962 resultados para Qualitative assessment


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Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) is a branch of spectroscopy that is based on the fact that many atomic nuclei may be oriented by a strong magnetic field and will absorb radiofrequency radiation at characteristic frequencies. The parameters that can be measured on the resulting spectral lines (line positions, intensities, line widths, multiplicities and transients in time-dependent experi-ments) can be interpreted in terms of molecular structure, conformation, molecular motion and other rate processes. In this way, high resolution (HR) NMR allows performing qualitative and quantitative analysis of samples in solution, in order to determine the structure of molecules in solution and not only. In the past, high-field NMR spectroscopy has mainly concerned with the elucidation of chemical structure in solution, but today is emerging as a powerful exploratory tool for probing biochemical and physical processes. It represents a versatile tool for the analysis of foods. In literature many NMR studies have been reported on different type of food such as wine, olive oil, coffee, fruit juices, milk, meat, egg, starch granules, flour, etc using different NMR techniques. Traditionally, univariate analytical methods have been used to ex-plore spectroscopic data. This method is useful to measure or to se-lect a single descriptive variable from the whole spectrum and , at the end, only this variable is analyzed. This univariate methods ap-proach, applied to HR-NMR data, lead to different problems due especially to the complexity of an NMR spectrum. In fact, the lat-ter is composed of different signals belonging to different mole-cules, but it is also true that the same molecules can be represented by different signals, generally strongly correlated. The univariate methods, in this case, takes in account only one or a few variables, causing a loss of information. Thus, when dealing with complex samples like foodstuff, univariate analysis of spectra data results not enough powerful. Spectra need to be considered in their wholeness and, for analysing them, it must be taken in consideration the whole data matrix: chemometric methods are designed to treat such multivariate data. Multivariate data analysis is used for a number of distinct, differ-ent purposes and the aims can be divided into three main groups: • data description (explorative data structure modelling of any ge-neric n-dimensional data matrix, PCA for example); • regression and prediction (PLS); • classification and prediction of class belongings for new samples (LDA and PLS-DA and ECVA). The aim of this PhD thesis was to verify the possibility of identify-ing and classifying plants or foodstuffs, in different classes, based on the concerted variation in metabolite levels, detected by NMR spectra and using the multivariate data analysis as a tool to inter-pret NMR information. It is important to underline that the results obtained are useful to point out the metabolic consequences of a specific modification on foodstuffs, avoiding the use of a targeted analysis for the different metabolites. The data analysis is performed by applying chemomet-ric multivariate techniques to the NMR dataset of spectra acquired. The research work presented in this thesis is the result of a three years PhD study. This thesis reports the main results obtained from these two main activities: A1) Evaluation of a data pre-processing system in order to mini-mize unwanted sources of variations, due to different instrumental set up, manual spectra processing and to sample preparations arte-facts; A2) Application of multivariate chemiometric models in data analy-sis.


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In dieser interdisziplinären, translationswissenschaftlichen Studie wird die Integration von Curriculum und Evaluierung in der Dolmetscherausbildung theoretisch fundiert und im Rahmen einer Fallstudie empirisch untersucht. Dolmetschkompetenz wird als ein durch zweckgerechte und messgenaue (valid and reliable) Bewertungsmethoden dokumentiertes Ergebnis der Curriculumanwendung betrachtet. Definitionen, Grundlagen, Ansätze, Ausbildungs- und Lernziele werden anhand der Curriculumtheorie und Dolmetschwissenschaft beschrieben. Traditionelle und alternative Evaluierungsmethoden werden hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendbarkeit in der Dolmetscherausbildung erprobt. In der Fallstudie werden die Prüfungsergebnisse zweier Master-Studiengänge-MA Konferenzdolmetschen und MA Dolmetschen und Übersetzen-quantitativ analysiert. Die zur Dokumentation der Prüfungsergebnisse eingesetzte Bewertungsmethodik wird qualitativ untersucht und zur quantitativen Analyse in Bezug gesetzt. Die Fallstudie besteht aus 1) einer chi-square-Analyse der Abschlussprüfungsnoten getrennt nach Sprachkombination und Prüfungskategorie (n=260), 2) einer Umfrage unter den Jurymitgliedern hinsichtlich der Evaluierungsansätze, -verfahren, und -kriterien (n = 45; 62.22% Rücklaufrate); und 3) einer Analyse des ausgangssprachlichen Prüfungsmaterials ebenfalls nach Sprachkombination und Prüfungskategorie. Es wird nachgewiesen, dass Studierende im MA Dolmetschen und Übersetzen tendenziell schlechtere Prüfungsleistungen erbringen als Studierende im MA Konferenzdolmetschen. Die Analyseergebnisse werden jedoch als aussageschwach betrachtet aufgrund mangelnder Evaluierungsvalidität. Schritte zur Curriculum- und Evaluierungsoptimierung sowie ein effizienteres Curriculummodell werden aus den theoretischen Ansätzen abgeleitet. Auf die Rolle der Ethik in der Evaluierungsmethodik wird hingewiesen.


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Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung eines allgemeingültigen, im mittleren Maßstabsbereich durchgeführten, GIS-Bewertungsverfahrens zur Ermittlung der Grundwasserneubildungsrate unter Berücksichtigung einer langzeitlichen Landnutzungsänderung sowie die Darstellung eines Szenarios zur Grundwassergefährdungsabschätzung für ausgewählte rüstungsspezifi-sche organische Verbindungen. Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich in einem während der beiden Weltkriege stark militär- und rüstungstechnisch genutzten Raum. Die Beurtei-lungsszenarien der Grundwassergefährdung erfolgen rein qualitativ.Die Abhängigkeit der Grundwasserneubildungsrate von der Landnutzungsänderung ist deut-lich zu erkennen. Mit zunehmender Flächenversiegelung, einher gehend mit veränderten Sickerwasserraten und des oberflächennahen Abflusses, reduziert sich die Grundwasser-neubildungsrate deutlich. Die Abschätzung der Grundwassergefährdung für die sprengstofftypischen Verbindungen erfolgt im ersten Schritt emissionsbezogen für die ungesättigte Zone unter Berücksichtigung der Standort- und Bodeneigenschaften und der physikalisch-chemischen Stoffeigenschaften. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt eine immissionsbezogene Betrachtung der potenziellen Belastun-gen von Trinkwasserbrunnen.Trotz starker Generalisierungseffekte bietet dieser stoffspezifische Bewertungsansatz in Verbindung mit physikalischen Methoden für organische Verbindungen einen guten ersten Überblick über eine potenzielle Gefährdungen des Grundwassers. Die Datenbestände der entwickelten GIS-Anwendung sind leicht erweiterbar, so dass eine Abschätzung der potenzi-ellen Gefährdung auch für andere organische Stoffgruppen sowie auch eine Übertragung auf andere Untersuchungsgebiete möglich ist.


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The quality of fish products is indispensably linked to the freshness of the raw material modulated by appropriate manipulation and storage conditions, specially the storage temperature after catch. The purpose of the research presented in this thesis, which was largely conducted in the context of a research project funded by Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies (MIPAAF), concerned the evaluation of the freshness of farmed and wild fish species, in relation to different storage conditions, under ice (0°C) or at refrigeration temperature (4°C). Several specimens of different species, bogue (Boops boops), red mullet (Mullus barbatus), sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), during storage, under the different temperature conditions adopted, have been examined. The assessed control parameters were physical (texture, through the use of a dynamometer; visual quality using a computer vision system (CVS)), chemical (through footprint metabolomics 1H-NMR) and sensory (Quality Index Method (QIM). Microbiological determinations were also carried out on the species of hake (Merluccius merluccius). In general obtained results confirmed that the temperature of manipulation/conservation is a key factor in maintaining fish freshness. NMR spectroscopy showed to be able to quantify and evaluate the kinetics for unselected compounds during fish degradation, even a posteriori. This can be suitable for the development of new parameters related to quality and freshness. The development of physical methods, particularly the image analysis performed by computer vision system (CVS), for the evaluation of fish degradation, is very promising. Among CVS parameters, skin colour, presence and distribution of gill mucus, and eye shape modification evidenced a high sensibility for the estimation of fish quality loss, as a function of the adopted storage conditions. Particularly the eye concavity index detected on fish eye showed a high positive correlation with total QIM score.


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In questo lavoro di tesi si è elaborato un quadro di riferimento per l’utilizzo combinato di due metodologie di valutazione di impatti LCA e RA, per tecnologie emergenti. L’originalità dello studio sta nell’aver proposto e anche applicato il quadro di riferimento ad un caso studio, in particolare ad una tecnologia innovativa di refrigerazione, basata su nanofluidi (NF), sviluppata da partner del progetto Europeo Nanohex che hanno collaborato all’elaborazione degli studi soprattutto per quanto riguarda l’inventario dei dati necessari. La complessità dello studio è da ritrovare tanto nella difficile integrazione di due metodologie nate per scopi differenti e strutturate per assolvere a quegli scopi, quanto nel settore di applicazione che seppur in forte espansione ha delle forti lacune di informazioni circa processi di produzione e comportamento delle sostanze. L’applicazione è stata effettuata sulla produzione di nanofluido (NF) di allumina secondo due vie produttive (single-stage e two-stage) per valutare e confrontare gli impatti per la salute umana e l’ambiente. Occorre specificare che il LCA è stato quantitativo ma non ha considerato gli impatti dei NM nelle categorie di tossicità. Per quanto concerne il RA è stato sviluppato uno studio di tipo qualitativo, a causa della problematica di carenza di parametri tossicologici e di esposizione su citata avente come focus la categoria dei lavoratori, pertanto è stata fatta l’assunzione che i rilasci in ambiente durante la fase di produzione sono trascurabili. Per il RA qualitativo è stato utilizzato un SW specifico, lo Stoffenmanger-Nano che rende possibile la prioritizzazione dei rischi associati ad inalazione in ambiente di lavoro. Il quadro di riferimento prevede una procedura articolata in quattro fasi: DEFINIZIONE SISTEMA TECNOLOGICO, RACCOLTA DATI, VALUTAZIONE DEL RISCHIO E QUANTIFICAZIONE DEGLI IMPATTI, INTERPRETAZIONE.


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Environmental decay in porous masonry materials, such as brick and mortar, is a widespread problem concerning both new and historic masonry structures. The decay mechanisms are quite complex dependng upon several interconnected parameters and from the interaction with the specific micro-climate. Materials undergo aesthetical and substantial changes in character but while many studies have been carried out, the mechanical aspect has been largely understudied while it bears true importance from the structural viewpoint. A quantitative assessment of the masonry material degradation and how it affects the load-bearing capacity of masonry structures appears missing. The research work carried out, limiting the attention to brick masonry addresses this issue through an experimental laboratory approach via different integrated testing procedures, both non-destructive and mechanical, together with monitoring methods. Attention was focused on transport of moisture and salts and on the damaging effects caused by the crystallization of two different salts, sodium chloride and sodium sulphate. Many series of masonry specimens, very different in size and purposes were used to track the damage process since its beginning and to monitor its evolution over a number of years Athe same time suitable testing techniques, non-destructive, mini-invasive, analytical, of monitoring, were validated for these purposes. The specimens were exposed to different aggressive agents (in terms of type of salt, of brine concentration, of artificial vs. open-air natural ageing, …), tested by different means (qualitative vs. quantitative, non destructive vs. mechanical testing, punctual vs. wide areas, …), and had different size (1-, 2-, 3-header thick walls, full-scale walls vs. small size specimens, brick columns and triplets vs. small walls, masonry specimens vs. single units of brick and mortar prisms, …). Different advanced testing methods and novel monitoring techniques were applied in an integrated holistic approach, for quantitative assessment of masonry health state.


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Women with vulval neoplasia often experience severe post-surgical complications. This study focuses on symptom experience of women during the first 6 months following surgical treatment for vulval neoplasia considering their socio-cultural context. In this qualitative study using a critical hermeneutic approach, narrative interviews were conducted. A purposeful sample of 20 patients was recruited from one Swiss and two German university hospitals. Content analysis was employed to analyse the transcribed interviews considering women's experiences and social perceptions. Narratives showed eight interrelated themes: delayed diagnosis, disclosed disease, disturbed self-image, changed vulva care, experienced wound-related symptoms, evoked emotions, affected interpersonal interactions and feared illness progression. The women experienced a general lack of information pertaining to above themes and all described strategies used to handle their situation, which affected their distress. The communication, assessment and treatment of symptoms were hampered by the society's and the health system's tendency to overlook these symptoms and leave them in the realm of the unspeakable. Health professionals need new strategies to support these women to recognise, assess and evaluate the seriousness of symptoms, and to communicate their symptom experience so that timely medical treatment is sought. This support may minimise potentially preventable complications and symptom-related distress.


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Noninvasive blood flow measurements based on Doppler ultrasound studies are the main clinical tool for studying the cardiovascular status of fetuses at risk for circulatory compromise. Usually, qualitative analysis of peripheral arteries and in particular clinical situations such as severe growth restriction or volume overload also of venous vessels close to the heart or of flow patterns in the heart is being used to gauge the level of compensation in a fetus. However, quantitative assessment of the driving force of the fetal circulation, the cardiac output remains an elusive goal in fetal medicine. This article reviews the methods for direct and indirect assessment of cardiac function and explains new clinical applications. Part 1 of this review describes the concept of cardiac function and cardiac output and the techniques that have been used to quantify output. Part 2 summarizes the use of arterial and venous Doppler studies in the fetus and gives a detailed description of indirect measurements of cardiac function (like indices derived from the duration of segments of the cardiac cycle) with current examples of their application.


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Noninvasive blood flow measurements based on Doppler ultrasound studies are the main clinical tool for studying the cardiovascular status in fetuses at risk for circulatory compromise. Usually, qualitative analysis of peripheral arteries and, in particular clinical situations such as severe growth restriction or volume overload, also of venous vessels close to the heart or of flow patterns in the heart are being used to gauge the level of compensation in a fetus. Quantitative assessment of the driving force of the fetal circulation, the cardiac output, however, remains an elusive goal in fetal medicine. This article reviews the methods for direct and indirect assessment of cardiac function and explains new clinical applications. Part 1 of this review describes the concept of cardiac function and cardiac output and the techniques that have been used to quantify output. Part 2 summarizes the use of arterial and venous Doppler studies in the fetus and gives a detailed description of indirect measures of cardiac function (like indices derived from the duration of segments of the cardiac cycle) with current examples of their application.


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In this 12-month multicenter Scandinavian study, 78 maintenance heart transplant (HTx) recipients randomized to everolimus with reduced calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) exposure or continued standard CNI-therapy underwent matched virtual histology (VH) examination to evaluate morphological progression of cardiac allograft vasculopathy (CAV). Parallel measurement of a range of inflammatory markers was also performed. A similar rate of quantitative CAV progression was observed in the everolimus (n = 30) and standard CNI group (n = 48) (plaque index 1.9 ± 3.8% and 1.6 ± 3.9%, respectively; p = 0.65). However, VH analysis revealed a significant increase in calcified (2.4 ± 4.0 vs. 0.3 ± 3.1%; p = 0.02) and necrotic component (6.5 ± 8.5 vs. 1.1 ± 8.6%; p = 0.01) among everolimus patients compared to controls. The increase in necrotic and calcified components was most prominent in everolimus patients with time since HTx >5.1 years and was accompanied by a significant increase in levels of von Willebrand (vWF) factor (p = 0.04) and vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM) (p = 0.03). Conversion to everolimus and reduced CNI is associated with a significant increase in calcified and necrotic intimal components and is more prominent in patients with a longer time since HTx. A significant increase in vWF and VCAM accompanied these qualitative changes and the prognostic implication of these findings requires further investigation.


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What motivates students to perform and pursue engineering design tasks? This study examines this question by way of three Learning Through Service (LTS) programs: 1) an on-going longitudinal study examining the impacts of service on engineering students, 2) an on-going analysis of an international senior design capstone program, and 3) an on-going evaluation of an international graduate-level research program. The evaluation of these programs incorporates both qualitative and quantitative methods, utilizing surveys, questionnaires, and interviews, which help to provide insight on what motivates students to do engineering design work. The quantitative methods were utilized in analyzing various instruments including: a Readiness assessment inventory, Intercultural Development Inventory, Sustainable Engineering through Service Learning survey, the Impacts of Service on Engineering Students’ survey, Motivational narratives, as well as some analysis for interview text. The results of these instruments help to provide some much needed insight on how prepared students are to participate in engineering programs. Additional qualitative methods include: Word clouds, Motivational narratives, as well as interview analysis. This thesis focused on how these instruments help to determine what motivates engineering students to pursue engineering design tasks. These instruments aim to collect some more in-depth information than the quantitative instruments will allow. Preliminary results suggest that of the 120 interviews analyzed Interest/Enjoyment, Application of knowledge and skills, as well as gaining knowledge are key motivating factors regardless of gender or academic level. Together these findings begin to shed light on what motivates students to perform engineering design tasks, which can be applied for better recruitment and retention in university programs.


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Background Patients' health related quality of life (HRQoL) has rarely been systematically monitored in general practice. Electronic tools and practice training might facilitate the routine application of HRQoL questionnaires. Thorough piloting of innovative procedures is strongly recommended before the conduction of large-scale studies. Therefore, we aimed to assess i) the feasibility and acceptance of HRQoL assessment using tablet computers in general practice, ii) the perceived practical utility of HRQoL results and iii) to identify possible barriers hindering wider application of this approach. Methods Two HRQoL questionnaires (St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire SGRQ and EORTC QLQ-C30) were electronically presented on portable tablet computers. Wireless network (WLAN) integration into practice computer systems of 14 German general practices with varying infrastructure allowed automatic data exchange and the generation of a printout or a PDF file. General practitioners (GPs) and practice assistants were trained in a 1-hour course, after which they could invite patients with chronic diseases to fill in the electronic questionnaire during their waiting time. We surveyed patients, practice assistants and GPs regarding their acceptance of this tool in semi-structured telephone interviews. The number of assessments, HRQoL results and interview responses were analysed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Results Over the course of 1 year, 523 patients filled in the electronic questionnaires (1–5 times; 664 total assessments). On average, results showed specific HRQoL impairments, e.g. with respect to fatigue, pain and sleep disturbances. The number of electronic assessments varied substantially between practices. A total of 280 patients, 27 practice assistants and 17 GPs participated in the telephone interviews. Almost all GPs (16/17 = 94%; 95% CI = 73–99%), most practice assistants (19/27 = 70%; 95% CI = 50–86%) and the majority of patients (240/280 = 86%; 95% CI = 82–91%) indicated that they would welcome the use of electronic HRQoL questionnaires in the future. GPs mentioned availability of local health services (e.g. supportive, physiotherapy) (mean: 9.4 ± 1.0 SD; scale: 1 – 10), sufficient extra time (8.9 ± 1.5) and easy interpretation of HRQoL results (8.6 ± 1.6) as the most important prerequisites for their use. They believed HRQoL assessment facilitated both communication and follow up of patients' conditions. Practice assistants emphasised that this process demonstrated an extra commitment to patient centred care; patients viewed it as a tool, which contributed to the physicians' understanding of their personal condition and circumstances. Conclusion This pilot study indicates that electronic HRQoL assessment is technically feasible in general practices. It can provide clinically significant information, which can either be used in the consultation for routine care, or for research purposes. While GPs, practice assistants and patients were generally positive about the electronic procedure, several barriers (e.g. practices' lack of time and routine in HRQoL assessment) need to be overcome to enable broader application of electronic questionnaires in every day medical practice.


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The outcomes of family preservation practice have been researched and debated. The effectiveness of family preservation is still inconclusive and many of the findings may only be inferred to specific situations. Few studies have addressed the assessment techniques or outcome factors from a qualitative perspective. This article synthesizes current literature, research and practice, and proposes a practice framework with questioning techniques to assist practitioners in assessing the strengths and characteristics of a family, and making decisions on whether or not familybased services are appropriate for the family. Two actual cases are presented to illustrate how the worker can benefit from having the assessment data derived from this model.


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The coronary collateral circulation is an alternative source of blood supply to a myocardial area jeopardized by the failure of the stenotic or occluded vessel to provide enough blood flow to this region. Until recently, only qualitative or semiqualitative methods have been available for the assessment of the coronary collateral circulation in humans, such as the patient's history of walk-through angina pectoris, the registration of intracoronary ECG signs for myocardial ischaemia or angina pectoris during coronary occlusion, or coronary angiographic classification (score 0-3) of collaterals. Studies of coronary wedge pressure measurements distal of a balloon-occluded coronary artery and the recent advent of ultrathin pressure and Doppler angioplasty guidewires have made it possible to obtain pressure or flow velocity data in remote vascular areas and, thus, to calculate functional variables for coronary collateral flow. Those coronary occlusive pressure- and flow velocity-derived parameters express collateral flow as a fraction of antegrade coronary flow during vessel patency of the collateral-receiving vessel. They are both interchangeable, and they have been validated in comparison to 'traditional' methods and against each other. The possibility of accurately measuring coronary collateral flow indices in humans undergoing coronary balloon angioplasty opens areas of investigation of the pathogenesis, pathophysiology and therapeutic promotion of the collateral circulation previously reserved for exclusively experimental studies. The purpose of this article is to review several clinically available methods for the functional characterization of the coronary collateral circulation.