837 resultados para Plutella-xylostella Lepidoptera
Os estudos dos insetos associados às culturas agrícolas e florestais são dinâmicos, em função da evolução dos sistemas de cultivo, do avanço da fronteira agrícola, da introdução de novas pragas e da resistência aos produtos químicos historicamente aplicados. Nesse contexto, os avanços nos estudos dos insetos-praga periodicamente precisam ser integrados em publicações de referência, que permitam fácil acesso a esses conhecimentos. Assim, o objetivo desta publicação é documentar o ataque de lagartas do gênero Lonomia, popularmente conhecidas como lagartas-de-fogo, causando intensa desfolha em cultivos de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis) no Acre. Há um grande número de trabalhos publicados sobre esse gênero, no que tange aos problemas acarretados pelo contato direto de pessoas com as lagartas, provocando acidentes hemorrágicos graves, dependendo da área lesionada e da extensão do contato. No entanto, não havia relatos dessas lagartas causando intenso desfolhamento em seringais de cultivo, ocasionando prejuízos econômicos. A partir da intensificação do cultivo, surtos populacionais de insetos, considerados pragas secundárias em muitas culturas, podem acontecer com mais frequência, necessitando de conhecimento e estratégias de manejo que visem ao monitoramento, distribuição e controle de populações de insetos no Estado do Acre, a fim de prevenir surtos populacionais de pragas e, consequentemente, prejuízos elevados aos produtores acrianos.
Madagascar is home to numerous endemic species and lineages, but the processes that have contributed to its endangered diversity are still poorly understood. Evidence is accumulating to demonstrate the importance of Tertiary dispersal across varying distances of oceanic barriers, supplementing vicariance relationships dating back to the Cretaceous, but these hypotheses remain tentative in the absence of well-supported phylogenies. In the Papilio demoleus group of swallowtail butterflies, three of the five recognized species are restricted to Madagascar, whereas the remaining two species range across the Afrotropical zone and southern Asia plus Australia. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships for all species in the P. demoleus group, as well as 11 outgroup Papilio species, using 60 morphological characters and about 4 kb of nucleotide sequences from two mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I and II) and two nuclear (wg and EF-1a) genes. Of the three endemic Malagasy species, the two that are formally listed as endangered or at risk represented the most basal divergences in the group, while the more common third endemic was clearly related to African P. demodocus. The fifth species, P. demoleus, showed little differentiation across southern Asia, but showed divergence from its subspecies sthenelus in Australia. Dispersal-vicariance analysis using cladograms derived from morphology and three independent genes indicated a Malagasy diversification of lime swallowtails in the middle Miocene. Thus, diversification processes on the island of Madagascar may have contributed to the origin of common butterflies that now occur throughout much of the Old World tropical and subtemperate regions. An alternative hypothesis, that Madagascar is a refuge for ancient lineages resulting from successive colonizations from Africa, is less parsimonious and does not explain the relatively low continental diversity of the group.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Acentuación en Microbiología) UANL, 2013.
Tesis ( Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) UANL
The antifeedant activities of Piper guineense Schum et Thonn (Piperaceae), Aframomum melegueta (Rosk) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae), Aframomum citratum (Pareira) K. Schum (Zingiberaceae) and Afrostyrax kamerunensis Perkins and Gilg (Huaceae) seed extracts were investigated in laboratory dual- and no-choice bioassays using third-instar Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) larvae. In the dual-choice test, the hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta showed potent dose-dependent antifeedant activity at concentrations of ≥300 ppm and the water extract at ≥500 ppm, as illustrated by significantly lower leaf consumptions. Aframomum citratum methanol and water extracts exhibited antifeedant activity at ≥300 and ≥1000 ppm, respectively, but the hexane and ethanol extracts did not affect feeding at any concentration. Piper guineense ethanol and water extracts showed dose-dependent antifeedant effects at ≥300 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the methanol extract was active only at 1000 ppm. None of the extracts of the highly aromatic A. kamerunensis exhibited antifeedant activity at any of the tested concentrations. In the no-choice bioassays, extracts with antifeedant activity in the dual-choice tests also showed dose-dependent feeding inhibition. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta were effective in the no-choice tests at ≥100 and ≥500 ppm, respectively, and the water extract at ≥300 ppm. Similarly, the A. citratum water and methanol extracts were active at ≥500 ppm and the P. guineense water and ethanol extracts at ≥100 ppm. GC/MS chromatography of A. melegueta hexane and methanol extracts revealed volatile constituents with known anti-insect activity. The hexane and methanol extracts of A. melegueta, the methanol extract of A. citratum and the water and ethanol extracts of P. guineense may have potential for use by subsistence farmers.
Larvae of the pine beauty moth Panolis flammae (Denis & Schiffermuller) were reared in sleeve cages on five different seed origins (provenances) of pole stage Pinus contorta in the field in each of four years from 1985 to 1988. Survival varied significantly between the years. In those years when survival was high, significant differences between tree provenance were not found. However, between provenance significant differences were found in larval weight and stage of development. In the years when survival was low, the results seen in good years were reversed. Significant differences attributable to provenance were found but these were not reflected in significant differences between larval weight or development. In addition, there was a significant correlation between the proportion surviving and larval weight, which was not the case in those years where larval survival was high. The results are discussed in light of the pest status of P, flammea in Britain and in view of current silvicultural policies. The use of trees resistant to insect attack as part of an integrated pest management programme is highlighted and the need to coordinate laboratory and field studies so as to control for environmental variation discussed.
Polyommatus bellargus is a priority species of butterfly in the UK as a result of its scarcity and the rate of population decline over the last few years. In the UK, the species is associated with chalk grassland on hot, south-facing slopes suitable for the growth of the food plant Hippocrepis comosa. Shooting game birds is a popular pastime in the UK. Over 40 million game birds, principally Phasianus colchicus and Alectoris rufa, are bred and released into the countryside each year for shooting interests. There is a concern that the release of such a large number of non-native birds has an adverse effect on native wildlife. A study was carried out over a period of 3 years out to examine whether there was any evidence that A. rufa released into chalk grassland habitat negatively affects populations of P. bellargus. A comparison was made between sites where large numbers of A. rufa were released versus sites where no, or few, birds were released. The study involved the construction of exclosures in these sites to allow an examination of the number of butterflies emerging from H. comosa when the birds were excluded versus when the birds had free range across the area. Where birds were present the on-site vegetation was shorter than where they were absent indicating that the birds were definitely influencing habitat structure. However, the evidence that A. rufa was negatively influencing the number of adult butterflies emerging was not strong, although there was a largely non-significant tendency for higher butterfly emergence when the birds were excluded or absent.
The courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella, was examined in a wind tunnel. Sixty nine courtship sequences were analyzed and successful sequences divided into two categories: rapid courtship sequences, which involved few breaks in contact, short or no periods of male/female chasing and lasted <10 s between initial contact and mating; and prolonged courtship sequences, which involved many breaks in contact, extended periods of male/female chasing and lasted >10 s. Fifty six (81%) courtships were successful (50.7% rapid courtship and 30.4% prolonged courtship); the remaining 13 (18.8%) sequences were failed courtships. Of failed courtships, 9 (13.0%) were due to males losing contact with females during courtship chases and 4 (5.8%) due to females flying away immediately after male contact. Of all courtship sequences involving a break in contact during a chase, 38.5% resulted in an unsuccessful mating attempt. These findings contrast with previous studies of the courtship behavior of the navel orangeworm, potentially indicating that the type of bioassay used to study courtship may have a large effect on the behavioral sequences displayed. We evaluate several diagnostic techniques for the analysis of sequences of behavioral transitions.
Lonomia obliqua caterpillar bristle extract induces hemolysis in vitro on washed human and rat erythrocytes, in either the absence or presence of exogenous lecithin. In the former condition, phospholipases A(2) are key enzymes involved in hemolysis. However, the mechanism whereby this extract causes direct hemolysis is not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the hemolytic mechanism of the crude extract of the caterpillar L obliqua on human erythrocytes in the absence of lecithin. The extract significantly increased the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and promoted the removal of glycophorins A and C, and band 3 from the erythrocyte membrane. The use of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions significantly potentiated glycoprotein removal, remarkably of erythrocyte band 3. The composition of fatty acids was analyzed by HPLC in both L obliqua caterpillar bristle extract and human erythrocyte membranes incubated with the extract. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids were remarkably augmented in erythrocytes incubated with the extract than in control erythrocytes, modifying thereby the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio. Altogether, evidence is provided here that the interplay of at least three mechanisms of action accounts for the direct activity of the bristle extract on erythrocyte membrane, leading to hemolysis: the removal of glycoproteins and band 3; the insertion of fatty acids; and the action of phospholipases. Such mechanisms might affect erythrocyte flexibility and deformability, which may induce hemolysis by increasing erythrocyte fragility. However, whether the direct hemolytic activity of L obliqua caterpillar is the major cause of intravascular hemolysis during envenomation still needs further investigation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The biotransformation of the major Piper solmsianum leaf phenylpropanoids, such as the tetrahydrofuran lignan grandisin and derivatives was investigated in the beetle Naupactus bipes as well as in the caterpillars Heraclides hectorides and Quadrus u-lucida. Analysis of fecal material indicated that metabolism occurred mainly through mono- and di-O-demethylation at para positions of 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl rings of tetrahydrofuran lignans during digestion by these insects. Additionally, 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxycinnamyl and 3,4,5-trimethoxycinnamyl alcohols were identified in fecal extracts of N. bipes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spodoptera frugiperda, uma das principais pragas do milho, tem grande importância pelos danos e dificuldades de controle. A ausência de informações sobre seu impacto em milho doce motivou a comparação de sua biologia entre os genótipos ELISA, BR 400 (milho doce) e BR PAMPA (milho comum). Parcelas com estes genótipos foram estabelecidas em área experimental do Departamento de Fitossanidade, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, RS, de outubro-novembro/2000 e de outubro-novembro/2001. Em condições de laboratório (25±1ºC; 70±10%UR; fotofase 12 horas), lagartas foram individualizadas e alimentadas com seções de 3,14 cm2 de milho, totalizando 60 indivíduos/genótipo. Diariamente, avaliou-se a área foliar consumida, peso das lagartas, indivíduos mortos e recolheram-se as cápsulas cefálicas. As pupas foram sexadas e pesadas, computando-se os indivíduos mortos. Os adultos foram mantidos aos casais, registrando-se períodos de pré-oviposição, oviposição e pós-reprodutivo, número de posturas e de ovos/postura, período de incubação, intervalo entre oviposições e longevidade. A preferência alimentar foi avaliada quantificando-se o consumo foliar em observações de 12, 36 e 72 horas. Foram calculados índices nutricionais. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias comparadas por Tukey a 5%. Não se registrou diferença na largura das cápsulas, nos três primeiros ínstares. No quarto e quinto ínstares, as cápsulas das lagartas mantidas em BR 400 foram menores O consumo foliar, o peso das lagartas e das pupas, a duração dos ínstares e a razão sexual não diferiram entre os genótipos. A duração da fase pupal foi menor nas fêmeas mantidas em BR 400. A mortalidade foi maior, na fase larval, em ELISA e na pupal, em BR PAMPA. Na fase reprodutiva constatou-se diferença apenas no período de incubação, que em BR 400 foi mais longo. Não se observou preferência alimentar. Em relação aos índices nutricionais, somente a taxa de crescimento relativo (RGR) diferiu entre os genótipos, sendo que em BR 400 e ELISA foram observados valores superiores.