989 resultados para Pathology, Clinical


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Neoplastic diseases are typically diagnosed by biopsy and histopathological evaluation. The pathology report is key in determining prognosis, therapeutic decisions, and overall case management and therefore requires diagnostic accuracy, completeness, and clarity. Successful management relies on collaboration between clinical veterinarians, oncologists, and pathologists. To date there has been no standardized approach or guideline for the submission, trimming, margin evaluation, or reporting of neoplastic biopsy specimens in veterinary medicine. To address this issue, a committee consisting of veterinary pathologists and oncologists was established under the auspices of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists Oncology Committee. These consensus guidelines were subsequently reviewed and endorsed by a large international group of veterinary pathologists. These recommended guidelines are not mandated but rather exist to help clinicians and veterinary pathologists optimally handle neoplastic biopsy samples. Many of these guidelines represent the collective experience of the committee members and consensus group when assessing neoplastic lesions from veterinary patients but have not met the rigors of definitive scientific study and investigation. These questions of technique, analysis, and evaluation should be put through formal scrutiny in rigorous clinical studies in the near future so that more definitive guidelines can be derived.


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Painful bladder syndrome associated with interstitial cystitis (PBS/IC) is a clinical condition characterized pelvic pain, urinary urgency, and urinary frequency. In this study, 22 patients were assigned to make two visits over a three weeks period. The patients were randomly, double-blinded assigned in two groups. The first group received Cystex (R) capsules. The second group received placebo capsules. Two capsules were taken three times a day away from meals. The change from baseline in the O'Leary-Sant IC symptom and problem index was the primary outcome parameter. Changes in functional bladder capacity and intensity of pain and urgency have been chosen as secondary outcome parameters. Mood as well as physical and sexual activity were rated by 10 questions on a scale 0 to 6. The ratings were analyzed and the average for each patient in both groups Cystex (R) and placebo was determined as the quality of life index. For the primary outcome there was a statistically significant difference between the groups. Mean symptom score-sum decreased from 28.4 to 20.5 in the Cystex (R) group compared with 29.5 to 26.8 in the placebo group (p<0.05). For the secondary end points, pain and urgency intensity improved statistically significantly in the Cystex (R) group compared with the placebo group (p<0.05). The frequency and functional bladder capacity improved to greater degree in the Cystex (R) group. The differences were statistically significant for comparison of frequency (p<0.05) and not for functional bladder capacity (p>0.05). In our study, Cystex (R) enhanced quality of life over the placebo showing a statistically significant. This trial have shown that the efficacy and safety of therapy with Cystex (R) in the treatment of interstitial cystitis and is an alternative for patients suffering from this pathology. Therefore, it can be concluded that the composition of Cystex (R), increased the quality of life in treated patients.


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In view of the relevance of the mylohyoid nerve to clinical difficulties in achieving deep analgesia of the lower incisors, a dissection study was undertaken. Dissections from 29 adult cadavers of both sexes were studied with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The following observations were made: a supplementary branch of the mylohyoid nerve entered the mandible through accessory foramina in the lingual side of the mandibular symphysis in 50% of the cases; it generrally arose from the right side (76.9%) and entered the inferior retromental foramen (84.6%); the mylohyoid nerve branch either ended directly in the incisor teeth and the gingiva or joined the ipsilateral or contralateral incisive nerve. In view of this information concerning the high incidence of possible involvement of the mylohyoid nerve in mandibular sensory innervation, it is advisable to block it whenever intervention in the lower incisors is indicated. Routine mylohyoid injection is recommended after mental nerve block. If the inferior alveolar nerve is chosen for anesthetic purposes, additional mylohyoid injection should be given only if pain persists. The mylohyoid injection should be given at the inferior retromental foramen on the median aspect of the inferior border of the mandible through extraoral approach.


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This patient report presents an unusual onlay bone graft failure following local cocaine application. Three months after the bone grafting procedure performed in the anterior maxilla for bone volume augmentation, the bone graft was totally exposed in the oral cavity as a result of the rubbing of cocaine on the gingival tissue that covered the bone graft. A histologic view of the removed bone fragment presented not only an area of necrosis but also ample spaces filled with necrosis material and resorption areas. Dental practitioners need to be aware of this phenomenon because such patients often do not report the use of drugs, particularly cocaine. Copyright © 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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Objective. Evaluation of long-standing sleep bruxism (SB) patients. Study Design. Descriptive study. Results. One hundred subjects with SB (80 women and 20 men, mean age: 36.1±11.3 years) were evaluated according to the RDC/TMD and a pain questionnaire (EDOF-HC). The patients were divided into 2 groups: Group A-without (30.0%) and Group B-with orofacial pain (70.0%). AM stiffness: 36.4% in Group A and 88.6% in Group B; mean pain duration: 6.92 years; mean intensity of pain: 4.33 (VAS); quality of pain: tightness/pressure (84,3%); 95.7% of Group B had myofascial pain. Depression and somatization levels were different between the groups (p = 0.001). Higher frequency of depression was found with body pain or presence of comorbidities. Conclusion. The data presented in this study showed statistical differences between long-standing bruxism without and with chronic facial pain; the two questionnaires allowed interaction between the chief complaint and the clinical findings; depression levels increased with pain in several regions of the body. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study utilized clinical and radiographic examinations to compare the effectiveness of calcium hydroxide paste and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) for pulpotomies of primary molars in children. Ninety primary molars that showed clinical and radiographic indications for pulpotomy treatment were selected. The pulpotomies were performed in two sessions, using a corticosteroid/ antibiotic solution as therapeutic dressing. The sample was divided into two groups of 45 teeth, in which the pulpal remains were protected with either calcium hydroxide paste (Group 1) or MTA (Group 2). Radiographs were taken immediately and at 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up appointments. Three teeth in Group 1 failed after three months, while two cases failed after six months and one more failed at one year. Two failures were found in Group 2 at the 12-month follow-up. These results indicate that both materials may be utilized for pulpotomies in primary teeth.


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Delay in diagnosis of pulmonary and other forms of tuberculosis (TB) can be fatal, particularly in HIV-infected patients. Hence, techniques based on nucleic acid amplification, which are both rapid and of high specificity and sensitivity, are now widely used and recommended for laboratories that diagnose TB. In the present study, diagnostic methods based on mycobacterial DNA amplification were evaluated in comparative trials alongside tradicional bacterial methods, using negative smear samples from patients with clinically-suspected TB (sputum samples from 25 patients with suspected pulmonary TB, urine samples from two patients with suspected renal TB and cerebrospinal fluid samples from one patient with suspected meningeal TB). A specificity of 100% was achieved with DNA amplification methods and tradicional culture/identification methods, in relation to clinical findings and treatment results. For the smear-negative sputa, conventional PCR for M. tuberculosis was positive in 62% of suspected lung TB case, showing the same sensitivity as bacterial identification. Both techniques failed in the detection of extra-pulmonary samples. Nested PCR showed, after species-specific amplification, a sensitivity of 100% for M. avium and 85% for M. tuberculosis. For extra-pulmonary smear-negative samples, only Nested PCR detected M. tuberculosis and all cases were confirmed clinically. Nested PCR, in which two-step amplification reactions are performed, can identify the two most important mycobacteria in human pathology quickly and directly from clinical spicimens.


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This article is the first known case report of Fraser syndrome in the dental literature. Its purpose was to present the clinical manifestations, oral findings, and dental treatment of a 14-year, 10-month-old female patient. Fraser syndrome is a rare recessive autosomal genetic disorder characterized by multisystemic malformation, usually comprising cryptophthalmos, syndactyly, and renal defects. The child presented with: (1) hydrocephaly; (2) face asymmetry; (3) low-inserted ears; (4) flat nose bridge; (5) cryptophthalmos; (6) bilateral absence of eyeballs; (7) hypertelorism; (8) syndactyly on the left fingers and toes; (9) skeletal defects; and (10) lower limb asymmetry. The intraoral examination revealed: (1) complete primary denture; (2) malocclusion; (3) tooth crowding; (4) ogival palate; (5) normal labial frena; (6) absence of lingual frenum (not compromising the tongue movements); (7) parched lips; (8) supragingival calculus adhered to all tooth surfaces; and (9) moderate gingivitis. The dental treatment consisted of periodic monitoring of the patient's oral health status and supragingival scaling associated with topical applications of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate gel at 2-week intervals to reduce gingivitis.


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Among the factors that influence the success of treatment of a root perforation, its location and possibility of contamination are determinant because the interaction of these 2 factors may result in significant periodontal injury. The management of cases of hard-to-reach contaminated perforations depends on the choice of an adequate technique. In the case reported in this article, controlled orthodontic tooth extrusion was successfully performed to treat gingival recession secondary to root perforation. The outcomes showed that this technique preserves the zone of attached gingiva, maintains the crown height, and prevents the involvement of the supporting bone tissue. The favorable clinical and radio?graphic conditions after 7 years of follow-up demonstrate the viability of this treatment approach.


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Purpose: This study aims to review anatomical, clinical, and pathological concepts as well as to discuss the most adequate therapeutic approach to the mucoceles of the glands of Blandin-Nuhn. Discussion: The glands of Blandin-Nuhn are localized in the ventral part of the tongue, next to the apex in the lingual median plane. Development of a mucocele in this site is rarely seen; besides, as the glands of Blandin-Nuhn are not encapsulated and are directly overlapped to the muscle tissues, their manipulation tends to be different from the other oral mucoceles. Conclusion: As Blandin-Nuhn mucoceles are uncommon and their clinical appearance could be similar to other lesions, it is important that health professionals know their clinical and histopathological features to avoid having them misdiagnosed. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Hereditary myotonia caused by mutations in CLCN1 has been previously described in humans, goats, dogs, mice and horses. The goal of this study was to characterize the clinical, morphological and genetic features of hereditary myotonia in Murrah buffalo. Clinical and laboratory evaluations were performed on affected and normal animals. CLCN1 cDNA and the relevant genomic region from normal and affected animals were sequenced. The affected animals exhibited muscle hypertrophy and stiffness. Myotonic discharges were observed during EMG, and dystrophic changes were not present in skeletal muscle biopsies; the last 43 nucleotides of exon-3 of the CLCN1 mRNA were deleted. Cloning of the genomic fragment revealed that the exclusion of this exonic sequence was caused by aberrant splicing, which was associated with the presence of a synonymous SNP in exon-3 (c.396C>T). The mutant allele triggered the efficient use of an ectopic 5' splice donor site located at nucleotides 90-91 of exon-3. The predicted impact of this aberrant splicing event is the alteration of the CLCN1 translational reading frame, which results in the incorporation of 24 unrelated amino acids followed by a premature stop codon. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In healthy individuals, Candida species are considered commensal yeasts of the oral cavity. However, these microorganisms can also act as opportunist pathogens, particularly the so-called non-albicans Candida species that are increasingly recognized as important agents of human infection. Several surveys have documented increased rates of C. glabrata, C. tropicalis, C. guilliermondii, C. dubliniensis, C. parapsilosis, and C. krusei in local and systemic fungal infections. Some of these species are resistant to antifungal agents. Consequently, rapid and correct identification of species can play an important role in the management of candidiasis. Conventional methods for identification of Candida species are based on morphological and physiological attributes. However, accurate identification of all isolates from clinical samples is often complex and time-consuming. Hence, several manual and automated rapid commercial systems for identifying these organisms have been developed, some of which may have significant sensitivity issues. To overcome these limitations, newer molecular typing techniques have been developed that allow accurate and rapid identification of Candida species. This study reviewed the current state of identification methods for yeasts, particularly Candida species. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S.


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Recent studies emphasize the importance of the clinical-histology correlation in laryngeal pathologies. Objective: To compare the ENT diagnosis with the pathology diagnosis one of 132 surgical specimens, from 119 patients with vocal nodules and polyps. Method: Retrospective study. We investigated the paraffin blocks corresponding to the lesions of the operated patients. We made new histology cross-sections, totaling 396 new slides, divided into three groups: hematoxylin and eosin, Gomori trichrome and PAS. We analyzed the following histological parameters: epithelium, lamina propria, basement membrane, vascular changes. We compared the laryngological and pathological diagnoses, and we did the statistical analysis, checking the predominant histological aspects in each lesion. Results: There was an agreement between the clinical and pathological diagnoses in 123 (93.18%) of 132 lesions analyzed (42.42% nodules and 50.76% polyps). In the histological parameters we found: epithelial changes such as nodules hyperplasia (82.14%) and polyp atrophy (31.34%). Lamina propria: edema in polyps (71.43%), fibrosis in the nodules (57.14%). Basement membrane: thickened nodules (100%), thin/no change in polyps (100%). There was a predominance of vascular changes in the polyps. Conclusion: We found a high correlation between the ENT diagnosis and the pathology report. Histopathologically, the nodules presented with predominantly epithelial changes, lamina propria and basement membrane fibrosis, while the polyps by changes strictly on the lamina propria and vascular aspects.


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Mammary invasive micropapillary carcinoma is a rare variant of mammary carcinoma that was recently recognized in dogs. The cytologic features and biologic behavior of such neoplasms in dogs have not yet been widely discussed in the veterinary literature. We report the clinical, cytologic, and histologic features of a canine micropapillary carcinoma in a 13-year-old female mongrel dog. The mammary region presented with extreme local pain, severe edema and erythema, and multifocal epidermal ulceration, which is typical for an inflammatory mammary carcinoma. Fine-needle aspirates were highly cellular and consisted of individual cells and papillary cell clusters with characteristics of malignant epithelial cells. Histologic examination revealed neoplastic cells arranged in small papillae without fibrovascular cores, sometimes inside clear lymphatic spaces, indicating lymphovascular invasion. Regional lymph node evaluation revealed metastatic cells. Due to deteriorating clinical condition the dog was euthanatized 5 months after mastectomy. At necropsy, metastatic neoplastic mammary cells were found in popliteal and mediastinal lymph nodes, the right femoral biceps muscle, liver, heart, lungs, and urinary bladder. © 2013 American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.


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Objective. The aim of this clinical study was to determine the efficacy of Uncaria tomentosa (cat's claw) against denture stomatitis (DS).Study Design. Fifty patients with DS were randomly assigned into 3 groups to receive 2% miconazole, placebo, or 2% U tomentosa gel. DS level was recorded immediately, after 1 week of treatment, and 1 week after treatment. The clinical effectiveness of each treatment was measured using Newton's criteria. Mycologic samples from palatal mucosa and prosthesis were obtained to determinate colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and fungal identification at each evaluation period.Results. Candida species were identified with HiCrome Candida and API 20C AUX biochemical test. DS severity decreased in all groups (P < .05). A significant reduction in number of CFU/mL after 1 week (P < .05) was observed for all groups and remained after 14 days (P > .05). C albicans was the most prevalent microorganism before treatment, followed by C tropicalis, C glabrata, and C krusei, regardless of the group and time evaluated. U tomentosa gel had the same effect as 2% miconazole gel.Conclusions. U tomentosa gel is an effective topical adjuvant treatment for denture stomatitis.