytic viruses are promising agents for cancer therapy. They can in principle spread throughout a tumour mass until all the cancerous cells are killed, and clinical trials have shown that they are safe except at very high doses. Adenoviruses are interesting candidates for virotherapy because their biology is well understood and their small genome can be rapidly mutated. Adenoviruses with Tcf binding sites in the E2 early promoter replicate selectively in cells with an active Wnt pathway. Although these viruses can replicate in a broad panel of colon cancer cell lines, some colorectal cancer cells are only semi-permissive for Tcf-virus replication. The aim of my thesis was to increase the safety and the efficacy of Tcf-viruses for colon cancer virotherapy. I replaced the endogenous ElA viral promoter by four Tcf binding sites and showed that transcription from the mutant promoter was specifically activated by the Wnt pathway. A virus with Tcf binding sites in the ElA and E4 promoters was more selective for the Wnt pathway than the former Tcf-E2 viruses. Moreover, insertion of Tcf binding sites into all early promoters further increased viral selectivity, but reduced viral activity. I showed that Tcf-dependent transcription was inhibited by the interaction between ElA and p300, but deletion of the p300-binding site of ElA generally led to viral attenuation. In the semi-permissive cell lines, replication of Tcf-viruses remained lower than that of the wild-type virus. The E2 promoter was the most sensitive to the cell type, but I was unable to improve its activity by targeted mutagenesis. To increase the toxicity of the Tcf-E1A/E4 virus, I decided to express a suicide gene, yeast cytosine deaminase (yCD), late during infection. This enzyme converts the prodrug 5-FC to the cytotoxic agent 5-FU. yCD was expressed in a DNA replication-dependent manner and increased viral toxicity in presence of 5-FC. Tcf-ElA and yCD adenoviruses are potentially useful vectors for the treatment of liver metastases from colorectal tumours. Résumé Dans la quasi-totalité des cancers du côlon, la voie Wnt est activée par des mutations dans les gènes codant pour APC ou pour la (3-caténine. Ces mutations activent de façon constitutive la transcription de promoteurs contenant des sites de liaison pour les facteurs de transcription Tcf/LEF. Les virus réplicatifs spécifiques aux tumeurs sont des agents prometteurs pour la thérapie cancéreuse. En principe, ces vecteurs peuvent se propager dans une masse tumorale jusqu'à destruction de toutes les cellules cancéreuses, et des études cliniques ont démontré que de tels vecteurs n'étaient pas toxiques, sauf à de très hautes doses. Les adénovirus sont des candidats intéressants pour la thérapie virale car leur biologie est bien définie et leur petit génome peut être rapidement modifié. Des adénovirus comportant des sites de liaison à Tcf dans leur promoteur précoce E2 se répliquent sélectivement dans les cellules qui possèdent une voie Wnt active. Ces virus sont capables de se répliquer dans un grand nombre de cellules cancéreuses du côlon, bien que certaines de ces cellules ne soient que semi-permissives pour la réplication des virus Tcf. Le but de ma thèse était d'augmenter la sécurité et l'efficacité des virus Tcf. Le promoteur viral endogène ElA a été remplacé par quatre sites de liaison à Tcf, ce qui a rendu son activation dépendante de la voie Wnt. Un virus comportant des sites de liaison pour Tcf dans les promoteurs ElA et E4 était plus sélectif pour la voie Wnt que les précédents virus Tcf-E2, et un virus comportant des sites Tcf dans tous les promoteurs précoces était encore plus sélectif, mais moins actif. J'ai montré que l'interaction entre ElA et p300 inhibait la transcription dépendante de Tcf, mais la délétion du domaine concerné dans ElA a eu pour effet d'atténuer les virus. Dans les cellules semi-permissives, la réplication des virus Tcf était toujours plus basse que celle du virus sauvage. J'ai identifié le promoteur E2 comme étant le plus sensible au type cellulaire, mais n'ai pas pu augmenter son activité par mutagenèse. Pour augmenter la toxicité du virus Tcf-E1A/E4, j'ai décidé d'exprimer un gène suicide, la cytosine déaminase (yCD), pendant la phase tardive de l'infection. Cette enzyme transforme la procirogue 5-FC en l'agent cytotoxique 5-FU. yCD était exprimée après réplication de l'ADN viral et augmentait la toxicité virale en présence de 5-FC. Les virus Tcf-ElA et yCD sont des vecteurs potentiellement utiles pour le traitement des métastases hépatiques de cancers colorectaux.


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Over 70% of the total costs of an end product are consequences of decisions that are made during the design process. A search for optimal cross-sections will often have only a marginal effect on the amount of material used if the geometry of a structure is fixed and if the cross-sectional characteristics of its elements are property designed by conventional methods. In recent years, optimalgeometry has become a central area of research in the automated design of structures. It is generally accepted that no single optimisation algorithm is suitable for all engineering design problems. An appropriate algorithm, therefore, mustbe selected individually for each optimisation situation. Modelling is the mosttime consuming phase in the optimisation of steel and metal structures. In thisresearch, the goal was to develop a method and computer program, which reduces the modelling and optimisation time for structural design. The program needed anoptimisation algorithm that is suitable for various engineering design problems. Because Finite Element modelling is commonly used in the design of steel and metal structures, the interaction between a finite element tool and optimisation tool needed a practical solution. The developed method and computer programs were tested with standard optimisation tests and practical design optimisation cases. Three generations of computer programs are developed. The programs combine anoptimisation problem modelling tool and FE-modelling program using three alternate methdos. The modelling and optimisation was demonstrated in the design of a new boom construction and steel structures of flat and ridge roofs. This thesis demonstrates that the most time consuming modelling time is significantly reduced. Modelling errors are reduced and the results are more reliable. A new selection rule for the evolution algorithm, which eliminates the need for constraint weight factors is tested with optimisation cases of the steel structures that include hundreds of constraints. It is seen that the tested algorithm can be used nearly as a black box without parameter settings and penalty factors of the constraints.


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Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are key regulators that have been linked to cell survival and death. Among the main classes of MAPKs, c-jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has been shown to mediate cell stress responses associated with apoptosis. In Vitro, hypoxia induced a significant increase in 661W cell death that paralleled increased activity of JNK and c-jun. 661W cells cultured in presence of the inhibitor of JNK (D-JNKi) were less sensitive to hypoxia-induced cell death. In vivo, elevation in intraocular pressure (IOP) in the rat promoted cell death that correlated with modulation of JNK activation. In vivo inhibition of JNK activation with D-JNKi resulted in a significant and sustained decrease in apoptosis in the ganglion cell layer, the inner nuclear layer and the photoreceptor layer. These results highlight the protective effect of D-JNKi in ischemia/reperfusion induced cell death of the retina.


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Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.


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NLRC5, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) protein family, has recently been characterized as the master transcriptional regulator of MHCI molecules in lymphocytes, in which it is highly expressed. However, its role in activated dendritic cells (DCs), which are instrumental to initiate T cell responses, remained elusive. We show in this study that, following stimulation of DCs with inflammatory stimuli, not only did NLRC5 level increase, but also its importance in directing MHCI transcription. Despite markedly reduced mRNA and intracellular H2-K levels, we unexpectedly observed nearly normal H2-K surface display in Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Importantly, this discrepancy between a strong intracellular and a mild surface defect in H2-K levels was observed also in DCs with H2-K transcription defects independent of Nlrc5. Hence, alongside with demonstrating the importance of NLRC5 in MHCI transcription in activated DCs, we uncover a general mechanism counteracting low MHCI surface expression. In agreement with the decreased amount of neosynthesized MHCI, Nlrc5(-/-) DCs exhibited a defective capacity to display endogenous Ags. However, neither T cell priming by endogenous Ags nor cross-priming ability was substantially affected in activated Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Altogether, these data show that Nlrc5 deficiency, despite significantly affecting MHCI transcription and Ag display, is not sufficient to hinder T cell activation, underlining the robustness of the T cell priming process by activated DCs.


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UNLABELLED: Cleavage of influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) by host cell proteases is necessary for viral activation and infectivity. In humans and mice, members of the type II transmembrane protease family (TTSP), e.g., TMPRSS2, TMPRSS4, and TMPRSS11d (HAT), have been shown to cleave influenza virus HA for viral activation and infectivityin vitro Recently, we reported that inactivation of a single HA-activating protease gene,Tmprss2, in knockout mice inhibits the spread of H1N1 influenza viruses. However, after infection ofTmprss2knockout mice with an H3N2 influenza virus, only a slight increase in survival was observed, and mice still lost body weight. In this study, we investigated an additional trypsin-like protease, TMPRSS4. Both TMPRSS2 and TMPRSS4 are expressed in the same cell types of the mouse lung. Deletion ofTmprss4alone in knockout mice does not protect them from body weight loss and death upon infection with H3N2 influenza virus. In contrast,Tmprss2(-/-)Tmprss4(-/-)double-knockout mice showed a remarkably reduced virus spread and lung pathology, in addition to reduced body weight loss and mortality. Thus, our results identified TMPRSS4 as a second host cell protease that, in addition to TMPRSS2, is able to activate the HA of H3N2 influenza virusin vivo IMPORTANCE: Influenza epidemics and recurring pandemics are responsible for significant global morbidity and mortality. Due to high variability of the virus genome, resistance to available antiviral drugs is frequently observed, and new targets for treatment of influenza are needed. Host cell factors essential for processing of the virus hemagglutinin represent very suitable drug targets because the virus is dependent on these host factors for replication. We reported previously thatTmprss2-deficient mice are protected against H1N1 virus infections, but only marginal protection against H3N2 virus infections was observed. Here we show that deletion of two host protease genes,Tmprss2andTmprss4, strongly reduced viral spread as well as lung pathology and resulted in increased survival after H3N2 virus infection. Thus, TMPRSS4 represents another host cell factor that is involved in cleavage activation of H3N2 influenza virusesin vivo.


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Background: Mast cells play a critical role in allergic and inflammatory diseases, including exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) in asthma. The mechanism underlying EIB is probably related to increased airway fluid osmolarity that activates mast cells to the release inflammatory mediators. These mediators then act on bronchial smooth muscle tocause bronchoconstriction. In parallel, protective substances such as prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) are probably also released and could explain the refractory period observed in patients with EIB. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the protective effect of PGE2 on osmotically activated mast cells, as a model of exercise-induced bronchoconstriction. Methods: We used LAD2, HMC-1, CD34-positive, and human lung mast cell lines. Cells underwent a mannitol challenge, and the effects of PGE2 and prostanoid receptor (EP) antagonists for EP14 were assayed on the activated mast cells. Betahexosaminidase release, protein phosphorylation, and calcium mobilization were assessed. Results: Mannitol both induced mast cell degranulation and activated phosphatidyl inositide 3-kinase and mitogenactivated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways, thereby causing de novo eicosanoid and cytokine synthesis. The addition of PGE2 significantly reduced mannitol-induced degranulation through EP2 and EP4 receptors, as measured by betahexosaminidase release, and consequently calcium influx. Extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase,and p38 phosphorylation were diminished when compared with mannitol activation alone. Conclusions: Our data show a protective role for the PGE2 receptors EP2 and EP4 following osmotic changes, through the reduction of human mast cell activity caused by calcium influx impairment and MAP kinase inhibition.


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The present study was conducted at the Department of Rural Engineering and the Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology of FCAV/Unesp, Jaboticabal, SP, Brazil. The objective was to verify the influence of roof slope, exposure and roofing material on the internal temperature of reduced models of animal production facilities. For the development of the research, 48 reduced and dissemble models with dimensions 1.00 × 1.00 × 0.50 m were used. The roof was shed-type, and the models faced to the North or South directions, with 24 models for each side of exposure. Ceramic, galvanized-steel and fibro tiles were used to build the roofs. Slopes varied between 20, 30, 40 and 50% for the ceramic tile and 10, 30, 40 and 50% for the other two. Inside the models, temperature readings were performed at every hour, for 12 months. The results were evaluated in a general linear model in a nested 3 × 4 × 2 factorial arrangement, in which the effects of roofing material and exposure were nested on the factor Slope. Means were compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. After analyzing the data, we observed that with the increase in the slope and exposure to the South, there was a drop in the internal temperature within the model at the geographic coordinates of Jaboticabal city (SP/Brazil).