997 resultados para RELATIVISTIC ENERGIES
We propose a SUSY variant of the action for a massless spinning particles via the inclusion of twistor variables. The action is constructed to be invariant under SUSY transformations and tau-reparametrizations even when an interaction field is including. The constraint analysis is achieved and the equations of motion are derived. The commutation relations obtained for the commuting spinor variables lambda(alpha) show that the particle states have fractional statistics and spin. At once we introduce a possible massive term for the non-interacting model.
Squeezed correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs, also called back-to-back correlations (BBC), are predicted to appear if the hadron masses are modified in the hot and dense hadronic medium formed in high energy nucleus nucleus collisions. Although well established theoretically, the squeezed-particle correlations have not yet been searched for experimentally in high energy hadronic or heavy ion collisions, clearly requiring optimized forms to experimentally search for this effect. Within a non-relativistic treatment developed earlier we show that one promising way to search for the BBC signal is to look into the squeezed correlation function of pairs of phi's at RHIC energies, plotted in terms of the average momentum of the pair, K(12) = 1/2 (k(1) + k(2)). This variable's modulus, 2 vertical bar K(12)vertical bar, is the non-relativistic limit of the variable Q(bbc), introduced herewith. Some squeezing effects on the HBT correlation function are also discussed.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
We investigate the spin of the electron in a non-relativistic context by using the Galilean covariant Pauli-Dirac equation. From a non-relativistic Lagrangian density, we find an appropriate Dirac-like Hamiltonian in the momentum representation, which includes the spin operator in the Galilean covariant framework. Within this formalism, we show that the total angular momentum appears as a constant of motion. Additionally, we propose a non-minimal coupling that describes the Galilean interaction between an electron and the electromagnetic field. Thereby, we obtain, in a natural way, the Hamiltonian including all the essential interaction terms for the electron in a general vector field.
We briefly review the basic theoretical results on bosonic back-to-back correlations (bBBC) and compare our predictions with the first experimental search for squeezed correlations of K+K- pairs, performed by PHENIX. The hadronic squeezed correlations are very sensitive to the functional form of the time emission distribution. The comparison is made for three different kaon time distributions. From such comparison we show that the outcome of the experimental search may still be inconclusive but it does not exclude the existence of squeezing effects on hadrons with in-medium modified masses already at RHIC energies.
We show that an anomaly-free description of matter in (1+1) dimensions requires a deformation of the 2D relativity principle, which introduces a non-trivial centre in the 2D Poincare algebra. Then we work out the reduced phase space of the anomaly-free 2D relativistic particle, in order to show that it lives in a noncommutative 2D Minkowski space. Moreover, we build a Gaussian wave packet to show that a Planck length is well defined in two dimensions. In order to provide a gravitational interpretation for this noncommutativity, we propose to extend the usual 2D generalized dilaton gravity models by a specific Maxwell component, which guages the extra symmetry associated with the centre of the 2D Poincare algebra. In addition, we show that this extension is a high energy correction to the unextended dilaton theories that can affect the topology of spacetime. Further, we couple a test particle to the general extended dilaton models with the purpose of showing that they predict a noncommutativity in curved spacetime, which is locally described by a Moyal star product in the low energy limit. We also conjecture a probable generalization of this result, which provides strong evidence that the noncommutativity is described by a certain star product which is not of the Moyal type at high energies. Finally, we prove that the extended dilaton theories can be formulated as Poisson-Sigma models based on a nonlinear deformation of the extended Poincare algebra.
Squeezed correlations of particle-antiparticle pairs were predicted to exist if the hadron masses were modified in the hot and dense medium formed in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Although well-established theoretically, they have not yet been observed experimentally. We suggest here a clear method to search for such a signal by analyzing the squeezed correlation functions in terms of measurable quantities. We illustrate this suggestion for simulated phi phi pairs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) energies.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Some dynamical properties for a problem concerning the acceleration of particles in a wave packet are studied. The model is described in terms of a two-dimensional nonlinear map obtained from a Hamiltonian which describes the motion of a relativistic standard map. The phase space is mixed in the sense that there are regular and chaotic regions coexisting. When dissipation is introduced, the property of area preservation is broken and attractors emerge. We have shown that a tiny increase of the dissipation causes a change in the phase space. A chaotic attractor as well as its basin of attraction are destroyed thereby leading the system to experience a boundary crisis. We have characterized such a boundary crisis via a collision of the chaotic attractor with the stable manifold of a saddle fixed point. Once the chaotic attractor is destroyed, a chaotic transient described by a power law with exponent 1 is observed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ground state masses and binding energies of the nucleon, lambda0, lambdac+ , lambdab0 are studied within a constituent quark QCD-inspired light-front model. The light-front Faddeev equations for the Qqq composite spin 1/2 baryons, are derived and solved numerically. The experimental data for the masses are qualitatively described by a flavor independent effective interaction.
Using the hyperspherical adiabatic approach in a coupled-channel calculation, we present precise binding energies of excitons trapped by impurity donors in semiconductors within the effective-mass approximation. Energies for such three-body systems are presented as a function of the relative electron-hole mass sigma in the range 1 less than or equal to1/sigma less than or equal to6, where the Born-Oppenheimer approach is not efficiently applicable. The hyperspherical approach leads to precise energies using the intuitive picture of potential curves and nonadiabatic couplings in an ab initio procedure. We also present an estimation for a critical value of sigma (sigma (crit)) for which no bound state can be found. Comparisons are given with results of prior work by other authors.
We introduce a generalization of the relativistic eikonal amplitude originally developed to describe elastic scattering between structureless particles. The coherent and incoherent proton-nucleus scattering processes are analysed and closed-form expressions for elastic and inelastic amplitudes are derived. In particular, for the incoherent case, an energy-conserving version of Glauber's theory is obtained.