853 resultados para Perguntas abertas e fechadas
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
O objetivo do presente estudo foi obter informações a respeito do processo de formação de tenistas talentosos e os consequentes fatores que contribuíram para o alcance do profissionalismo. Para tanto, se utilizou uma amostra de cinco tenistas brasileiros profissionais, caracterizados por terem pontos na ATP (Associação dos Tenistas Profissionais). A pesquisa foi constituída através de um delineamento qualitativo, que utilizou como instrumento uma entrevista composta por três perguntas abertas, elaboradas para explorar o contexto de formação do talento. Para a análise dos resultados foi utilizado o “Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo”. De acordo com os resultados, pode-se observar a importância que os professores tiveram no desenvolvimento destes tenistas talentosos, tanto na iniciação como no treinamento. No que se diz respeito ao planejamento dos treinos, o presente estudo demonstra a falta de profissionalismo nas fases iniciais do processo de formação, e a posterior preocupação apenas quando este atleta demonstra possuir algum potencial para seguir carreira profissional.
O estudo objetivou investigar o conhecimento e a utilização de estratégias de comunicação no cuidado da dimensão emocional do paciente sob cuidados paliativos. Com abordagem quantitativa, foi realizado entre agosto/2008 e julho/2009, junto a 303 profissionais de saúde que trabalhavam ou tinham contato frequente com estes pacientes, por meio da aplicação de questionário. Os dados sofreram tratamento estatístico descritivo e analítico. Os profissionais denotaram desconhecimento de estratégias de comunicação, evidenciando-se diferença significativa (p-valor 0,0011) na comparação entre sujeitos com e sem formação prévia em cuidados paliativos, denotando que quem possui capacitação paliativista conhece/utiliza mais estratégias comunicacionais na atenção à dimensão emocional de seus pacientes. As estratégias mais citadas pelos sujeitos foram: escuta ativa, reafirmações verbais de solicitude, uso de perguntas abertas e toque afetivo. Conclui-se que há pouco conhecimento e utilização insatisfatória de estratégias de comunicação, pelos profissionais de saúde no cuidado à dimensão emocional de pacientes sob cuidados paliativos.
A tese aborda como a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU) utilizam o esporte de alto rendimento como meio de divulgação estratégica. O estudo mostra qual é a relação existente entre a comunicação institucional e mercadológica das referidas IES e o handebol de alto rendimento. A tese objetiva também, apresentar as ferramentas de comunicação utilizadas por UMESP e UNITAU para divulgar suas ações de patrocínio e, por fim, avaliar o grau do fluxo de comunicação dos profissionais de comunicação e marketing das IES com gestores esportivos do handebol. A comparação entre as IES analisadas deu-se pelo uso do método de pesquisa de ‘estudos de casos múltiplos’, já a pesquisa documental e a bibliográfica foram utilizadas para a construção teórica do trabalho. Os dados dos objetos de estudo foram coletados através do uso da técnica de entrevista, estas que, adotaram a característica ‘semiestruturada’ com perguntas abertas e uso de roteiro. Concluiu-se que as universidades UMESP e UNITAU pouco exploram a imagem vitoriosa do handebol de alto rendimento que investem como meio estratégico de divulgação
Se é um facto que a sala de aula é um espaço socialmente instituído e é um espaço historicamente conquistado e construído, também é um facto que é um espaço social em que o acesso a ele não se encontra plenamente garantido. O objetivo deste trabalho sustenta-se na questão como pensam os futuros professores a organização do espaço nas salas de aula do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico? e pretende perceber em que medida a organização do espaço pode contribuir para a construção de competências, e para a implementação de uma aprendizagem criativa e transformadora, sendo que o entendemos como uma mensagem curricular que espelha e retrata o modelo educativo presente na sala de aula. Os resultados apresentados dimanam da análise efetuada aos dados recolhidos através de inquérito por questionário com questões abertas e fechadas a um grupo de alunos da formação inicial de professores.
This research aims at studying the use of greeting cards, here understood as a literacy practice widely used in American society of the United States. In American culture, these cards become sources of information and memory about people‟s cycles of life, their experiences and their bonds of sociability enabled by means of the senses that the image and the word comprise. The main purpose of this work is to describe how this literacy practice occurs in American society. Theoretically, this research is based on studies of literacy (BARTON, HAMILTON, 1998; BAYHAM, 1995; HAMILTON, 2000; STREET, 1981, 1984, 1985, 1993, 2003), the contributions of social semiotics, associated with systemic-functional grammar (HALLIDAY; HASAN 1978, 1985, HALLIDAY, 1994, HALLIDAY; MATTHIESSEN, 2004), and the grammar of visual design (KRESS; LEITE-GARCIA, VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2004, 2006; KRESS; MATTHIESSEN, 2004). Methodologically, it is a study that falls within the qualitative paradigm of interpretative character, which adopts ethnographic tools in data generation. From this perspective, it makes use of “looking and asking” techniques (ERICKSON, 1986, p. 119), complemented by the technique of "registering", proposed by Paz (2008). The corpus comprises 104 printed cards, provided by users of this cultural artifact, from which we selected 24, and 11 e-cards, extracted from the internet, as well as verbalizations obtained by applying a questionnaire prepared with open questions asked in order to gather information about the perceptions and actions of these cards users with respect to this literacy practice. Data analysis reveals cultural, economic and social aspects of this practice and the belief that literacy practice of using printed greeting cards, despite the existence of virtual alternatives, is still very fruitful in American society. The study also allows users to comprehend that the cardholders position themselves and construct identities that are expressed in verbal and visual interaction in order to achieve the desired effect. As a result, it is understood that greeting cards are not unintentional, but loaded with ideology and power relations, among other aspects that are constitutive of them.
A condição de saúde do trabalhador moto-taxista do município de Caicó-RN no contexto da precarização
The restructuring process has caused several changes in the workplace since the 1970s in Brazil these changes were more significant during the 1990s, with the implementation of neoliberal policies and the submission of the country's determinations of the IMF and World Bank . In this context, expression wins the increase in structural unemployment and the growth of informality as a mitigating practice the lack of formal employment. At present the activity of mototaxi driver has grown in the municipalities of small, medium and large size of the country. In Caicó / RN, as well as other municipalities, this activity has been presented as an alternative livelihood in the face of rising unemployment. Considering that this is a precarious and risky activity, we wondered about which health conditions of workers in the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó in the context of job insecurity? What is the perception that this employee has about the health-disease process and its relationship to your work? How to setup the access of motorcycle taxi drivers the right to health and social security? The research sought to examine the health conditions of the workers of the municipality of mototaxi driver Caicó / RN in the context of job insecurity. From the methodological point of view the study worked with documentary research, semi-structured interview and questionnaire with open and closed questions with a sample population of motorcycle taxi drivers of the city, in the period August-September 2013 The results revealed that these workers are if constantly exposed to various risks inherent to the profession as well as the space in which it conducts its business activities, in this case the traffic being traffic accidents and urban violence one of the greatest risks identified by motorcycle taxi drivers in the present study
A inserção do técnico em saúde bucal na estratégia saúde da família no estado do Rio Grande do Norte
An oral health technician is a profession in odontology whose own functions are defined in FEDERAL LAW NUMBER 11889, which can act for prevention, recovery and promotion of oral health. According to the web site, Of Primary Health Attention Department. Health Ministry Of Brazilian Federal Republic, you can see through historical cover, as regards Health Family Strategy that, in Rio Grande Do Norte, There are nowadays eight TSB equipments in use. Objective: The aim of this study is to find out the reasons of the inclusion of those technicians in public service, no matter the importance of this work. Method: It is about a quantitive study and a kind of exploring type, taking into account that there are not any similar previous ones. We divide it into two parts: as regards the first one, these technicians were registered in a map using the information of the Formation Schools and Class Counsel to know how and where they are. During the moment of this study, an application (or no application) of the mouth health equipments was done. They tried to discover in this process which elements contribute to the efficiency (or not) of this technical work done all together in equipment work. As regards the second part, the coordinators of Municipal Mouth Health answered to a survay that contained open and closed questions through telephone calls. The sample was defined by a raffle taking into account the work contained in municipalities. Results: There are 1053 technicians.94,3% of them are women, devided in all the health regions. As regards interview, 96,9% of oral health coordinators considered that it is very important to have an oral health technician in odontology. 92,2% would reccomend its inclusion in equipments related to mouth health, dealing to familly health . 76% have never talked before to the Health Secretary in this municipality. this spreading out could be related to financial resources and 51,6% mentioned the importance of improving the physical structure to make this spreading out possible. Conclusions: Oral Health technicians in Rio Grande Do Norte are not being adequatly used by public service, because they do not introduce themselves or act as Oral Health auxiliaries. It is important to increase concience about the importance of this category in odontology. we also say it is necesasary to invert money in a reform of the Basic Health Unities and the inclusion of these workers. On the other hand the role of the state and the public health militancy is questioned in the fulfilment of this process
En los días actuales, la Educación Inclusiva hay sido eje de amplias discusiones, pues en ella, la educación es direccionada a todas las personas, con discapacidades o no. Por intermedio de ella, todos tienen derechos a una enseñanza de calidad y pueden compartir las mismas oportunidades de aprendizaje. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo hacer un análisis del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua española en un contexto, en lo cual alumnos con y sin ceguera compartían el mismo espacio educacional. Es por lo tanto un investigación de naturaleza exploratória e cualitaviva, en la cual es utilizada como un herramienta para la recogida de los datos la entrevista semiestructurado con preguntas abiertas, realizada con los profesores de lengua española y sus alumnos ciegos. Como aporte metodológico utilizamos el Análisis Proposicional del Discurso – APD (PIRES, 2008) para que los datos pudieran ser analizados. Los resultados señalaron que, aunque los diferentes condicionantes, los alumnos ciegos, cuanto al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua española, presentan dificultades de orden estructural, personal y pedagógica semejantes. Evidenciado a partir de las declaraciones. También se constató una ausencia de preparación por parte de los profesores referentes a la utilización de recursos didácticos y estrategias de enseñanza que pudieran contemplar a las especificidades de aprendizaje de estos alumnos.
The Chronic Venous insufficiency is characterized as a set of physical changes including how most serious complication of venous ulcers, characterized by irregular and progressive loss of continuity of the skin. The occurrence of venous ulcers in people with chronic venous insufficiency generates dependence on them with health services, with long-term treatments that cause limitations and high-impact changes, affecting their quality of life, affecting the physical, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual as an important public health problem. This study aimed to describe the experience of having a venous ulcer, in the scenario of primary health care services to Health, which includes Primary Care Units and Family Health Strategy in the city of Natal / RN, based on the life histories of users. This is a qualitative study, exploratory and descriptive, with the Oral History of Life as a methodological framework. From the ponto zero was the recruitment of participants who formed the network, totaling six employees, of both sexes and aged between 57 and 79 years. After approval by the Research Ethics Committee - UFRN under the Protocol 653 788/2014 and CAAE 30408014.0.0000.5537 was held data collection, between the months of July and August, through interviews, using identification and characterization of the instrument employees and open questions. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, transcriadas and returned to employees for a conference. The narratives were subjected to Content thematic analysis technique, according to Bardin, allowing the construction of three themes that encompass categories, namely: Axis I - Perspectives on the changes: the impact wound in social relations (changes with ulcer venous, venous ulcer and social and family relationships); Axis II - Brands in body and soul: the story of being hurt (conceptions of the body injured; therapeutic itinerary in primary care services); and Axis III - Reconstruction of being hurt: coping mechanisms (redefinition of the wounded body, resilience to chronic wound). The impact of having a chronic venous ulcer generates impact of physical, psychological and social order. As aspects related to changes after the appearance of venous ulcers, survey participants reported the presence of pain, physical limitations, psychological distress, social and emotional isolation, incapacity, aesthetic discomfort and dependency on health services; the family was the aspect thatshowed no significant change after the occurrence of wound for most participants, an ally in the therapeutic process as a support network. The redefinition of the body and the wound are the main coping mechanism of chronic condition. The services in the Primary Care Network play a fundamental role in the rehabilitation of patients with venous ulcers, although there are difficulties in accessing appropriate treatment and need for expanded services, with permanent professional training of health teams and providing the resources managers to strengthen the comprehensive care of people with venous ulcers in Health Primary Care.
The study aimed to identify in the professionals and students of health courses that work in a health Basic Unit in the city of Natal/RN their perceptions of the care of deaf patients, and with the population's needs with hearing loss in relation to health care. This is a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive study, conducted between April to July 2014, with a population composed of 21 health professionals, 17 students and 8 deaf users. For data collection, we used a structured questionnaire with open and closed questions applied to groups composed of health professionals (doctors, dentists, nurses and health workers) and students of medical schools, nursing, physical education, nutrition and social service. The professionals/students answered a semi-structured questionnaire with open and closed questions concerning the possible difficulties the care of the deaf and hearing impaired. Data collection with deaf users was conducted through filmed interview for the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) could be interpreted as to the Portuguese by the researcher. With the latter it was conducted a survey of their reactions when looking for a care in the health service. Regarding the profile of identification of the subjects, it was analyzed by simple descriptive statistics (absolute and relative frequencies). The open questions were analyzed through the content analysis technique which allowed the categorization process preserving all the points raised in the discussion so that the lines were representative of the whole. When asked about the professionals and students attitude used to communicate with deaf patients possible the following categories emerged: the "writing", the "gestures" and the "third party assistance". With regard of the deaf, when asked about their experiences in seeking care in health, the elucidated categories were: "quality of care to the hearing impaired", "communication with the hearing impaired adequacy" and "dependence on third parties." The closed questions were measured and adapted to the 5 degrees of variation Likert Scale, which comprised three of these issues: degree of difficulty in communication to meet a patient with hearing loss (minimum to great difficulty); feeling of comfort while using sign language (minimum to severe discomfort); and knowledge of the Law 10.436, which provides for the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) (low knowledge to entirely clear). The data collected with professionals and students revealed some misunderstanding and discomfort in health care for deaf patients, reality also evidenced in the opinion of the deaf participants. This study revealed problems in communication, resulting in negative consequences in serving this population. This diagnosis may be relevant to public policy development and curriculum guidelines essential to the training of health professionals, inclusion and improving assistance to deaf.
A tese aborda como a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU) utilizam o esporte de alto rendimento como meio de divulgação estratégica. O estudo mostra qual é a relação existente entre a comunicação institucional e mercadológica das referidas IES e o handebol de alto rendimento. A tese objetiva também, apresentar as ferramentas de comunicação utilizadas por UMESP e UNITAU para divulgar suas ações de patrocínio e, por fim, avaliar o grau do fluxo de comunicação dos profissionais de comunicação e marketing das IES com gestores esportivos do handebol. A comparação entre as IES analisadas deu-se pelo uso do método de pesquisa de ‘estudos de casos múltiplos’, já a pesquisa documental e a bibliográfica foram utilizadas para a construção teórica do trabalho. Os dados dos objetos de estudo foram coletados através do uso da técnica de entrevista, estas que, adotaram a característica ‘semiestruturada’ com perguntas abertas e uso de roteiro. Concluiu-se que as universidades UMESP e UNITAU pouco exploram a imagem vitoriosa do handebol de alto rendimento que investem como meio estratégico de divulgação.
Apesar de todos nós nos esquecermos, é comum atribuir-se os lapsos de memória às pessoas com idades avançadas. A evidência científica tem, no entanto, demonstrado que o esquecimento advém de uma multiplicidade de factores, como por exemplo, o excesso de trabalho, falta de descanso, entre outros. Neste estudo pretende-se saber se existe associação entre a tríade conceptual ansiedade, stress e depressão e os lapsos de memória, numa população em idade activa e com habilitações académicas de nível superior. A amostra é constituída por 68 professores que exercem a sua actividade profissional na Escola E.B. 2,3 de Cantanhede. A recolha dos dados foi efectuada recorrendo a: um questionário elaborado por nós, constituído por questões abertas e fechadas, uma Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Stress (EADS-21) e um Questionário de lapsos de memória (QLM). As análises estatísticas dos questionários foram efectuadas recorrendo ao programa informático SPSS (versão 15). As análises tiveram com objectivo final a testagem das hipóteses e tomaram em consideração a natureza métrica das variáveis. / In spite of all of we forget ourselves, it is common the lapses of memory are attributed to the persons with advanced ages. The scientific evidence has, however, when that the oblivion results from a multiplicity of factors was demonstrated, I eat for example, the excess of work, rest lack, between others. In this study one intends to know if there is association between the conceptual triad anxiety, stress and depression and the lapses of memory, in a population in active age and with academic competences of superior level. The sample is constituted by 68 teachers who practice his professional activity in the School E.B. 2,3 of Cantanhede. The gathering of the data was effectuated resorting to: a questionnaire prepared by us, constituted by questions open and shut, a Scale of Anxiety, Depression and Stress (EADS-21) and a Questionnaire of lapses of memory (QLM). The statistical analyses of the questionnaires were effectuated when there is resorting to the program informatics SPSS (version 15). The analyses had with final objective the testate of the hypotheses and took in consideration the metric nature of the variables.
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
Nas últimas décadas a Intervenção Precoce tem demonstrado a sua utilidade no trabalho com as crianças e as suas famílias. Sendo consensual a sua importância, importa, também, que seja objecto de reflexão e investigação. O distrito de Évora é pioneiro na implementação de estratégias na área da Intervenção Precoce, desde o final da década de 80, apresentando, uma vasta experiência organizacional. Por isso entendemos ser o local ideal para a execução deste estudo, com o qual pretendemos conhecer e caracterizar os vários intervenientes nas práticas da Intervenção Precoce e, fundamentalmente, as abordagens que são realizadas às famílias em que ocorrem maus tratos infantis. O desenho metodológico utilizado assenta num estudo descritivo utilizando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos. Para a recolha de dados foi utilizado o questionário auto-preenchido, com questões abertas e fechadas, fazendo-se posteriormente o tratamento estatístico dos dados e a análise de conteúdo das respostas. A população deste estudo foi formada pelos técnicos de todas as equipas de Intervenção Precoce do distrito de Évora. Nunca perdendo de vista a perspectiva ecológica/sistémica, a realização deste estudo proporciona-nos uma visão dos diversos contextos ambientais e sistémicos existentes nas abordagens realizadas às famílias, evidenciando a importância e a adequação de estratégias que promovam a competência das famílias. ABSTRACT; ln the last decades Early Intervention has demonstrated its usefulness towards the children and their families. Therefore further ponderation and investigation on the subject is most important. The Évora district pioneers the implementation of Early Intervention strategies, since the late 80’s and hence, vast organization experience. This makes it the ideal location to implement this study, which aims to learn and characterize the participants in the Early Intervention, and also the approaches directed at the families where child abuse occurs. The methodical design of this study is descriptive, and both quantitative and qualitative in method. The data was collected by a self-completed questionnaire, composed of open and closed questions, and then subjected to statistic and content analysis. The study population was composed by the technicians of all the teams in the Early Intervention program, of the Évora district. While not neglecting the ecological/systemic perspective, of this study, it allowed us an overall outlook of the various environmental and systemic contexts, that exist regarding the families and thus their importance in promoting the family competences was underlined.