946 resultados para Produção familiar


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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The present study aimed to analyze indicators of energy efficiency and economic production of piglets from family farmers in Paraná. We sought to determine possible differences in energy efficiencies and economic producers who manufactured rations on their property and those who bought rations Cooperative. The sample was obtained by accessibility (six producers who manufactured and six who bought rations) and not probabilistic, and the raw data were transformed into energy and economic units, and processed in electronic spreadsheets. The two production systems of piglets in the nursery phase, family farming, showed negative energy balance, with energy inputs higher than outputs. The two systems of rearing piglets showed no differences in energy efficiency, ie, they were not self-sufficient and needed to import energy sources from other systems. The indicators of economic efficiency of producers who buy rations as those who produce them in their properties were less than unity. Thus, most producers did not generate enough revenue to pay the costs in the short term and lost money.


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This study aimed to analyze the energy efficiency ratings and cost of farming families producing milk in the city of Pardinho (SP). The hypothesis that guides the study is that energy expenditure may be coincident with the economic expenditure showing that there is a relationship between these flows, which can be sustainable or not. To better define the producers studied criteria were used in the official system of rural credit FEAP. Through primary data obtained by the speeches, the itineraries were reconstituted technical detailing the operations employed. Thus, we found two producers with different technical routes. The producer was the one who got one of the highest efficiencies 8.66 and 1.48 respectively. Related to the efficiency, we can see that are close related and when there is a broader idea of the allocation of energy resources and, thus, a better view of the sustainability of the agro ecosystem.


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The study aimed to analyze the energy and economic efficiency rate family farms producing milk in the county of Pardinho, Sao Paulo State. The criteria used to define producers in this study is that outlined by the Brazilian agricultural credit system FEAP (Fund Expansion of Agribusiness Paulista). Through primary data, obtained by verbal reports, the agroecosystem technical itineraries were re-established, detailing the process applied, machinery, implements, equipment, supplies and manual work. These were transformed into energy and economic units, which allowed determining the established connection between energy economics outputs and inputs. The hypothesis of this study is that the energetic expenditure may be coincidental with economic expenditures. The energetic and economic flows were analyzed, using a structure of expenditures, by type, source and form of gross energy, as well as the energetic point of view. Four producers were found to have different technical itineraries. Producers 1 and 2 achieved the highest energy and economic efficiency rates. The producer with the lowest efficiency rates was producer 4. The energy sources not renewable like chemical fertilizers were the most used reaching an average of 82.9% for the energy and 52.86% for the economic expenditures. When comparing energy and economic efficiency it is possible to verify that both forms of analysis are close, obtaining a broader idea about energy resources allocation.


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The objective of this study is to determine the economical and energetic efficiency of the castor bean culture in "Zona da Mata" and South of Minas Gerais. Through the method of simulation "Monte Carlo", we verified the probabilities of occurrence of the economical, cultural and energetic efficiency indexes. In relation to the production systems of castor bean in Minas Gerais in the season 2005/2006, we established that the variables price and productivity were the most noticeable for the producers from "Zona da Mata", while in the South of Minas it was productivity. We verified that the probability of the economical efficiency index to be lower than one was 43,26% for the producers from "Zona da Mata" and 39,57% for the ones from the South of Minas. The medium price received covered the medium costs of production. However, we observed that the medium costs in these regions of Minas Gerais, were over the minimum price. Regarding the energetic analysis, the results showed that the systems in the regions studied in Minas Gerasi, presented average of cultural efficiency indexes of 8,26 and 18,89. We concluded that despite the result being favorable from the energetic point of view, from the economical sustainability point of view there is the need of a more effective support policy for the castor bean, taking into consideration that the expectations of the producers with PNPB were not confirmed.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the energy and economic efficiency indexes per unit of cotton agro-ecosystem area in family production systems of Paraguay and Brazil; and, to establish a relationship between the energy and economic. Typologies presented by the Program to Support Small Cotton Holdings (Paraguay), and by the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Brazil). Family systems of the two countries were identified; these are located from Paraguay (San Juan–CA) and from Brazil (Leme–SP). To construct the energy expenditure structure of the cotton agro-ecosystem, as well as to assess the economic efficiency, the mean values obtained were considered, when they presented similarities in production systems and they were within the typology proposed in this study. From the technical itinerary observed the Paraguayan agro-ecosystem depended (fossil fuel 56.76%) and industrial source (35.99%). Thus, the energy balance of the agricultural stage was established, which attained a value of 17,740.69 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 5.28, and a cultural efficiency of 3.04. The Brazilian agro-ecosystem depended on energy from industrial source (insecticides 39.82%) and from fossil fuel (33.59%); it reached an energy balance of 19,547.88 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 2.12, and a cultural efficiency index of 0.71. In the economic and energy indicator ratio, with regard to the months referring to the harvest time, that is to say, March, April, and May, the maximum economic efficiency indicator of paraguay was attained in the month of May (1,00), and from Brazil in the month of May (1,71). Both production systems analyzed were presented efficient, however, dependent of external circumstances and non-renewable energy sources.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the energy and economic efficiency indexes per unit of cotton agro-ecosystem area in family production systems of Paraguay and Brazil; and, to establish a relationship between the energy and economic. Typologies presented by the Program to Support Small Cotton Holdings (Paraguay), and by the National Program for Strengthening Family Agriculture (Brazil). Family systems of the two countries were identified; these are located from Paraguay (San Juan–CA) and from Brazil (Leme–SP). To construct the energy expenditure structure of the cotton agro-ecosystem, as well as to assess the economic efficiency, the mean values obtained were considered, when they presented similarities in production systems and they were within the typology proposed in this study. From the technical itinerary observed the Paraguayan agro-ecosystem depended (fossil fuel 56.76%) and industrial source (35.99%). Thus, the energy balance of the agricultural stage was established, which attained a value of 17,740.69 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 5.28, and a cultural efficiency of 3.04. The Brazilian agro-ecosystem depended on energy from industrial source (insecticides 39.82%) and from fossil fuel (33.59%); it reached an energy balance of 19,547.88 MJ ha-1; an energy efficiency of 2.12, and a cultural efficiency index of 0.71. In the economic and energy indicator ratio, with regard to the months referring to the harvest time, that is to say, March, April, and May, the maximum economic efficiency indicator of paraguay was attained in the month of May (1,00), and from Brazil in the month of May (1,71). Both production systems analyzed were presented efficient, however, dependent of external circumstances and non-renewable energy sources.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This monograph is part of the works developed in the Scientific Initiation aimed at updating and improving the Atlas of Brazilian Agrarian Question - AQAB. For pioneering and scope of work-matrix, the objective this first part focused on the development of issues related to agricultural production, being drawn maps with data from the Municipal Agricultural Production-PAM 2012; Municipal Livestock Research-PPM 2012; Production of Vegetable Extraction and Forestry-2012, all analyzed from bibliographic review and joint interpretation of tables and graphs. Pari passu, this topic allowed the development of studies on peasant farms, because they are correlated subjects. Peasant farmers produce large portion of the food served to the population. Its features are its mode of production in the field, the way in which the activities take place within the family, the struggle for their social reproduction and by the earth, the practice of polyculture, preservation of the environment and the genetic diversity of species. The surplus production is sold on the market to meet other family demands unmet by production on their properties. We understand that both terms; Peasant or Farmer, refer to the same subject, but with different interpretations of their way of social reproduction and market relations...


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This monograph is part of the works developed in the Scientific Initiation aimed at updating and improving the Atlas of Brazilian Agrarian Question - AQAB. For pioneering and scope of work-matrix, the objective this first part focused on the development of issues related to agricultural production, being drawn maps with data from the Municipal Agricultural Production-PAM 2012; Municipal Livestock Research-PPM 2012; Production of Vegetable Extraction and Forestry-2012, all analyzed from bibliographic review and joint interpretation of tables and graphs. Pari passu, this topic allowed the development of studies on peasant farms, because they are correlated subjects. Peasant farmers produce large portion of the food served to the population. Its features are its mode of production in the field, the way in which the activities take place within the family, the struggle for their social reproduction and by the earth, the practice of polyculture, preservation of the environment and the genetic diversity of species. The surplus production is sold on the market to meet other family demands unmet by production on their properties. We understand that both terms; Peasant or Farmer, refer to the same subject, but with different interpretations of their way of social reproduction and market relations...


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As transformações recentes na economia brasileira e da orientação política com relação aos problemas relacionados à pobreza, fome e iniquidade social, provocaram mudanças no padrão de consumo da população. Consequentemente a melhoria na distribuição de renda abrandou o problema da fome e de acesso aos alimentos. No entanto, se por um lado essa mudança apresentou resultados positivos, por outro, houve um aumento de doenças relacionadas à má alimentação. O objetivo do artigo é discutir aspectos da segurança alimentar, tendo como alternativa a contribuição da agricultura familiar, sobretudo das cooperativas de agricultores familiares da região Sul do Estado de Santa Catarina. A metodologia utilizada foi a bibliográfica, através de fontes secundárias ? como artigos acadêmicos, documentos de órgão públicos - e fontes primárias obtidas a partir de reuniões realizadas no ano de 2011 e 2012. Os resultados da pesquisa de campo evidenciam novas formas alternativas de produção e consumo, baseadas em produtos tradicionais da agricultura familiar. Verificou-se que já são sete cooperativas de agricultores familiares em funcionamento, produzindo mais de oitenta produtos diferenciados, e que além da produção de alimentos saudáveis, estão revitalizando formas alternativas de produção, oportunizando aos consumidores da região a aquisição de produtos com melhor qualidade.