916 resultados para Periurban areas
This paper discusses the status, direction and management issues in the marine protected areas (MPAs) of the Bohol (Mindanao) Sea, Philippines. The MPAs in the study area have increased through the years. Many of them were established and managed by the local government units (LGUs) in collaboration with national government agencies (NGAs), academic institutions, people’s and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Several management issues and problems were cited by the MPA managers such as insuffi cient funds and facilities, lack of support from NGAs/NGOs and lack of education among the people. Nevertheless, lessons for sustainability can be learned from the experience of some wellmanaged MPAs in the Bohol Sea. These include strong support from the political leadership, community participation and networking among the concerned sectors. Although the best practices are being followed in a number of MPAs in the Bohol Sea, success is still fragmented. The MPAs are currently managed independently although there are ongoing initiatives to network their efforts. However, it can be observed that, as a management tool, MPAs are gaining popularity and support, not only among the fisherfolk but also among local communities and LGUs in the Bohol Sea area.
Parameters a and b of the length-weight relationship (LWR) were estimated for eleven species of mudskippers caught in the coastal areas of Selangor, Malaysia. The values of b ranged from 2.56 to 3.50 with the mean b equal to 2.95 (n=11; sd=0.302). A normal distribution of the calculated LWR exponent (b) was obtained.
As in many tropical countries, subsistence fishers in Samoa live in discrete communities which have a high level of marine knowledge and some degree of control of adjacent waters. These factors provide an ideal basis for motivating communities to manage their marine resources. In Samoa, a community-based fisheries extension program encouraged each village community to define its key problems, discuss causes, propose solutions and take appropriate actions. Various village groups provided information which was recorded as problem/solution trees. The extension process culminated in a Village-Fisheries Management Plan which listed the resource management and conservation undertakings of the community. Undertakings range from enforcing laws banning destructive fishing methods to protecting critical marine habitats. Within the first eighteen months, the extension process commenced in 57 villages of which 40 have produced Village Fisheries Management Plans. An unexpectedly large number (32) or these villages chose to establish Marine Protected Areas, the first community-owned marin reserves in the country.
The article is focused on the author's personal perspective on literature searches in remote areas. Topics covered are: literature searching; collection of key articles; catalog local fisheries library holdings; budgets; documentation of research results; and the author's thought for the future.
Fish production is considered in the barren chars or sandy land masses created through siltation along river banks and deltas in Bangladesh. The prospects for fish culture in ponds and cages or pen culture in rivers and canals are examined. The socioeconomic implications of fish culture as a livelihood source for communities living in char areas are also discussed.
Billfish movements relative to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas management areas, as well as U.S. domestic data collection areas within the western North Atlantic basin, were investigated with mark-recapture data from 769 blue marlin, Makaira nigricans, 961 white marlin, Tetrapturus albidus, and 1,801 sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus. Linear displacement between release and recapture locations ranged from zero (all species) to 15,744 km (mean 575, median 119, SE 44) for blue marlin, 6,523 km (mean 719, median 216, SE 33) for white marlin, and 3,845 km (mean 294, median 98, SE 13) for sailfish. In total, 2,824 (80.0%) billfish were recaptured in the same management area of release. Days at liberty ranged from zero (all species) to 4,591 (mean 619, median 409, SE 24) for blue marlin, 5,488 (mean 692, median 448, SE 22) for white marlin, and 6,568 (mean 404, median 320, SE 11) for sailfish. The proportions (per species) of visits were highest in the Caribbean area for blue marlin and white marlin, and the Florida East Coast area for sailfish. Blue marlin and sailfish were nearly identical when comparing the percent of individuals vs. the number of areas visited. Overall, white marlin visited more areas than either blue marlin or sailfish. Seasonality was evident for all species, with overall results generally reflecting the efforts of the catch and release recreational fishing sector, particularly in the western North Atlantic. This information may be practical in reducing the uncertainties in billfish stock assessments and may offer valuable insight into management consideration of time-area closure regulations to reduce bycatch mortality of Atlantic billfishes.
Fisheries managers have established many marine protected areas (MPA’s) in the Federal and state waters off Alaska to protect ecological structure and function, establish control sites for scientific research studies, conserve benthic habitat, protect vulnerable stocks, and protect cultural resources. Many MPA’s achieve multiple objectives. Over 40 named MPA’s, many of which include several sites, encompass virtually all Federal waters off Alaska and most of the state waters where commercial fisheries occur. All of the MPA’s include measures to prohibit a particular fishery or gear type (particularly bottom trawls) on a seasonal or year-round basis, and several MPA’s prohibit virtually all commercial fishing. Although the effectiveness of MPA’s is difficult to evaluate on an individual basis, as a group they are an important component of the management program for sustainable fisheries and conserving marine biodiversity off Alaska.
O dimensionamento de uma rede de monitoramento e controle da qualidade do ar requer o conhecimento da área onde os poluentes atmosféricos, emitidos por fontes fixas e móveis, tendem a se concentrar e os seus fenômenos de dispersão. A definição das áreas de monitoramento da poluição atmosférica na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro é um tema discutido desde o início dos anos 80 quando foram estabelecidas as bacias aéreas a partir de cartas topográficas. Este projeto consiste em pesquisa aplicada ao estabelecimento da configuração espacial e mapeamento das bacias aéreas a partir de dados digitais. Tal esforço é justificado em função do alcance dos beneficiados diretamente e à sociedade em geral, a partir do conhecimento das condições da qualidade do ar e seu comportamento ao longo do tempo. O estudo realizado se concentra na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, com base em dados necessários para a avaliação da dinâmica das massas de ar na área de estudo e suas características para definição das novas bacias aéreas com suporte de um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Apoiado nos dados cartográficos digitais e nos dados cadastrais das estações de monitoramento, foi projetado e implementado um SIG, em atendimento aos requisitos de mapeamento digital das bacias aéreas, da distribuição espacial das estações de monitoramento da qualidade do ar, das principais fontes de emissão de poluentes e das principais vias de circulação veicular, onde foram identificadas e mapeadas regiões com características semelhantes para diversos cenários com uso potencial do SIG. Foi criado um banco de dados georeferenciado, previamente modelado oferecendo consultas espaciais destinadas às necessidades de gestão ambiental. Com a utilização do SIG, foram identificadas áreas com deficiência no monitoramento, áreas críticas de poluição atmosférica e propostas as novas bacias aéreas delimitadas a partir dos dados digitais. O SIG se mostrou uma ferramenta eficiente para a gestão ambiental da qualidade do ar na RMRJ, pois permitiu em ambiente de escritório a representação dos elementos necessários para a avaliação da configuração espacial das bacias aéreas e proporcionou uma visualização dinâmica da distribuição espacial das estações de monitoramento nas bacias aéreas propostas.
The lacunae in fishing-community engagement in the management and governance of marine and coastal protected areas (MCPAs) were discussed in the 2009 Chennai Workshop organized by the International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF). To continue the discussion, a second, two-day workshop to review existing legal and institutional mechanisms for implemention and monitoring of MCPAs, titled ‘Fishery-dependent Livelihoods, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity: The Case of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas in India’, was held in New Delhi during 1-2 March 2012. The objective was to understand the impact of MCPAs on fishing communities, from an environmental-justice and human-rights perspective, and make specific proposals for better conservation while securing the livelihoods of small-scale fishers. The workshop also served to underscore these issues in light of the upcoming Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), to be held at Hyderabad in October 2012. This publication contains the prospectus of the workshop and a report of the proceedings. It will be useful for fishworkers, non-governmental organizations, policymakers, trade unions, researchers and others interested in natural resource management and coastal and fishing communities.
Explora la percepción de las personas residentes en las comunidades costeras vinculadas a los espacios marinos protegidos en Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Panamá. Profundiza, a partir de estudios de caso y el análisis comparativo, los temas de gobernanza, derechos humanos y distribución justa y equitativa de beneficios derivados de la conservación. Los resultados destacan que los esfuerzos de conservación marina no han logrado establecer puentes que permitan satisfacer las necesidades sociales. Las comunidades han sido excluidas de los procesos de toma de decisiones, y los costos de la conservación han recaído en las pueblos costeros. Se plantean recomendaciones orientadas hacia el desarrollo de procesos de conservación marina y desarrollo local en aras de tender puentes en la búsqueda de formas y modelos de conservación marina que sean respetuosos de los derechos humanos y promuevan “el buen vivir” de las comunidades en territorios marino-costeros.
This report is an account of a cross-country study that covered Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Covering four sites (one each in Indonesia and Vietnam) and two sites in the Philippines, the study documented the impacts of three climate hazards affecting coastal communities, namely typhoon/flooding, coastal erosion and saltwater intrusion. It also analyzed planned adaptation options, which communities and local governments can implement, as well as autonomous responses of households to protect and insure themselves from these hazards. It employed a variety of techniques, ranging from participatory based approaches such as community hazard mapping and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) to regression techniques, to analyze the impact of climate change and the behavior of affected communities and households.
Silicose é uma doença pulmonar causada pela inalação de partículas de sílica, na qual vários são os mediadores inflamatórios implicados. Neste estudo investigamos o envolvimento do óxido nítrico (NO) nas alterações de função pulmonar e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, em camundongos estimulados com sílica por via intranasal. Foram analisados parâmetros como i) função pulmonar (resistência e elastância) e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas ao aerossol com metacolina (3 27 mg/mL) através de sistema de pletismografia invasiva, e ii) alterações morfológicas, mediante técnicas clássicas de histologia e imuno-histoquímica. Verificamos que a instilação de partículas de sílica (10 mg) causou aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonar, bem como de hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina, em tempos que variaram de 2 a 28 dias. Observamos uma correlação temporal com as alterações morfológicas no tecido pulmonar, que refletiram presença de resposta inflamatória e infiltrado celular intenso, seguidos de progressiva fibrose e formação de granulomas. Os tempos de 7 e 28 dias pós-estimulação com sílica foram selecionados para os ensaios subsequentes, por corresponderem às fases aguda e crônica da silicose experimental, respectivamente. Foram detectados níveis elevados de óxido nítrico (NO), bem como de peroxinitrito/expressão da enzima iNOS no lavado broncoalveolar e no tecido pulmonar de camundongos estimulados com sílica, respectivamente. Em outro grupo de experimentos, observamos que camundongos depletados para o gene codificante para a enzima NOS induzida (iNOS) apresentaram abolidas as respostas de aumento nos níveis basais de resistência e elastância pulmonares, bem como da hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas à metacolina em comparação aos animais selvagens (C57BL/6). A inibição da resposta inflamatória e fibrótica granulomatosa foi também notada no caso dos animais nocautes para iNOS. O tratamento com 1400W, um inibidor da enzima iNOS, diminui de forma marcada as alterações de função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual verificadas nos camundongos silicóticos. Em conclusão, nossos resultados mostram que o comprometimento da função pulmonar, representado pelo aumento na resistência/elastância e hiper-reatividade das vias aéreas, mostraram-se correlacionados à maior geração de NO e de peroxinitrito, assim como da expressão da enzima iNOS. A depleção do gene codificante ou, ainda, o bloqueio da enzima iNOS aboliram a resposta de comprometimento da função pulmonar e fibrose tecidual na silicose experimental. Em conjunto estes achados indicam que o NO parece ser um mediador importante no contexto da silicose, colocando-se como um alvo terapêutico em potencial no tratamento de doenças de caráter fibrótico.