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神农架位于湖北省西部,长江以北、汉水以南的广阔地带,属北亚热带向暖温带的过渡区域。本文依据该地区所处地理位置的植被分布规律等资料,绘制了1:20万的植被复原图。并在此基础上,运用ERDAS imagine 8.4和Maplnfoprofessional 6.0软件,分别对神农架地区的TM影像(5、4、3波段)进行监督分类及目视解译,同时结合野外的样方调查,绘制了神农架地区1:20万的植被类型图,并建立了相应的属性数据库。最后,根据野外的GPS定位点对制图精度进行了Kappa检验。 制图结果表明,制图区总面积3476.67 km2,共计504个斑块。据统计,林地面积2607.45 km2,森林覆盖率75%;山地灌丛及亚高山灌丛总面积358.62 km2,占总面积的10.3%:草甸面积156.84 km2,占4.51%。自然植被划分为10个植被型,46个群系,以及农田(包括居民点)和茶园两种农业土地利用类型。其中针叶、落叶阔叶混交林面积最大(6个群系),约908 km2,占总面积的26.12%;其它依次为落叶阔叶林(1 1个群系),针叶林(4个群系),常绿阔叶林(3个群系),山地灌丛(5个群系),常绿阔叶、落叶阔叶混交林(3个群系),亚高山灌丛(6个群系),草甸(4个群系)以及亚高山针叶林(3个群系)等。另外,两种农业土地利用类型面积共计430 kn12,占总面积的12.37%。 植被类型图与复原图叠加分析表明:①常绿阔叶林的理论分布区域,由常绿阔叶林,常绿、落叶阔叶混交林等7种植被型以及农田(含居民点)等土地利用类型共同组成。因处低海拔区域,人口集中,所以农田(含居民点)分布最广,所占面积最大,占到该区域面积的35.28%;加上长期的人为干扰,常绿阔叶林面积缩小至48.76 krr12,占到该区域面积的13.93%;②常绿、落叶阔叶混交林的理论分布区域内,因干扰后落叶阔叶林恢复较快,逐渐占据优势。另外,该区域海拔较低,人类活动也较频繁,农田(含居民点)面积仍有相当的比例;③针阔混交林理论分布区海拔位置高,人为活动影响少,原地带性植被保存较好,分布面积最大;其余部分为落阔林等7种植被型共同组成。④针叶林理论分布区域应是以巴山冷杉林为单优种的亚高山针叶林带,但因历史上的皆伐及火烧等原因,现面积仅有17 kfr12,占该区域的19.8%,其余则为亚高山灌丛及亚高山草甸所替代。
The sixth nominal species of Chaceon to be recorded from the western Indian Ocean is named from a specimen collected off Somalia in 504-506 meters. Chaceon somaliensis, n. sp., resembles C. macphersoni (Manning and Holthuis, 1988) and differs from the other four species known from the area in having the dactylus of the walking legs dorsoventrally depressed. It differs from C. macphersoni in having slenderer legs, a smoother body, and a much deeper, evenly curved orbit.
To expand the feasibility of applying simple, efficient, non-invasive DNA preparation methods using samples that can be obtained from giant pandas living in the wild, we investigated the use of scent markings and fecal samples. Giant panda-specific oligonucleotide primers were used to amplify a portion of the mitochondrial DNA control region as well as a portion of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene and tRNA(Thr) gene region. A 196 base pair (bp) fragment in the control region and a 449 bp fragment in the cytochrome b gene and tRNA(Thr) gene were successfully amplified. Sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products demonstrated that the two fragments are giant panda sequences. Furthermore, under simulated field conditions we found that DNA can be extracted from fecal samples aged as long as 3 months. Our results suggest that the scent mark and fecal samples are simple, efficient, and easily prepared DNA sources. (C) 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
In total, 1218 Chinese from twelve ethnic groups and nine Han geographic groups were screened for the mtDNA 9-bp deletion motif. The frequency of the 9-bp deletion in all samples was 14.7% but ranged from 0% to 32% in the various ethnic groups. Three individuals had a triplication of the 9-bp segment. Phylogenetic and demographic analyses of the mtDNA hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) sequences suggest that the 9-bp deletion occurred more than once in China. The majority of the Chinese deletion:haplotypes (about 90%) have a common origin as a mutational event following an initial expansion of modem humans in eastern Asia. Other deletion haplotypes and the three haplotypes with a 9-bp triplication may have arisen independently in the Chinese, presumably by replication error. HVS1 haplotype analysis suggests two possible migration routes of the 9-bp deletion in east and southeast Asia. Both migrations originated in China with one route leading to the Pacific Islands via Taiwan, the other to southeast Asia and possibly the Nicobar Islands. Along both routes of peopling, a decrease in HVS1 diversity of the mtDNA haplotypes is observed. The "Polynesian motif (16217T/C, 16247A/G, and 16261C/T)" and the 16140T/C, 16266C/A, or C/G polymorphisms appear specific to each migration route.
Acipenseriformes is an endangered primitive fish group, which occupies a special place in the history of ideas concerning fish evolution, even in vertebrate evolution. However, the classification and evolution of the fishes have been debated. The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND4L and partial ND4 genes were first sequenced in twelve species of the order Acipenseriformes, including endemic Chinese species. The following points were drawn from DNA sequences analysis: (i) the two species of Huso can be ascribed to Acipenser; (ii) A. dabryanus is the mostly closely related to A. sinensis, and most likely the landlocked form of A. sinensis; (iii) genus Acipenser in trans-Pacific region might have a common origin; (iv) mtDNA ND4L and ND4 genes are the ideal genetic markers for phylogenetic analysis of the order Acipenseriformes.
The 9-bp deletion in the COII/tRNA(Lys) intergenic region (region V) of human mitochondrial DNA was screened in 1521 Chinese from 16 ethnic groups and 9 Hen geographic groups. The highest frequency was found in populations of Miao (32.4%) and Bouyei (30.8
Phylogenetic relationships among 37 living species of order Carnivora spanning a relatively broad range of divergence times and taxonomic levels were examined using nuclear sequence data from exon1 of the IRBP gene (approximate to1.3 kb) and first intron
The taxomic classification and phylogenetic relationships within the bear family remain argumentative subjects in recent years. Prior investigation has been concentrated on the application of different mitochondrial (mt) sequence data, herein we employ tw
In spite of several classification attempts among taxa of the genus Lepus, phylogenetic relationships still remain poorly understood. Here, we present molecular genetic evidence that may resolve some of the current incongruities in the phylogeny of the leporids. The complete mitochondrial cytb, 12S genes, and parts of ND4 and control region fragments were sequenced to examine phylogenetic relationships among Chinese hare taxa and other leporids throughout the World using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction approaches. Using reconstructed phylogenies, we observed that the Chinese hare is not a single monophyletic group as originally thought. Instead, the data infers that the genus Lepus is monophyletic with three unique species groups: North American, Eurasian, and African. Ancestral area analysis indicated that ancestral Lepus arose in North America and then dispersed into Eurasia via the Bering Land Bridge eventually extending to Africa. Brooks Parsimony analysis showed that dispersal events followed by subsequent speciation have occurred in other geographic areas as well and resulted in the rapid radiation and speciation of Lepus. A Bayesian relaxed molecular clock approach based on the continuous autocorrelation of evolutionary rates along branches estimated the divergence time between the three major groups within Lepus. The genus appears to have arisen approximately 10.76 MYA (+/- 0.86 MYA), with most speciation events occurring during the Pliocene epoch (5.65 +/- 1.15 MYA similar to 1.12 +/- 10.47 MYA). (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Fringillidae is a large and diverse family of Passeriformes. So far, however, Fringillidae relationships deduced from morphological features and by a number of molecular approaches have remained unproven. Recently, much attention has been attracted to mitochondrial tRNA genes, whose sequence and secondary structural characteristics have shown to be useful for Acrodont Lizards and deep-branch phylogenetic studies. In order to identify useful phylogenetic markers and test Fringillidae relationships, we have sequenced three major clusters of mitochondrial tRNA genes from 15 Fringillidae, taxa. A coincident tree, with coturnix as outgroup, was obtained through Maximum-likelihood method using combined dataset of 11 mitochondrial tRNA gene sequences. The result was similar to that through Neighbor-joining but different from Maximum-parsimony methods. Phylogenetic trees constructed with stem-region sequences of 11 genes had many different topologies and lower confidence than with total sequences. On the other hand, some secondary structural characteristics may provide phylogenetic information on relatively short internal branches at under-genus level. In summary, our data indicate that mitochondrial tRNA genes can achieve high confidence on Fringillidae phylogeny at subfamily level, and stem-region sequences may be suitable only at above-family level. Secondary structural characteristics may also be useful to resolve phylogenetic relationship between different genera of Fringillidae with good performance.
目的:研究吗啡对胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重等的影响.方法:以气室给药的方式给鸡胚注射吗啡,记录胎动、心率、孵化率、孵化时间、雏鸡体重.结果:吗啡可以缩短雏鸡的孵化时间,降低雏鸡的孵化率,并导致雏鸡出现运动障碍;20 mg/kg吗啡剂量和12-16胚龄的给药时间,鸡胚孵化率最高,残疾率最低;吗啡导致胚胎心率加快,胎动减少(P<0.05).结论:吗啡对胚胎发育有损伤作用,损伤程度与吗啡剂量和给药时间有关.
2000 年7 月和2004 年7 月, 分别在云南省怒江傈僳族自治州和保山市怒江干流采集到一批高原鳅 标本。经鉴定, 为高原鳅属Triplophysa 一未经发表的新种。新种怒江高原鳅Triplophysa ( Triplophysa) nujiangen2 sa sp1nov1 在形态特征和食性方面与唐古拉高原鳅、斯氏高原鳅、粗唇高原鳅和细尾高原鳅较为相似。本新种 身体相对短圆, 头部近圆筒形, 吻端钝圆, 颊部正常, 吻部在鼻孔之前明显向下倾斜, 下颌铲状, 边缘锐利而 水平, 上唇缘无突起, 下唇中央中断, 后部无突起, 眼间隔稍隆起, 眼间距为尾柄高016~018 倍, 第一鳃弓内 侧鳃耙10~19 , 肠绕折3 个环, 前背长为体长7111 %~7712 % , 体长为头长416~515 倍, 偶鳍短圆, 背鳍分 枝鳍条8 根, 胸鳍分枝鳍条10~11 根, 腹鳍末端不达肛门, 尾鳍高度向尾鳍方向不明显降低, 尾柄起点处的宽 小于该处的高, 尾柄长为尾柄高116~218 倍, 胸鳍长为胸腹鳍起点间距4715 %~6315 % , 尾鳍内凹。本文列 出了中国高原鳅属5 种铲状下颌种类的检索表, 本新种可藉之与这些相似种相区别。