Originally developed in the context of quantum field theory, the concept of supersymmetry can be used to systematically design a new class of optical structures. In this work, we demonstrate how key features arising from optical supersymmetry can be exploited to control the flow of light for mode division multiplexing applications. Superpartner configurations are experimentally realized in coupled optical networks, and the corresponding light dynamics in such systems are directly observed. We show that supersymmetry can be judiciously utilized to remove the fundamental mode of a multimode optical structure, while establishing global phase matching conditions for the remaining set of modes. Along these lines, supersymmetry may serve as a promising platform for versatile optical components with desirable properties and functionalities.
The production of electron–positron pairs in time-dependent electric fields (Schwinger mechanism) depends non-linearly on the applied field profile. Accordingly, the resulting momentum spectrum is extremely sensitive to small variations of the field parameters. Owing to this non-linear dependence it is so far unpredictable how to choose a field configuration such that a predetermined momentum distribution is generated. We show that quantum kinetic theory along with optimal control theory can be used to approximately solve this inverse problem for Schwinger pair production. We exemplify this by studying the superposition of a small number of harmonic components resulting in predetermined signatures in the asymptotic momentum spectrum. In the long run, our results could facilitate the observation of this yet unobserved pair production mechanism in quantum electrodynamics by providing suggestions for tailored field configurations.
The threshold behavior of the transport properties of a random metal in the critical region near a metal–insulator transition is strongly affected by the measuring electromagnetic fields. In spite of the randomness, the electrical conductivity exhibits striking phase-coherent effects due to broken symmetry, which greatly sharpen the transition compared with the predictions of effective medium theories, as previously explained for electrical conductivities. Here broken symmetry explains the sign reversal of the T → 0 magnetoconductance of the metal–insulator transition in Si(B,P), also previously not understood by effective medium theories. Finally, the symmetry-breaking features of quantum percolation theory explain the unexpectedly very small electrical conductivity temperature exponent α = 0.22(2) recently observed in Ni(S,Se)2 alloys at the antiferromagnetic metal–insulator transition below T = 0.8 K.
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Mode of access: Internet.
Within the ballistic transport picture, we have investigated the spin-polarized transport properties of a ferromagnetic metal/two-dimensional semiconductor (FM/SM) hybrid junction and an FM/FM/SM structure using quantum tunnelling theory. Our calculations indicate explicitly that the low spin injection efficiency (SIE) from an FM into an SM, compared with a ferromagnet/normal metal junction, originates from the mismatch of electron densities in the FM and SM. To enhance the SIE from an FM into an SM, we introduce another FM film between them to form FM/FM/SM double tunnel junctions, in which the quantum interference effect will lead to the current polarization exhibiting periodically oscillating behaviour, with a variation according to the thickness of the middle FM film and/or its exchange energy strength. Our results show that, for some suitable values of these parameters, the SIE can reach a very high level, which can also be affected by the electron density in the SM electrode.
Using the quantum tunneling theory, we investigate the spin-dependent transport properties of the ferromagnetic metal/Schottky barrier/semiconductor heterojunction under the influence of an external electric field. It is shown that increasing the electric field, similar to increasing the electron density in semiconductor, will result in a slight enhancement of spin injection in tunneling regime, and this enhancement is significantly weakened when the tunneling Schottky barrier becomes stronger. Temperature effect on spin injection is also discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We provide a derivation of a more accurate version of the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation, as introduced by Gardiner et al (2002 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 35 1555). This derivation does not rely on the concept of local energy and momentum conservation and is based on a quasiclassical Wigner function representation of a 'high temperature' master equation for a Bose gas, which includes only modes below an energy cut-off ER that are sufficiently highly occupied (the condensate band). The modes above this cutoff (the non-condensate band) are treated as being essentially thermalized. The interaction between these two bands, known as growth and scattering processes, provides noise and damping terms in the equation of motion for the condensate band, which we call the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation. This approach is distinguished by the control of the approximations made in its derivation and by the feasibility of its numerical implementation.
In this work we investigate the energy gap between the ground state and the first excited state in a model of two single-mode Bose-Einstein condensates coupled via Josephson tunnelling. The ene:rgy gap is never zero when the tunnelling interaction is non-zero. The gap exhibits no local minimum below a threshold coupling which separates a delocalized phase from a self-trapping phase that occurs in the absence of the external potential. Above this threshold point one minimum occurs close to the Josephson regime, and a set of minima and maxima appear in the Fock regime. Expressions for the position of these minima and maxima are obtained. The connection between these minima and maxima and the dynamics for the expectation value of the relative number of particles is analysed in detail. We find that the dynamics of the system changes as the coupling crosses these points.
We present Ehrenfest relations for the high temperature stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation description of a trapped Bose gas, including the effect of growth noise and the energy cutoff. A condition for neglecting the cutoff terms in the Ehrenfest relations is found which is more stringent than the usual validity condition of the truncated Wigner or classical field method-that all modes are highly occupied. The condition requires a small overlap of the nonlinear interaction term with the lowest energy single particle state of the noncondensate band, and gives a means to constrain dynamical artefacts arising from the energy cutoff in numerical simulations. We apply the formalism to two simple test problems: (i) simulation of the Kohn mode oscillation for a trapped Bose gas at zero temperature, and (ii) computing the equilibrium properties of a finite temperature Bose gas within the classical field method. The examples indicate ways to control the effects of the cutoff, and that there is an optimal choice of plane wave basis for a given cutoff energy. This basis gives the best reproduction of the single particle spectrum, the condensate fraction and the position and momentum densities.
Einstein’s equations with negative cosmological constant possess the so-called anti de Sitter space, AdSd+1, as one of its solutions. We will later refer to this space as to the "bulk". The holographic principle states that quantum gravity in the AdSd+1 space can be encoded by a d−dimensional quantum field theory on the boundary of AdSd+1 space, invariant under conformal transformations, a CFTd. In the most famous example, the precise statement is the duality of the type IIB string theory in the space AdS5 × S 5 and the 4−dimensional N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. Another example is provided by a relation between Einstein’s equations in the bulk and hydrodynamic equations describing the effective theory on the boundary, the so-called fluid/gravity correspondence. An extension of the "AdS/CFT duality"for the CFT’s with boundary was proposed by Takayanagi, which was dubbed the AdS/BCFT correspondence. The boundary of a CFT extends to the bulk and restricts a region of the AdSd+1. Neumann conditions imposed on the extension of the boundary yield a dynamic equation that determines the shape of the extension. From the perspective of fluid/gravity correspondence, the shape of the Neumann boundary, and the geometry of the bulk is sourced by the energy-momentum tensor Tµν of a fluid residing on this boundary. Clarifying the relation of the Takayanagi’s proposal to the fluid/gravity correspondence, we will study the consistence of the AdS/BCFT with finite temperature CFT’s, or equivalently black hole geometries in the bulk.
The conventional mechanism of fermion mass generation in the Standard Model involves Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (SSB). In this thesis, we study an alternate mechanism for the generation of fermion masses that does not require SSB, in the context of lattice field theories. Being inherently strongly coupled, this mechanism requires a non-perturbative approach like the lattice approach.
In order to explore this mechanism, we study a simple lattice model with a four-fermion interaction that has massless fermions at weak couplings and massive fermions at strong couplings, but without any spontaneous symmetry breaking. Prior work on this type of mass generation mechanism in 4D, was done long ago using either mean-field theory or Monte-Carlo calculations on small lattices. In this thesis, we have developed a new computational approach that enables us to perform large scale quantum Monte-Carlo calculations to study the phase structure of this theory. In 4D, our results confirm prior results, but differ in some quantitative details of the phase diagram. In contrast, in 3D, we discover a new second order critical point using calculations on lattices up to size $ 60^3$. Such large scale calculations are unprecedented. The presence of the critical point implies the existence of an alternate mechanism of fermion mass generation without any SSB, that could be of interest in continuum quantum field theory.
Black hole's response to external perturbations will carry significant information about these exotic objects. Its response, shortly after the initial `kick', is known to be ruled by the damped oscillation of the perturbating eld, called quasinormal modes(QNMs), followed by the tails of decay and is the characteristic of the background black hole spacetime. In the last three decades, several shortcomings came out in the Einstein's General Theory of Relativity(GTR). Such issues come, especially, from observational cosmology and quantum eld theory. In the rst case, for example, the observed accelerated expansion of the universe and the hypothesized mysterious dark energy still lack a satisfactory explanation. Secondly, GTR is a classical theory which does not work as a fundamental theory, when one wants to achieve a full quantum description of gravity. Due to these facts modi cation to GTR or alternative theories for gravity have been considered. Two potential approaches towards these problems are the quintessence model for dark energy and Ho rava-Lifshitz(HL) gravity. Quintessence is a dynamical model of dark energy which is often realized by scalar eld mechanism. HL gravity is the recently proposed theory of gravity, which is renormalizable in power counting arguments. The two models are considered as a potential candidate in explaining these issues.