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The mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system is composed of two proteins, CPT-I and CPT-II, involved in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix to undergo $\beta$-oxidation. CPT-I is located outside the inner membrane and CPT-II is located on the inner aspect of the inner membrane. The CPT proteins are distinct with different molecular weights and activities. The malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I has been proposed as a regulatory step in $\beta$-oxidation. Using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte, assays were designed to discriminate between these activities in situ using digitonin and Triton X-100. With this methodology, we are able to determine the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-mediated increase in CPT activities. Concentrations of digitonin up to 25 $\mu$M fail to release citrate synthase from the mitochondrial matrix or alter the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I. If the mitochondrial matrix was exposed, malonyl-CoA insensitive CPT-II would reduce malonyl-CoA sensitivity. In contrast to digitonin, Triton X-100 (0.15%) releases citrate synthase from the matrix and exposes CPT-II. CPT-II activity is confirmed by the absence of malonyl-CoA sensitivity. To examine the effects of various agents on the expression and/or activity of CPT, it is necessary to use serum-free medium to eliminate mitogenic effects of serum proteins. Comparison of different media to optimize CPT activity and cell viability resulted in the decision to use Dulbecco's Modified Eagle medium supplemented with transferrin. In three established models of cardiac hypertrophy using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte there is a significant increase in CPT-I and CPT-II activity in the treated cells. Analogous to the situation seen in the hypertrophy model, insulin also significantly increases the activity of the mitochondrial proteins CPT-I, CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase with a coinciding increase the expression of CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase mRNA. The removal of serum increases the I$\sb{50}$ (concentration of inhibitor that halves enzyme activity) of CPT-I for malonyl-CoA by four-fold. Incubation with insulin returns I$\sb{50}$ values to serum levels. Incubation with insulin significantly increases malonyl-CoA and ATP levels in the cells with a resulting reduction in palmitate oxidation. Once malonyl-CoA inhibition of CPT-I is removed by permeabilizing the cells, insulin significantly increases the oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in a manner which parallels the increase in CPT-I activity. Interestingly, CPT-II activity increases significantly only at the tissue culture concentration (1.7 $\mu$M) of insulin suggesting that the IGF-I pathway may be involved. Supporting a role for the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-induced increase in CPT activity is the significant increase in the synthesis of both cellular and mitochondrial proteins as well as increased synthesis of CPT-II. Consistent with an IGF-mediated pathway for the effect of insulin, IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increases the activities of both CPT-I and -II. An IGF-I analogue which inhibits the autophosphorylation of the IGF-I receptor blunts the insulin-mediated increase in CPT-I and -II activity by greater than 70% and virtually eliminates the IGF-I response by greater than 90%. This is the first study to demonstrate the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the regulation of mitochondrial protein expression, e.g. CPT. ^


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Latrepirdine (Dimebon) is a pro-neurogenic, antihistaminic compound that has yielded mixed results in clinical trials of mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease, with a dramatically positive outcome in a Russian clinical trial that was unconfirmed in a replication trial in the United States. We sought to determine whether latrepirdine (LAT)-stimulated amyloid precursor protein (APP) catabolism is at least partially attributable to regulation of macroautophagy, a highly conserved protein catabolism pathway that is known to be impaired in brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). We utilized several mammalian cellular models to determine whether LAT regulates mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and Atg5-dependent autophagy. Male TgCRND8 mice were chronically administered LAT prior to behavior analysis in the cued and contextual fear conditioning paradigm, as well as immunohistological and biochemical analysis of AD-related neuropathology. Treatment of cultured mammalian cells with LAT led to enhanced mTOR- and Atg5-dependent autophagy. Latrepirdine treatment of TgCRND8 transgenic mice was associated with improved learning behavior and with a reduction in accumulation of Aβ42 and α-synuclein. We conclude that LAT possesses pro-autophagic properties in addition to the previously reported pro-neurogenic properties, both of which are potentially relevant to the treatment and/or prevention of neurodegenerative diseases. We suggest that elucidation of the molecular mechanism(s) underlying LAT effects on neurogenesis, autophagy and behavior might warranty the further study of LAT as a potentially viable lead compound that might yield more consistent clinical benefit following the optimization of its pro-neurogenic, pro-autophagic and/or pro-cognitive activities.


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Hepatic angiosarcoma (AS) is a rare and highly aggressive tumor of endothelial origin with dismal prognosis. Studies of the molecular biology of AS and treatment options are limited as animal models are rare. We have previously shown that inducible knockout of Notch1 in mice leads to spontaneous formation of hepatic AS. The aims of this study were to: (1) establish and characterize a cell line derived from this murine AS, (2) identify molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis and potential therapeutic targets, and (3) generate a tumor transplantation model. AS cells retained specific endothelial properties such as tube formation activity, as well as expression of CD31 and Von Willebrand factor. However, electron microscopy analysis revealed signs of dedifferentiation with loss of fenestrae and loss of contact inhibition. Microarray and pathway analysis showed substantial changes in gene expression and revealed activation of the Myc pathway. Exposing the AS cells to sorafenib reduced migration, filopodia dynamics, and cell proliferation but did not induce apoptosis. In addition, sorafenib suppressed ERK phosphorylation and expression of cyclin D2. Injection of AS cells into NOD/SCID mice resulted in formation of undifferentiated tumors, confirming the tumorigenic potential of these cells. In summary, we established and characterized a murine model of spontaneous AS formation and hepatic AS cell lines as a useful in vitro tool. Our data demonstrate antitumor activity of sorafenib in AS cells with potent inhibition of migration, filopodia formation, and cell proliferation, supporting further evaluation of sorafenib as a novel treatment strategy. In addition, AS cell transplantation provides a subcutaneous tumor model useful for in vivo preclinical drug testing.Laboratory Investigation advance online publication, 24 November 2014; doi:10.1038/labinvest.2014.141.


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The human blood brain barrier (BBB) is a selective barrier formed by human brain endothelial cells (hBECs), which is important to ensure adequate neuronal function and protect the central nervous system (CNS) from disease. The development of human in vitro BBB models is thus of utmost importance for drug discovery programs related to CNS diseases. Here, we describe a method to generate a human BBB model using cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. The cells were initially differentiated into ECs followed by the induction of BBB properties by co-culture with pericytes. The brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs) express tight junctions and transporters typically observed in brain endothelium and maintain expression of most in vivo BBB properties for at least 20 days. The model is very reproducible since it can be generated from stem cells isolated from different donors and in different laboratories, and could be used to predict CNS distribution of compounds in human. Finally, we provide evidence that Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway mediates in part the BBB inductive properties of pericytes.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) has been regarded as the main antifibrinolytic protein in diabetes, but recent work indicates that complement C3 (C3), an inflammatory protein, directly compromises fibrinolysis in type 1 diabetes. The aim of the current project was to investigate associations between C3 and fibrinolysis in a large cohort of individuals with type 2 diabetes. METHODS Plasma levels of C3, C-reactive protein (CRP), PAI-1 and fibrinogen were analysed by ELISA in 837 patients enrolled in the Edinburgh Type 2 Diabetes Study. Fibrin clot lysis was analysed using a validated turbidimetric assay. RESULTS Clot lysis time correlated with C3 and PAI-1 plasma levels (r = 0.24, p < 0.001 and r = 0.22, p < 0.001, respectively). In a multivariable regression model involving age, sex, BMI, C3, PAI-1, CRP and fibrinogen, and using log-transformed data as appropriate, C3 was associated with clot lysis time (regression coefficient 0.227 [95% CI 0.161, 0.292], p < 0.001), as was PAI-1 (regression coefficient 0.033 [95% CI 0.020, 0.064], p < 0.05) but not fibrinogen (regression coefficient 0.003 [95% CI -0.046, 0.051], p = 0.92) or CRP (regression coefficient 0.024 [95% CI -0.008, 0.056], p = 0.14). No correlation was demonstrated between plasma levels of C3 and PAI-1 (r = -0.03, p = 0.44), consistent with previous observations that the two proteins affect different pathways in the fibrinolytic system. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION Similarly to PAI-1, C3 plasma levels are independently associated with fibrin clot lysis in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Therefore, future studies should analyse C3 plasma levels as a surrogate marker of fibrinolysis potential in this population.


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The barrier surfaces of the skin, lung, and intestine are constantly exposed to environmental stimuli that can result in inflammation and tissue damage. Interleukin (IL)-33-dependent group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are enriched at barrier surfaces and have been implicated in promoting inflammation; however, the mechanisms underlying the tissue-protective roles of IL-33 or ILC2s at surfaces such as the intestine remain poorly defined. Here we demonstrate that, following activation with IL-33, expression of the growth factor amphiregulin (AREG) is a dominant functional signature of gut-associated ILC2s. In the context of a murine model of intestinal damage and inflammation, the frequency and number of AREG-expressing ILC2s increases following intestinal injury and genetic disruption of the endogenous AREG-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway exacerbated disease. Administration of exogenous AREG limited intestinal inflammation and decreased disease severity in both lymphocyte-sufficient and lymphocyte-deficient mice, revealing a previously unrecognized innate immune mechanism of intestinal tissue protection. Furthermore, treatment with IL-33 or transfer of ILC2s ameliorated intestinal disease severity in an AREG-dependent manner. Collectively, these data reveal a critical feedback loop in which cytokine cues from damaged epithelia activate innate immune cells to express growth factors essential for ILC-dependent restoration of epithelial barrier function and maintenance of tissue homeostasis.


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Information on how species distributions and ecosystem services are impacted by anthropogenic climate change is important for adaptation planning. Palaeo data suggest that Abies alba formed forests under significantly warmer-than-present conditions in Europe and might be a native substitute for widespread drought-sensitive temperate and boreal tree species such as beech (Fagus sylvatica) and spruce (Picea abies) under future global warming conditions. Here, we combine pollen and macrofossil data, modern observations, and results from transient simulations with the LPX-Bern dynamic global vegetation model to assess past and future distributions of A. alba in Europe. LPX-Bern is forced with climate anomalies from a run over the past 21 000 years with the Community Earth System Model, modern climatology, and with 21st-century multimodel ensemble results for the high-emission RCP8.5 and the stringent mitigation RCP2.6 pathway. The simulated distribution for present climate encompasses the modern range of A. alba, with the model exceeding the present distribution in north-western and southern Europe. Mid-Holocene pollen data and model results agree for southern Europe, suggesting that at present, human impacts suppress the distribution in southern Europe. Pollen and model results both show range expansion starting during the Bølling–Allerød warm period, interrupted by the Younger Dryas cold, and resuming during the Holocene. The distribution of A. alba expands to the north-east in all future scenarios, whereas the potential (currently unrealized) range would be substantially reduced in southern Europe under RCP8.5. A. alba maintains its current range in central Europe despite competition by other thermophilous tree species. Our combined palaeoecological and model evidence suggest that A. alba may ensure important ecosystem services including stand and slope stability, infrastructure protection, and carbon sequestration under significantly warmer-than-present conditions in central Europe.


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) develops through a multistep process and is modulated by inflammation. However, the inflammatory pathways that support intestinal tumors at different stages remain incompletely understood. Interleukin (IL)-33 signaling plays a role in intestinal inflammation, yet its contribution to the pathogenesis of CRC is unknown. Using immunohistochemistry on 713 resected human CRC specimens, we show here that IL-33 and its receptor ST2 are expressed in low-grade and early-stage human CRCs, and to a lesser extent in higher-grade and more advanced-stage tumors. In a mouse model of CRC, ST2-deficiency protects from tumor development. Moreover, bone marrow (BM) chimera studies indicate that engagement of the IL-33/ST2 pathway on both the radio-resistant and radio-sensitive compartment is essential for CRC development. Mechanistically, activation of IL-33/ST2 signaling compromises the integrity of the intestinal barrier and triggers the production of pro-tumorigenic IL-6 by immune cells. Together, this data reveals a tumor-promoting role of IL-33/ST2 signaling in CRC.


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Mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a protein of the complement lectin pathway, resembles thrombin in terms of structural features and substrate specificity. Due to its interplay with several coagulation factors, it has the ability to induce fibrin clot formation independent of the usual coagulation activation pathways. We have recently shown that MASP-1 activates prothrombin and identified arginine (R) 155, R271, and R393 as potential cleavage sites. FXa cleaves R320 instead of R393, and thrombin cleaves R155 and R284 in prothrombin. Here we have used three arginine-to-glutamine mutants of prothrombin, R271Q, R320Q, R393Q and the serine-to-alanine active site mutant S525A to investigate in detail the mechanism of MASP-1 mediated prothrombin activation. Prothrombin wildtype and mutants were digested with MASP-1 and the cleavage products were analysed by SDS-PAGE and N-terminal sequencing. A functional clotting assay was performed by thrombelastography. We have found that MASP-1 activates prothrombin via two simultaneous pathways, either cleaving at R271 or R393 first. Both pathways result in the formation of several active alternative thrombin species. Functional studies confirmed that both R393 and R320 are required for prothrombin activation by MASP-1, whereas R155 is not considered to be an important cleavage site in this process. In conclusion, we have described for the first time a detailed model of prothrombin activation by MASP-1.


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miRNAs function to regulate gene expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms to potentially regulate multiple aspects of physiology and development. Whole transcriptome analysis has been conducted on the citron kinase mutant rat, a mutant that shows decreases in brain growth and development. The resulting differences in RNA between mutant and wild-type controls can be used to identify genetic pathways that may be regulated differentially in normal compared to abnormal neurogenesis. The goal of this thesis was to verify, with quantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), changes in miRNA expression in Cit-k mutants and wild types. In addition to confirming miRNA expression changes, bio-informatics software TargetScan 5.1 was used to identify potential mRNA targets of the differentially expressed miRNAs. The miRNAs that were confirmed to change include: rno-miR-466c, mmu-miR-493, mmu-miR-297a, hsa-miR-765, and hsa-miR-1270. The TargetScan analysis revealed 347 potential targets which have known roles in development. A subset of these potential targets include genes involved in the Wnt signaling pathway which is known to be an important regulator of stem cell development.


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Comparison of gene expressing profiles between gliomas with different grades revealed frequent overexpression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) in glioblastomas (GBM), in which uncontrolled cell proliferation, angiogenesis, invasion and anti-apoptosis are hallmarks. Using the glia-specific gene transfer transgenic mouse and the stable LN229(BP2) GBM cell lines, we found that IGFBP2 by itself cannot transform cells in vitro and in vivo. IGFBP2 had growth inhibitory effects on mouse primary neural progenitors, but overexpression of IGFBP2 had no effect on GBM cells. ^ Although IGFBP2 does not initiate gliomagenesis, using tissue array technology, we observed strong correlation between IGFBP2 overexpression and VEGF up-regulation in human diffuse gliomas. Furthermore, overexpression of IGFBP2 in GBM cells not only enhanced VEGF expression but also increased the malignant potential of U87 MG cells in our angiogenesis xenograft animal model. ^ In parallel to these studies, using established stable SNB19 GBM cells that overexpress IGFBP2, we found that IGFBP2 significantly increased invasion by induction of matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) as well as other invasion related genes, providing evidence that IGFBP2 contributes to glioma progression in part by enhancing MMP-2 gene transcription and in turn tumor cell invasion. ^ Finally, we found that primary filial cells infected with an anti-sense IGFBP2 construct have markedly increased sensitivity to γ irradiation and reduced Akt activation. On the other hand, SNB19(BP2) stable lines have consistently increased levels of Akt and NFkB activation, suggesting that one possible mechanism for anti-apoptosic function of IGFBP2 is through the activation of Akt and NFkB. Beside this, what is especially interesting is the finding that Akt protein was cleaved and inactivated during apoptosis by caspases, and IGFBP2 can prevent Akt cleavage, revealing another possible mechanism through it IGFBP2 exhibit strong antiapoptotic effects. Our data showed that IGFBP2 is a specific substrate for caspase-3, raising the possibility that IGFBP2 may inhibit apoptosis by a suicide mechanism. ^ In summary, using cellular, genomics, and molecular approaches, this thesis documented the potential roles of IGFBP2 in glioma progression. Our findings shed light on an important biological aspect of glioma progression and may provide new insights useful for the design of novel mechanism-based therapies for GBM. ^


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Though E2F1 is deregulated in most human cancers by mutations of the p16-cyclin D-Rb pathway, it also exhibits tumor suppressive activity. A transgenic mouse model overexpressing E2F1 under the control of the bovine keratin 5 (K5) promoter exhibits epidermal hyperplasia and spontaneously develops tumors in the skin and other epithelial tissues after one year of age. In a p53-deficient background, aberrant apoptosis in K5 E2F1 transgenic epidermis is reduced and tumorigenesis is accelerated. In sharp contrast, K5 E2F1 transgenic mice are resistant to papilloma formation in the DMBA/TPA two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. K5 E2F4 and K5 DP1 transgenic mice were also characterized and both display epidermal hyperplasia but do not develop spontaneous tumors even in cooperation with p53 deficiency. These transgenic mice do not have increased levels of apoptosis in their skin and are more susceptible to papilloma formation in the two-stage carcinogenesis model. These studies show that deregulated proliferation does not necessarily lead to tumor formation and that the ability to suppress skin carcinogenesis is unique to E2F1. E2F1 can also suppress skin carcinogenesis when okadaic acid is used as the tumor promoter and when a pre-initiated mouse model is used, demonstrating that E2F1's tumor suppressive activity is not specific for TPA and occurs at the promotion stage. E2F1 was thought to induce p53-dependent apoptosis through upregulation of p19ARF tumor suppressor, which inhibits mdm2-mediated p53 degradation. Consistent with in vitro studies, the overexpression of E2F1 in mouse skin results in the transcriptional activation of the p19ARF and the accumulation of p53. Inactivation of either p19ARF or p53 restores the sensitivity of K5 E2F1 transgenic mice to DMBA/TPA carcinogenesis, demonstrating that an intact p19ARF-p53 pathway is necessary for E2F1 to suppress carcinogenesis. Surprisingly, while p53 is required for E2F1 to induce apoptosis in mouse skin, p19ARF is not, and inactivation of p19ARF actually enhances E2F1-induced apoptosis and proliferation in transgenic epidermis. This indicates that ARF is important for E2F1-induced tumor suppression but not apoptosis. Senescence is another potential mechanism of tumor suppression that involves p53 and p19ARF. K5 E2F1 transgenic mice initiated with DMBA and treated with TPA show an increased number of senescence cells in their epidermis. These experiments demonstrate that E2F1's unique tumor suppressive activity in two-stage skin carcinogenesis can be genetically separated from E2F1-induced apoptosis and suggest that senescence utilizing the p19ARF-p53 pathway plays a role in tumor suppression by E2F1. ^


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Numerous animal models have been used to study diet effects on cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism. However, most of those models differ from humans in the plasma distribution of cholesterol and in the processing of lipoproteins in the plasma compartment. Although transgenic or knock-out mice have been used to study a specific pathway involved in cholesterol metabolism, these data are of limited use because other metabolic pathways and responses to interventions may differ from the human condition.Carbohydrate restricted diets have been shown to reduce plasma triglycerides, increase HDL cholesterol and promote the formation of larger, less atherogenic LDL. However, the mechanisms behind these responses and the relation to atherosclerotic events in the aorta have not been explored in detail due to the lack of an appropriate animal model. Guinea pigs carry the majority of the cholesterol in LDL and possess cholesterol ester transfer protein and lipoprotein lipase activities, which results in reverse cholesterol transport and delipidation cascades equivalent to the human situation. Further, carbohydrate restriction has been shown to alter the distribution of LDL subfractions, to decrease cholesterol accumulation in aortas and to decrease aortic cytokine expression. It is the purpose of this review to discuss the use of guinea pigs as useful models to evaluate diet effects on lipoprotein metabolism, atherosclerosis and inflammation with an emphasis on carbohydrate restricted diets.


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The genomic DNA of eukaryotic cells is well organized into chromatin structures. However, these repressed structures present barriers that block the access of regulatory factors to the genome during various nuclear events. To overcome the obstacle, two major cellular processes, post-modification of histone tails and ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling, are involved in reconfiguring chromatin structure and creating accessible DNA. Despite the current research progress, much remains to be explored concerning the relationship between chromatin remodeling and DNA repair. Recently, one member of the ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes, INO80, has been found to play a crucial role in DNA damage repair. However, the functions of this complex in higher eukaryotes have yet to be determined. The goal of my study is to generate a human somatic INO80 conditional knockout model and investigate the functions of Ino80 in damage repair.^ By homologous targeting of the INO80 locus in human HCT116 colon epithelial cells, I established a human somatic INO80 conditional knockout model. I have demonstrated that the conditional INO80 cells exhibited a sufficiently viable period when the INO80 protein is removed. Moreover, I found that loss of INO80 resulted in deficient UV lesion repair in response to UV while the protein levels of the NER factors such as XPC, XPA, XPD were not affected. And in vitro repair synthesis assay showed that the NER incision and repair synthesis activities were intact in the absence of INO80. Examination on the damage recognition factor XPC showed its recruitment to damage sites was impaired in the INO80 mutant cells. Loss of INO80 also led to reduced enrichment of XPA at the site of UV lesions. Despite the reduced recruitment of XPC and XPA observed in INO80 mutants, no direct interaction was detected. Meanwhile, direct interaction between INO80 and DDB1, the initial UV lesion detector, was detected by coimmunoprecipitation. UV-induced chromosome relaxation was reduced in cells devoid of INO80. These results demonstrate the INO80 complex may participates in the NER by interacting with DDB1 and having a critical role of in creating DNA accessibility for the nucleotide excision pathway. ^


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Neuropsychological impairment occurs in 20%-40% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors, possibly mediated by folate depletion following methotrexate chemotherapy. We evaluated the relationship between two folate pathway polymorphisms and neuropsychological impairment after childhood ALL chemotherapy. Eighty-six childhood ALL survivors were recruited between 2004-2007 at Texas Children's Hospital after exclusion for central nervous system leukemia, cranial irradiation, and age<1 year at diagnosis. Neuropsychological evaluation at a median of 5.3 years off therapy included a parental questionnaire and the following child performance measures: Trail Making Tests A and B, Grooved Pegboard Test Dominant-Hand and Nondominant-Hand, and Digit Span subtest. We performed genotyping for polymorphisms in two folate pathway genes: reduced folate carrier (RFC1 80G>A, rs1051266) and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR Intron-1 19bp deletion). Fisher exact test, logistic regression, Student's t-test, and ANOVA were used to compare neuropsychological test scores by genotype, using a dominant model to group genotypes. In univariate analysis, survivors with cumulative methotrexate exposure ≥9000 mg/m2 had an increased risk of attention disorder (OR=6.2, 95% CI 1.2 – 31.3), compared to survivors with methotrexate exposure <9000 mg/m2. On average, female survivors scored 8.5 points higher than males on the Digit Span subtest, a test of working memory (p=0.02). The RFC1 80G>A and DHFR Intron-1 deletion polymorphisms were not related to attention disorder or impairment on tests of attention, processing speed, fine motor speed, or memory. These data imply a strong relationship between methotrexate dose intensity and impairment in attention after childhood ALL therapy. We did not find an association between the RFC1 80G>A or DHFR Intron-1 deletion polymorphisms and long-term neuropsychological impairment in childhood ALL survivors.^