1000 resultados para ProC


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Composite T-joints are commonly used in modern composite airframe, pressure vessels and piping structures, mainly to increase the bending strength of the joint and prevents buckling of plates and shells, and in multi-cell thin-walled structures. Here we report a detailed study on the propagation of guided ultrasonic wave modes in a composite T-joint and their interactions with delamination in the co-cured co-bonded flange. A well designed guiding path is employed wherein the waves undergo a two step mode conversion process, one is due to the web and joint filler on the back face of the flange and the other is due to the delamination edges close to underneath the accessible surface of the flange. A 3D Laser Doppler Vibrometer is used to obtain the three components of surface displacements/velocities of the accessible face of the flange of the T-joint. The waves are launched by a piezo ceramic wafer bonded on to the back surface of the flange. What is novel in the proposed method is that the location of any change in material/geometric properties can be traced by computing a frequency domain power flow along a scan line. The scan line can be chosen over a grid either during scan or during post-processing of the scan data off-line. The proposed technique eliminates the necessity of baseline data and disassembly of structure for structural interrogation.


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Rugged energy landscapes find wide applications in diverse fields ranging from astrophysics to protein folding. We study the dependence of diffusion coefficient (D) of a Brownian particle on the distribution width (epsilon) of randomness in a Gaussian random landscape by simulations and theoretical analysis. We first show that the elegant expression of Zwanzig Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 2029 (1988)] for D(epsilon) can be reproduced exactly by using the Rosenfeld diffusion-entropy scaling relation. Our simulations show that Zwanzig's expression overestimates D in an uncorrelated Gaussian random lattice - differing by almost an order of magnitude at moderately high ruggedness. The disparity originates from the presence of ``three-site traps'' (TST) on the landscape - which are formed by the presence of deep minima flanked by high barriers on either side. Using mean first passage time formalism, we derive a general expression for the effective diffusion coefficient in the presence of TST, that quantitatively reproduces the simulation results and which reduces to Zwanzig's form only in the limit of infinite spatial correlation. We construct a continuous Gaussian field with inherent correlation to establish the effect of spatial correlation on random walk. The presence of TSTs at large ruggedness (epsilon >> k(B)T) gives rise to an apparent breakdown of ergodicity of the type often encountered in glassy liquids. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The problem of modelling the transient response of an elastic-perfectly-plastic cantilever beam, carrying an impulsively loaded tip mass, is,often referred to as the Parkes cantilever problem 25]; The permanent deformation of a cantilever struck transversely at its tip, Proc. R. Soc. A., 288, pp. 462). This paradigm for classical modelling of projectile impact on structures is re-visited and updated using the mesh-free method, smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH). The purpose of this study is to investigate further the behaviour of cantilever beams subjected to projectile impact at its tip, by considering especially physically real effects such as plastic shearing close to the projectile, shear deformation, and the variation of the shear strain along the length and across the thickness of the beam. Finally, going beyond macroscopic structural plasticity, a strategy to incorporate physical discontinuity (due to crack formation) in SPH discretization is discussed and explored in the context of tip-severance of the cantilever beam. Consequently, the proposed scheme illustrates the potency for a more refined treatment of penetration mechanics, paramount in the exploration of structural response under ballistic loading. The objective is to contribute to formulating a computational modelling framework within which transient dynamic plasticity and even penetration/failure phenomena for a range of materials, structures and impact conditions can be explored ab initio, this being essential for arriving at suitable tools for the design of armour systems. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The isometric fluctuation relation (IFR) P. I. Hurtado et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 108, 7704 (2011)] relates the relative probability of current fluctuations of fixed magnitude in different spatial directions. We test its validity in an experiment on a tapered rod, rendered motile by vertical vibration and immersed in a sea of spherical beads. We analyze the statistics of the velocity vector of the rod and show that they depart significantly from the IFR of Hurtado et al. Aided by a Langevin-equation model we show that our measurements are largely described by an anisotropic generalization of the IFR R. Villavicencio et al., Europhys. Lett. 105, 30009 (2014)], with no fitting parameters, but with a discrepancy in the prefactor whose origin may lie in the detailed statistics of the microscopic noise. The experimentally determined large-deviation function of the velocity vector has a kink on a curve in the plane.


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We solve the two-dimensional, planar Navier-Stokes equations to simulate a laminar, standing hydraulic jump using a Volume-of-Fluid method. The geometry downstream of the jump has been designed to be similar to experimental conditions by including a pit at the edge of the platform over which liquid film flows. We obtain jumps with and without separation. Increasing the inlet Froude number pushes the jump downstream and makes the slope of the jump weaker, consistent with experimental observations of circular jumps, and decreasing the Reynolds number brings the jump upstream while making it steeper. We study the effect of the length of the domain and that of a downstream obstacle on the structure and location of the jump. The transient flow which leads to a final steady jump is described for the first time to our knowledge. In the moderate Reynolds number regime, we obtain steady undular jumps with a separated bubble underneath the first few undulations. Interestingly, surface tension leads to shortening of wavelength of these undulations. We show that the undulations can be explained using the inviscid theory of Benjamin and Lighthill (Proc. R. Soc. London, Ser. A, 1954). We hope this new finding will motivate experimental verification.


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It is shown that there are infinitely many primitive cusp forms f of weight 2 with the property that for all X large enough, every interval (X, X + cX(1/4)), where c > 0 depends only on the form, contains an integer n such that the n-th Fourier coefficient of f is nonzero.


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The property of crystal depends seriously on the solution concentration distribution near the growth surface of a crystal. However, the concentration distributions are affected by the diffusion and convection of the solution. In the present experiment, the two methods of optical measurement are used to obtained velocity field and concentration field of NaClO3 solution. The convection patterns in sodium chlorate (NaClO3) crystal growth are measured by Digital Particle image Velocimetry (DPIV) technology. The 2-dimentional velocity distributions in the solution of NaClO3 are obtained from experiments. And concentration field are obtained by a Mach-Zehnder interferometer with a phase shift servo system. Interference patterns were recorded directly by a computer via a CCD camera. The evolution of velocity field and concentration field from dissolution to crystallization are visualized clearly. The structures of velocity fields were compared with that of concentration field.


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It is well known that noise and detection error can affect the performances of an adaptive optics (AO) system. Effects of noise and detection error on the phase compensation effectiveness in a dynamic AO system are investigated by means of a pure numerical simulation in this paper. A theoretical model for numerically simulating effects of noise and detection error in a static AO system and a corresponding computer program were presented in a previous article. A numerical simulation of effects of noise and detection error is combined with our previous numeral simulation of a dynamic AO system in this paper and a corresponding computer program has been compiled. Effects of detection error, readout noise and photon noise are included and investigated by a numerical simulation for finding the preferred working conditions and the best performances in a practical dynamic AO system. An approximate model is presented as well. Under many practical conditions such approximate model is a good alternative to the more accurate one. A simple algorithm which can be used for reducing the effect of noise is presented as well. When signal to noise ratio is very low, such method can be used to improve the performances of a dynamic AO system.


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The velocity fields of oscillatory convection have been measured using the techniques of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a liquid bridge of half floating zone with small typical scales of a few millimeters for emphasizing the thermocapillary effect in comparison with the effect of buoyancy. The flow patterns of the oscillatory flow have been studied experimentally in a liquid bridge. The flow patterns in the liquid bridge are classified with mode numbers according to oscillatory flow characteristics. Results of the experiment show that the mode depends on the aspect ratio as well as the volume ratio of the liquid bridge. The experimental results are helpful for studying the structure of flow at the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge.


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Circadian oscillators provide rhythmic temporal cues for a range of biological processes in plants and animals, enabling anticipation of the day/night cycle and enhancing fitness-associated traits. We have used engineering models to understand the control principles of a plant's response to seasonal variation. We show that the seasonal changes in the timing of circadian outputs require light regulation via feed-forward loops, combining rapid light-signaling pathways with entrained circadian oscillators. Linear time-invariant models of circadian rhythms were computed for 3,503 circadian-regulated genes and for the concentration of cytosolic-free calcium to quantify the magnitude and timing of regulation by circadian oscillators and light-signaling pathways. Bioinformatic and experimental analysis show that rapid light-induced regulation of circadian outputs is associated with seasonal rephasing of the output rhythm. We identify that external coincidence is required for rephasing of multiple output rhythms, and is therefore important in general phase control in addition to specific photoperiod-dependent processes such as flowering and hypocotyl elongation. Our findings uncover a fundamental design principle of circadian regulation, and identify the importance of rapid light-signaling pathways in temporal control.


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As one of the most abundant polysaccharides on Earth, xylan will provide more than a third of the sugars for lignocellulosic biofuel production when using grass or hardwood feedstocks. Xylan is characterized by a linear β(1,4)-linked backbone of xylosyl residues substituted by glucuronic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid or arabinose, depending on plant species and cell types. The biological role of these decorations is unclear, but they have a major influence on the properties of the polysaccharide. Despite the recent isolation of several mutants with reduced backbone, the mechanisms of xylan synthesis and substitution are unclear. We identified two Golgi-localized putative glycosyltransferases, GlucUronic acid substitution of Xylan (GUX)-1 and GUX2 that are required for the addition of both glucuronic acid and 4-O-methylglucuronic acid branches to xylan in Arabidopsis stem cell walls. The gux1 gux2 double mutants show loss of xylan glucuronyltransferase activity and lack almost all detectable xylan substitution. Unexpectedly, they show no change in xylan backbone quantity, indicating that backbone synthesis and substitution can be uncoupled. Although the stems are weakened, the xylem vessels are not collapsed, and the plants grow to normal size. The xylan in these plants shows improved extractability from the cell wall, is composed of a single monosaccharide, and requires fewer enzymes for complete hydrolysis. These findings have implications for our understanding of the synthesis and function of xylan in plants. The results also demonstrate the potential for manipulating and simplifying the structure of xylan to improve the properties of lignocellulose for bioenergy and other uses.


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El presente estudio se realizó con los objetivos de la evaluación de la dosis efectiva de la propolina en el tratamiento de la Mastitis bovina en la finca La Luna, en el municipio de Boaco, Departamento de Boaco, Latitud 12° 28' Norte Longitud 85° 39' Oeste. El municipio de Boaco limita al norte con Muy Muy, al sur con San Lorenzo y Camoapa, al este con Camoapa, al oeste con Santa Lucia y Teustepe. En este trabajo investigativo los análisis de varianza de los diagnósticos se realizaron a través del paquete estadístico Statiscal Analisis System (SAS) del Instituto New Cork, versión 8 para Windows. Para ello se utilizo el procedimiento Proc Catmod cuyo calculo se basa en la distribución Chi-Square. El tratamiento I: Propolina al 0.5%. Tratamiento II: Propolina al 1.0%. Tratamiento III: Mastix (Oxitetraciclina 200mg). Existe una prevalencia del 64.52% con 40 vacas infectadas, con un 35.48 % negativo a la prueba de CMT. El tratamiento I obtuvo mejor resultado en el tratamiento de la mastitis bovina y se determino que es económicamente más factible.


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El propósito del presente trabajo fue comparar el efecto de Zeranol tixotrópico 1% y Zeranol + ivermectina 3.15% sobre la ganancia de peso y carga parasitaria en terneros de la raza Reyna. Se utilizaron 21 terneros con peso de 86.3 ± 0.8 kg y edad de 12.24 ± 2.0 m, agrupados en un diseño completamente al azar (DCA), distribuidos en tres tratamientos T1: Ivermectina, T2: Zeranol tixotrópico 1%, T3: Zeranol + ivermectina 3.15% con 7 repeticiones por tratamiento. Las variables productivas estudiadas fueron: Ganancia media diaria (GMD), Peso final (PF), Ganancia total de peso (GTP); y medidas zoométricas: Perímetro toráxico (PT), Perímetro abdominal (PA), altura a la cruz (AC) y longitud corporal (LC). Los datos fueron analizados por PROC: GLM del paquete estadístico SAS® Ver. 9.1.2. y la comparación de medias por la prueba de Tuckey. Los resultados demuestran que el T1 obtuvo una GMD de 277.95 g, superando a T2 y T3 (222.83g y 265.53g, respectivamente); el T1 obtuvo mayor peso final que el T2 (112.7 kg vs 104.80 kg), pero fue ligeramente superior al T3 (112.7 kg vs 112.00 kg); para GTP el T1 (25.57 kg) y T3 (24.43 kg) fueron superiores al T2 (20.50 kg). Respecto a las medidas zoométricas PT, PA, AC, LC, los mayores valores fueron para el T1 seguido del T3 y T2. Para control de cargas parasitarias, el T3 fue efectivo para Trichuris y Strongylus, el T1 ejerció mejor control para Trichuris, en cambio el T2 fue el de menor control. El análisis financiero favorece al tratamiento T1 por ser de menor costo, sin embargo el T3 manifestó mejor comportamiento en la ganancia de peso a lo largo del estudio, por lo cual este puede ser utilizado a pesar de tener un mayor costo en relación al T1.