832 resultados para Psoriasis, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus type 2 .


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Elevated free fatty acids (FFA) are a feature of ageing and a risk factor for metabolic disorders such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type-2 diabetes (T2D). Elevated FFA contribute to insulin resistance, production of inflammatory cytokines and expression of adhesion molecules on immune cells and endothelial cells, risk factors for CVD and T2D. Molecular mechanisms of FFA effects on monocyte function and how FFA phenotype is affected by healthy ageing remain poorly understood. This thesis evaluated the effects of the two major FFA in plasma, oleate and palmitate on monocyte viability, cell surface antigen expression, and inflammatory activation in THP-1 monocytes. Palmitate but not oleate increased cell surface expression of CD11b and CD36 after 24h, independent of mitochondrial superoxide, but dependent on de novo synthesis of ceramides. LPS-mediated cytokine production in THP-1 monocytes was enhanced and decreased following incubation with palmitate and oleate respectively. In a model of monocyte-macrophage differentiation, palmitate induced a pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype which required de novo ceramide synthesis, whilst oleate reduced cytokine secretion, producing a macrophage with enhanced clearance apoptotic cells. Plasma fatty acid analysis in young and mid-life populations revealed age-related increases in both the SFA and MUFA classes, especially the medium and very long chain C14 and C24 fatty acids, which were accompanied by increases in the estimated activities of desaturase enzymes. Changes were independently correlated with increased PBMC CD11b, plasma TNF-a and insulin resistance. In conclusion, the pro-atherogenic phenotype, enhanced LPS responses in monocytes, and pro-inflammatory macrophage in the presence of palmitate but not oleate is reliant upon de novo ceramide synthesis. Age-related increases in inflammation, cell surface integrin expression are related to increases in both the MUFA and SFA fatty acids, which in part may be explained by altered de novo fatty acid synthesis.


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Several studies have supported a beneficial role of dietary flavonoids in reducing the risk/progression of chronic diseases (including hypertension, cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, type-2-diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, age-related bone disease). Their beneficial properties are likely to be affected by their structure, distribution in foods, food matrix, life habits (physical activity). Most dietary polyphenols reach the colon where they are metabolized to phenolic acids by gut bacteria. Lack of knowledge of the factors affecting flavonoid metabolism and bioavailability hinders understanding of their health effects. Therefore, this thesis aimed to investigate the effect of factors on bioavailability and metabolism of dietary polyphenols from orange juices (OJ) in in vitro and in vivo studies. In chapter 3, the variability of orange juice polyphenolic content was assessed using in vitro models of the human gastrointestinal tract. Chapter 4 investigated the reduced urinary phenolic acids after OJ and yoghurt (Y) in humans compared to OJ alone using in vitro models of the human gut. In chapter 5, raftiline and glucose were tested for effects on metabolism of hesperidin (flavanone not OJ). In chapter 6, an intervention study of 4 weeks moderate intensity exercise determined whether exercise affected bioavailability and metabolism of OJ flavanones in healthy sedentary females. The studies in this thesis showed that food sources, food matrix and physical exercise may determine the significant variations in bioavailability and metabolism of flavonoids, seen in a number of studies. These factors could result in differences in bioactivity and bioefficacy of polyphenols, and need to be taken into account in further studies of the effects of flavanones on disease risk.


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BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity in adulthood are linked to an increased risk for death and disease. Their potential effect on life expectancy and premature death has not yet been described. OBJECTIVE: To analyze reductions in life expectancy and increases in premature death associated with overweight and obesity at 40 years of age. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: The Framingham Heart Study with follow-up from 1948 to 1990. PARTICIPANTS: 3457 Framingham Heart Study participants who were 30 to 49 years of age at baseline. MEASUREMENTS: Mortality rates specific for age and body mass index group (normal weight, overweight, or obese at baseline) were derived within sex and smoking status strata. Life expectancy and the probability of death before 70 years of age were analyzed by using life tables. RESULTS: Large decreases in life expectancy were associated with overweight and obesity. Forty-year-old female nonsmokers lost 3.3 years and 40-year-old male nonsmokers lost 3.1 years of life expectancy because of overweight. Forty-year-old female nonsmokers lost 7.1 years and 40-year-old male nonsmokers lost 5.8 years because of obesity. Obese female smokers lost 7.2 years and obese male smokers lost 6.7 years of life expectancy compared with normal-weight smokers. Obese female smokers lost 13.3 years and obese male smokers lost 13.7 years compared with normal-weight nonsmokers. Body mass index at ages 30 to 49 years predicted mortality after ages 50 to 69 years, even after adjustment for body mass index at age 50 to 69 years. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity and overweight in adulthood are associated with large decreases in life expectancy and increases in early mortality. These decreases are similar to those seen with smoking. Obesity in adulthood is a powerful predictor of death at older ages. Because of the increasing prevalence of obesity, more efficient prevention and treatment should become high priorities in public health.


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The objectives of this meta-analysis were to examine the magnitude of the relative risk (RR) of developing type 2 diabetes for overweight and obese populations, compared to those with normal weight, and to determine causes of the variation in RR between various cohort studies. The magnitude of the RR was analyzed by combining 18 prospective cohort studies that matched defined criteria. The variance in RR between studies was explored. The overall RR of diabetes for obese persons compared to those with normal weight was 7.19, 95% CI: 5.74, 9.00 and for overweight was 2.99, 95% CI: 2.42, 3.72. The variation in RR among studies was explored and it was found that the effect of heterogeneity was highly related with sample size, method of assessment of body mass index (BMI) and method of ascertainment of type 2 diabetes. By combining only cohort studies with more than 400 cases of incident diabetes (>median), adjusted by at least three main confounding variables (age, family history of type 2 diabetes, physical activity), measured BMI, and diabetes determined by clinical diagnosis, the RR was 7.28, 95% CI: 6.47, 8.28 for obesity and 2.92, 95% CI: 2.57, 3.32 for overweight.


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A Diabetes Mellitus é conhecida por uma doença metabólica caracterizada por um défice na ação ou secreção da insulina, na qual a consequência direta é o aparecimento de hiperglicemia, isto é, o nível de glicose apresentar valores elevados (Kidambi, 2008; Silva-Sousa, 2003). A DM1, especificamente, é apresentada como uma doença que é resultado da destruição das células beta do pâncreas, desenvolvendo assim, um défice na produção de insulina (Raymond et al., 2001). As complicações orais da DM1 incluem xerostomia, doença periodontal (gengivite e periodontite), abcessos dentários, perda de dentes, lesões de tecidos moles e síndrome de ardência oral. A complicação oral mais frequente da DM1 nas crianças é o aumento da sensibilidade à doença periodontal. A doença periodontal é caracterizada como uma reação inflamatória infecciosa dos tecidos gengivais (gengivite) ou do suporte dos dentes, ou seja, ligamento periodontal, cemento e osso alveolar (periodontite), podendo induzir um certo grau de resistência à insulina. Ambas as doenças resultam da interação entre microorganismos periodontais patogénicos. A avaliação e influência do controlo da doença é expressa pelos valores médios de hemoglobina glicosada (Hba1c) na saúde oral nas crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Vários estudos demonstraram que o controlo glicémico teve uma influencia sobre a saúde oral de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. Assim uma avaliação oral, deve fazer parte de procedimentos de rotina no atendimento de crianças e adolescentes com DM1. O dentista deve ser parte da equipa multidisciplinar que auxilia os indivíduos com DM1. O tratamento precoce numa população infantil com DM1, pode diminuir a severidade da doença periodontal. O presente trabalho tem por objectivo realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a importância do estudo em crianças e adolescentes portadores de DM1 e doenças da cavidade oral, nomeadamente, a periodontite, e respetivas implicações.


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Background: Factors that individually influence blood sugar control, health-related quality of life, and diabetes self-care behaviors have been widely investigated; however, most previous diabetes studies have not tested an integrated association between a series of factors and multiple health outcomes. ---------- Objectives: The purposes of this study are to identify risk factors and protective factors and to examine the impact of risk factors and protective factors on adaptive outcomes in people with type 2 diabetes.---------- Design: A descriptive correlational design was used to examine a theoretical model of risk factors, protective factors, and adaptive outcomes.---------- Settings: This study was conducted at the endocrine outpatient departments of three hospitals in Taiwan. Participants A convenience sample of 334 adults with type 2 diabetes aged 40 and over.---------- Methods: Data were collected by a self-reported questionnaire and physiological examination. Using the structural equation modeling technique, measurement and structural regression models were tested.---------- Results: Age and life events reflected the construct of risk factors. The construct of protective factors was explained by diabetes symptoms, coping strategy, and social support. The construct of adaptive outcomes comprised HbA1c, health-related quality of life, and self-care behaviors. Protective factors had a significant direct effect on adaptive outcomes (β = 0.68, p < 0.001); however, risk factors did not predict adaptive outcomes (β = ∠0.48, p = 0.118).---------- Conclusions: Identifying and managing risk factors and protective factors are an integral part of diabetes care. This theoretical model provides a better understanding of how risk factors and protective factors work together to influence multiple adaptive outcomes in people living with type 2 diabetes.


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Globally, obesity and diabetes (particularly type 2 diabetes) represents a major challenge to world health. Despite decades of intense research efforts, the genetic basis involved in diabetes pathogenesis & conditions associated with obesity are still poorly understood. Recent advances have led to exciting new developments implicating epigenetics as an important mechanism underpinning diabetes and obesity related disease. One epigenetic mechanism known as the "histone code" describes the idea that specific patterns of post-translational modifications to histones act like a molecular "code" recognised and used by non-histone proteins to regulate specific chromatin functions. One modification which has received significant attention is that of histone acetylation. The enzymes which regulate this modification are described as lysine acetyltransferases or KATs and histone deacetylases or HDACs. Due to their conserved catalytic domain HDACs have been actively targeted as a therapeutic target. Some of the known inhibitors of HDACs (HDACi) have also been shown to act as "chemical chaperones" to alleviate diabetic symptoms. In this review, we discuss the available evidence concerning the roles of HDACs in regulating chaperone function and how this may have implications in the management of diabetes. © 2009 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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BACKGROUND: Several trials have demonstrated the efficacy of nurse telephone case management for diabetes (DM) and hypertension (HTN) in academic or vertically integrated systems. Little is known about the real-world potency of these interventions. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of nurse behavioral management of DM and HTN in community practices among patients with both diseases. DESIGN: The study was designed as a patient-level randomized controlled trial. PARTICIPANTS: Participants included adult patients with both type 2 DM and HTN who were receiving care at one of nine community fee-for-service practices. Subjects were required to have inadequately controlled DM (hemoglobin A1c [A1c] ⥠7.5%) but could have well-controlled HTN. INTERVENTIONS: All patients received a call from a nurse experienced in DM and HTN management once every two months over a period of two years, for a total of 12 calls. Intervention patients received tailored DM- and HTN- focused behavioral content; control patients received non-tailored, non-interactive information regarding health issues unrelated to DM and HTN (e.g., skin cancer prevention). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and A1c were co-primary outcomes, measured at 6, 12, and 24 months; 24 months was the primary time point. RESULTS: Three hundred seventy-seven subjects were enrolled; 193 were randomized to intervention, 184 to control. Subjects were 55% female and 50% white; the mean baseline A1c was 9.1% (SD = 1%) and mean SBP was 142 mmHg (SD = 20). Eighty-two percent of scheduled interviews were conducted; 69% of intervention patients and 70% of control patients reached the 24-month time point. Expressing model estimated differences as (intervention--control), at 24 months, intervention patients had similar A1c [diff = 0.1 %, 95 % CI (-0.3, 0.5), p = 0.51] and SBP [diff =â-0.9 mmHg, 95% CI (-5.4, 3.5), p = 0.68] values compared to control patients. Likewise, DBP (diff = 0.4 mmHg, p = 0.76), weight (diff = 0.3 kg, p = 0.80), and physical activity levels (diff = 153 MET-min/week, p = 0.41) were similar between control and intervention patients. Results were also similar at the 6- and 12-month time points. CONCLUSIONS: In nine community fee-for-service practices, telephonic nurse case management did not lead to improvement in A1c or SBP. Gains seen in telephonic behavioral self-management interventions in optimal settings may not translate to the wider range of primary care settings.


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The chronic vascular complications of diabetes (nephropathy, retinopathy and accelerated atherosclerosis) are a major cause of morbidity and premature mortality. In spite of the more widespread availability of intensive diabetes management, approximately one in three people with diabetes develop aggressive complications and over 70% die of atherosclerosis-related diseases. Genetic and acquired factors are likely to be contributory. Potential mediators of vascular damage may include the interrelated processes of lipoprotein abnormalities, glycation, oxidation and endothelial dysfunction. Lipoprotein abnormalities encompass alterations in lipid concentrations, lipoprotein composition and subclass distribution and lipoprotein-related enzymes. Nonenzymatic glycation and oxidative damage to lipoproteins, other proteins and to vascular structures may also be deleterious. As atherosclerosis is a chronic condition commencing in youth, and because clinical events may be silent in diabetes, surrogate measures of vascular disease are important for early identification of diabetic patients with or at high risk of vascular damage, and for monitoring efficacy of interventions. The increasing array of biochemical assays for markers and mediators of vascular damage, noninvasive measures of vascular health, and therapeutic options should enable a reduction in the excessive personal and economic burden of vascular disease in type 1 and type 2 diabetes.


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To compare platelet plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) concentration in type II diabetic patients and healthy control subjects.


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Glycation, oxidation, and nonenzymatic browning of protein have all been implicated in the development of diabetic complications. The initial product of glycation of protein, fructoselysine (FL), undergoes further reactions, yielding a complex mixture of browning products, including the fluorescent lysine-arginine cross-link, pentosidine. Alternatively, FL may be cleaved oxidatively to form N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)lysine (CML), while glycated hydroxylysine, an amino-acid unique to collagen, may yield N(epsilon)-(carboxymethyl)hydroxylysine (CMhL). We have measured FL, pentosidine, fluorescence (excitation = 328 nm, emission = 378 nm), CML, and CMhL in insoluble skin collagen from 14 insulin-dependent diabetic patients before and after a 4-mo period of intensive therapy to improve glycemic control. Mean home blood glucose fell from 8.7 +/- 2.5 (mean +/- 1 SD) to 6.8 +/- 1.4 mM (P less than 0.005), and mean glycated hemoglobin (HbA1) from 11.6 +/- 2.3% to 8.3 +/- 1.1% (P less than 0.001). These changes were accompanied by a significant decrease in glycation of skin collagen, from 13.2 +/- 4.3 to 10.6 +/- 2.3 mmol FL/mol lysine (P less than 0.002). However, levels of browning and oxidation products (pentosidine, CML, and CMhL) and fluorescence were unchanged. These results show that the glycation of long-lived proteins can be decreased by improved glycemic control, but suggest that once cumulative damage to collagen by browning and oxidation reactions has occurred, it may not be readily reversed. Thus, in diabetic patients, institution and maintenance of good glycemic control at any time could potentially limit the extent of subsequent long-term damage to proteins by glycation and oxidation reactions.


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To identify previously unknown genetic loci associated with fasting glucose concentrations, we examined the leading association signals in ten genome-wide association scans involving a total of 36,610 individuals of European descent. Variants in the gene encoding melatonin receptor 1B (MTNR1B) were consistently associated with fasting glucose across all ten studies. The strongest signal was observed at rs10830963, where each G allele (frequency 0.30 in HapMap CEU) was associated with an increase of 0.07 (95% CI = 0.06-0.08) mmol/l in fasting glucose levels (P = 3.2 x 10(-50)) and reduced beta-cell function as measured by homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-B, P = 1.1 x 10(-15)). The same allele was associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes (odds ratio = 1.09 (1.05-1.12), per G allele P = 3.3 x 10(-7)) in a meta-analysis of 13 case-control studies totaling 18,236 cases and 64,453 controls. Our analyses also confirm previous associations of fasting glucose with variants at the G6PC2 (rs560887, P = 1.1 x 10(-57)) and GCK (rs4607517, P = 1.0 x 10(-25)) loci.


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Syftet med denna studie har varit att beskriva hur barn med diagnosen diabetes mellitus typ 1 upplever sin sjukdom samt vilken betydelse sjukskÃterskan kunde ha i omvÃ¥rdnaden av dessa barn. Studien har utfÃrts som en systematisk litteraturstudie och tillvägagÃ¥ngssättet har varit att systematiskt sÃka, kritiskt granska och sammanställa resultat inom det valda ämnesomrÃ¥det frÃ¥n olika studier. SÃkningen har skett i databaserna Elin@Dalarna, Cinahl och Blackwell Synergy. SÃkorden som har använts var: diabetes mellitus type 1, diabetes mellitus, children, adolescents, experiences, perspective, nurs* och care i olika kombinationer. Sammanställningen frÃ¥n resultatet visade att barn med diagnosen diabetes mellitus typ 1 upplever sin sjukdom olika utifrÃ¥n sina egna fÃrutsättningar, kÃn eller Ã¥lder. Det framkom även att sjukskÃterskan hade en viktig roll när det gällde att fÃ¥nga upp barnens upplevelser kring den fÃrändrade livssituationen som uppstÃ¥tt och utifrÃ¥n detta kartlägga barnens resurser att hantera denna situation. Att dÃ¥ kunna bemÃta barnen och deras familjer utifrÃ¥n egna fÃrutsättningar och att motivera dessa till att skÃta den livslÃ¥nga behandlingen, kan vara avgÃrande fÃr att fÃ¥ en bra kontroll Ãver diabetes och pÃ¥ sÃ¥ sätt en Ãkad livskvalité och ett gott välbefinnande.


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Bakgrund: Diabetes Mellitus är kronisk sjukdom som är kopplat till lidande och fÃrlust av livskvalitet. EgenvÃ¥rd är avgÃrande fÃr att minska de negativa konsekvenserna. Mindre än hälften av alla diabetespatienter uppnÃ¥r god egenvÃ¥rd. Anledningen är bland annat begränsad kunskap om diabetes och bristande egenvÃ¥rdsfÃljsamhet. InfÃrandet av Informations- och kommunikationsteknologi i diabetesvÃ¥rden pÃ¥bÃrjades fÃr att fÃrbättra det kliniska resultatet och livskvaliteten fÃr patienter med diabetes typ 2. Syfte: Att beskriva hur information och kommunikationsteknologi kan främja egenvÃ¥rd pÃ¥ distans fÃr patienter med diabetes mellitus typ 2. Metod: Litteraturstudie, där artiklarna sÃktes i CINAHL, PubMed och Web of Science. Artiklarna som inkluderades var 15 artiklar med kvantitativ, kvalitativ samt mixed metod. Resultat: Resultatet visade att Information och kommunikationsteknologi sÃ¥som internet, dator och mobiltelefonbaserade egenvÃ¥rdsprogram främjade egenvÃ¥rd hos patienter med diabetes typ 2 genom Ãkad kunskap, Ãkad medvetenhet, Ãkad motivation samt fÃrbättrad livsstilsfÃrändring i kost och motion. Slutsats: IKT som hjälpmedel kan underlätta dagliga utmaningarna fÃr patienter med diabetes typ 2 eftersom den täcker kunskapsluckan och därtill Ãkar patienternas medvetenhet och motivation till egenvÃ¥rd.


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