991 resultados para Primates, Fossil


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A pesquisa de infecções por Giardia e a caracterização genotípica deste protozoário foi realizada em primatas não humanos (PNH) mantidos em Zoológico a fim de avaliar o seu potencial zoonótico. As amostras dos animais consistiram de fezes colhidas do piso de 22 baias onde eram mantidos 47 primatas de 18 diferentes espécies. Exames coproparasitológicos foram realizados pelos métodos de concentração por sedimentação e centrífugo-flutuação e revelaram a presença dos seguintes parasitas e suas respectivas frequências: Giardia (18%); Entamoeba spp. (18%); Endolimax nana (4.5%); Iodamoeba spp. (4.5%); oxiurídeos (4.5%) e estrongilídeos (4.5%). O DNA extraído de todas as amostras fecais foi submetido à técnica de PCR para a amplificação dos genes gdh e tpi de Giardia, porém, só foram obtidos amplicons das quatro amostras positivas provenientes de Ateles belzebuth, Alouatta caraya, Alouatta fusca and Alouatta seniculus. O seqüenciamento dos fragmentos amplificados foi possível apenas para as amostras oriundas de Ateles belzebuth (BA1), Alouatta fusca (BA2) e Alouatta caraya (BA3), cuja análise fenética de ambos os genes revelou pertencerem ao genótipo A. As análises das sequências de tpi revelaram que todas as amostras pertencem ao subgenótipo AII. No que se refere ao gene gdh as análises revelaram uma amostra pertencente ao subgenótipo AII (BA3) e duas ao subgenótipo A1 (BA1 e BA2). Considerando o potencial zoonótico do genótipo A e o fato de que os animais não apresentavam sintomas de infecção, os dados do presente trabalho salientam a importância de se realizar, periodicamente, exames coproparasitológicos dos animais de zoológico, para implementação de medidas preventivas para resguardar a saúde dos animais em cativeiro, a de seus tratadores e dos visitantes de parques zoológicos.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fossil specimens of Heydrichia (?) poignantii, sp. nov. (Sporolithaceae, Sporolithales, Rhodophyta), representing the first confirmation of the genus in the fossil record, were discovered in thin sections of Albian limestones from the Riachuelo Formation, Sergipe Basin, and in thin sections of Albian -Cenomanian limestones from the Ponta do Mel Formation, Potiguar Basin in north-eastern Brazil. A detailed morphological-anatomical account of the species is provided, and its placement in Heydrichia is discussed in relation to current classification proposals. Comparisons with the four other known species of the genus, all non-fossil, show that H. poignantii is the only known species of Heydrichia in which thalli are encrusting to sparsely warty to horizontally layered with overlapping lamellate branches that commonly appear variously curved or arched, and in which thalli have sporangial complexes that become buried in the thallus. The evolutionary history of Heydrichia remains uncertain, but available data suggest that the genus may have diverged from the sporolithacean genus Sporolithon, known as early as Hauterivian times (c. 129.4-132.9 +/- 1 Ma) from Spain (and newly reported here from Switzerland), or it may have arisen from a graticulacean alga such as Graticula, dating from mid-Silurian times (c. 427-435 Ma). Current data also suggest that Heydrichia is more likely to have arrived in Brazil from Central Atlantic waters than from higher latitude South Atlantic waters. This implies that currently living species in southern Africa probably arose later from ancestors further equatorward in the South Atlantic, although confirming studies are needed. All non-fossil species of Heydrichia are known only from the southern hemisphere.


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A etologia é um ramo da zoologia que estuda o comportamento animal, que em linhas gerais, trata-se da reação do animal a estímulos tanto internos como externos. Esse comportamento pode ser oriundo de um padrão pré-estabelecido na espécie, sendo inato, classificado como um “padrão fixo de ação” (P.F.A.) ou pode ser um conjunto de respostas adquiridas. Nesse caso, trata-se de um comportamento aprendido ao longo da vida do animal, por conta própria ou transmitido de indivíduo para indivíduo, diante das experiências e interações com o ambiente. Uma das definições consiste na mudança adaptativa do comportamento manifestada após experiências adquiridas. Existem várias formas pelas quais os animais podem aprender, como por exemplo, imitação, “insight”, tentativa de acerto e erro. Diante do exposto, o trabalho focará na aprendizagem do grupo de primatas classificado como os grandes símios: Orangotangos, Gorilas, Chipanzés e Bonobos. O objetivo é fazer um levantamento dos tipos de estudo existentes que buscaram ampliar o conhecimento acerca desse tipo de comportamento dos grandes símios: aprendizagem. Abordadas algumas ferramentas e a forma como são utilizadas. Será feito também um breve relato sobre a possível existência de cultura entre os grandes símios, além de aplicações atuais e práticas dos conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo dos anos


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Biofuels and their blends with fossil fuel are important energy resources, which production and application have been largely increased internationally. This study focus on the development of a correlation between apparent activation energy (Ea) and NOx emission of the thermal decomposition of three pure fuels: farnasane (renewable diesel from sugar cane), biodiesel and fossil diesel and their blends. Apparent Activation energy was determined by using thermogravimetry and Model-Free Kinetics. NOx emission was obtained from the European Stationary Cycle (ESC) with OM 926LA CONAMA P7/Euro 5 engine. Results showed that there is a linear correlation between apparent activation energy and NOx emission with R2 of 0,9667 considering pure fuels and their blends which is given as: NOx = 2,2514Ea - 96,309. The average absolute error of this correlation is 2.96% with respect to the measured NOx value. The main advantage of this correlation is its capability to predict NOx emission when either a new pure fuel or a blend of fuels is proposed to use in enginees.


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Three new centric diatom species assigned to a new genus are described from Miocene lacustrine deposits of Idaho. Species of the new genus, Mesodictyon, have the areola cribrum in the middle of the loculus, strutted processes and radiating, non-fasciculated striae. The strutted processes of M. magnum (diameter 60-150 μm) have long (2-3 μm) tubular extensions. The strutted processes of M. fovis (diameter 14-80 μm) are in distinct pits near the junction of the face and mantle. The valve face of M. undulatum (diameter 10-44 μm) is weakly tangentially undulate. Preliminary evidence indicates that Mesodictyon has a wide geographic distribution and may be a useful biostratigraphic marker.


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The limestones of ltaborai Basin (Middle Paleocene), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, harbor a rich fossil fauna of pulmonate snails. Here two new pulmonate species are described: Brasilennea guttula sp. nov. (Cerionidae) and Eoborus rotundus sp. nov. (Strophocheilidae). B. guttula is the third species of its genus endemic from Itaborai, characterized mainly by its conspicuous shell shaped like a "water drop", with an acuminated spire. E. rotundus is the second of its genus from ltaborai, characterized mainly by its rounded outline and its relative small size. Moreover, a record of Plagiodontes aff. dental us (WOOD 1828) (Orthalicidae) is presented here for the first time for Itaborai Basin.


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Fossils of the gastropods Diodora patagonica, Zidona dufresnei, Olivancillaria carcellesi, Lamniconus lemniscatus carcellesi and the bivalve Arcinella brasiliana are registered for the first time from the outcrops of Chui Creek, on the coastal plain of Rio Grande do Sul State, southernmost Brazil, together with other taxa previously known elsewhere. The specimens were collected in a shallow Pleistocene marine facies exposed at the base of the banks of the creek, in a fossil concentration possibly formed by storm events. The taxa described here live in shallow environments (with the exception of A. brasiliana and Z. dufresnei) with sandy bottoms (except for D. patagonica, T patagonica, B. odites, C. rhizophorae and A. brasiliana). The presence of L. lemniscatus carcellesi, found living today only in Uruguay and Argentina, indicates a wider distribution for this taxon during the late Pleistocene.


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Genes involved in host-pathogen interactions are often strongly affected by positive natural selection. The Duffy antigen, coded by the Duffy antigen receptor for chemokines (DARC) gene, serves as a receptor for Plasmodium vivax in humans and for Plasmodium knowlesi in some nonhuman primates. In the majority of sub-Saharan Africans, a nucleic acid variant in GATA-1 of the gene promoter is responsible for the nonexpression of the Duffy antigen on red blood cells and consequently resistance to invasion by P. vivax. The Duffy antigen also acts as a receptor for chemokines and is expressed in red blood cells and many other tissues of the body. Because of this dual role, we sequenced a 3,000-bp region encompassing the entire DARC gene as well as part of its 5' and 3' flanking regions in a phylogenetic sample of primates and used statistical methods to evaluate the nature of selection pressures acting on the gene during its evolution. We analyzed both coding and regulatory regions of the DARC gene. The regulatory analysis showed accelerated rates of substitution at several sites near known motifs. Our tests of positive selection in the coding region using maximum likelihood by branch sites and maximum likelihood by codon sites did not yield statistically significant evidence for the action of positive selection. However, the maximum likelihood test in which the gene was subdivided into different structural regions showed that the known binding region for P. vivax/P. knowlesi is under very different selective pressures than the remainder of the gene. In fact, most of the gene appears to be under strong purifying selection, but this is not evident in the binding region. We suggest that the binding region is under the influence of two opposing selective pressures, positive selection possibly exerted by the parasite and purifying selection exerted by chemokines.


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Background: Canova activates macrophages and indirectly induces lymphocyte proliferation. Here we evaluated the effects of Canova in cyclophosphamide-treated non-human primates. Methods: Twelve Cebus apella were evaluated. Four animals were treated with Canova only. Eight animals were treated with two doses of cyclophosphamide (50 mg/kg) and four of these animals received Canova. Body weight, biochemistry and hematologic analyses were performed for 40 days. Micronucleus and comet assays were performed for the evaluation of DNA damage. Results: We observed that cyclophosphamide induced abnormal WBC count in all animals. However, the group treated with cyclophosphamide plus Canova presented a higher leukocyte count than that which received only cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide induced micronucleus and DNA damage in all animals. The frequency of these alterations was significantly lower in the Canova group than in the group without this medicine. Conclusions: Our results demonstrated that Canova treatment minimizes cyclophosphamide myelotoxicity in C. apella. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: We describe the first occurrence in the fossil record of an aquatic avian twig-nest with five eggs in situ (Early Miocene Tudela Formation, Ebro Basin, Spain). Extensive outcrops of this formation reveal autochthonous avian osteological and oological fossils that represent a single taxon identified as a basal phoenicopterid. Although the eggshell structure is definitively phoenicopterid, the characteristics of both the nest and the eggs are similar to those of modern grebes. These observations allow us to address the origin of the disparities between the sister taxa Podicipedidae and Phoenicopteridae crown clades, and traces the evolution of the nesting and reproductive environments for phoenicopteriforms. Methodology/Principal Findings: Multi-disciplinary analyses performed on fossilized vegetation and eggshells from the eggs in the nest and its embedding sediments indicate that this new phoenicopterid thrived under a semi-arid climate in an oligohaline (seasonally mesohaline) shallow endorheic lacustine environment. High-end microcharacterizations including SEM, TEM, and EBSD techniques were pivotal to identifying these phoenicopterid eggshells. Anatomical comparisons of the fossil bones with those of Phoenicopteriformes and Podicipediformes crown clades and extinct palaelodids confirm that this avian fossil assemblage belongs to a new and basal phoenicopterid. Conclusions/Significance: Although the Podicipediformes-Phoenicopteriformes sister group relationship is now well supported, flamingos and grebes exhibit feeding, reproductive, and nesting strategies that diverge significantly. Our multi-disciplinary study is the first to reveal that the phoenicopteriform reproductive behaviour, nesting ecology and nest characteristics derived from grebe-like type strategies to reach the extremely specialized conditions observed in modern flamingo crown groups. Furthermore, our study enables us to map ecological and reproductive characters on the Phoenicopteriformes evolutionary lineage. Our results demonstrate that the nesting paleoenvironments of flamingos were closely linked to the unique ecology of this locality, which is a direct result of special climatic (high evaporitic regime) and geological (fault system) conditions.


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We report the discovery of 12 new fossil groups (FGs) of galaxies, systems dominated by a single giant elliptical galaxy and cluster-scale gravitational potential, but lacking the population of bright galaxies typically seen in galaxy clusters. These FGs, selected from the maxBCG optical cluster catalog, were detected in snapshot observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detail the highly successful selection method, with an 80% success rate in identifying 12 FGs from our target sample of 15 candidates. For 11 of the systems, we determine the X-ray luminosity, temperature, and hydrostatic mass, which do not deviate significantly from expectations for normal systems, spanning a range typical of rich groups and poor clusters of galaxies. A small number of detected FGs are morphologically irregular, possibly due to past mergers, interaction of the intra-group medium with a central active galactic nucleus (AGN), or superposition of multiple massive halos. Two-thirds of the X-ray-detected FGs exhibit X-ray emission associated with the central brightest cluster galaxy (BCG), although we are unable to distinguish between AGN and extended thermal galaxy emission using the current data. This sample representing a large increase in the number of known FGs, will be invaluable for future planned observations to determine FG temperature, gas density, metal abundance, and mass distributions, and to compare to normal (non-fossil) systems. Finally, the presence of a population of galaxy-poor systems may bias mass function determinations that measure richness from galaxy counts. When used to constrain power spectrum normalization and Omega(m), these biased mass functions may in turn bias these results.