981 resultados para Personal Injuries Proceedings Act 2002 s 6(2)
The temporal organization of mammals presents a daily adjustment to the environmental light/dark cycle. The environmental light detected by the retina adjusts the central clock in the suprachiasmatic nuclei, which innervate the pineal gland through a polysynaptic pathway. During the night, this gland produces and releases the nocturnal hormone melatonin, which circulates throughout the whole body and adjusts several bodily functions according to the existence and duration of darkness. We have previously shown that during the time frame of an inflammatory response, pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor-a, inhibit while anti-inflammatory mediators, such as glucocorticoids, enhance the synthesis of melatonin, interfering in the daily adjustment of the light/dark cycle. Therefore, injury disconnects the organism from environmental cycling, while recovery restores the light/dark information to the whole organism. Here, we extend these observations by evaluating the effect of a mild restraint stress, which did not induce macroscopic gastric lesions. After 2 h of restraint, there was an increase in circulating corticosterone, indicating activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. In parallel, an increase in melatonin production was observed. Taking into account the data obtained with models of inflammation and stress, we reinforce the hypothesis that the activity of the pineal gland is modulated by the state of the immune system and the HPA axis, implicating the darkness hormone melatonin as a modulator of defense responses.
Postbloom fruit drop (PFD) of citrus caused by Colletotrichum acutatum produces orange-brown lesions on petals and induces the abscission of young fruitlets and the retention of the calyces. Despite the fact that C. acutatum is not highly sensitive to benomyl in culture, this fungicide provides good control of the disease under field conditions. This study was undertaken to determine the effect of benomyl on various stages of disease development to understand the basis for its effectiveness in the field. We found that benomyl at 1.0 μg/ml reduced colony area of C. acutatum by about 75% and completely inhibited growth of C. gloeosporioides. Benomyl did not prevent conidial germination even at 100 μg/ml, but reduced germ tube elongation at 10 and 100 μg/ml. When benomyl was applied to flower clusters on screen-house-grown plants before inoculation, disease severity was greatly reduced. Applications at 24 and 48 h, but not at 72 h, after inoculation reduced PFD severity. Application of benomyl to symptomatic petals not bearing conidia did not prevent or reduce production of inoculum. Application to petals bearing conidia reduced viability of these fungal propagules by only about 50%. The viability of appressoria on mature leaves was not affected by benomyl application. Even when appressoria on mature leaves were stimulated to germinate by treatment with flower extracts, subsequent application of benomyl did not reduce propagule numbers below original levels. Benomyl appears to act by preventing infection and early development of the fungus in petals. However, once symptoms have developed, this fungicide has only minimal effects on further disease development and spread.
Using the U(4) formalism developed ten years ago, the worldsheet action for the superstring in Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds is expressed in a manifestly N = (2,2) superconformally invariant manner. This simplifies the construction of consistent Ramond-Ramond plane wave backgrounds and eliminates the problems associated with light-cone interaction point operators. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.
Using the U(4) hybrid formalism, manifestly N = (2,2) worldsheet supersymmetric sigma models are constructed for the type-IIB superstring in Ramond-Ramond backgrounds. The Kahler potential in these N = 2 sigma models depends on four chiral and antichiral bosonic superfields and two chiral and antichiral fermionic superfields. When the Kahler potential is quadratic, the model is a free conformal field theory which describes a flat ten-dimensional target space with Ramond-Ramond flux and non-constant dilaton. For more general Kahler potentials, the model describes curved target spaces with Ramond-Ramond flux that are not plane-wave backgrounds. Ricci-flatness of the Kahler metric implies the on-shell conditions for the background up to the usual four-loop conformal anomaly. © SISSA/ISAS 2002.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This longitudinal study addresses the reversibility of color vision losses in subjects who had been occupationally exposed to mercury vapor. Color discrimination was assessed in 20 Hg-exposed patients (mean age = 42.4 +/- 6.5 years; 6 females and 14 males) with exposure to Hg vapor during 10.5 +/- 5.3 years and away from the work place (relative to 2002) for 6.8 +/- 4.2 years. During the Hg exposure or up to one year after ceasing it, mean urinary Hg concentration was 47 +/- 35.4 mu g/g creatinine. There was no information on Hg urinary concentration at the time of the first tests, in 2002 (Ventura et al., 2005), but at the time of the follow-up tests, in 2005, this value was 1.4 +/- 1.4 mu g/g creatinine for patients compared with 0.5 +/- 0.5 mu g/g creatinine for controls (different group from the one in Ventura et al. (2005)). Color vision was monocularly assessed using the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT). Hg-exposed patients had significantly worse color discrimination (p < 0.02) than controls, as evaluated by the size of MacAdam`s color discrimination ellipses and color discrimination thresholds along protan, deutan, and tritan confusion axes. There were no significant differences between the results of the study in Ventura et al. (2005) and in the present follow-up measurements, in 2005, except for worsening of the tritan thresholds in the best eye in 2005. Both chromatic systems, blue-yellow and red-green, were affected in the first evaluation (Ventura et al., 2005) and remained impaired in the follow-up testing, in 2005. These findings indicate that following a long-term occupational exposure to Hg vapor, even several years away from the source of intoxication, color vision impairment remains irreversible.
BACKGROUND Acetabular fractures and surgical interventions used to treat them can result in nerve injuries. To date, only small case studies have tried to explore the frequency of nerve injuries and their association with patient and treatment characteristics. High-quality data on the risk of traumatic and iatrogenic nerve lesions and their epidemiology in relation to different fracture types and surgical approaches are lacking. QUESTIONS/PURPOSES The purpose of this study was to determine (1) the proportion of patients who develop nerve injuries after acetabular fracture; (2) which fracture type(s) are associated with increased nerve injury risk; and (3) which surgical approach was associated with the highest proportion of patients developing nerve injuries using data from the German Pelvic Trauma Registry. Two secondary aims were (4) to assess hospital volume-nerve-injury relationship; and (5) internal data validity. METHODS Between March 2001 and June 2012, 2236 patients with acetabular fractures were entered into a prospectively maintained registry from 29 hospitals; of those, 2073 (92.7%) had complete records on the endpoints of interest in this retrospective study and were analyzed. The neurological status in these patients was captured at their admission and at the discharge. A total of 1395 of 2073 (67%) patients underwent surgery, and the proportions of intervention-related and other hospital-acquired nerve injuries were obtained. Overall proportions of patients developing nerve injuries, risk based on fracture type, and risk of surgical approach type were analyzed. RESULTS The proportion of patients being diagnosed with nerve injuries at hospital admission was 4% (76 of 2073) and at discharge 7% (134 or 2073). Patients with fractures of the "posterior wall" (relative risk [RR], 2.0; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.4-2.8; p=0.001), "posterior column and posterior wall" (RR, 2.9; CI, 1.6-5.0; p=0.002), and "transverse+posterior wall" fracture (RR, 2.1; CI, 1.3-3.5; p=0.010) were more likely to have nerve injuries at hospital discharge. The proportion of patients with intervention-related nerve injuries and that of patients with other hospital-acquired nerve injuries was 2% (24 of 1395 and 46 of 2073, respectively). They both were associated with the Kocher-Langenbeck approach (RR, 3.0; CI, 1.4-6.2; p=0.006; and RR, 2.4; CI, 1.4-4.3; p=0.004, respectively). CONCLUSIONS Acetabular fractures with the involvement of posterior wall were most commonly accompanied with nerve injuries. The data suggest also that Kocher-Langenbeck approach to the pelvic ring is associated with a higher risk of perioperative nerve injuries. Trauma surgeons should be aware of common nerve injuries, particularly in posterior wall fractures. The results of the study should help provide patients with more exact information on the risk of perioperative nerve injuries in acetabular fractures. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Level III, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
As condições inadequadas vivenciadas nas organizações afligem não só os trabalhadores da iniciativa privada, pois são igualmente encontradas no segmento estatal, contrariando a expectativa de que o aparato governamental eliminaria as condições insalubres e criaria outras melhores nas quais prevalecesse à promoção de saúde. Diante desse panorama questionou-se porque, uma vez que, pelo menos do ponto de vista da sociedade leiga, esses servidores estão submetidos a condições privilegiadas de trabalho. O presente estudo objetivou identificar e descrever possíveis relações entre o clima organizacional e o burnout em servidores públicos de uma instituição federal de ensino. Objetivou-se ainda descrever o clima organizacional predominante. A pesquisa realizada teve cunho quantitativo, tipo estudo de caso e exploratória. A coleta de dados deu-se por meio das escalas ECO (escala de clima organizacional), ECB (escala de caracterização do burnout) e um questionário sociodemográfico, todos os instrumentos autoaplicáveis eletronicamente disponíveis à instituição. Participaram do estudo 201 servidores públicos federais, com idade média de 37 anos, majoritariamente de nível superior e casados. Os resultados revelaram que cerca de um quarto dos participantes raramente experimentaram burnout, no entanto outra quarta parte deles frequentemente experimentaram altos níveis de burnout, resultado bastante expressivo. Os servidores perceberam clima organizacional mediano, destacando-se a boa coesão entre os colegas de trabalho e a percepção de baixa recompensa. Merece destaque a grande dispersão entre as percepções de clima, o que permite inferir haver subclimas não identificados nesta investigação, possivelmente ocasionados por uma força de clima fraca e pela participação dos servidores de unidades de ensino geograficamente distintas, geridas por gestores locais com relativa autonomia. Os resultados dos cálculos de correlação revelaram que, quanto menos os participantes percebem apoio da chefia e da organização, coesão entre colegas, e mais controle/pressão, mais exaustos se sentem, mais desumanizam as pessoas com quem tratam e mais se decepcionam no trabalho e vice-versa. Conforto físico menor está associado a maior desumanização e a mais decepção no trabalho e vice-versa; e que controle/pressão, relaciona-se positiva e fracamente com desumanização e vice-versa. Desta forma, a hipótese de que existe associação entre burnout e clima organizacional foi confirmada. Os resultados também revelaram que os servidores com burnout, perceberam pior clima organizacional que os seus pares sem burnout, confirmando a segunda hipótese. Esses servidores também se mostraram neutros quanto à percepção de apoio da chefia e conforto físico; não percebem controle pressão, nem recompensa; todavia percebem coesão entre os colegas. Esses resultados sugerem que os participantes têm se apoiado nessas relações para suportar a indiferença e ausência de estímulos experimentados no trabalho. Os resultados obtidos nesse estudo permitiram concluir que o clima organizacional é fraco, provavelmente influenciado por uma cultura organizacional fraca, explicando a heterogeneidade da percepção do clima organizacional pelos servidores. Além disso, embora haja burnout entre poucos participantes, há que se atentar que cerca de um quarto deles, encontra-se acometido desta síndrome e isto poderá contagiar os demais.
Objetivo general: - Conocer la prevalencia de déficit de conductas de autocuidado en la población adulta con diabetes tipo 2 (DMT2) del área de salud de Cáceres y determinar los factores o variables asociados a dicho déficit. Objetivos específicos: - Describir el nivel de autocuidado de las personas adultas con DMT2 en relación con la alimentación, ejercicio, cuidado de los pies, control de la glucemia, tratamiento farmacológico, y asistencia a las consultas para su control, a partir de las formas en que expresan el cuidado de su enfermedad. - Determinar si existe asociación entre el nivel de autocuidado y determinadas variables sociodemográficas, de comorbilidad, de información y de zona básica de salud. - Conocer de qué fuentes y de qué forma las personas con DMT2 obtienen la información sobre las conductas de autocuidado. Material y método: Estudio analítico observacional de corte transversal. La población de estudio fueron las personas mayores de 40 años con diagnóstico de DMT2 que acuden a las consultas de enfermería de atención primaria del área de salud de Cáceres para su atención. La muestra estuvo conformada por 260 personas. La obtención de los datos fue a través de la entrevista personal mediante un cuestionario estandarizado elaborado para esta investigación que mide las acciones de autocuidado en cuanto al régimen terapéutico que la enfermedad impone. Resultados: Las características de la muestra fueron similares a las de otros estudios en poblaciones con DMT2. La media de edad fue de 68 años, con predominio de mujeres. Sólo un 15,8% tenían normopeso, la mitad sin estudios, el 80% convive con algún miembro de su familia, más de un tercio son amas de casa y el 42% de los participantes fueron diagnosticados de diabetes hace más de 10 años. El déficit de autocuidado lo presentaron el 49,8% para el cuidado de los pies, el 26,6% para el ejercicio, el23,8% para el control de la glucemia, el 8,1% para la alimentación, el 6,2% para la asistencia a los controles y el 1,2% para el tratamiento farmacológico. El déficit de autocuidado se asoció en la alimentación con el sexo del paciente, el lugar de residencia y el sector profesional. En el ejercicio sólo con la edad, decreciendo el déficit a medida que aumenta la edad de las personas. En el autocuidado de los pies se relacionó con la situación laboral, los antecedentes familiares, haber tenido complicaciones por la diabetes, ser fumador y la edad, siendo los mayores de 70 años los que menos déficit presentaron. En el control de la glucemia el autocuidado se relacionó con la duración de la diabetes, el índice de masa corporal, la información dada por el médico y la información escrita. En la asistencia a las consultas de control se asoció con que el paciente hubiera tenido complicaciones derivadas de su enfermedad. No se observó asociación entre el déficit de autocuidado en el tratamiento farmacológico y ninguna de las variables estudiadas. Para el 98,5% de los participantes, la principal fuente de información sobre los autocuidados de la diabetes fueron los profesionales sanitarios, manifestando el 92,3% que la información sobre los autocuidados recibida de la enfermera es suficiente. Todos habían recibido información individual y ninguno manifestó haber recibido información en grupo. Más de un tercio consideró que la información escrita es insuficiente, así como la información recibida por los familiares. Conclusiones: Las personas con DMT2 presentan déficits de autocuidado, siendo especialmente relevantes en el tratamiento no farmacológico. La prevalencia de déficit de autocuidado se asoció a factores individuales: no modificables por el sistema sanitario como la edad, sexo y situación laboral; modificables como el tabaquismo y el índice de masa corporal. A factores derivados de la enfermedad como el tiempo de evolución de la diabetes y padecer complicaciones. Así mismo, la prevalencia de déficits de autocuidado se asoció a factores del entorno sanitario en cuanto a la información proporcionada por los profesionales, la información escrita recibida por los pacientes y la información facilitada a los familiares. La identificación y comprensión de estos factores facilita diseñar e implementar estrategias adecuando de forma más efectiva el proceso de intervención educativa.
We present a 5.3-Myr stack (the ''LR04'' stack) of benthic d18O records from 57 globally distributed sites aligned by an automated graphic correlation algorithm. This is the first benthic delta18O stack composed of more than three records to extend beyond 850 ka, and we use its improved signal quality to identify 24 new marine isotope stages in the early Pliocene. We also present a new LR04 age model for the Pliocene-Pleistocene derived from tuning the delta18O stack to a simple ice model based on 21 June insolation at 65 N. Stacked sedimentation rates provide additional age model constraints to prevent overtuning. Despite a conservative tuning strategy, the LR04 benthic stack exhibits significant coherency with insolation in the obliquity band throughout the entire 5.3 Myr and in the precession band for more than half of the record. The LR04 stack contains significantly more variance in benthic delta18O than previously published stacks of the late Pleistocene as the result of higher resolution records, a better alignment technique, and a greater percentage of records from the Atlantic. Finally, the relative phases of the stack's 41- and 23-kyr components suggest that the precession component of delta18O from 2.7-1.6 Ma is primarily a deep-water temperature signal and that the phase of d18O precession response changed suddenly at 1.6 Ma.
Time series of brightness temperatures (T(B)) from the Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-Earth Observing System (AMSR-E) are examined to determine ice phenology variables on the two largest lakes of northern Canada: Great Bear Lake (GBL) and Great Slave Lake (GSL). T(B) measurements from the 18.7, 23.8, 36.5, and 89.0 GHz channels (H- and V- polarization) are compared to assess their potential for detecting freeze-onset/melt-onset and ice-on/ice-off dates on both lakes. The 18.7 GHz (H-pol) channel is found to be the most suitable for estimating these ice dates as well as the duration of the ice cover and ice-free seasons. A new algorithm is proposed using this channel and applied to map all ice phenology variables on GBL and GSL over seven ice seasons (2002-2009). Analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns of each variable at the pixel level reveals that: (1) both freeze-onset and ice-on dates occur on average about one week earlier on GBL than on GSL (Day of Year (DY) 318 and 333 for GBL; DY 328 and 343 for GSL); (2) the freeze-up process or freeze duration (freeze-onset to ice-on) takes a slightly longer amount of time on GBL than on GSL (about 1 week on average); (3) melt-onset and ice-off dates occur on average one week and approximately four weeks later, respectively, on GBL (DY 143 and 183 for GBL; DY 135 and 157 for GSL); (4) the break-up process or melt duration (melt-onset to ice-off) lasts on average about three weeks longer on GBL; and (5) ice cover duration estimated from each individual pixel is on average about three weeks longer on GBL compared to its more southern counterpart, GSL. A comparison of dates for several ice phenology variables derived from other satellite remote sensing products (e.g. NOAA Interactive Multisensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS), QuikSCAT, and Canadian Ice Service Database) show that, despite its relatively coarse spatial resolution, AMSR-E 18.7 GHz provides a viable means for monitoring of ice phenology on large northern lakes.