298 resultados para Piaractus mesopotamicus


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Fifty six specimens of the hybrid tambacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus Holmberg, 1887 male x Colossoma macropomum Cuvier, 1818 female) were collected from fishfarm of Guariba, São Paulo, to evaluate their haematology. Fishes presented 400.0 to 3,100.0 g total weight and 20.0 to 52.0 cm total length. Haemoglobin, haematocrit, mean corpuscular haemoglobin content (MCHC) and percentage of defense blood cells including leucocytes and thrombocytes, were studied. Statistical analysis showed positive correlation (P<0.01) between haematocrit, MCHC and haemoglobin rate. Nevertheless, thrombocytes and lymphocytes showed negative correlation (P<0.01).


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Haematological changes in ascorbic acid deficient fishes, observed by some authors, awoked the interest in the haematological response of pacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus. The present work studied the influence of different levels of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the ration on the haematological parameters of pacu. Fishes at the beginning of the experiment, presented average body weight 8.64±1.62g and 6.15±0.33cm standard length, were fed with diets containing 0. 50, 100 and 200mg ascorbic acid/kg dry ration. The present work was developed for a period of 24 weeks at the Fish Nutrition Laboratory of Aquaculture Center of Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Jaboticabal (São Paulo). The fishes were distributed by the completely randomized design in 20 aquaria of 100 liters capacity with six animals in each and five fold treatment. Condutivity, alcalinity. pH and oxigen were measured weekly and temperature daily. The blood colect was done in 60 anesthetized fishes with 50mg MS-222/1. The results suggests that 50mg ascorbic acid/kg dry ration improved the mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration and decreased haematocril in unsupplemented fishes, although not differing significantly (P>0.05). The erytrocyte diameter indicated the presence of macrocytic cells in unsupplemented fishes (P<0.05) and the regression analysis showed too reduced neutrophils in unsupplemenled ones, 50mg ascorbic acid/kg dry ration supplementation was enough to development and haematological responses. Furthtermore, the optimum level to the growth is 139mg vitamin C/kg dry ration (P<0.05).


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The digestible energy and apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients of common diet ingredients were determined for pacu Piaractus brachypomus (370.21 ± 17.56 g). Fish were fed with pelleted practical diets to apparent satiation and the feces were collected by siphoning. The digestibility value for each ingredient was determined by comparison of the digestibility of a test diet with a reference diet (24.5% crude protein and 1% chromic oxide). The digestible energy values of soybean meal (SBM), fish meal (FM), corn (CN), and wheat bran (WB) were 2382, 3826, 3353, and 1784 kcal/kg, respectively. The apparent dry matter digestibility coefficients were 83.72, 90.14, 89.13, and 82.05% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent crude protein digestibility coefficients were 75.88, 90.49, 85.06, and 61.62% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The apparent lipid digestibility coefficients were 63.03, 77.00, 83.01, and 82.45% for SBM, FM, CN, and WB, respectively. The digestibility of protein, lipid, and energy from SBM were somewhat low compared to values for other warmwater omnivorous fishes, but similar to values reported for pacu-caranha P. mesopotamicus. Otherwise, the nutrient and energy availability of the ingredients to P. brachypomus was similar to that of other fish. This information will be useful in formulating nutritious, economical diets for pacus. © by the World Aquaculture Society 2004.


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Quando as esterases acetilcolinesterase (AChE), butirilcolinesterase (BChE) e carboxilesterase (CarbE) hidrolisam ésteres de fosfato seus sítios ativos sofrem fosfatação inibitória. Por isto, tal fosfatação pode proteger seres vivos contra o espalhamento de xenobióticos organofosforados dentro de seus corpos, já que estas enzimas têm a capacidade de captar moléculas de pesticidas organofosforados estequiometricamente. Os organismos terrestres vivem em um ambiente com mais oxigênio do que os organismos aquáticos. Na água, quando o nível de oxigênio atinge aproximadamente 2,6 mg/L o ambiente está em hipoxia. Este fenômeno afeta ecossistemas aquáticos, uma vez que muitos organismos não conseguem se adaptar à baixa do oxigênio. Estudamos peixes em hipoxia e hiperoxia para entender melhor a bioquímica do funcionamento de suas enzimas captadoras de organofosforados quando eles estão expostos às variações físico-químicas de seus habitats. Dois grupos de no mínimo seis pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus), seis peixes dourados (Carassius auratus auratus), seis tilápias (Oreochromis niloticus niloticus), seis piavussus (Leporinus macrocephalus), seis apaiaris (Astronotus ocellatus), ou seis carpas (Cyprinus carpio carpio) foram aclimatados à temperatura ambiente em dois aquários de 250 L. No primeiro aquário, pelo menos três animais ensaio de cada espécie sofreram hipoxia por diminuição da concentração de oxigênio até 0,5 mg/L através de borbulhamento de nitrogênio na água. Quando estes animais atingiram a hipoxia foram mantidos a 0,5 mg/L de oxigênio por 6, 8, 24 ou, no máximo, por 42 horas. Três peixes controle de cada espécie foram mantidos em normoxia (4,5 até 7,0 mg/L de oxigênio). Após estes tempos houve a retirada de cerca de 3,5 mL de sangue e dos fígados. Depois de coagular, o sangue foi centrifugado para retirada do soro sobrenadante, que foi usado como amostra para ensaios das esterases. Os fígados foram armazenados em freezer a -70 C e, no momento do ensaio, homogeneizados e centrifugados para obter as frações citosólica e microssomal. As atividades das esterases foram ensaiadas em espectrofotômetro com os substratos acetiltiocolina, butiriltiocolina ou p-nitrofenilacetato. As atividades sobre p-nitrofenilacetato (CarbE) do soro e do fígado sofreram queda em todos os exemplares das espécies submetidos à hipoxia. Tipicamente, esta atividade caiu cerca de 50% nos soros de pacus mantidos por 42 h sob concentrações de oxigênio abaixo de 1,0 mg/L. O tempo para que ocorresse a queda desta atividade enzimática variou de espécie para espécie.


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The present study is part of an ongoing investigation into the characteristics of Myxozoan parasites of Brazilian freshwater fish and was carried out using morphology, histopathology and electron microscopy analysis. A new Myxosporea species (Henneguya pseudoplatystoma) is described causing an important reduction in gill function in the farmed pintado (a hybrid fish from a cross between Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum), which is a commercially important South American catfish. From a total of 98 pintado juveniles from fish farms in the states of Sao Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), 36 samples (36.7%) exhibited infection of the gill filaments. infection was intense, with several plasmodia occurring on a same gill filament. The plasmodia were white and measured up to 0.5 mm in length; mature spores were ellipsoidal in the frontal view, measuring 33.2 +/- 1.9 mu m in total length, 10.4 +/- 0.6 mu m in body length, 3.4 +/- 0.4 mu m in width and 22.7 +/- 1.7 mu m in the caudal process. The polar capsules were elongated, measuring 3.3 +/- 0.4 mu m in length and 1.0 +/- 0.1 mu m in width and the polar filaments had six to seven turns. Histopathological analysis revealed the parasite in the connective tissue of the gill filaments and lamella. No inflammatory process was observed, but the development of the plasmodia reduced the area of functional epithelium. Ultrastructural analyses revealed a single plasmodial wall, which was in direct contact with the host cells and had numerous projections in direction of the host cells as well as extensive pinocytotic canals. A thick layer (2-6 mu m) of fibrous material and numerous mitochondria were found in the ectoplasm. Generative cells and the earliest stage of sporogenesis were seen more internally. Advanced spore developmental stages and mature spores were found in the central portion of the plasmodia. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new myxosporean species, Henneguya eirasi n. sp., is described parasitizing the gill filaments of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae) caught in the Patanal Wetland of the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil. The parasite formed white, elongated plasmodia measuring up to 3 mm. Mature spores were ellipsoidal in the frontal view, measuring 37.1 +/- 1.8 mu m in total length, 12.9 +/- 0.8 mu m in body length, 3.4 +/- 0.3 mu m in width, 3.1 +/- 0.1 mu m in thickness and 24.6 +/- 2.2 mu m in the caudal process. Polar capsules were elongated and equal in size, measuring 5.4 +/- 0.5 mu m in length and 0.7 +/- 0.1 mu m in width. Polar filaments had 12-13 coils. Histopathological analysis revealed that the parasite developed in the sub-epithelial connective tissue of the gill filaments and the plasmodia were surrounded by a capsule of host connective tissue. The plasmodia caused slight compression of the adjacent tissues, but no inflammatory response was observed in the infection site. Ultrastructure analysis revealed a single plasmodial wall connected to the ectoplasmic zone through numerous pinocytotic canals. The plasmodial wall exhibited numerous projections and slightly electron-dense material was found in the ectoplasm next to the plasmodial wall, forming a line just below the wall. Partial sequencing of the 18S rDNA gene of H. eirasi n. sp. obtained from P. fasciatum resulted in a total of 1066 bp and this sequence did not match any of the Myxozoa available in the GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the Henneguya species clustering into clades following the order and family of the host fishes. H. eirasi n. sp. clustered alone in one clade, which was the basal unit for the clade composed of Henneguya species parasites of siluriform ictalurids. The prevalence of the parasite was 17.1% in both fish species examined. Parasite prevalence was not influenced by season, host sex or host size. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this report, we describe Henneguya arapaima n. sp., a parasite of the gill arch and gall bladder of Arapaima gigas (pirarucu) collected in the Araguaia River, in the municipality of Nova Crixas, Goias State, central Brazil. The plasmodia were white, round or ellipsoidal and measured 200-600 mu m. Parasite development was asynchronous and the mature spores were fusifonn and had smooth wall. The spores measurements were (range, with means +/- S.D. in parentheses): total length-48.4-53.1 mu m (51.6 +/- 3.4 mu m), body length-13.5-15.2 mu m (14.2 +/- 0.8 mu m), body width-5.1-6.1 mu m (5.7 +/- 0.5 mu m), body thickness-4.7-5.3 mu m (4.9 +/- 0.2 mu m) and caudal process length-38.0-41.2 mu m (38.3 +/- 2.9 mu m). The polar capsules were elongated and of unequal size, with lengths of 6.3-6.8 mu m (6.5 +/- 0.2) and 6.2-6.6 mu m (6.3 +/- 0.1) for the longest and shortest axes, respectively. Capsule width was 1.4-1.6 mu m (1.5 +/- 0.1). Histological analysis showed that the plasmodia occurred in the tunica adventitia of the gall bladder and were delimited by a thin capsule of connective tissue. In the gill arch, the plasmodia were also surrounded by connective tissue similar to the endomesium, of striated skeletal muscle cells. Sixty-five juvenile specimens of A. gigas weighing 1.0-25.0 kg were examined, 17 (26.1%) of which were infected. Of these, 14 (82.3%) had cysts in the gall bladder, two (11.7%) had cysts in the gill arch and only one (5.9%) had cysts in both organs. When the fish were grouped by weight, the prevalence of infection in fish weighing up to 10.0 kg (20.7%) was significantly lower than in fish weighing 10.1-25.0 kg (50%) (G = 3.93; d.f. = 1; p < 0.05). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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P>A 36-day trial was conducted to determine the effects of repetitive periods of food restriction and refeeding on growth and energy metabolism in pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus). A total 264 juvenile fish (36.9 +/- 2.8 g) were fed with the experimental diet for 36 days using three regimes: (i) feeding daily to satiation (FD); (ii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding the same amount offered to the control groups for the next 3 days (NF/R controlled); and (iii) no feed for 3 days, then feeding to apparent satiation for the next 3 days (NF/R at satiation). The treatments were distributed into four tanks each. WG and SGR were higher in FD group. Fish refed showed hyperphagia just up to the second day of refeeding. The worst feed conversion rate and the lowest protein efficiency ratio were found in fish NF/R controlled. The lowest values of visceral fat somatic index were found in both fasted fish groups, particularly in NF/R at satiation. The LL and glycogen concentrations, and the hepatosomatic index were all elevated in both feed restricted fish. Muscle lipid showed a tendency to decrease after the cycle of fasting and refeeding. Plasma free fatty acids and glucose levels were elevated in fish subjected to feeding restrictions while serum triglycerides levels were reduced. Triiodothyronine levels were significantly depressed in fish from the NF/R-controlled group and remained at the same levels as the control fish in fish NF/R at satiation. Results indicated that fish subjected to cyclic periods of 3-day satiation or controlled feeding after 3-days of fasting were unable to achieve the final body weight of fish fed to satiation after 36 days.


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The effects of parasitic infections in condition factor, hematocrit, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), and leucocytes and thrombocytes distribution in Piaractus mesopotamicus, Leporinus macrocephalus, hybrid tambacu (P. mesopotamicus x Colossoma macropomum and Brycon amazonicus collected in feefishing from Franca, São Paulo, Brazil were evaluated. Parasitized tambacu and L. macrocephalus had higher (p<0.05) condition factor than unparasitized fish. However, the contrary occurred in P. mesopotamicus and B. amazonicus. Changes in the hematocrit, hemoglobin and MCHC were not related to parasitism. Parasitic infections did not cause effect on leucocytes and thrombocytes percentage (p>0.05) of tambacu. In P. mesopotamicus parasitized by Monogenea Anacanthorus penilabiatus and dinoflagellate Piscinoodinium pillulare, increase in monocytes and decrease in thrombocytes percentage (p<0.05) were found. However, the same parasitic association in L. macrocephalus caused a decrease in lymphocytes percentage accompanied by increase in neutrophils percentage (p<0.05). In B. amazonicus, infection by Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, P. pillulare and monogeneans caused increase in neutrophils percentage.


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Flavobacterium columnare é o agente etiológico da columnariose em peixes de água doce, ocasionando enfermidade na pele e nas brânquias, provocando freqüentemente um grande número de mortalidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi o isolamento e a caracterização de Flavobacterium columnare em peixes tropicais no Brasil. Piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) e cascudo (Hypostomus plecostomus) foram examinados externamente com relação a sinais característicos de columnariose, como manchas acinzentadas na cabeça, região dorsal e pedúnculo caudal dos peixes. A amostragem compreendeu a coleta de 50 exemplares de peixes, representando as quatro diferentes espécies escolhidas para este estudo. Amostras para o isolamento foram obtidas através de raspado com swab estéril das lesões e do rim dos peixes clinicamente diagnosticados como acometidos por columnarios e imediatamente semeados em meios de culturas artificiais (líquido e sólido) próprios para o estudo de Flavobacterium segundo Carlson e Pacha (1968). No meio líquido, houve o desenvolvimento de microrganismos que observados em gota pendente apresentaram a forma de bacilos finos, longos, móveis por deslizamento. Através da coloração de Gram, apresentaram morfologia de bacilos finos, Gram negativos, agrupados em colunas. em meio sólido, as colônias eram pequenas, cinza-amareladas, com borda em forma de raiz. No total, foram obtidos quatro isolamentos: 01 cepa de Brycon orbignyanus; 01 cepa de Piaractus mesopotamicus; 01 cepa de Colossoma macropomum; e 01 cepa de Hypostomus plecostomus. A caracterização bioquímica das amostras, como absorção do vermelho Congo, produção de flexirrubina, produção de H2S e redução do nitrato, sugere que os isolamentos poderiam ser classificados como Flavobacterium columnare.


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Tricodinídeos são protozoários ciliados móveis com ampla distribuição mundial; são considerados um dos agentes parasitários que mais acometem peixes cultivados. No Brasil, a maioria dos tricodinídeos que parasitam importantes espécies de peixes cultivados são desconhecidos, o que requer mais estudos taxonômicos com esse grupo de parasitos. Este estudo caracteriza morfologicamente Trichodina colisae Asmat & Sultana, 2005 de pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) e do híbrido patinga (P. mesopotamicus × P. brachypomus) cultivados, respectivamente, no Centro-Oeste e Sudeste do Brasil. Foram feitas montagens a fresco do raspado de muco da pele, nadadeiras e brânquias, fixados com metanol e, posteriormente, impregnados com nitrato de prata e coradas com Giemsa para avaliação em microscopia óptica. O presente estudo relata não só a segunda ocorrência de T. colisae no mundo, mas também a primeira ocorrência na América do Sul.


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O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de pacus (Piaractus mesopotamicus) criados em tanques-rede e alimentados com dietas contendo níveis de proteína bruta (PB) e energia digestível (ED). Foram utilizados 3.960 peixes com 293,38 ± 5,67 g de peso inicial, distribuídos em 18 tanques-rede de 5 m³, com 220 peixes por unidade experimental (44 peixes/m³), em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três níveis de proteína bruta (25, 30 e 35%) e dois de energia digestível (3.250 e 3.500 kcal/kg). O arraçoamento foi realizado quatro vezes ao dia (às 9 h, 11h30min, 14 h e 17 h) até a saciedade aparente dos animais. Não foram observadas diferenças no ganho de peso, na taxa de sobrevivência, na conversão alimentar aparente nem na taxa de crescimento específico. No entanto, houve diferença na deposição de gordura visceral, que foi maior nos animais alimentados com as rações de maior nível energético. Também não foi observada influência dos níveis de proteína e energia da dieta nos teores de umidade, proteína bruta, matéria mineral e lipídio dos filés. Rações contendo 25% de proteína bruta e 3.250 kcal/kg de energia digestível promovem melhores resultados de desempenho.


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O monitoramento da diversidade genética é fundamental em um programa de repovoamento. Avaliouse a diversidade genética de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus (Holmberg, 1887) em duas estações de piscicultura em Andirá -Paraná, Brasil, utilizadas no programa de repovoamento do Rio Paranapanema. Foram amplificados seis loci microssatélite para avaliar 60 amostras de nadadeira. O estoque de reprodutores B apresentou maior número de alelos e heterozigose (alelos: 22 e H O: 0,628) que o estoque de reprodutores A (alelos: 21 e H O: 0,600). Alelos com baixos níveis de frequência foram observados nos dois estoques. Os coeficientes positivos de endogamia no locus Pme2 (estoque A: F IS = 0,30 e estoque B: F IS = 0,20), Pme5 (estoque B: F IS = 0,15), Pme14 (estoque A: F IS = 0,07) e Pme28 (estoque A: F IS = 0,24 e estoque B: F IS = 0,20), indicaram deficiência de heterozigotos. Foi detectada a presença de um alelo nulo no lócus Pme2. As estimativas negativas nos loci Pme4 (estoque A: F IS = -0,43 e estoque B: F IS= -0,37), Pme5 (estoque A: F IS = - 0,11), Pme14 (estoque B: F IS = - 0,15) e Pme32 (estoque A: F IS = - 0,93 e estoque B: F IS = - 0,60) foram indicativas de excesso de heterozigotos. Foi evidenciado desequilíbrio de ligação e riqueza alélica baixa só no estoque A. A diversidade genética de Nei foi alta nos dois estoques. A distância (0,085) e identidade (0,918) genética mostraram similaridade entre os estoques, o qual reflete uma possível origem comum. 6,05% da variância genética total foi devida a diferenças entre os estoques. Foi observado um recente efeito gargalo nos dois estoques. Os resultados indicaram uma alta diversidade genética nos estoques de reprodutores e baixa diferenciação genética entre eles, o que foi causado pelo manejo reprodutivo das pisciculturas, redução do tamanho populacional e intercâmbio genético entre as pisciculturas.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present study evaluated stress indicators in pacu exposed to ammonia in water under the following conditions: without NH4Cl (0.00 g/L); with 0.0078 g NH4Cl/L; and with 0.078 g NH4Cl/L (pH 8.3 and 27 ºC). After the salt dilution the water flow was interrupted and reestablished in 24 hours. Sampling occurred prior to the addition of NH4Cl (control) and after 12, 24 and 48 hours. Glycaemia increased only in fish with the highest salt concentration when compared with group control, regardless of time, and at 24 hours, regardless of treatment. Plasma ammonia, highest in fish exposed to the highest NH4Cl concentration, decreased progressively up to 48 hours. Plasma chloride only decreased in fish not exposed to salt when compared with control and osmolality increased after 24 hours. Hematocrit (Ht), number and volume of erythrocytes and hemoglobin did not change when NH4Cl was added; Ht decrease was reported after 12 hours, but it was not followed by the other blood parameters. The results show tolerance of the pacu to ammonia in the environment.