1000 resultados para Protocolos transaccionais multi-Agente
Tendo como moldura teórica o modelo multifactorial de liderança que traça a destrinça entre líderes transformacionais e transaccionais, o presente trabalho de investigação tem como principal objectivo analisar o impacto que as dimensões que compõem as lideranças transformacionais e transaccionais exercem no empenhamento organizacional dos colaboradores. Para o efeito, foi levado a cabo um estudo comparativo junto de duas organizações, operacionalizado através de inquéritos por questionário a 289 sujeitos. Não obstante a revisão da literatura por nós efectuada indicar que são os líderes transformacionais aqueles que mais contribuem para elevar o empenhamento organizacional dos seguidores, os resultados obtidos não confirmam a hipótese de trabalho formulada. Estamos em crer que esta ambivalência de resultados se deve, primordialmente, à existência de variáveis contingenciais que poderão estar a moderar a relação estudada. Aliás, a necessidade de contextualizar a liderança transformacional e transaccional é uma das principais sugestões que indicamos para futuras investigações.
The effects of the Miocene through Present compression in the Tagus Abyssal Plain are mapped using the most up to date available to scientific community multi-channel seismic reflection and refraction data. Correlation of the rift basin fault pattern with the deep crustal structure is presented along seismic line IAM-5. Four structural domains were recognized. In the oceanic realm mild deformation concentrates in Domain I adjacent to the Tore-Madeira Rise. Domain 2 is characterized by the absence of shortening structures, except near the ocean-continent transition (OCT), implying that Miocene deformation did not propagate into the Abyssal Plain, In Domain 3 we distinguish three sub-domains: Sub-domain 3A which coincides with the OCT, Sub-domain 3B which is a highly deformed adjacent continental segment, and Sub-domain 3C. The Miocene tectonic inversion is mainly accommodated in Domain 3 by oceanwards directed thrusting at the ocean-continent transition and continentwards on the continental slope. Domain 4 corresponds to the non-rifted continental margin where only minor extensional and shortening deformation structures are observed. Finite element numerical models address the response of the various domains to the Miocene compression, emphasizing the long-wavelength differential vertical movements and the role of possible rheologic contrasts. The concentration of the Miocene deformation in the transitional zone (TC), which is the addition of Sub-domain 3A and part of 3B, is a result of two main factors: (1) focusing of compression in an already stressed region due to plate curvature and sediment loading; and (2) theological weakening. We estimate that the frictional strength in the TC is reduced in 30% relative to the surrounding regions. A model of compressive deformation propagation by means of horizontal impingement of the middle continental crust rift wedge and horizontal shearing on serpentinized mantle in the oceanic realm is presented. This model is consistent with both the geological interpretation of seismic data and the results of numerical modelling.
In the aftermath of a large-scale disaster, agents' decisions derive from self-interested (e.g. survival), common-good (e.g. victims' rescue) and teamwork (e.g. fire extinction) motivations. However, current decision-theoretic models are either purely individual or purely collective and find it difficult to deal with motivational attitudes; on the other hand, mental-state based models find it difficult to deal with uncertainty. We propose a hybrid, CvI-JI, approach that combines: i) collective 'versus' individual (CvI) decisions, founded on the Markov decision process (MDP) quantitative evaluation of joint-actions, and ii)joint-intentions (JI) formulation of teamwork, founded on the belief-desire-intention (BDI) architecture of general mental-state based reasoning. The CvI-JI evaluation explores the performance's improvement
Nowadays, the cooperative intelligent transport systems are part of a largest system. Transportations are modal operations integrated in logistics and, logistics is the main process of the supply chain management. The supply chain strategic management as a simultaneous local and global value chain is a collaborative/cooperative organization of stakeholders, many times in co-opetition, to perform a service to the customers respecting the time, place, price and quality levels. The transportation, like other logistics operations must add value, which is achieved in this case through compression lead times and order fulfillments. The complex supplier's network and the distribution channels must be efficient and the integral visibility (monitoring and tracing) of supply chain is a significant source of competitive advantage. Nowadays, the competition is not discussed between companies but among supply chains. This paper aims to evidence the current and emerging manufacturing and logistics system challenges as a new field of opportunities for the automation and control systems research community. Furthermore, the paper forecasts the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies integrated into an information and communication technologies (ICT) framework based on distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) supported by a multi-agent system (MAS), as the most value advantage of supply chain management (SCM) in a cooperative intelligent logistics systems. Logistical platforms (production or distribution) as nodes of added value of supplying and distribution networks are proposed as critical points of the visibility of the inventory, where these technological needs are more evident.
Reclaimed water from small wastewater treatment facilities in the rural areas of the Beira Interior region (Portugal) may constitute an alternative water source for aquifer recharge. A 21-month monitoring period in a constructed wetland treatment system has shown that 21,500 m(3) year(-1) of treated wastewater (reclaimed water) could be used for aquifer recharge. A GIS-based multi-criteria analysis was performed, combining ten thematic maps and economic, environmental and technical criteria, in order to produce a suitability map for the location of sites for reclaimed water infiltration. The areas chosen for aquifer recharge with infiltration basins are mainly composed of anthrosol with more than 1 m deep and fine sand texture, which allows an average infiltration velocity of up to 1 m d(-1). These characteristics will provide a final polishing treatment of the reclaimed water after infiltration (soil aquifer treatment (SAT)), suitable for the removal of the residual load (trace organics, nutrients, heavy metals and pathogens). The risk of groundwater contamination is low since the water table in the anthrosol areas ranges from 10 m to 50 m. Oil the other hand, these depths allow a guaranteed unsaturated area suitable for SAT. An area of 13,944 ha was selected for study, but only 1607 ha are suitable for reclaimed water infiltration. Approximately 1280 m(2) were considered enough to set up 4 infiltration basins to work in flooding and drying cycles.
New K/Ar dating and geochemical analyses have been carried out on the WNW-ESE elongated oceanic island of S. Jorge to reconstruct the volcanic evolution of a linear ridge developed close to the Azores triple junction. We show that S. Jorge sub-aerial construction encompasses the last 1.3 Myr, a time interval far much longer than previously reported. The early development of the ridge involved a sub-aerial building phase exposed in the southeast end of the island and now constrained between 1.32 +/- 0.02 and 1.21 +/- 0.02 Ma. Basic lavas from this older stage are alkaline and enriched in incompatible elements, reflecting partial melting of an enriched mantle source. At least three differentiation cycles from alkaline basalts to mugearites are documented within this stage. The successive episodes of magma rising, storage and evolution suggest an intermittent reopening of the magma feeding system, possibly due to recurrent tensional or trans-tensional tectonic events. Present data show a gap in sub-aerial volcanism before a second main ongoing building phase starting at about 750 ka. Sub-aerial construction of the S. Jorge ridge migrated progressively towards the west, but involved several overlapping volcanic episodes constrained along the main WNW-ESE structural axis of the island. Malic magmas erupted during the second phase have been also generated by partial melting of an enriched mantle source. Trace element data suggest, however, variable and lower degrees of partial melting of a shallower mantle domain, which is interpreted as an increasing control of lithospheric deformation on the genesis and extraction of primitive melts during the last 750 kyr. The multi-stage development of the S. Jorge volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr has most likely been greatly influenced by regional tectonics, controlled by deformation along the diffuse boundary between the Nubian and the Eurasian plates, and the increasing effect of sea-floor spreading at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
A teoria económica contemporânea assenta grande parte do seu raciocínio na ideia de que é possível compreender o comportamento dos agentes económicos e a complexidade das relações que entre eles se estabelecem reduzindo esse comportamento às escolhas de um agente representativo. Este agente procura maximizar a utilidade do consumo perante determinada restrição de recursos que ele, ou o sistema económico como um todo, enfrenta. Apesar de esta ideia não estar isenta de possível crítica e de o caminho da modelização ser cada vez mais o de considerar agentes heterogéneos em interação, a verdade é que se trata de um conceito poderoso, que permite compreender mecanismos lógicos relevantes, num contexto que é frequentemente assumido como dinâmico e intertemporal. Neste capítulo, caracterizam-se os pilares fundamentais do modelo de agente representativo.
Mestrado de Radiações aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Imagem Digital com Radiação X.
Mestrado em Radiações Aplicadas às Tecnologias da Saúde. Área de especialização: Protecção Contra Radiações
Este artigo visa contribuir para o conhecimento da Bolsa de Valores Sociais (BVS), recentemente criada em Portugal, cuja finalidade foi, primacialmente, a de permitir a obtenção de meios de financiamento às entidades da Economia Social que se dediquem a projectos nas áreas da educação e do empreendedorismo. Reflectir-se-á sobre a qualificação jurídica dos vários tipos de entidades cotadas na BVS, sobre o conceito de investidor social e a protecção de que este beneficia, com as consequentes exigências em matéria de transparência e de governação que recaem sobre aquelas entidades. A temática proposta será percorrida destacando as virtudes e potencialidades da BVS, tocando num ou noutro tópico adjacente que venha a propósito, com particular destaque para a pertinência da elaboração de um código de governança corporativa para as entidades da economia social.
Characteristics of tunable wavelength filters based on a-SiC:H multi-layered stacked cells are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Results show that the light-activated photonic device combines the demultiplexing operation with the simultaneous photodetection and self amplification of an optical signal. The sensor is a bias wavelength current-controlled device that make use of changes in the wavelength of the background to control the power delivered to the load, acting a photonic active filter. Its gain depends on the background wavelength that controls the electrical field profile across the device.
Neste trabalho são apresentados o dimensionamento e os resultados comparativos para um edifício de serviços (escritórios), na vertente económica de aquisição, instalação, exploração e manutenção, de um sistema de climatização a água, com um sistema de climatização a volume de refrigerante variável como alternativa. Utilizando um software de simulação dinâmica para determinar as cargas térmicas a que o edifício em estudo estará sujeito, de forma a dimensionar um sistema de climatização que respeite os regulamentos em vigor pelo actual sistema de certificação energética, foram dimensionados os dois sistemas de climatização dentro dos acima indicados, tento sido efectuados vários estudos comparativos, por forma a poderem ser futuramente utilizados como base de definição do sistema a adotar por parte dos projetistas do ramo.
This paper describes the development and the implementation of a multi-agent system for integrated diagnosis of power transformers. The system is divided in layers which contain a number of agents performing different functions. The social ability and cooperation between the agents lead to the final diagnosis and to other relevant conclusions through integrating various monitoring technologies, diagnostic methods and data sources, such as the dissolved gas analysis.
Tendo como moldura teórica o modelo multifactorial de liderança que traça a destrinça entre líderes transformacionais e transaccionais, e dando especial enfoque ao estilo interpessoal de comunicação diferenciado que os mesmos utilizam para comunicar com os seus colaboradores em cenários de trabalho, o presente trabalho de investigação tem como principal objectivo analisar o impacto que as dimensões que compõem as lideranças transformacionais e transaccionais exercem no empenhamento que os colaboradores nutrem em relação às suas organizações de pertença. Para o efeito, foi levado a cabo um estudo comparativo junto de duas organizações situadas em zonas geograficamente distintas, Norte e Centro Litoral de Portugal que se dedicam ao mesmo ramo de actividade: a construção e reparação naval. Através da aplicação de inquéritos por questionário junto de 289 sujeitos, foi possível efectuar a análise empírica. Não obstante a revisão da literatura por nós efectuada indicar que são os líderes transformacionais aqueles que contribuem em maior grau para elevar o empenhamento organizacional dos seus seguidores, os resultados obtidos não confirmam a hipótese de trabalho formulada. Se por um lado, na empresa situada no Centro litoral do nosso país, concluiu-se serem as dimensões transformacionais de liderança que maior correlação positiva estabelece com o empenhamento organizacional, por outro lado, na empresa sediada no Norte litoral, são as dimensões transaccionais de liderança que maior associação estabelece com a referida atitude organizacional. Estamos em crer que esta ambivalência de resultados se deve, primordialmente, à existência de variáveis contingenciais que poderão estar a moderar a relação estudada. Aliás a necessidade de contextualizar a liderança transformacional e transaccional é uma das principais sugestões que indicamos para futuras investigações.
Effective legislation and standards for the coordination procedures between consumers, producers and the system operator supports the advances in the technologies that lead to smart distribution systems. In short-term (ST) maintenance scheduling procedure, the energy producers in a distribution system access to the long-term (LT) outage plan that is released by the distribution system operator (DSO). The impact of this additional information on the decision-making procedure of producers in ST maintenance scheduling is studied in this paper. The final ST maintenance plan requires the approval of the DSO that has the responsibility to secure the network reliability and quality, and other players have to follow the finalized schedule. Maintenance scheduling in the producers’ layer and the coordination procedure between them and the DSO is modelled in this paper. The proposed method is applied to a 33-bus distribution system.