329 resultados para Primata Cebus apella
As neoplasias mamárias são raras em primatas não humanos, enquanto que nas mulheres apresentam alta incidência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a ocorrência e os resultados do tratamento de um Cebus sp. (fam. Cebidae) fêmea, com carcinoma mamário pouco diferenciado encaminhado ao Serviço de Atendimento de Animais Selvagens da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste. À inspeção o animal apresentava aumento de volume em região mamária direita e ao exame radiográfico foram observados três pontos de radiopacidade, característicos de projétil balístico de arma de pressão, com um deles alojado ao centro da massa de tecido mamário Após estabilização, a paciente foi submetida à exérese cirúrgica de aumento de volume e o material foi encaminhado para análise histopatológica. O diagnóstico obtido foi de carcinoma de alto grau, compatível com carcinoma adenoescamoso. Após a retirada dos pontos a paciente foi encaminhada ao convívio de outros animais. Mais de 20 meses após a terapia cirúrgica não há sinais de recidiva. A paciente alimenta-se bem, convive normalmente com o grupo, sugerindo que a terapia adotada foi eficiente até o momento em alcançar qualidade de vida e aumento de sobrevida do animal.
O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar uma técnica de vasectomia laparoscópica em macacos-prego (Cebus nigritus). Para tanto, foram utilizados oito animais submetidos à anestesia geral inalatória. Foram introduzidos três portais (dois de 5mm e um de 10mm) na parede abdominal ventral. Os ductos deferentes foram isolados, cauterizados com energia bipolar e seccionados próximo ao anel inguinal interno. Os procedimentos duraram 30,67+8,78 min. sem a ocorrência de complicações trans ou pós-operatórias o que permite concluir que a técnica proposta é adequada para essa espécie.
Este estudo descreve a primeira investigação de anticorpos para arbovírus em primatas não humanos do Novo Mundo no nordeste brasileiro. No período de março de 2008 a setembro de 2010 foram colhidos soros sanguíneos de 31 macacos-prego-galegos (Cebus flavius) de vida livre na Paraíba e de 100 macacos-prego (Cebus libidinosus) em cativeiro nos estados de Alagoas, Paraíba, Pernambuco, Piauí e Rio Grande do Norte. Para a pesquisa de anticorpos utilizou-se o teste de inibição da hemaglutinação (IH), usando antígenos de 19 diferentes tipos de arbovírus, pertencentes aos gêneros Flavivirus,Alphavirus e Bunyavirus. As amostras de soro foram testadas nas diluições de 1:20 a 1:1280. Dentre as amostras examinadas, todas as de C. flavius foram negativas e 46% das de C. libidinosus em cativeiro apresentaram anticorpos para arbovírus. Foram detectados anticorpos para nove (9/19) arbovírus. Foram observadas 17 reações heterotípicas, para dois ou mais vírus, do gênero Flavivirus, e 15 para o gênero Alphavirus, com títulos variando de 1:20 a 1:1280. Quinze amostras apresentaram reação monotípica para ILHV (n=4), MAYV (n=6), SLEV (n=1), ROCV (n=2), OROV (n=1) e MUCV (n=1). Estes resultados sugerem que houve intensa circulação de arbovírus na população estudada de macacos-prego em cativeiro.
Circadian rhythms generated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) are modulated by photic and non-photic stimuli. In rodents, direct photic stimuli reach the SCN mainly through the retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), whereas indirect photic stimuli are mainly conveyed by the geniculohypothalamic tract (GHT). In rodents, retinal cells form a pathway that reaches the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) where they establish synapses with neurons that express neuropeptide Y (NPY), hence forming the GHT projecting to the SCN. In contrast to the RHT, which has been well described in primates, data regarding the presence or absence of the IGL and GHT in primates are contradictory. Some studies have suggested that an area of the pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) of primates might be homologous to the IGL of rodents, but additional anatomical and functional studies on primate species are necessary to confirm this hypothesis. Therefore, this study investigated the main histochemical characteristics of the PGN and the possible existence of the GHT in the SCN of the primate Cebus, comparing the distribution of NPY immunoreactivity, serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactivity and retinal terminal fibers in these two structures. The results show that a collection of cell bodies containing NPY and serotonergic immunoreactivity and retinal innervations are present within a zone that might be homologous to the IGL of rodents. The SCN also receives dense retinal innervations and we observed an atypical distribution of NPY- and 5-HT-immunoreactive fibers without regionalization in the ventral part of the nucleus as described for other species. These data may reflect morphological differences in the structures involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms among species and support the hypothesis that the GHT is present in some higher primates (diurnal animals). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Habitually, capuchin monkeys access encased hard foods by using their canines and premolars and/or by pounding the food on hard surfaces. Instead, the wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) of Boa Vista (Brazil) routinely crack palm fruits with tools. We measured size, weight, structure, and peak-force-at-failure of the four palm fruit species most frequently processed with tools by wild capuchin monkeys living in Boa Vista. Moreover, for each nut species we identify whether peak-force-at-failure was consistently associated with greater weight/volume, endocarp, thickness, and structural complexity. The goals of this study were (a) to investigate whether these palm fruits are difficult, or impossible, to access other than with tools and (b) to collect data on the physical properties of palm fruits that are comparable to those available for the nuts cracked open with tools by wild chimpanzees. Results showed that the four nut species differ in terms of peak-force-at-failure and that peak-force-at-failure is positively associated with greater weight (and consequently volume) and apparently with structural complexity (i.e. more kernels and thus more partitions); finally for three out of four nut species shell thickness is also positively associated with greater volume. The finding that the nuts exploited by capuchins with tools have very high resistance values support the idea that tool use is indeed mandatory to crack them open. Finally, the peak-force-at-failure of the piassava nuts is similar to that reported for the very tough panda nuts cracked open by wild chimpanzees; this highlights the ecological importance of tool use for exploiting high resistance foods in this capuchin species.
A falta de informações sobre a distribuição e status do macaco-prego (Cebus nigritus) no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, Brasil, dificulta os trabalhos de conservação da espécie. Estudos sobre as relações das populações humanas locais com os animais silvestres são raros, porém interessantes, pois através destes estudos torna-se possível reconhecer o conhecimento e as atitudes dessas populações frente a estes animais. O presente estudo visa contribuir com informações sobre a distribuição de C. nigritus e o conhecimento ecológico local sobre a mastofauna na região do Parque Estadual de Itapeva (PEVA) e arredores, Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina, Brasil. De junho de 2004 a fevereiro de 2006, foram realizadas entrevistas e coletados relatos da população residente no entorno de 36 fragmentos, os quais indicaram: a) presença de C. nigritus em 20 fragmentos; b) ausência do mesmo em 16; c) captura, caça e suplementação alimentar como principais atividades humanas afetando a espécie. De outubro de 2004 a fevereiro de 2006, foram realizadas expedições a campo, nas quais a presença da espécie foi confirmada em 13 fragmentos e o fornecimento de alimentação de origem antrópica foi registrado em dois destes. A interação de C. nigritus com cultivos foi citada por moradores para sete fragmentos, porém não se obteve o registro da mesma em nenhum deles. Oito métricas relacionadas à área, forma, isolamento e matriz dos 36 fragmentos foram analisadas. Para três dessas métricas (área, índice da forma e índice de proximidade) a diferença entre fragmentos onde a espécie está presente e fragmentos onde está ausente foi significativa. A análise multivariada das oito medidas também apresentou diferença significativa entre esses dois grupos de fragmentos. A dinâmica de sobrevivência de C. nigritus na região estudada é complexa e provavelmente a manutenção de suas populações seja dependente do conjunto de fragmentos na paisagem, sendo possível que as mesmas constituam uma metapopulação. Através de visitas a instituições mantenedoras de C. nigritus em cativeiro no Rio Grande do Sul e de informações obtidas através de instrumentos de mídia popular e de divulgação científica, foi realizado um levantamento sobre: a) condições oferecidas em cativeiro; b) ações, em nivel regional, de apreensão e soltura por órgãos de fiscalização ambiental. As principais deficiências nas condições de cativeiro foram a dieta oferecida, a superlotação e a falta de enriquecimento ambiental nos recintos. Parece comum a relocação, sem planejamento e monitoramento, por instituições mantenedoras e órgãos de fiscalização ambiental. Com relação ao conhecimento da população local sobre a mastofauna da região do PEVA e arredores, os resultados revelaram que a comunidade analisada sabe reconhecer as espécies que compunham e/ou ainda compõem a mastofauna local e possui alguns conhecimentos a respeito da biologia geral destes animais. Ainda, as entrevistas e relatos demonstraram que a situação de ocorrência e abundância dessas espécies, no passado e no presente, está relacionada à: pressão de caça, pressão de captura, destruição do habitat e construção da rodovia RS-389. Assim sendo, atividades cruciais para um programa de conservação das populações remanescentes da fauna silvestre incluem: a) o desenvolvimento de ações de educação ambiental na região do PEVA e arredores; b) a revisão do status regional de conservação de C. nigritus; c) a criação e manutenção de unidades de conservação e corredores ecológicos; d) a inibição eficaz do comércio ilegal de animais silvestres; e) a capacitação dos agentes fiscalizadores dos órgãos ambientais para a realização adequada de relocações. Ainda, ressalta-se a importância de considerar os conhecimentos da população humana local no planejamento de ações conservacionistas como passo fundamental para que estas obtenham sucesso.
The objective of this study was to describe the behavior of Cebus nigritus kept in captivity. The work, carried out during the month of March 2008 at "Dr. Belrio Guimaraes Brandao" County Zoo in GarYa- SP and Monte Alegre Farm Ecological Park in Telemaco Borba- PR, included 48 hours of observations, divided equally in four daytime periods. The behavioral catalogue used was constituted of different categories such as: foraging, feeding, locomotion, rest, social interaction, physical care, alertness, manipulation of things, reproductive behavior and stereotyped behavior. Animals showed activities of foraging, feeding, and locomotion and social interaction in low percentages in the two morning periods; however, their frequencies increased in the afternoon. Other activities like physical care, alertness and stereotyped behavior appeared mainly in the two morning periods, but were reduced in the afternoon. The rest category was more evident early morning and late afternoon. Since the stereotypical behavior presented high percentages, this study recommends that the number of individuals be diversiied in the social organization of the groups and that environment enriching activities be developed in captivity, creating situations similar to the animal's natural habitat.
The circadian system consists of multiple oscillators organized hierarchically, with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as the master oscillator to mammalians. There are lots of evidences that each SCN cell is an oscillator and that entrainment depends upon coupling degree between them. Knowledge of the mechanism of coupling between the SCN cells is essential for understanding entrainment and expression of circadian rhythms, and thus promote the development of new treatments for circadian rhythmicity disorders, which may cause various diseases. Some authors suggest that the dissociation model of circadian rhythm activity of rats under T22, period near the limit of synchronization, is a good model to induce internal desynchronization, and in this way, enhance knowledge about the coupling mechanism. So, in order to evaluate the pattern of the motor activity circadian rhythm of marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, in light-dark cycles at the lower limit of entrainment, two experiments were conducted: 1) 6 adult females were submitted to the LD symmetric cycles T21, T22 and T21.5 for 60, 35 and 48 days, respectively; 2) 4 male and 4 female adults were subjected to T21 for 24 days followed by 18 days of LL, and then back to T21 for 24 days followed by 14 days of LL. Vocalizations of all animals and motor activity of each one of them were continuously recorded throughout the experiments, but the vocalizations were recorded only in Experiment 1. Under the Ts shorter than 24 h, two simultaneous circadian components appeared in motor activity, one with the same period of LD cycle, named light-entrained component, and the other in free-running, named non-light-entrained component. Both components were displayed for all the animals in T21, five animals (83.3%) in T21.5 and two animals (33.3%) in T22. For vocalizations both components were observed under the three Ts. Due to the different characteristics of these components we suggest that dissociation is result of partial synchronization to the LD cycle, wherein at least one group oscillator is synchronized to the LD by relative coordination and masking processes, while at least another group of oscillators is in free-running, but also under the influence of masking by the LD. As the T21 h was the only cycle able to promote the emergence of both circadian components in circadian rhythms of all Callithrix jacchus, this was then considered the lower entrainment limit of LD cycle promoter of dissociation in circadian rhythmicity of this species, and then suggested as a non-human primate model for forced desynchronization
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
Recently, capuchin monkeys (Cebus spp.) inhabitants of dry environments and with restriction of fleshy fruits, have been the subject of several studies regarding the use of instruments. During behaviour of using stones to crack open nuts there is evidence of selection of more effective hammers, as well as selection of anvils related to reducing the risk of predation. The aim of this study was to determine whether two groups of capuchin monkeys (C.flavius and and C.libidinosus) inhabitants of the Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte make choice of hammers and anvils. The record of weight and location of stones indicated active choices of with what (choice of hammers) and where (selection of anvils) to crack open encapsulated seeds. The choice of hammers to break nuts depended on the type and degree of ripeness seed. Thus, smaller seeds were smashed with lighter hammers and larger seeds with heavier hammers. Still, C. flavius was the only species that presented a refinement in the choice of hammers that depended on the ripeness of seeds. For both species of capuchin monkeys studied, the nut-crack sites were not spread in accordance with the spatial distribution of seed-producing species, suggesting that the capuchin monkeys promote active choice of anvils. Thus, in environments with more escape routes through the trees, the nut-crack sites were found further apart than in regions that had less chance of escape through the trees. Also, there was a difference in the spacing of the anvils to depend on the type of seed: sites used to crack larger and more caloric seeds were found farther apart than the sites used to crack smaller and less caloric seeds, suggesting a pattern of avoiding direct competition. We conclude that the capuchin monkeys maximize energy savings and reduced risk of predation and the costs of food competition during the behaviour of using stones to crack open nuts
One of the main environmental cues for the adjustment of temporal organization of the animals is the light-dark cycle (LD), which undergoes changes in phase duration throughout the seasons. Photoperiod signaling by melatonin in mammals allows behavioral changes along the year, as in the activity-rest cycle, in mood states and in cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to investigate if common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits behavioral changes under short and long photoperiods in a 24h cycle, assessing their individual behaviors, vocal repertoire, exploratory activity (EA), recognition memory (RM) and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (CRA). Eight adult marmosets were exposed to a light-dark cycle of 12:12; LD 08:16; LD 12:12 and LD 16:08, sequentially, for four weeks in each condition. Locomotor activity was recorded 24h/day by passive infrared motion detectors above the individual cages. A video camera system was programmed to record each animal, twice a week, on the first two light hours. From the videos, frequency of behaviors was registered as anxiety-like, grooming, alert, hanging position, staying in nest box and feeding using continuous focal animal sampling method. Simultaneously, the calls emitted in the experimental room were recorded by a single microphone centrally located and categorized as affiliative (whirr, chirp), contact (phee), long distance (loud shrill), agonistic (twitter) and alarm (tsik, seep, see). EA was assessed on the third hour after lights onset on the last week of each condition. In a first session, marmosets were exposed to one unfamiliar object during 15 min and 24h later, on the second session, a novel object was added to evaluate RM. Results showed that long days caused a decreased of amplitude and period variance of the CRA, but not short days. Short days decreased the total daily activity and active phase duration. On long days, active phase duration increased due to an advance of activity onset in relation to symmetric days. However, not all subjects started the activity earlier on long days. The activity offset was similar to symmetric days for the majority of marmosets. Results of EA showed that RM was not affected by short or long days, and that the marmosets exhibited a decreased in duration of EA on long days. Frequency and type of calls and frequency of anxiety-like behaviors, staying in nest box and grooming were lower on the first two light hours on long days. Considering the whole active phase of marmosets as we elucidate the results of vocalizations and behaviors, it is possible that these changes in the first two light hours are due to the shifting of temporal distribution of marmoset activities, since some animals did not advance the activity onset on long days. Consequently, the marmosets mean decreased because the sampling was not possible. In conclusion, marmosets synchronized the CRA to the tested photoperiods and as the phase angle varied a lot among marmosets it is suggested that they can use different strategies. Also, long days had an effect on activity-rest cycle and exploratory behaviors
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)