898 resultados para Physical fitness for pregnant women
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the rates of penicillin, clindamycin and erythromycin resistance and the serotype distribution among isolates of group B streptococcus (GBS) obtained from pregnant women at the University Hospital of Bern in Switzerland. METHODS We prospectively collected screening samples for GBS colonisation at the University Women's Hospital Bern, Switzerland, between March 2009 and August 2010. We included 364 GBS isolates collected from vaginal, cervical or vaginal-perianal swabs at any gestation time. The minimal inhibitory concentrations for penicillin, clindamycin and erythromycin were established using Etest with 24 hours of incubation, and inducible clindamycin resistance was tested with double disk diffusion tests. Serotyping was done with a rapid latex agglutination test or, if not conclusive, with polymerase chain-reaction (PCR) testing. We looked for significant associations between resistance patterns, age groups, serotype and ethnicity. RESULTS All isolates were susceptible to penicillin. Resistance rates were 14.5% for erythromycin and 8.2% for clindamycin. Of 364 isolates, 5.8% were susceptible to clindamycin but not to erythromycin, although demonstrating inducible clindamycin resistance. Hence, the final reported clindamycin resistance rate was 14%. Serotype III was the most frequent serotype (29%), followed by V (25%) and Ia (19%). Serotype V was associated with erythromycin resistance (p = 0.0007). In comparison with all other ethnicities, patients from Asia showed a higher proportion of erythromycin and clindamycin resistance (p = 0.018). No significant association between resistance patterns and age groups was found. CONCLUSION In pregnant women with GBS colonisation, penicillin is the antibiotic of choice for intrapartum prophylaxis to prevent neonatal early-onset GBS sepsis. In women with penicillin allergy and at high risk for anaphylactic reaction, clindamycin may be an alternative. The resistance rate for clindamycin at our institution was 14%; therefore, susceptibility must be tested before administration.
Pregnant African American women are at higher risk of having a preterm delivery and/or a low birthweight infant. Many factors are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes but a food habit that deserves further study in the causal process is pica, a craving for, and ingestion of, nonnutritive substances such as laundry starch, clay, dirt, or ice. This food habit is more common in the African American population but has not been adequately studied in relation to preterm and/or low birth weight infants.^ Mothers (n = 281) with infants less than one year of age who participated in the Special Supplementary Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) at clinics in Houston and Prairie View, Texas were interviewed regarding pica practices during pregnancy, dietary practices, and some demographic indices. Hospital records were abstracted for health information on the mothers and infants, including birthweight and gestational age at birth of the infant.^ The subjects were 88.6% African American, 6.8% Hispanic, and 4.6% Caucasian. Overall prevalence of pica was 76.5%. Pica prevalence by substance(s) was as follows: ice 53.7%; ice and freezer frost 14.6%; other substances such as baking soda, baking powder, cornstarch, laundry starch, and clay or dirt 8.2%; and 23.5% reported no pica. The women who reported ice/freezer frost pica had a higher percentage of illegal drug use and alcohol use during pregnancy. The women who reported other pica substances had the lowest mean educational level, highest gravidity, and a higher percentage smoked during pregnancy.^ There were no significant differences in nutrient intakes measured by the mean 24-hour dietary recalls between women who reported ice pica (n = 103) and women who denied pica (n = 50). The women who reported ice/freezer frost pica or other pica substances had more food cravings and food dislikes during pregnancy than those who reported ice pica or no pica.^ There were no differences in mean birthweight or mean gestational age at birth of infants born to mothers from the three pica groups and the no pica group but regression analyses revealed a possible relationship between pica, low maternal hemoglobin at delivery, and preterm birth. ^
Malawi adopted the Option B+ strategy in 2011. Its success in reducing mother-to-child transmission depends on coverage and timing of HIV testing. We assessed HIV status ascertainment and its predictors during pregnancy. HIV status ascertainment was 82.3% (95% confidence interval: 80.2 to 85.9) in the pre-Option B+ period and 85.7% (95% confidence interval: 83.4 to 88.0) in the Option B+ period. Higher HIV ascertainment was independently associated with higher age, attending antenatal care more than once, and registration in 2010. The observed high variability of HIV ascertainment between sites (50.6%-97.7%) and over time suggests that HIV test kit shortages and insufficient numbers of staff posed major barriers to reducing mother-to-child transmission.
Firefighting is widely known to be one of the most physically demanding civilian occupations. A subset of this is Industrial Firefighting, which places similarly high physical demands on Industrial Firefighters. Although there are some studies on community firefighters, literature is scant on Industrial Firefighters and their physical fitness. ^ A cross-sectional study of Industrial Firefighters in Petrochemical companies in Texas was carried out in 1996–98 to assess their physical fitness and to develop a set of physical agility criteria useful in their selection and ongoing fitness for duty evaluations. ^ A physical agility criteria and a fitness scorecard was developed based on seven parameters (resting heart rate, diastolic blood pressure, aerobic capacity, muscle strength, muscle endurance, trunk flexibility and total body fat) of musculoskeletal and cardiorespiratory fitness. Each indicator received a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 20 points, based on individual performance. Therefore a minimum and maximum achievable score for the entire battery of tests was 0 and 140 respectively. Of the 111 study subjects, 5 (4.5%) were far above average, 31 (28%) above average, 46 (41.5 %) average, 29 (26%) below average and 0 (0%) far below average as deemed by the physical fitness scorecard. The mean score was 77 (±23) with a minimum and maximum score of 35 and 135 respectively. ^ Following univariate analysis an exploratory factor analysis to group variables and to assess the overall role of constituent variables in total fitness of a firefighter was developed. This was followed by a stepwise linear regression analysis using aerobic capacity as a dependent variable. ^ Finally, a graded implementation strategy was devised, such that all existing Industrial Firefighters would have an opportunity to improve or maintain their physical fitness at or above average level as deemed by the fitness scorecard. ^
This research study was conducted as a descriptive study of prenatal care experiences of women enrolled in public and private managed care programs. The study's aim was to describe the demographic characteristics of the women in the study and to analyze and compare their prenatal care experiences. ^ The objective of this study was to examine the research question: Do pregnant women enrolled in Medicaid Managed Care receive the same level of care as women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs in Harris County, Texas? ^ The study population was a convenience sample of pregnant women enrolled in managed care programs who presented to one of the two hospital study sites for delivery of their infant. The study utilized a self administered survey to measure adequacy and content of prenatal care received by the women during this pregnancy. Adequacy of prenatal care utilization was determined based on the Kessner Index criteria of timing of initiation of care and number of visits. Content of care was measured by the number of different medical services the women reported they had received and the number of health information topics the women reported on which they had received information. Demographic characteristics were described with univariate and bivariate statistics of frequencies and cross tabulations. Associations were evaluated using measures of linear correlations. ^ Results from the study showed there is an association between enrollment in Medicaid Managed Care (public) and prenatal care received compared to women enrolled in other Managed Care Programs (private). The results were derived from statistical tests on data the postpartum women gave when they completed the self-administered survey. Provider type was a moderate predictor of quality and quantity of prenatal care. The results also indicate that in the study population, minority ethnicity, income and lower educational status were associated with intermediate and inadequate prenatal care. ^
Hepatitis B infection is a major public health problem of global proportions. It is estimated that 2 billion people worldwide are infected by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) at some point, and 350 million are chronic carriers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report an incidence in the United States of 140,000–320,000 infections each year (asymptomatic and symptomatic), and estimate 1–1.25 million people are chronically infected. Hepatitis B and its chronic complications (cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, hepatocellular carcinoma) responsible for 4,000–5,000 deaths in America each year. ^ One quarter of those who become chronic carriers develop progressive liver disease, and chronic HBV infection is thought to be responsible for 60 million cases of cirrhosis worldwide, surpassing alcohol as a cause of liver disease. Since there are few treatment options for the person chronically infected with Hepatitis B, and what is available is expensive, prevention is clearly best strategy for combating this disease. ^ Since the approval of the Hepatitis B vaccine in 1981, national and international vaccination campaigns have been undertaken for the prevention of Hepatitis B. Despite encouraging results, however, studies indicate that prevalence rates of Hepatitis B infection have not been significantly reduced in certain high risk populations because vaccination campaigns targeting those groups do not exist and opportunities for vaccination by individual physicians in clinical settings are often missed. Many of the high-risk individuals who go unvaccinated are women of childbearing age, and a significant proportion of these women become infected with the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) during pregnancy. Though these women are often seen annually or for prenatal care (because of the close spacing of their children and their high rate of fertility), the Hepatitis B vaccine series is seldom recommended by their health care provider. In 1993, ACOG issued a statement recommending Hepatitis B vaccination of pregnant women who were defined as high-risk by diagnosis of a sexually transmitted disease. ^ Hepatitis B vaccine has been extensively studied in the non-pregnant population. The overall efficacy of the vaccine in infants, children and adults is greater than 90%. In the small clinical trials to date, the vaccine seemed to be effective in those pregnant women receiving 3 doses; however, by using the usual 0, 1 and 6 month regimen, most pregnant women were unable to complete a full series during pregnancy. There is data now available supporting the use of an "accelerated" dosing schedule at 0, 1 and 4 months. This has not been evaluated in pregnant women. A clinical trial proving the efficacy of the 0, 1, 4 schedule and its feasibility in this population would add significantly to the body of research in this area, and would have implications for public health policy. Such a trial was undertaken in the Parkland Memorial Hospital Obstetrical Infectious Diseases clinic. In this study, the vaccine was very well tolerated with no major adverse events reported, 90% of fully vaccinated patients achieved immunity, and only Body Mass Index (BMI) was found to be a significant factor affecting efficacy. This thesis will report the results of the trial and compare it to previous trials, and will discuss barriers to implementation, lessons learned and implications for future trials. ^
The U.S. Air Force, as with the other branches of military services, has physical fitness standards imposed on their personnel. These standards ensure a healthy and fit combat force. To meet these standards, Airmen have to maintain a certain level of physical activity in their lifestyle. Objective. This was a cross sectional (prevalence) study to evaluate the association of Airmen's self-reported physical activity and their performance in the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment in 2007. Methods. The self-reported physical activity data were obtained from the Air Force Web Health Assessment (AF WEB HA), a web-based health questionnaire completed by the Airmen during their annual Preventive Health Assessment. The physical activity levels were categorized as having met or not having met the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) physical activity recommendations. Physical Fitness scores were collected from the Air Force Fitness Management System (AFFMS), a repository of physical fitness test data. Results. There were 49,029 Airmen who answered the AF WEB HA in 2007 and also took their physical fitness test. 94.4% (n = 46,304) of Airmen met the recommended physical activity guidelines and 79.9% (n = 39,178) passed the fitness test. Total Airmen who both met the physical activity recommendations and passed the fitness test was 75.6% (n = 37,088). Airmen who did not meet the activity recommendations and also failed the fitness test totaled 635 or 1.3% of the study group. The Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square analysis of the data on the activity levels and the physical fitness test relationship was the following χ2 = 18.52, df 1, and p = <0.0001. The Odds Ratio (OR) was 1.22 (95% CI 1.12, 1.34). Conclusion. The study determined that there was a positive association between Airmen's self-reported physical activity and their performance in the physical fitness assessment.^
Whence a healthy mind: Correlation of physical fitness and academic performance among schoolchildren
Background. Public schools are a key forum in the fight for child health because of the opportunities they present for physical activity and fitness surveillance. However, because schools are evaluated and funded on the basis of standardized academic performance rather than physical activity, empirical research evaluating the connections between fitness and academic performance is needed to justify curriculum allocations to physical activity. ^ Methods. Analyses were based on a convenience sample of 315,092 individually-matched standardized academic (TAKS™) and fitness (FITNESSGRAM®) test records collected by 13 Texas school districts under state mandates. We categorized each fitness result in quintiles by age and gender and used a mixed effects regression model to compare the academic performance of the top and bottom fitness groups for each fitness test and grade level combination. ^ Results. All fitness variables except BMI showed significant, positive associations with academic performance after sociodemographic covariate adjustments, with effect sizes ranging from 0.07 (95% CI: 0.05,0.08) in girls trunklift-TAKS reading to 0.34 (0.32,0.35) in boys cardiovascular-TAKS math. Cardiovascular fitness showed the largest inter-quintile difference in TAKS score (32-75 points), followed by curl-ups. After an additional adjustment for BMI and curl-ups, cardiovascular associations peaked in 8th-9 th grades (maximum inter-quintile difference 142 TAKS points; effect size 0.75 (0.69,0.82) for 8th grade girls math) and showed dose-response characteristics across quintiles (p<0.001 for both genders and outcomes). BMI analysis demonstrated limited, non-linear association with academic performance after adjustment for sociodemographic, cardiovascular fitness and curl-up variables. Low-BMI Hispanic high school boys showed significantly lower TAKS scores than the moderate (but not high) BMI group. High-BMI non-Hispanic white high school girls showed significantly lower scores than the moderate (but not low) BMI group. ^ Conclusions. In this study, fitness was strongly and significantly related to academic performance. Cardiovascular fitness showed a distinct dose-response association with academic performance independent of other sociodemographic and fitness variables. The association peaked in late middle to early high school. The independent association of BMI to academic performance was only found in two sub-groups and was non-linear, with both low and high BMI posing risk relative to moderate BMI but not to each other. In light of our findings, we recommend that policymakers consider PE mandates in middle-high school and require linkage of academic and fitness records to facilitate longitudinal surveillance. School administrators should consider increasing PE time in pursuit of higher academic test scores, and PE practitioners should emphasize cardiovascular fitness over BMI reduction.^
Objective. The purpose of this study was to examine the association of perceived stress and passing the fitness test in a cohort of Department of Defense active duty members. Reports of this association have been suggested in numerous articles. Methods. The 2005 DoD Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Active Duty Military Personnel was used to examine the association between the participants’ perceived levels of stress from family and/or work related sources and the respondents’ last required fitness test taking into account potential confounder of the association. Measures of association were obtained from logistic regression models. Results. Participants who experienced “some” or “a lot” of stress either from work sources (OR 0.69, 95% CI: 0.58-0.87) or from personal/family sources (OR 0.70, 95% CI: 0.57-0.86) were less likely to pass the fitness test when compared to their counterparts who experienced “none” or “a little” stress. Additionally, those who reported “some” or “a lot” of stress either from work sources (OR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.41-0.70) or from personal/family sources (OR 0.54, 95% CI: 0.44-0.67) that interfered with their military duties were also less likely to pass the fitness test. The multivariate adjustment only slightly reduced the unadjusted association. Conclusions . An association exists between perceived stress levels and outcome of fitness testing. The higher the level of stress perceived, the less likely the person will be to pass the fitness test. Stress-related intervention might be useful to help the military members to achieve the level of fitness needed to perform their duties.^
Exposure to influenza places pregnant women at risk for pneumonia and their fetus at risk for premature delivery or fatal stillbirth secondary to maternal hypoxia. Immunization rates are low among pregnant women. Influenza vaccine specific-health belief model constructs, such as cue to action messages from the health care professionals, may increase acceptance of the vaccine and improve immunization rates. A systematic review was conducted to evaluate the impact of physician recommendation upon acceptance of the influenza vaccine by pregnant women. Pregnant women were more likely to accept the influenza vaccine if they received a recommendation from their physician. These women were also more likely to accept the vaccine if they thought the vaccine protected mother and fetus against adverse effects of influenza and were less likely to accept the vaccine if they were concerned about side effects or risk to the fetus from the vaccine.^
Obesity and overweight has reached epidemic proportions in the United States, and the prevalence of overweight and obesity among residents of The Women's Home residents is high. This culminating experience is the result of my practicum at The Women's Home located in Houston, TX. The Women's Home is a rehabilitation center for victims of sexual assault, drug abuse, family violence, or a combination. A needs assessment including focus groups and a literature review was conducted to design a a physical activity intervention for the residents. Results from focus group data showed the resident's average BMI was 32, which is termed clinically obese by American standards. The focus groups determined a strong interest (92%) in engaging in more physical activity to combat their weight problem. As well, they expressed interest in using pedometers as a mechanism to increase physical activity. This planned program, “Every Step Counts”, uses reactivity to pedometers in conjunction with goal setting and increased awareness to increasing steps each day. “Every Step Counts” was developed with support and input from stakeholders, with theoretical constructs and previous evidence based studies. Included in this report are recommendations for implementation, program materials, scope and sequence of program activities, and methods for periodic evaluation.^
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an HIV-screening program at a private health-care institution where the providers were trained to counsel pregnant women about the HIV-antibody test according to the latest recommendations made by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and the Texas legislature. A before-and-after study design was selected for the study. The participants were OB/GYN nurses who attended an educational program and the patients they counseled about the HIV test. Training improved the nurses' overall knowledge about the content of the program and nurses were more likely to offer the HIV test to all pregnant women regardless of their risk of infection. Still, contrary to what was predicted, the nurses did not give more information to increase the knowledge pregnant women had about HIV infection, transmission, and available treatments. Consequently, many women were not given the chance to correctly assess their risk during the counseling session and there was no evidence that knowledge would reduce the propensity of many women to deny being at risk for HIV. On the other hand, pregnant women who received prenatal care after the implementation of the HIV-screening program were more likely to be tested than women who received prenatal care before its implementation (96% vs. 48%); in turn, the likelihood that more high-risk women would be tested for HIV also increased (94% vs. 60%). There was no evidence that mandatory testing with right of refusal would deter women from being tested for HIV. When the moment comes for a woman to make her decision, other concerns are more important to her than whether the option to be tested is mandatory or not. The majority of pregnant women indicated that their main reasons for being tested were: (a) the recommendation of their health-care provider; and (b) concern about the risks to their babies. Recommending that all pregnant women be tested regardless of their risk of infection, together with making the HIV test readily available to all women, are probably the two best ways of increasing the patients' participation in an HIV-screening program for pregnant women. ^
La adolescencia es un período de crecimiento y desarrollo crítico e importante para la adquisición de hábitos saludables, en los que tanto la alimentación como la actividad física tienen un papel destacado. Junto con el primer año de vida, los requerimientos de energía y nutrientes son mayores que en cualquier otro periodo. Dentro de la nutrición, las vitaminas se ven involucradas en múltiples procesos celulares y tisulares, y sus deficiencias se vinculan a enfermedades crónicas degenerativas en la edad adulta como las cardiovasculares, cáncer, diabetes y osteoporosis, pero cuyos factores de riesgo se establecen a edades más tempranas. Las concentraciones sanguíneas de vitaminas están influenciadas en gran medida por la ingesta dietética, pero existen otros factores del individuo, entre los que cabe citar la composición corporal, la actividad física y condición física que, junto a la genética, podrían desempeñar un papel crucial. La presente memoria de Tesis Doctoral tiene como objetivo analizar el estado en vitaminas liposolubles y su relación con diversos factores de salud, entre los que destacan la composción corporal, hábitos dietéticos, actividad física y condición física en adolescentes Europeos. El trabajo está basado en los datos del estudio HELENA (“Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence”). Se han analizado un total de 1089 adolescentes procedentes de diez ciudades en nueve paises europeos. Los principales resultados de este trabajo indican; a) La existencia de un estado deficiente en vitaminas liposolubles en adolescentes Europeos, especialmente de vitamina D, que alcanza valores del 80%. b) La estación del año, la latitud, el índice de masa corporal, la condición física, la ingesta de calcio dietético, los suplementos vitamínicos y la edad son las variables más relacionadas con el estado de vitamina D. c) A su vez, la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria puede predecir los niveles de vitamina D en los chicos, mientras que la fuerza muscular y masa magra parecen influir en los niveles de vitamina D en las chicas. La grasa corporal y el índice de masa corporal se correlaccionan negativamente con los niveles de vitamina D, especialmente en chicos. d) Un estado de vitamina D óptimo provoca una mejora de la masa ósea sólo cuando se tiene un nivel adecuado de actividad física. e) Se identifica la necesidad de establecer un consenso sobre los rangos aceptables y puntos de corte para las concentraciones sanguíneas de estas vitaminas en este grupo de población, ya que los actuales están extrapolados de la población adulta ABSTRACT Adolescence is a critical period of physiological growth and development as well as for the acquisition of healthy behaviors where both diet and physical activity play a major role. Apart from the first year of life, both energy and nutrient requirements are greatest during adolescence and the way to spend this energy by movement is also crucial. Vitamins are specifically involved in multiple cellular and tissue processes, and there is increasing evidence that deficiencies at these early ages could contribute to risk factors of chronic diseases like cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis in adulthood, regardless data are scarce for younger ages. Vitamin concentrations are largely influenced by diet but other individual factors like body composition, physical activity or fitness together with genetics could play also an important role. The current thesis analyzes the liposoluble vitamin status in European adolescents and their relation with several health related factors, like body composción, dietary intake, physical activity and fitness. The work is based on data from the HELENA study ("Healthy Lifestyle in Europe by Nutrition in Adolescence"), for which a total of 1089 adolescents from ten different cities, in nine European countries were recruited. The main outcomes of this thesis are: a) There is a high liposoluble vitamin deficiency prevalence in European adolescents, specifically for vitamin D, which is presenting almost 80% of the adolescents. b) Season, latitude, BMI, fitness, dietary calcium intake, supplements intake and age are highly related to 25(OH)D concentrations found in European adolescents. c) Cardiorespiratory fitness may predict 25(OH)D concentrations in male adolescents, whereas upper limbs muscular strength and FFM may predict 25(OH)D concentrations in young females. Fat mass and BMI are inversely related to 25(OH)D concentrations, especially in males. d) The effect of 25(OH)D concentrations on bone mineral content in adolescents depends on physical activity levels. e) There is a need to establish a consensus on acceptable ranges and cut-offs of blood concentrations of these vitamins during adolescence, as currently they are extrapolated from adults.