974 resultados para Post-operative Complications
Introduction: This study reviews the cases of stapedotomy and evaluates its effectiveness at improving hearing loss in patients with otosclerosis. Materials and methods: Retrospective review of patients’ records who had clinical and audiometric diagnosis of otosclerosis from January to December 2012. Results: A total of 54 stapedotomy surgeries (52 unilateral and 1 bilateral surgeries) were received. Average post-operative ABG for 0.5, 1, 2 and 4 KHz showed that 61.1% had complete closure of ABG (ABG < 10 dB) compared with 1.6% preoperatively and 85.2% had closure of ABG to within 20dB compared with 4.7% preoperatively (t – 13.89, p = 0.000). More than 94% had hearing improvement and 81.5% had ABG closure greater than 10 dB postoperatively (mean gain 23.38 ± 12.37, t = 13.89, p = 0.000). A total of 13% complications were recorded with TM perforation (5.6%) being the commonest complication. Conclusion: Stapedotomy is an effective surgical procedure for the treatment of otosclerosis which leads to improvement in patients’ quality of life. A favorable hearing outcome can be obtained by the combination of experienced hands with minimal surgical trauma and appropriate surgical technique.
Context:Most child population is able to undergo dental treatment in the conventional setting. However, some children fail to cope with in-office conscious state and cannot respond to usual management modalities. This review aims to discuss the topic further. Evidence Acquisition: A computerized search in databases PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar and Google were performed using dental general anesthesia related keywords. Original and review English-written articles that were limited to child population were retrieved without any limitation of publication date. The suitable papers were selected and carefully studied. A data form designed by author was used to write relevant findings. Results: Preoperative oral examination and comprehensive evaluation of treatment needs is only possible after clinical and radiographic oral examination. Effective collaboration in dental GA team should be made to minimize psychological trauma of children who undergo dental GA. Before conducting comprehensive dental treatment under GA, the general health of the child and the success rate of procedures provided needs to be accurately evaluated. It is noteworthy that determination of the optimal timing for GA dental operation is of great importance. Providing safety with pediatric dental rehabilitation under GA is critical. Conclusions: Besides criteria for case selection of dental GA, some degree of dental practitioner’s judgment is required to make decision. Pre- and post-operative instructions to parents or caregiver decrease the risk of complications. However, trained resuscitation providers, careful monitoring and advanced equipment minimize adverse outcomes.
Objetivo. Determinar en un grupo de pacientes llevados a revascularización miocárdica si existió asociación entre la presencia de niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 en las 24 horas del post operatorio y la ocurrencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria. Metodología. Estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles, en donde de manera consecutiva se incluyeron 110 sujetos (57 en el grupo de casos con presencia de fibrilación auricular post operatoria y 54 en el grupo de controles sin evidencia de fibrilación auricular) estos sujetos fueron llevados a revascularización miocárdica en la Fundación Cardioinfantil en los años 2010 a 2015. Resultados. Hubo 13 casos de fibrilación auricular post operatoria en pacientes con niveles de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio OR: 0,5, IC (0,2-1,2) p: 0,1. Sin determinarse asociación por limitaciones del estudio, sin embargo un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron niveles de calcio inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l en las primeras 24 horas del post operatorio, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan por separado los valores de calcio obtenidos a las 12 horas. Conclusiones. Aunque no se logró determinar asociación entre la fibrilación auricular post operatoria y las concentraciones de calcio iónico, de manera exploratoria se pudo establecer que un 29% de los pacientes con fibrilación auricular tuvieron concentraciones de calcio iónico inferiores a 1,1 mmol/l, este valor aumenta a 31% cuando se analizan los niveles de calcio iónico por separado.
Introduction: Surgical outcomes after biological therapy have not been investigated yet and no information about timing, postoperative complications and survival have been recorded. Methods: This is a prospective study which compares a group of stage IIIA and IIIB NSCLC patients treated with biological therapy with patients undergoing standard induction chemotherapy. Data reported are preliminary results on the safety and effectiveness of surgery after target therapy. Results: We compared 22 patients treated with standard chemotherapy (Group 1) and 6 patients who received target therapy (Group 2). No differences were observed with an important bias due to the limited number of cases. The median time of resection was 159.8 ± 62.8 for group 1 and 201 ± 57.8 for group 2 (p=0.194). Complete resection was obtained in all Group 1-cases. Post-operative complication rate was 22% vs 16% (p=1). Pathologists reported necrosis >50% in 13% in group 1, Fibrosis >50% was presents respectively in 27% and 33% of patients (p=1). Residual vital tumor was >50% in 77% of patients undergone CT and in 66% of patients undergone TT (p=0.622). A total of 6 (31%) patients in the CT-group developed recurrence, 3 in the TT- group (64.2%), p was 0.634. No difference was observed both in terms of OS (P=0.29, Figure 3) and in term of DFS (P=0.106, Figure 4). Discussion: There is no consensus in the use of target therapy for advanced tumor in association with surgery. EGFR-tyrosine kinase inhibitors showed higher and more rapid response and our study wants to demonstrate that surgery after target therapy gives full access to the advantage of definitive local treatment. In our series, despite fibrosis, radical surgery has been achieved in all patients operated. The intraoperative blood loss, operation time, postoperative hospital stay and postoperative complication rate seems to be similar.
Premessa: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) riduce le complicanze e accorcia il recupero nei pazienti sottoposti a chirurgia per tumore del colon-retto. I pazienti più anziani sono spesso esclusi dai programmi ERAS a causa della difficoltà nell'applicazione dei protocolli stabiliti. Lo scopo dello studio è stato valutare i benefici di ERAS nei pazienti anziani sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva e valutare i risultati a breve termine. Metodi: studio monocentrico osservazionale prospettico condotto da febbraio 2021 a luglio 2022. Sono stati inclusi tutti i pazienti di età ≥ 70 anni sottoposti a chirurgia colorettale elettiva. I risultati e le complicanze postoperatorie dei pazienti trattati secondo il nostro protocollo ERAS sono stati confrontati con un gruppo di pazienti < 70 anni sottoposti a intervento chirurgico per cancro del colon-retto nello stesso periodo. Risultati: abbiamo incluso un totale di 186 pazienti (104 ≥ 70 anni vs. 82 < 70 anni). Un terzo dei pazienti di entrambi i gruppi non ha sviluppato complicanze perioperatorie (65,4% vs. 67,0%, p = 0,880). Ugualmente non sono state osservate differenze nell’incidenza di complicanze di grado I-II (31,7% vs. 28,0%) né digrado III-IV (1,9% vs. 4,9%) secondo Dindo-Clavien tra i due gruppi (p = 0,389). Il tasso di leak anastomotico e il reintervento non sono risultati statisticamente differenti tra i due gruppi: 3,8% vs. 4,9% (p = 0,733) e 1,0% vs. 3,6% (p = 0,322) rispettivamente pazienti ≥ 70 anni vs. < 70 anni. I temi di degenza media sono stati di 5.1±4.3 vs. 4.6±4.2, (p = 0.427), mentre i tassi di riammissione sono rimasti inalterati. La mortalità a 90 giorni è risultata del 2,8% vs. 0% (p = 0,256). Conclusioni: nella nostra esperienza i pazienti ≥ 70 anni affetti da tumore del colon-retto dovrebbero seguire routinariamente un programma ERAS prevedendo gli stessi benefici degli altri gruppi di età.
Introduction: Recently, the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopists proposed a new classification and scoring system with the specific aim to assess surgical complexity. This study sought to assess if a higher AAGL score correlates with an increased risk of peri-operative complications in women submitted to surgery for endometriosis. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study conducted in a third level referral center. We collected data from women with endometriosis submitted to complete surgical removal of endometriosis from January 2019 to December 2021. ENZIAN, r-ASRM classifications and AAGL total score was calculated for each patient. Population was divided in two groups according to the occurrence or not of at least one peri-operative complication. Our primary outcome was to evaluate the correlation between AAGL score and occurrence of complications. Results: During the study period we analyzed data from 282 eligible patients. Among them, 80 (28.4%) experienced peri-operative complications. No statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of baseline characteristics, except for pre-operative hemoglobin (Hb), which was lower in patients with complications (p=0.001). Surgical variables associated with the occurrence of complications were recto-sigmoid surgery (p=0.003), ileocecal resection (0.034), and longer operative time (p=0.007). Furthermore, a higher ENZIAN B score (p=0.006), AAGL score (p=0.045) and stage (p=0.022) were found in the group of patients with complications. The multivariate analysis only confirmed the significant association between the occurrence of peri-operative complications and lower pre-operative Hb level (OR 0.74; 95% CI, 0.59 - 0.94; p=0.014), longer operative time (OR 1.00; 95% CI, 1.00 – 1.01; p=0.013), recto-sigmoid surgery - especially discoid resection (OR 8.73; 95% CI, 2.18 – 35; p=0.016) and ENZIAN B3 (OR 3.62; 95% CI, 1.46 – 8.99; p= 0.006). Conclusion: According to our findings, high AAGL scores or stages do not seem to increase the risk of peri-operative complications.
A cetamina tem demonstrado efeito analgésico em doses subanestésicas, além da manutenção da estabilidade dos parâmetros fisiológicos. O estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios e a analgesia pós-operatória da cetamina administrada por via epidural, por infusão intravenosa contínua ou pela associação de ambas, em cães submetidos à osteossíntese de fêmur. Foram utilizadas 25 cadelas, hígidas, distribuídas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: CEP (2mg kg-1 de cetamina associada à lidocaína 2% via epidural), CIV (lidocaína 2% via epidural e 1mg kg-1 de cetamina IV seguido de infusão contínua IV com 100µg kg min-1 da mesma), CIVEP (2mg kg-1 de cetamina associada à lidocaína 2% via epidural e 1mg kg-1 de cetamina IV, seguido de infusão contínua IV com 100µg kg min-1) e CON (anestesia epidural com lidocaína 2%). Avaliaram-se FC, f, PAS, PAM, PAD, T°C, tempo de bloqueio motor e analgesia pós-operatória por meio de escala analógica visual. Houve elevação da FC no CIV e diminuição desse parâmetro no CEP. As pressões arteriais mantiveram-se dentro dos valores fisiológicos e não foram observadas diferenças na f e T°C. O tempo de duração do bloqueio anestésico foi potencializado nos grupos que receberam cetamina epidural, diferindo significativamente em relação ao controle. O tempo para a analgesia resgate não diferiu entre os grupos. Conclui-se que a administração de cetamina pela via epidural, por infusão contínua intravenosa ou pela associação de ambas promoveu estabilidade cardiorrespiratória no período transcirúrgico, porém não foi capaz de prolongar a duração da analgesia pós-operatória em cães submetidos à osteossíntese de fêmur.
PURPOSE: To evaluate an experimental animal model to study the abdominal tissue activity considering its interaction with a polypropylene mesh, through the use of one of the optical phenomena of light Laser, the biospeckle. METHODS: Fifty Wistar male rats were divided into four groups: Group 1: ten animals not submitted to surgery; Group 2: ten animals submitted to surgery without polypropylene mesh; Group 3: 20 animals submitted to surgery followed by the mesh placement; Group 4: (sham) with ten animals. None of the animals presented post surgical complications being submitted to the optical tests at the 20th postoperative day. RESULTS: The analysis from the biospeckle tests, comparing the medians and standard deviations with T Student test, indicated that no significative difference was observed on the abdominal wall tissue activity in the four groups considered, with and without polypropylene mesh prosthesis implantation. CONCLUSION: The animal model is viable and the biospeckle open ways for a great number of experiments to be developed in evaluating tissue activity.
Os mecanismos biológicos desenvolvidos para aumentar a qualidade da regeneração óssea e da reparação tecidual de sítios periodontais específicos continuam a ser um desafio e têm sido complementado pela capacidade de adesão celular do colágeno do tipo I, promovida por um peptídeo sintético de adesão celular (P-15), associado a uma matriz inorgânica de osso (MIO) para formar MIO/P-15. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a perda do nível clínico de inserção e a resposta da bolsa periodontal em dentes após 3 e 6 meses da aplicação de enxerto com MIO/P-15. Vinte e um cães do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de São Paulo foram anestesiados para realização de tratamento periodontal e 132 faces dentais com perda de nível clínico de inserção foram tratadas, sendo que 36,4% (48 faces) receberam o peptídeo de adesão celular e 63,6% (84 faces) compuseram o grupo controle que recebeu tratamento convencional (retalho muco-gengival e aplainamento radicular). O procedimento foi documentado através de radiografia intra-oral e todas as sondagens de bolsas periodontais foram fotografadas. Depois de 3 e de 6 meses, os animais foram re-anestesiados a fim de se obter novas avaliações, radiografias, fotografias e sondagens periodontais. As 48 faces com perda de nível clínico de inserção que receberam material de enxertia apresentaram taxa de 40% de recuperação do nível clínico de inserção após 6 meses. O grupo controle de faces dentais não apresentou alteração do nível clínico de inserção. A face palatina foi a que apresentou melhor taxa de regeneração (40%) e os dentes caninos e molares mostraram as melhores respostas (57,14% e 65%, respectivamente). Não houve sinais de infecção pós-cirúrgica relacionadas à falta de higienização oral dos animais. Pode-se concluir que o MIO/P-15 auxilia na regeneração e re-aderência das estruturas periodontais, incluindo osso alveolar. Sua aplicação mostrou-se fácil e prática e a incidência de complicações pós-cirúrgicas foi baixa. Ainda assim, mais estudos e pesquisas são necessários para que se avalie a quantidade e a qualidade do osso e do ligamento periodontal formados.
A artrodese rádio-cárpica é procedimento radical usado no tratamento de fraturas e luxações do carpo, com danos à fibrocartilagem palmar e às estruturas ligamentares de sustentação, decorrentes de hiperextensão. Para este estudo foram selecionados 15 cães, submetidos à artrodese rádio-cárpica, entre abril/02 e julho/04. Foram estudados os casos quanto à formação de calo ósseo e às complicações pós-cirúrgicas. A técnica consistiu na ostectomia da superfície articular do rádio, expondo-a e retificando-a. Os subprodutos desta fresagem foram reintroduzidos como enxerto após sua redução em tamanho com rugina. Para a estabilização articular, em todos os casos, foram usadas placas compressivas. Foram realizados exames radiográficos imediatamente à intervenção cirúrgica e em intervalos de 30 dias, até a total fusão articular. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo, com fusão da articulação em até 300 dias de pós-cirúrgico em 80% dos casos estudados, foram semelhantes aos dispostos para as técnicas que utilizam enxertos autólogos esponjosos, sendo que, em 68% dos pacientes, a recuperação se deu sem qualquer complicação significativa. Pequenas complicações, como o aumento de volume, foram observadas em 22% dos casos, não determinando qualquer alteração no resultado final. Tais resultados viabilizam a técnica descrita, demonstrando a exeqüibilidade da utilização dos subprodutos da fresagem do osso subcondral como enxerto em artrodeses de carpo em cães.
The realization of conventional surgical procedures, even using the recommended doses of analgesics drugs, generally are associated with a long recovery period, post-surgical trauma, stress and pain in animals. That can vary according with the procedure, extension and time of the surgery. Considering the increased interest in procedures that minimize surgical stress and the recovery period after the surgical procedure in dogs, this present work was developed to evaluate a new technique of laparoscopic colopexy with the alterations of cortisol levels, heart rate and respiratory frequencies in dogs. For this study, nine female dogs were submitted to a colopexy. Blood samples and data of heart rate and respiratory frequency were sampled in intervals of 10min. from the preoperative period until the end of the procedure. After, these parameters were assessed every three hours for 12 hours. Cortisol levels were measured using an ELISA Kit for cortisol. Results were analyzed by ANOVA and comparisons were made using Tukey's test. Significance levels was set at p <= 0.05. The increase of the heart rate, respiratory frequency and cortisol levels were mainly observed in the period after shaving and after the end of the anesthesia. Values were kept stable during all the surgery, and coming to the basal conditions after nine hours in the post-operative period. The laparoscopic colopexy is a stress-associated surgery, but it produces lower increasing of cortisol levels returning to normal in 9 hours after the surgery.
Treatment of large petroclival meningiomas causing brain stem compression is surgical removal followed by radiotherapy or radiosurgery if the lesion was partially resected. The management of small petroclival meningiomas is, however, controversial. Clinical observation, radiosurgery and surgical removal are the options of treatment. The natural history of these tumours is not well known. Published series of patients treated with radiosurgery are not comparable with surgical series because the latter also includes large size tumours. In this paper we present a series of 18 patients with small petroclival meningiomas (diameter <= 2.8cm) treated with radical surgical removal. Total resection (Simpson`s Grade 1) [43] was possible with minimal morbidity and no mortality. Background. We present a series of small petroclival meningiomas (SPM) treated by radical surgical removal and compare the outcome with other management modalities proposed for these lesions. Methods. Eighteen patients with SPM were surgically treated at our department of neurological surgery. The tumours were classified as small when they had a diameter < 3.0cm. Headaches (n = 12), diplopia (n = 8), facial hypoaesthesia (n = 3) and tinnitus (n = 6) were the most frequent symptoms at presentation. The approaches used were retrosigmoid (n = 14), fronto-orbito-zygomatic (n = 3) and presigmoid (n = 1). The post-operative follow-up ranged from 1 to 110 months (mean 41.8 months). Findings. Radical tumour resection (Simpson`s Grades 1 and 2) was achieved in all patients. There was no major morbidity or mortality related to the surgical procedure. Transient abducent nerve palsy was the only post-operative complication. The pre-operative cranial nerves deficits improved after surgery. Only one patient had persistent diplopia postoperatively. Conclusion. Radical surgical removal of SPM is possible with minimal morbidity and may cure the patient. The effectiveness and outcome of surgery for small petroclival meningiomas should be compared with series treated by radiosurgery.
Recently, mild AKI has been considered as a risk factor for mortality in different scenarios. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the risk factors for two distinct definitions of AKI after elective repair of aortic aneurysms. Logistic regression was carried out to identify independent risk factors for AKI ( defined as >= 25% or >= 50% increase in baseline SCr within 48 h after surgery, AKI 25% and AKI 50%, respectively) and for mortality. Of 77 patients studied ( mean age 68 +/- 10, 83% male), 57% developed AKI 25% and 33.7% AKI 50%. There were no differences between AKI and control groups regarding comorbidities and diameter of aneurysms. However, AKI patients needed a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping more frequently and were more severely ill. Overall in-hospital mortality was 27.3%, which was markedly higher in those requiring a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping. The risk factors for AKI 25% were suprarenal aortic cross-clamping ( odds ratio 5.51, 95% CI 1.05-36.12, p = 0.04) and duration of operation for AKI 25% ( OR 6.67, 95% CI 2.23-19.9, p < 0.001). For AKI 50%, in addition to those factors, post-operative use of vasoactive drugs remained as an independent factor ( OR 6.13, 95% CI 1.64-22.8, p = 0.005). The risk factors associated with mortality were need of supra-renal aortic cross-clamping ( OR 9.6, 95% CI 1.37-67.88, p = 0.02), development of AKI 50% ( OR 8.84, 95% CI 1.31-59.39, p = 0.02), baseline GFR lower than 49 mL/min ( OR 17.07, 95% CI 2.00 145.23, p = 0.009), and serum glucose > 118 mg/dL in the post-operative period ( OR 19.99, 95% CI 2.32-172.28, p = 0.006). An increase of at least 50% in baseline SCr is a common event after surgical repair of aortic aneurysms, particularly when a supra-renal aortic cross-clamping is needed. Along with baseline moderate chronic renal failure, AKI is an independent factor contributing to the high mortality found in this scenario.
Background: Parenteral nutrition (PN) is used to control the nutritional state after severe intestinal resections. Whenever possible, enteral nutrition (EN) is used to promote intestinal rehabilitation and reduce PN dependency. Our aim is to verify whether EN + oral intake (01) in severe short bowel syndrome (SBS) surgical adult patients can maintain adequate nutritional status in the long term. Methods: This longitudinal retrospective study included 10 patients followed for 7 post-operative years. Body mass index (BMI), percentage of involuntary loss of usual body weight (UWL), free fat mass (FFM), and fat mass (FM) composition assessed by bioelectric impedance, and laboratory tests were evaluated at 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and 84 months after surgery. Energy and protein offered in HPN and at long term by HEN+ oral intake (01), was evaluated at the same periods. The statistical model of generalized estimating equations with p <0,05 was used. Results: With long term EN + 01 there was a progressive increase in the UWL, a decrease in BMI, FFM, and FM (p < 0,05). PN weaning was possible in eight patients. Infection due to central venous catheter (CVC) contamination was the most common complication (1.2 episodes CVC/patient/year). There was an increase in energy and protein intake supply provided by HEN+OI (p <0.05). All patients survived for at least 2 years, seven for 5 years and six for 7 years of follow-up. Conclusions: In the long term SBS surgical adult patients fed with HEN+OI couldn`t maintain adequate nutritional status with loss of FM and FFM. (Nutr Hosp. 2011;26:834-842) DOI:10.3305/nh.2011.26.4.5153
Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a genetic disease characterized by multiple adenomatous colorectal polyps and different extracolonic manifestations (ECM). The present work is aimed to analyze the outcome after surgical treatment regarding complications and cancer recurrence. Charts from patients treated between 1977 and 2006 were retrospectively analyzed. Clinical and endoscopic data, results of treatment, pathological reports and information about recurrence were collected. Eighty-eight patients (41 men [46.6%] and 47 women [53.4%]) were assisted. At diagnosis, associated colorectal cancer (CRC) was detected in 53 patients (60.2%), whose average age was higher than those without CRC (40.0 vs. 29.5 years). At colonoscopy, polyposis was classified as attenuated in 12 patients (14.3%). Surgical treatment consisted in total proctocolectomy with ileostomy (PCI, 15 [17.4%]), restorative proctocolectomy (RPC, 27 [31.4%]), total colectomy with ileal-rectum anastomosis (IRA, 42 [48.8%]), palliative segmental resection (1 [1.2%]) and internal bypass (1 [1.2%]). Two patients were not operated on due to religious reasons and advanced disease. Complications occurred in 25 patients (29.0%), more commonly after RPC (48.1%). There was no operative mortality. Local or distant metastases were detected in six (11.3%) patients with CRC treated to cure. During the follow-up of 36 IRA, cancer developed in the rectal cuff in six patients (16.6%), whose average age was higher than in patients without rectal recurrence (45.8 vs. 36.6 years). Five of them have had colonic cancer in the resected specimen. Among the 26 patients followed after RPC, cancer in the ileal pouch developed in 1 (3.8%). (1) Within the present series, FAP patients presented a high incidence of associated CRC and diagnosis was generally established after the third decade of life; (2) operative complications occurred in about one third of the patients, being more frequent after the confection of an ileal reservoir; (3) rectal cancer after IRA was detected in 16.6% of patients and it was associated with greater age and previous colonic carcinoma; (4) both continuous and long-term surveillance of the rectal stump and ileal pouch are necessary during follow-up.