964 resultados para Réseau trans-Golgien


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El artículo que presentamos a continuación recoge el proyecto Trans formare. Lecturas de la Transformación del Museo Frederic Marès, relatando la experiencia de ocho artistas vinculados al Equipo Confluencias [The Crossing Lab] de la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universidad de Barcelona (convenios ref. UB 007095 y UB 008992), que a lo largo del período de renovación del Museu Frederic Marès de Barcelona (2009-2011) han revisitado las salas de este espacio museográfico en tránsito. Durante estas circunstancias especiales, las obras, protagonistas del Museo, carentes de su aura habitual y de la rigidez del contexto expositivo, han permitido una proximidad y una cercanía poco corrientes; siendo esta particularidad el punto de partida de Trans formare: una investigación en torno al objeto artístico y su imagen, a través de las experiencias de transformación y memoria. Asimismo, el proyecto ha buscado releer el trabajo de Aby Warburg, sus propuestas de catalogación iconográfica y, muy especialmente, sus Mnemosyne, permitiendo con ello aportar nuevas lecturas y perspectivas interpretativas al recorrido museográfico. En este artículo se pretende, pues, analizar y describir el proyecto, sus bases ideológicas y sus resultados, que han dado lugar a una exposición temporal con la que el Museo Marès ha reabierto sus puertas, y que puede visitarse hasta enero de 2012.


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The thermal decomposition reaction of trans-3,6-dimethyl-3,6-diphenyl-1,2,4,5-tetraoxacyclohexane (acetophenone cyclic diperoxide, DPAF), in different solvents (methanol, 1,4-dioxane, acetonitrile and 2-propanol/benzene mixtures) in the initial concentration and temperature ranges of (4.2-10.5) x 10-3 M and 140.0 to 185.0 ºC, respectively, follows a pseudo first order kinetic law up to at least 70% DPAF conversion. An important solvent effect on the rate constant values, activation parameters (DH# and DS#) and reaction products obtained in different solvents is detected, showing that the reaction is accelerated in alcohols.


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The trans-dichlorobis(ethylenediamine)cobalt(III) chloride was synthesized in an undergraduate laboratory and its aquation reaction was carried out at different temperatures. This reaction follows pseudo-first-order kinetics and the rate constants, determined at 25, 35, 45, 55 and 70 º C, are 1.44 x 10-3; 5.14 x 10-3; 1.48 x 10-2; 4.21 x 10-2 and 2.21 x 10-1 s-1, respectively. The activation energy is 93.99 ± 2.88 kJ mol-1.


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The function of lipids in human nutrition has been intensively debated in the last decade.This context reinforces the concern about controlling the trans fat ingestion, due to its negative implications on health. Interesterification provides an important alternative to modify the consistency of oils and fats without causing formation of trans isomers. This article reports research done towards production of zero trans fats by chemical interesterification, for different industrial purposes. Aspects related to the effect of trans fats on diet, their impact on health and modifications in Brazilian legislation are also covered.


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Background: Myeloid cells are key players in the recognition and response of the host against invading viruses. Paradoxically, upon HIV-1 infection, myeloid cells might also promote viral pathogenesis through trans-infection, a mechanism that promotes HIV-1 transmission to target cells via viral capture and storage. The receptor Siglec-1 (CD169) potently enhances HIV-1 trans-infection and is regulated by immune activating signals present throughout the course of HIV-1 infection, such as interferon α (IFNα). Results: Here we show that IFNα-activated dendritic cells, monocytes and macrophages have an enhanced ability to capture and trans-infect HIV-1 via Siglec-1 recognition of viral membrane gangliosides. Monocytes from untreated HIV-1-infected individuals trans-infect HIV-1 via Siglec-1, but this capacity diminishes after effective antiretroviral treatment. Furthermore, Siglec-1 is expressed on myeloid cells residing in lymphoid tissues, where it can mediate viral trans-infection. Conclusions: Siglec-1 on myeloid cells could fuel novel CD4+ T-cell infections and contribute to HIV-1 dissemination in vivo.


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Static electric dipole polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilites have been calculated for the title molecules and their 3' and 4'-nitro derivatives at ab-initio Hartree- Fock/6-31G(d, p) level. The influence of the pivotal p vacant 3A elements (B, Al or Ga) substitution on the electrical properties of these molecules is detailed. The axial vector components of the first hyperpolarizabilities β(0) of the push-pull 4'-nitro derivatives, -18.2×10-32 esu (B), -21.1×10-32 esu (Al) and -20.8×10-32 esu (Ga) are calculated to be as much as fourfold larger then that calculated for the p-nitroaniline, a reference organic molecule for comparison for this type of molecular property.


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A RP-HPLC procedure for the simultaneous determination of cisplatin and the complex cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxo-platinum(IV), was development. The developed procedure was validated in terms of linearity, accuracy, precision, limits of detection (LOD), limits of quantification (LOQ) and specificity. The limits of detection (LOD) were 0.47 x 10-4 and 0.53 x 10-4 mol L-1 and the limits of quantification (LOQ) were 1.57 x 10-4 and 1.75 x 10-4 mol L-1, for cisplatin and cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxopla-tinum(IV), respectively. The average recoveries of cisplatin and cis,cis,trans-diamminedichlorodihydroxoplatinum(IV) was 100.6% ± 1.4 and 101.2% ± 1.1, respectively. Intermediate (inter-day) precision, repeatability and specificity of the procedure for hydrolysis products of cisplatin were studied. The results of the study showed that the proposed RP-HPLC procedure is simple, rapid, precise, accurate and specific.


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This paper describes selective molecularly imprinted solid-phase extraction of ttMA from urine samples followed by derivatization and analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The analytical calibration curve ranged from 0.3 to 7.0 mg L-1 (r = 0.999) and the limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 0.3 mg L-1. The method was applied for the determination of ttMA in urine samples from smokers and concentrations detected ranged from < LOQ to 1.64 mg L-1. Thus, the proposed method proved adequate for the determination of urinary ttMA in the biomonitoring of occupational exposure to low levels of benzene.


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Potential energy surface (PES) of cis-trans and trans-trans formic acid dimers were sampled using a stochastic method, and the geometries, energies, and vibrational frequencies were computed at B3LYP/6-311++G(3df,2p) level of theory. The results show that molar free energy of dimerization deviated up to 108.4% when basis set superposition error (BSSE) and zero-point energy (ZPE) were not considered. For cis-trans dimers, C=O and O - H bond weakened, whereas C - O bonds strengthened due to dimerization. Also, trans-trans FA dimers did not show a trend regarding strengthening or weakening of the C=O, O - H and C - O bonds.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da esofagectomia trans-hiatal no tratamento do megaesôfago chagásico avançado. MÉTODO: Foram estudados retrospectivamente 28 pacientes portadores de megaesôfago chagásico avançado (MCA), graus III e IV, segundo a classificação radiológica de Rezende (adotada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde), e que foram submetidos à esofagectomia subtotal trans-hiatal no Serviço de Clínica Cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário Prof. Alberto Antunes (HUPAA) da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, entre 1982 e 2000. Foram analisadas, as seguintes variáveis: A) Queixas clínicas pré-operatórias versus as pós-operatórias (disfagia, regurgitação, pirose, diarréia, dumping, plenitude pós-prandial, pneumonia e o estado ponderal). B) avaliação radiológica pós-operatória da boca anastomótica esofagogástrica cervical e do estômago transposto. C) avaliação endoscópica pós-operatória do coto esofágico e da boca anastomótica. RESULTADOS: O seguimento variou de 4 a 192 meses, média de 58,18 meses. Dezesseis pacientes eram do sexo feminino e 12 masculinos. Idade mínima de 16 e máxima de 67 anos, média de 36,5 anos. Não houve mortalidade nesta série. Houve resolução plena da disfagia na maioria dos pacientes (20/28 - 71,4%), um (3,6%) referiu disfagia leve que não necessitou tratamento e 7/28 (25%) necessitaram de uma ou mais sessões de dilatação. Nenhum necessitou de dilatação permanente. A pirose foi o sintoma mais importante no seguimento tardio (35,7%), seguida da regurgitação (25%), diarréia (14,3%), plenitude pós-prandial (10,7%) e dumping (3,6%). Houve ganho ponderal em 87,5% dos pacientes avaliados. A esofagite no coto esofágico foi o achado endoscópico mais significativo (46,4%). O esôfago de Barrett no coto remanescente foi encontrada em 10,7% dos casos. A maioria dos achados radiológicos foi normal, embora três doentes (10,7%) tenham apresentado estase gástrica. CONCLUSÃO: A esofagectomia trans-hiatal mostrou-se eficaz para o tratamento da disfagia no megaesôfago chagásico avançado, embora com morbidade elevada, porém com mortalidade nula.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar comparativamente a morbimortalidade e sobrevida após esofagectomia trans-hiatal (TH) ou transtorácica (TT). METODOS: Estudo retrospectivo não randomizado de 68 pacientes com neoplasia de esôfago operados no INCA entre 1997 e 2005, divididos em dois grupos: 1 - TH (33 pacientes); e 2 - TT (35 pacientes). RESULTADOS: A idade média foi 40,7 anos (25 - 74 anos), sendo 73,5% homens. Tumores do 1/3 médio predominaram no Grupo 2 (48,6% versus 21,2%, p = 0,02). A média de linfonodos dissecados foi maior no Grupo 2 (21,6 versus 17,8 linfonodos, p = 0,04), porém sem diferença no número de linfonodos metastáticos (4,1 versus 3,9 linfonodos, p = 0,85). O tempo cirúrgico médio foi maior no Grupo 2 (410 versus 270 minutos, p = 0,001). O tempo médio de internação também foi maior no Grupo 2 (19 versus 14 dias, p = 0,001). A morbidade operatória foi 50%, sem diferença significativa (42,4% versus 57,1%, p = 0,23). Fístula esofágica ocorreu em 13,2%, sem diferença significativa (9,1% versus 17,1%, p = 0,23). A mortalidade foi 5,8% (04 pacientes), sem diferença significativa (1,4% versus 4,4%, p = 0,83). CONCLUSÃO: Neste estudo, a morbimortalidade não apresentou diferença em relação à via de acesso para a esofagectomia, apesar do maior tempo cirúrgico e de permanência hospitalar na via TT. A sobrevida global em 3 e 5 anos também foi maior na TT, possivelmente devido a maior freqüência de estágios iniciais em pacientes submetidos à transtorácica.


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A esofagectomia trans-hiatal oferece a vantagem de não necessitar da toracotomia ou toracoscopia. Apresenta a desvantagem de ter que ser realizada, pelo menos em parte, com dissecação romba, às cegas, ocorrendo com frequência lesão pleural, maior sangramento, entre outras complicações. A associação da transecção mediana do diafragma com a esternotomia parcial permite o isolamento do esôfago totalmente sob visão direta. Os autores apresentam a técnica da esofagectomia trans-hiatal com esternotomia parcial.


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Avsikten med studien är att producera den första rekonstruktionen av det västafrikanska klimatet mellan 1750 och 1798. Kunskapen om det västafrikanska klimatet före 1800-talet är till dags dato bristfällig, vilket gör det svårare att förstå framtida klimatvariationer. Det är bristen på instrumentell meteorologisk data (temperatur, regnmängd, och lufttryck), vilket i princip bara täcker det senaste århundradet, som är orsaken till att tidigare klimat är bristfälligt kartlagda. Klimatet och miljön är även sådana att proxydata från ’naturens arkiv’ (såsom t.ex. trädringar) har begränsad användning. Således är historiska dokument, främst från gästande kulturer/nationer/intressenter, innehållande deskriptiv information om vädret och klimatet, klimatforskarens viktigaste källa. Genom att använda tidigare, för det här syftet, oanvända källor påvisade den här undersökningen att klimatet i västra Afrika och Guldkusten (Ghana) har ändrats sedan 1700-talet. Monsunregnen var svagare och kortvarigare, speciellt den sekundära regnperioden under hösten var betydligt svagare än idag. Det förekom kraftiga årliga variationer i monsunregnen, men sett ur längre tidsperspektiv utmärktes torrare och blötare perioder. Studien kunde också visa en viss korrelation mellan det globala väderfenomenet El Niño och regnperiodens intensitet längs med kusten. Flera torrperioder sammanföll med tidigare registrerade El Niño sekvenser. Speciellt slutet av 1760-talet påverkades kraftigt av El Niño och även det globala klimatet verkar ha genomgått graftiga förändringar just dessa år. På basis av den nya klimatrekonstruktionen genomfördes också en jämförelse av klimatets inverkan på den transatlantiska slavhandeln från 1750 till 1798, en fråga som historikerna gjort anspelningar på i över 30 år. Utförseln av slavar från västra Afrika var som kraftigast under 1700-talets andra hälft. Analysen visade att slavhandeln delvis tilltog i samband med klimatanomalierna.


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The changes in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) in response to the activation of metabotropic receptors in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) with trans-(±)-1-amino-1,3-cyclopentanedicarboxylic acid (trans-(±)-ACPD) were evaluated in conscious and anesthetized Wistar, male rats weighing 240-260 g (N = 8). The responses obtained with trans-(±)-ACPD were compared with the responses to L-glutamate (1 nmol/100 nl), since in a previous study we showed that anesthesia converted a pressor response to L-glutamate microinjected into the NTS of conscious rats to a depressor response in the same rats under urethane or chloralose anesthesia. Microinjection of 3 doses of trans-(±)-ACPD (100, 500 and 1000 pmol/100 nl) produced a dose-dependent fall in MAP (range, -20 to -50 mmHg) and HR (range, -30 to -170 bpm) under both conscious and chloralose anesthesia conditions. These data indicate that the cardiovascular responses to the activation of metabotropic receptors by trans-(±)-ACPD are not affected by chloralose anesthesia while the cardiovascular responses to the activation of excitatory amino acid (EAA) receptors by L-glutamate are significantly altered


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Thirty-seven patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) were treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). Patients received 45 mg m-2 day-1 po of ATRA until complete remission (CR) was achieved, defined as: a) presence of less than 5% blasts in the bone marrow, with b) white blood cells >103/mm3, c) platelets >105/mm3 and d) hemoglobin concentration >8 g/dl, with no blood or platelet transfusions. Thirty-one (83.7%) patients achieved CR by day 50, and 75% of these before day 30. Correction of the coagulopathy, achieved between days 2 and 10 (mean, 3 days), was the first evidence of response to treatment. Only one patient had been previously treated with chemotherapy and three had the microgranular variant M3 form. Dryness of skin and mucosae was the most common side effect observed in 82% of the patients. Thrombosis, hepatotoxicity and retinoid acid syndrome (RAS) were observed in 7 (19%), 6 (16%) and 4 (11%) patients, respectively. Thirteen (35%) patients had to be submitted to chemotherapy due to hyperleukocytosis (above 40 x 103/mm3) and six of these presented with new signs of coagulopathy after chemotherapy. Four (11%) patients died secondarily to intracerebral hemorrhage (IH) and two (5.4%) dropped out of the protocol due to severe ATRA side effects (one RAS and one hepatotoxicity). RAS and IH were related strictly to hyperleukocytosis. The reduced use of platelets and fresh frozen plasma probably lowered the total cost of treatment. We conclude that ATRA is an effective agent for inducing complete remission in APL patients.