947 resultados para Politics Dominican Republic
El desarrollo de la industria azucarera en la República Dominicana requirió mano de obra para el corte de caña y el trabajo en el ingenio. La dificultad en atraer trabajadores locales resultó en la contratación de obreros de las islas inglesas Anguila, St. Kitts, Antigua, Nevis, Tórtola, etc., donde el masivo desempleo provocado por la industrialización facilitaba el traslado de los isleños hacia las zafras dominicanas. En San Pedro de Macorís, lugar de su asentamiento, se los llamaba despectivamente “cocolos". Esta ponencia intenta estudiar la historia y delineación de estos obreros inmigrantes, su conducta, su idiosincrasia y modo de vida en el ingenio desde la narrativa dominicana del siglo XX. Las obras seleccionadas son un espejo del racismo, del rechazo cultural y de la explotación de los cocolos en el cañaveral. Cabe destacar que las novelas recientes asumen tardíamente una actitud reivindicatoria ante la ausencia de estudios críticos al respecto.
La violencia en todas sus dimensiones ha ocupado tarde o temprano la pluma de los escritores del Caribe y de América Latina, quienes con estilos disímiles y diversas estrategias discursivas encontraron en la labor literaria la libertad expresiva negada, en la mayoría de los casos, por su contexto social. La relativa distancia temporal de estos acontecimientos no significa que los intelectuales de los ’90 hasta el presente hayan dado una vuelta de página a la historia de tales sucesos cuyas consecuencias aún hoy se advierten y padecen. La literatura de Colombia y de la República Dominicana no son una excepción. Señorita del escritor colombiano Gonzalo España (1996) filtra la violencia de los años cincuenta de su país a través de la memoria de un niño, voz narrativa que actúa como un catalizador positivo del pasado. Mudanza de los sentidos de Ángela Hernández (2001) se distingue por la inocente perspectiva de una niña quien, al relatar el mundo de la tiranía de Rafael Leonidas Trujillo en la República Dominicana, cuenta su propia historia. Los distintos ritmos narrativos, el particular lenguaje y las diversas estrategias literarias permitirán analizar la importancia de elegir una perspectiva infantil para relatar los hechos de la violencia. La ruptura con los tradicionales personajes colectivos de las novelas que ficcionalizan hechos y personajes históricos amplía las posibilidades críticas y reflexivas que la expresión literaria ofrece sobre los hechos sociales y sobre el mismo arte de escribir.
Este dossier se inicia con una entrevista de Teresa Basile a Néstor Rodríguez en la cual se abordan diversos conflictos territoriales, lingüísticos y culturales suscitados en la frontera entre Haití y República Dominicana, tanto en la historia de ambos países como en el presente. El artículo de Juan Valdez analiza en el contexto de la frontera domínico-haitiana, las discusiones sobre el valor del español y el kreyòl que ofrecen la oportunidad para examinar en qué modo específico las representaciones lingüísticas intervienen en las luchas políticas donde se construyen las nuevas identidades. En acorde con metodologías y aproximaciones elaboradas por sociólogos del lenguaje y lingüistas-antropólogos, analizo un corpus de textos representativos del discurso metalingüístico y de las relaciones haitiano-dominicanas. Mi análisis de la dimensión lingüística de los conflictos políticos aspira a contribuir a la reflexión crítica en búsqueda de alternativas a las miradas conflictivas, y a motivar el diálogo intercultural y la convivencia de grupos diversos
Este dossier se inicia con una entrevista de Teresa Basile a Néstor Rodríguez en la cual se abordan diversos conflictos territoriales, lingüísticos y culturales suscitados en la frontera entre Haití y República Dominicana, tanto en la historia de ambos países como en el presente. El artículo de Juan Valdez analiza en el contexto de la frontera domínico-haitiana, las discusiones sobre el valor del español y el kreyòl que ofrecen la oportunidad para examinar en qué modo específico las representaciones lingüísticas intervienen en las luchas políticas donde se construyen las nuevas identidades. En acorde con metodologías y aproximaciones elaboradas por sociólogos del lenguaje y lingüistas-antropólogos, analizo un corpus de textos representativos del discurso metalingüístico y de las relaciones haitiano-dominicanas. Mi análisis de la dimensión lingüística de los conflictos políticos aspira a contribuir a la reflexión crítica en búsqueda de alternativas a las miradas conflictivas, y a motivar el diálogo intercultural y la convivencia de grupos diversos
The thick oceanic crust of the Caribbean plate appears to be the tectonized remnant of an eastern Pacific oceanic plateau that has been inserted between North and South America. The emplacement of the plateau into its present position has resulted in the obduction and exposure of its margins, providing an opportunity to study the age relations, internal structure and compositional features of the plateau. We present the results of 40Ar-39Ar radiometric dating, major-, trace-element, and isotopic compositions of basalts from some of the exposed sections as well as drill core basalt samples from Leg 15 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Five widely spaced, margin sections yielded ages ranging from 91 to 88 Ma. Less well-constrained radiometric ages from the drill cores, combined with the biostratigraphic age of surrounding sediments indicate a minimum crystallization age of ~90 Ma in the Venezuelan Basin. The synchroneity of ages across the region is consistent with a flood basalt origin for the bulk of the Caribbean plateau i.e., large volume, rapidly erupted, regionally extensive volcanism.. The ages and compositions are also consistent with plate reconstructions that place the Caribbean plateau in the vicinity of the Galápagos hotspot at its inception. The trace-element and isotopic compositions of the ~90 Ma rocks indicate a depleted mantle and an enriched, plume-like mantle were involved in melting to varying degrees across the plateau. Within the same region, a volumetrically secondary, but widespread magmatic event occurred at 76 Ma, as is evident in Curacao, western Colombia, Haiti, and at DSDP Site 152/ODP Site 1001 near the Hess Escarpment. Limited trace-element data indicate that this phase of magmatism was generally more depleted than the first. We speculate that magmatism may have resulted from upwelling of mantle, still hot from the 90 Ma event, during lithospheric extension attending gravitational collapse of the plateau, andror tectonic emplacement of the plateau between North and South America. Still younger volcanics are found in the Dominican Republic (69 Ma) and the Quepos Peninsula of Costa Rica (63 Ma). The latter occurrence conceivably formed over the Galápagos hotspot and subsequently accreted to the western edge of the plateau during subduction of the Farallon plate.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
This paper gives a global summary of the number of constitutions and the number of articles in each constitution for many representative countries around the world. Several works have already been written comparing different legal systems and different constitutional traditions around the world; the purpose of this paper is just to compare the numbers of constitutions and articles in the diverse regions of the world, namely: North America, Latin America, Europe, Oceania, Middle East, Asia and Africa. Around the world, on average, Latin America has had the most convoluted constitutional history. The Dominican Republic has had a total of 32 constitutions, the largest number of constitutions of any country, since its independence in 1844. Three other countries have also had 20 or more constitutions throughout their history, all of them in Latin America: Venezuela (26), Haiti (24) and Ecuador (20). On the other hand, there are economies and societies that do not even have codified constitutions, like the United Kingdom in Europe, Hong Kong in Asia and New Zealand in Oceania. The United States has had only one constitution, even if it has been amended several times. There are also the special cases of Israel and Saudi Arabia, both in the Middle East, that do not have official written constitutions for historical and religious reasons. Comparative constitutional numbers and history help explain several things about the stability of political systems, but not necessarily about their quality.
An evaluation of the seismic hazard in La Hispaniola Island has been carried out, as part of the cooperative project SISMO-HAITI, supported by the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and developed by several Spanish Universities, the National Observatory of Environment and Vulnerability) ONEV of Haiti, and with contributions from the Puerto Rico Seismic Network (PRSN) and University Seismological Institute of Dominican Republic (ISU). The study was aimed at obtaining results suitable for seismic design purposes. It started with the elaboration of a seismic catalogue for the Hispaniola Island, requiring an exhaustive revision of data reported by more than 20 seismic agencies, apart from these from the PRSN and ISU. The final catalogue contains 96 historical earthquakes and 1690 instrumental events, and it was homogenized to moment magnitude, Mw. Seismotectonic models proposed for the region were revised and a new regional zonation was proposed, taking into account geological andtectonic data, seismicity, focal mechanisms, and GPS observations. In parallel, attenuation models for subduction and crustal zones were revised in previous projects and the most suitable for the Caribbean plate were selected. Then, a seismic hazard analysis was developed in terms of peak ground acceleration, PGA, and spectral accelerations, SA (T), for periods of 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1 and 2s, using the Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) methodology. As a result, different hazard maps were obtained for the quoted parameters, together with Uniform Hazard Spectra for Port au Prince and the main cities in the country. Hazard deaggregation was also carried out in these towns, for the target motion given by the PGA and SA (1s) obtained for return periods of 475, 975 and 2475 years. Therefore, the controlling earthquakes for short- and long-period target motions were derived. This study was started a few months after the 2010 earthquake, as a response to an aid request from the Haitian government to the UPM, and the results are available for the definition of the first building code in Haiti.