805 resultados para Reconstructive dosimetry
In 2012 we were awarded an Erasmus Intensive Programme grant to facilitate OPTIMAX 2013, a three week duration residential summer school held within the UK during August 2013. The summer school helped to further develop student radiographer skills in optimising x-radiation dose and image quality. With a major emphasis on visual techniques to determine image quality, lesion visibility, lesion detection performance and physical measures of image quality (eg signal to noise ratio (SNR)) we conducted controlled laboratory experiments on phantoms using Computed Radiography, CT and Full Field Digital Mammography. Mathematical modelling was used for radiation dose estimation. Sixty seven people from 5 European countries participated. This included 49 PhD, MSc and BSc students. Discipline areas included radiography, physics, biomedical science and nuclear medicine.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X
Mestrado em Radioterapia
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde - Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às tecnologias da Saúde
Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) is a technique introduced to shape more precisely the dose distributions to the tumour, providing a higher dose escalation in the volume to irradiate and simultaneously decreasing the dose in the organs at risk which consequently reduces the treatment toxicity. This technique is widely used in prostate and head and neck (H&N) tumours. Given the complexity and the use of high doses in this technique it’s necessary to ensure as a safe and secure administration of the treatment, through the use of quality control programmes for IMRT. The purpose of this study was to evaluate statistically the quality control measurements that are made for the IMRT plans in prostate and H&N patients, before the beginning of the treatment, analysing their variations, the percentage of rejected and repeated measurements, the average, standard deviations and the proportion relations.
Atualmente a Tomografia Computorizada (TC) é o método de imagem que mais contribui para a dose coletiva resultante de exposições médicas. Este estudo pretende determinar os valores de Índice de Dose de TC (CTDI) e produto dose-comprimento (DLP) para os exames de crânio e tórax em adultos num equipamento de TC multidetetores; e efetuar uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem. Determinaram-se os valores de CTDI e DLP utilizando uma câmara de ionização e fantomas de crânio e tórax. Efetuou-se ainda uma análise objetiva e subjetiva da qualidade da imagem com o fantoma Catphan® 500 e observadores, respetivamente. Os resultados obtidos foram superiores relativamente às Guidelines europeias no protocolo de crânio (CTDIvol = 80,13 mGy e DLP = 1209,22 mGy.cm) e inferiores no protocolo de tórax (CTDIvol = 8,37 mGy e DLP = 274,71 mGy.cm). Na análise objetiva da qualidade da imagem, à exceção da resolução de baixo contraste no protocolo de crânio, todos os outros critérios analisados estavam em conformidade com a legislação. Na análise subjetiva da qualidade da imagem existiu uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as classificações atribuídas pelos observadores às imagens nos parâmetros avaliados (p = 0,000-0,005).
Mestrado em Medicina Nuclear - Ramo de especialização: Radiofarmácia
Mestrado em Radioterapia
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde- Ramo de especialização: Terapia com Radiações
X-ray fluoroscopy is essential in both diagnosis and medical intervention, although it may contribute to significant radiation doses to patients that have to be optimised and justified. Therefore, it is crucial to the patient to be exposed to the lowest achievable dose without compromising the image quality. The purpose of this study was to perform an analysis of the quality control measurements, particularly dose rates, contrast and spatial resolution of Portuguese fluoroscopy equipment and also to provide a contribution to the establishment of reference levels for the equipment performance parameters. Measurements carried out between 2007 and 2013 on 143 fluoroscopy equipment distributed by 34 nationwide health units were analysed. The measurements suggest that image quality and dose rates of Portuguese equipment are congruent with other studies, and in general, they are as per the Portuguese law. However, there is still a possibility of improvements intending optimisation at a national level.
Purpose: To compare image quality and effective dose when the 10 kVp rule is applied with manual and AEC mode in PA chest X-ray. Methods and Materials: A total of 68 images (with and without lesions) were acquired of an anthropomorphic chest phantom in a Wolverson Arcoma X-ray unit. The images were evaluated against a reference image using image quality criteria and the 2 alternative forced choice (2 AFC) method by five radiographers. The effective dose was calculated using PCXMC software using the exposure parameters and DAP. The exposure index (lgM) was recorded. Results: Exposure time decreases considerably when applying the 10 kVp rule in manual mode (50%-28%) compared to AEC mode (36%-23%). Statistical differences for effective dose between several AEC modes were found (p=0.002). The effective dose is lower when using only the right AEC ionization chamber. Considering image quality, there are no statistical differences (p=0.348) between the different AEC modes for images with no lesions. Using a higher kVp value the lgM values will also increase. The lgM values showed significant statistical differences (p=0.000). The image quality scores did not present statistically significant differences (p=0.043) for the images with lesions when comparing manual with AEC modes. Conclusion: In general, the dose is lower in the manual mode. By using the right AEC ionising chamber the effective dose will be the lowest in comparison to other ionising chambers. The use of the 10 kVp rule did not affect the detectability of the lesions.
Mestrado em Fisioterapia
Introduction: multimodality environment; requirement for greater understanding of the imaging technologies used, the limitations of these technologies, and how to best interpret the results; dose optimization; introduction of new techniques; current practice and best practice; incidental findings, in low-dose CT images obtained as part of the hybrid imaging process, are an increasing phenomenon with advancing CT technology; resultant ethical and medico-legal dilemmas; understanding limitations of these procedures important when reporting images and recommending follow-up; free-response observer performance study was used to evaluate lesion detection in low-dose CT images obtained during attenuation correction acquisitions for myocardial perfusion imaging, on two hybrid imaging systems.
A TC é um valioso método diagnóstico radiológico. O exame TC pode expor o paciente a uma dose elevada de exposição à radiação, causando risco acrescido. Uma das possíveis soluções para a redução da dose é o uso de técnicas de reconstrução iterativa (IR) em vez das reconstruções tradicionais (FBP). Com base nas suas capacidades de redução de ruído na imagem, a IR pode ter o potencial de reduzir significativamente a dose em pacientes submetidos a TC sem prejudicar a qualidade de imagem. Manter a qualidade de imagem clínica com um nível de qualidade aceitável e expondo o paciente à menor dose possível.