953 resultados para Pott, Mal de.
This research aimed to identify and analyze the impact of stressful events associated with the school administrators in teacher malaise. 29 managers participated in his capacity as directors or deputy directors of the municipal system, the interior of São Paulo, with responses to the Inventory IMPIL (Evaluación Psicológica Del Estrés por InestabilidadLaboral - FIGUEROA; SCHUFER, 2006). The results indicate the presence of stressors in all areas assessed at different rates. The highest ranking stressors were concerns with health, emotional Diseases and economic concerns. The degree of discomfort tends to increase with age, but since the entry into this function. The extensive powers of management, indicate the occurrence of different degrees of impact between the groups, demonstrating that subjectivity needs to be considered for proposing improvements in working conditions and health organizations. Social changes, the demands of educational reforms and lack of recognition of the profession were associated with teacher malaise.
O ensaio procura apontar as linhas de força que compõem o caráter dramático do narrador em Angústia. Estuda, para tanto, o movimento circular da escrita, cuja forma embaralha tempos e espaços de modo a sugerir o desconcerto. Como resultado parcial, centra-se, em termos de análise, nos primeiros fragmentos do romance a fim de compreender o refluxo das imagens que perfazem o enredo.
O presente artigo parte da releitura de Barthes de Guerra e paz, de Tolstoi, para entender alguns movimentos de escritura presentes nos manuscritos de seu romance "Vita Nova". Para isso, procuramos encontrar um elemento no livro de Tolstoi que ele pretendia desenvolver em seu romance: o combate do Bem e do Mal, questão desenvolvida no último texto escrito por Barthes antes de morrer.
Pott's puffy tumor (PPT) is a frontal subperiosteal abscess associated with underlying frontal bone osteomyelitis. It represents a well-known source of sinogenic intracranial infection, but the orbital complications related to this entity are rarely reported. The goal of this study was to characterize the orbital involvement in PPT.
Am Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme (IFL) wurde zur Unterstützung und Entlastung der behinderten und nicht behinderten Mitarbeiter der Ostalb-Werkstätten der Samariterstiftung eine Apparatur zur Verpackung von Schokoladenriegeln entwickelt. Grundlage des „Schmatzomaten“ sind dabei rein mechanische Prinzipien, die den Durchsatz der verpackten Schokoladenriegel (des „Schmatz“) erhöhen, gleichzeitig aber auch zu einer Erleichterung des Gesamtprozess führen.
Iscrizioni inedita o mal note, grache, latine, ebraiche, di antichi sepolcri giudaioi del Napolitano
ed. ed ill. da G. I. Ascoli.
[Jakob Maarssen]
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Satirische Kommentierung der Huldigung des Reichsverwesers Johann durch die Berliner Bürgerwehr und die Bevölkerung (8. August 1848) in Form einer Strafpredigt der Madame Bullrich an ihren Gatten Ludwig