958 resultados para Permanent Magnet


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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INTRODUCTION: The septal position is an alternative site for cardiac pacing (CP) that is potentially less harmful to cardiac function. METHODS: Patients with Chagas disease without heart failure submitted to permanent pacemaker (PP) implantation at the Clinics Hospital of the Triângulo Mineiro Federal University (UFTM), were selected from February 2009 to February 2010. The parameters analyzed were ventricular remodeling, the degree of electromechanical dyssynchrony (DEM), exercise time and VO2 max during exercise testing (ET) and functional class (NYHA). Echocardiography was performed 24 to 48h following implantation and after one year follow-up. The patients were submitted to ET one month postprocedure and at the end of one year. RESULTS: Thirty patients were included. Patient mean age was 59±13 years-old. Indication for PP implantation was complete atrioventricular (AV) block in 22 (73.3%) patients and 2nd degree AV block in the other eight (26.7%). All patients were in NYHA I and no changes occurred in the ET parameters. No variations were detected in echocardiographic remodeling measurements. Intraventricular dyssynchrony was observed in 46.6% of cases and interventricular dyssynchrony in 33.3% of patients after one year. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this work suggest that there is not significant morphological and functional cardiac change following pacemaker implantation in septal position in chagasic patients with normal left ventricular function after one year follow-up. Thus, patients may remain asymptomatic, presenting maintenance of functional capacity and no left ventricular remodeling.


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PURPOSE:To determine the indication for and incidence and evolution of temporary and permanent pacemaker implantation in cardiac transplant recipients. METHODS: A retrospective review of 114 patients who underwent orthotopic heart transplantation InCor (Heart Institute USP BR) between March 1985 and May 1993. We studied the incidence of and indication for temporary pacing, the relationship between pacing and rejection, the need for pemanent pacing and the clinical follow-up. RESULTS: Fourteen of 114 (12%)heart transplant recipients required temporary pacing and 4 of 114 (3.5%) patients required permanent pacing. The indication for temporary pacing was sinus node dysfunction in 11 patients (78.5%) and atrioventricular (AV) block in 3 patients (21.4%). The indication for permanent pacemaker implantation was sinus node dysfunction in 3 patients (75%) and atrioventricular (AV) block in 1 patient (25%). We observed rejection in 3 patients (21.4%) who required temporary pacing and in 2 patients (50%) who required permanent pacing. The previous use of amiodarone was observed in 10 patients (71.4%) with temporary pacing. Seven of the 14 patients (50%) died during follow-up. CONCLUSION: Sinus node dysfunction was the principal indication for temporary and permanent pacemaker implantation in cardiac transplant recipients. The need for pacing was related to worse prognosis after cardiac transplantation.


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Questions: A multiple plot design was developed for permanent vegetation plots. How reliable are the different methods used in this design and which changes can we measure? Location: Alpine meadows (2430 m a.s.l.) in the Swiss Alps. Methods: Four inventories were obtained from 40 m(2) plots: four subplots (0.4 m(2)) with a list of species, two 10m transects with the point method (50 points on each), one subplot (4 m2) with a list of species and visual cover estimates as a percentage and the complete plot (40 m(2)) with a list of species and visual estimates in classes. This design was tested by five to seven experienced botanists in three plots. Results: Whatever the sampling size, only 45-63% of the species were seen by all the observers. However, the majority of the overlooked species had cover < 0.1%. Pairs of observers overlooked 10-20% less species than single observers. The point method was the best method for cover estimate, but it took much longer than visual cover estimates, and 100 points allowed for the monitoring of only a very limited number of species. The visual estimate as a percentage was more precise than classes. Working in pairs did not improve the estimates, but one botanist repeating the survey is more reliable than a succession of different observers. Conclusion: Lists of species are insufficient for monitoring. It is necessary to add cover estimates to allow for subsequent interpretations in spite of the overlooked species. The choice of the method depends on the available resources: the point method is time consuming but gives precise data for a limited number of species, while visual estimates are quick but allow for recording only large changes in cover. Constant pairs of observers improve the reliability of the records.


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We propose an alternative approach to obtaining a permanent equilibrium exchange rate (PEER), based on an unobserved components (UC) model. This approach offers a number of advantages over the conventional cointegration-based PEER. Firstly, we do not rely on the prerequisite that cointegration has to be found between the real exchange rate and macroeconomic fundamentals to obtain non-spurious long-run relationships and the PEER. Secondly, the impact that the permanent and transitory components of the macroeconomic fundamentals have on the real exchange rate can be modelled separately in the UC model. This is important for variables where the long and short-run effects may drive the real exchange rate in opposite directions, such as the relative government expenditure ratio. We also demonstrate that our proposed exchange rate models have good out-of sample forecasting properties. Our approach would be a useful technique for central banks to estimate the equilibrium exchange rate and to forecast the long-run movements of the exchange rate.


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El projecte pretenia analitzar com l'ús de les noves tecnologies incideixen en un procés de formació permanent per afavorir la participació i l’apropiació de les noves mirades als fenòmens, la innovació en didàctica de les ciències experimentals i les ciències socials. El projecte ha tingut una durada d'un any i s'ha realitzat a Catalunya. En el projecte han intervingut tres formadors de la UAB i els Camps d'Aprenentatge depenents del Departament d'Educació. El desenvolupament del projecte ha tingut lloc en base als materials elaborats o transcrits durant diferents sessions virtuals, en les que s'ha utilitzat una plataforma sincrònica, i en diferents sessions presencials. Els resultats del projecte mostren que tot i que el canvi de les mirades sobre els fenòmens del món és un procés lent, l'us de la plataforma combinada amb sessions presencials, i l'anàlisi i la discussió dels resultats amb els formadors, afavoreix aquest procés de canvi.


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BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel disease can decrease the quality of life and induce work disability. We sought to (1) identify and quantify the predictors of disease-specific work disability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and (2) assess the suitability of using cross-sectional data to predict future outcomes, using the Swiss Inflammatory Bowel Disease Cohort Study data. METHODS: A total of 1187 patients were enrolled and followed up for an average of 13 months. Predictors included patient and disease characteristics and drug utilization. Potential predictors were identified through an expert panel and published literature. We estimated adjusted effect estimates with 95% confidence intervals using logistic and zero-inflated Poisson regression. RESULTS: Overall, 699 (58.9%) experienced Crohn's disease and 488 (41.1%) had ulcerative colitis. Most important predictors for temporary work disability in patients with Crohn's disease included gender, disease duration, disease activity, C-reactive protein level, smoking, depressive symptoms, fistulas, extraintestinal manifestations, and the use of immunosuppressants/steroids. Temporary work disability in patients with ulcerative colitis was associated with age, disease duration, disease activity, and the use of steroids/antibiotics. In all patients, disease activity emerged as the only predictor of permanent work disability. Comparing data at enrollment versus follow-up yielded substantial differences regarding disability and predictors, with follow-up data showing greater predictor effects. CONCLUSIONS: We identified predictors of work disability in patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Our findings can help in forecasting these disease courses and guide the choice of appropriate measures to prevent adverse outcomes. Comparing cross-sectional and longitudinal data showed that the conduction of cohort studies is inevitable for the examination of disability.


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This paper employs an unobserved component model that incorporates a set of economic fundamentals to obtain the Euro-Dollar permanent equilibrium exchange rates (PEER) for the period 1975Q1 to 2008Q4. The results show that for most of the sample period, the Euro-Dollar exchange rate closely followed the values implied by the PEER. The only significant deviations from the PEER occurred in the years immediately before and after the introduction of the single European currency. The forecasting exercise shows that incorporating economic fundamentals provides a better long-run exchange rate forecasting performance than a random walk process.


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La comunicació mòbil és la tecnologia que ha estat adoptada d'una forma més àmplia i ràpida que cap altra. (Castells et al., 2007). Representa la difusió de les comunicacions i de la capacitat computacional en una part cada cop més gran de les activitats socials, d'investigació i aprenentatge. Ha trobat eco en el comportament emergent de la joventut, donant recolzament als models característics d'interacció social i formació de grups, ús de la informació i expressió personal. La creació de xarxes difuses canvia la manera de coordinar els nostres recursos per aconseguir objectius. Per exemple, canvia l'ús del temps i l'espai. La pausa en directe és una rutina perquè els estudiants puguin escoltar o mirar conferències en el gimnàs o en el tren. L'ús de l'espai per promoure cites “ad hoc” i l'aprenentatge social està guanyant importància. A mesura que la xarxa s'estén, tenim múltiples punts de connexió que ens ofereixen diferents graus d'experiència (l'escriptori, el telèfon mòbil, l'xBox o la Wii, el sistema GPS, els telèfons intel·ligents, ordinadors ultraportàtils, etc.). Malgrat coincidir en diversos espectes, també estan optimitzats per diferents propòsits. Un acompanyament natural a aquesta xarxa de punts de connexió és el trasllat de molts serveis cap al núvol, que es troba disponible a la xarxa a través dels diferents dispositius i entorns. Això significa que cada cop és més parcial centrar-se exclusivament en el lloc web institucional com a principal mecanisme de distribució i en el navegador com a principal entorn de consum. Els estudiants estan orientats als resultats i valoren la comoditat. Aquest èmfasi, juntament a les restriccions de disseny d’alguns dispositius promou la necessitat d’arribar ràpidament a la rellevància. La socialització, la personalització i la consciència de la localització cobren més importància. Les biblioteques han estat treballant per desenvolupar serveis preparats per la xarxa. La comunicació mòbil intensifica aquesta activitat i hi afegeix nous reptes mentre s'estudia què vol dir estar preparat per la xarxa. Això té implicacions en l'organització des del moment que l'èmfasi es desplaça cap a la integració del procés de treball al voltant de l'estudiant o investigador i crea noves relacions amb altres organitzacions de serveis del campus. També té conseqüències en la manera d'utilitzar l'espai, en les habilitats de la biblioteca i en com es desenvolupen les col·leccions. Podem observar l'impacte de la comunicació mòbil en els serveis de dues maneres. En primer lloc, els serveis es poden convertir en aptes per ser mòbils, com és el cas de les interfícies mòbils per als serveis de les biblioteques, els serveis d'alerta, etc. En segon lloc, la mobilització continua la reestructuració dels serveis, les organitzacions i l'atenció produïda per la xarxa. Penseu aquí la manera de socialitzar i personalitzar els serveis; en com adaptar l'ús de la col·lecció i el servei que s'estén a l'entorn institucional, personal i de núvol; en com posicionar i promoure la marca de la biblioteca a mesura que els serveis s'atomitzen i es fan menys visibles a la xarxa; i altres qüestions més complexes com què és millor fer localment i què s'ha de fer amb acords de col·laboració o terceres parts.


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La importància de la formació permanent és indiscutible en qualsevol context laboral i molt especialment en les actuals circumstàncies de crisi econòmica mundial. Però en l'actual espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), les tendències i els plans de formació contínua adquireixen una dimensió global, que supera o, millor dit, hauria de superar els plantejaments reduccionistes. Per això, la construcció i el desenvolupament de l'espai europeu de formació permanent, EEFP (Comissió de les Comunitats Europees, 2001a), ha d'entendre's com un procés que està immers en un teixit més ampli. Es tracta d'una acció en xarxa on és necessària la implicació de molts agents actius professionals i on la convergència, el reconeixement i la cohesió han de ser els seus màxims elements qualitatius


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We study whether there is scope for using subsidies to smooth out barriers to R&D performance and expand the share of R&D firms in Spain. We consider a dynamic model with sunk entry costs in which firms’ optimal participation strategy is defined in terms of two subsidy thresholds that characterise entry and continuation. We compute the subsidy thresholds from the estimates of a dynamic panel data type-2 tobit model for an unbalanced panel of about 2,000 Spanish manufacturing firms. The results suggest that “extensive” subsidies are a feasible and efficient tool for expanding the share of R&D firms.


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BACKGROUND: Half of the patients with end-stage heart failure suffer from persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). Atrial kick (AK) accounts for 10-15% of the ejection fraction. A device restoring AK should significantly improve cardiac output (CO) and possibly delay ventricular assist device (VAD) implantation. This study has been designed to assess the mechanical effects of a motorless pump on the right chambers of the heart in an animal model. METHODS: Atripump is a dome-shaped biometal actuator electrically driven by a pacemaker-like control unit. In eight sheep, the device was sutured onto the right atrium (RA). AF was simulated with rapid atrial pacing. RA ejection fraction (EF) was assessed with intracardiac ultrasound (ICUS) in baseline, AF and assisted-AF status. In two animals, the pump was left in place for 4 weeks and then explanted. Histology examination was carried out. The mean values for single measurement per animal with +/-SD were analysed. RESULTS: The contraction rate of the device was 60 per min. RA EF was 41% in baseline, 7% in AF and 21% in assisted-AF conditions. CO was 7+/-0.5 l min(-1) in baseline, 6.2+/-0.5 l min(-1) in AF and 6.7+/-0.5 l min(-1) in assisted-AF status (p<0.01). Histology of the atrium in the chronic group showed chronic tissue inflammation and no sign of tissue necrosis. CONCLUSIONS: The artificial muscle restores the AK and improves CO. In patients with end-stage cardiac failure and permanent AF, if implanted on both sides, it would improve CO and possibly delay or even avoid complex surgical treatment such as VAD implantation.