567 resultados para Paraffin


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Objetivo Realizar una revisión sistemática de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) con el propósito de compactar y sintetizar los conocimientos fragmentados, así como el de informar el estado actual de este tema como riesgo laboral. Metodología La neumonía lipoidea es una condición poco común que resulta de la presencia de lípidos en el interior del espacio alveolar, se desconoce su actual incidencia. La neumonía lipoidea exógena se produce por aspiración o inhalación de sustancias oleosas, es una patología rara en pacientes sin enfermedades de base que predispongan a la broncoaspiración y cuando se presenta en individuos sanos se debe sospechar un origen ocupacional. Se realizó una revisión de literatura según la metodología estandarizada, incluyendo en la búsqueda: reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y el uso de técnicas diagnósticas. Las bases de datos fueron OVID además de GOOGLE ACADÉMICO; buscadores específicos: MEDLINE, CHEST, PUB MED, REDALYC, SCIELO, Europe PubMed Central (Europe PMC) y ELSEVIER. La búsqueda estuvo además, orientada por una serie de preguntas orientadoras sobre la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) como riesgo laboral. Los artículos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, se clasificaron de acuerdo con tipo de estudio, la calidad del artículo y finalmente se evaluaron con base en una lista de chequeo ajustada para este fin. Resultados Se seleccionó un total de 71 estudios incluyendo reporte de casos, descripciones de la enfermedad y técnicas diagnósticas; publicaciones provenientes de 21 países. Un total de 63 casos, 31 en mujeres (49,20%) y 32 en hombres (50,8%) fueron reportados; el 7,93% de los casos fueron atribuidos a la exposición de agentes en el ambiente laboral: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Los síntomas de la neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) descritos fueron muy variables, puede cursar asintomática o con presencia de fiebre, disnea y tos irritativa; dolor torácico, en algunos casos hemoptisis, cianosis y pérdida de peso; El examen físico generalmente es normal, aunque puede revelar sibilancias o roncus. En pruebas de función respiratoria tales como la espirometría, se presenta un patrón restrictivo, además puede hallarse un descenso en la capacidad de difusión para el monóxido de carbono. En el hemograma puede detectarse leucocitosis con predominio de neutrófilos y aumento de la velocidad de sedimentación globular, hallazgos que también pueden ser producidos por una infección concomitante. Conclusiones Se destaca el hallazgo en la literatura de los diferentes agentes causales presentes en el ambiente laboral que pueden incidir en la aparición de la enfermedad: combustibles, parafina/pintura/ pulverizaciones oleosas y diésel, ambientes propios de trabajadores de almacenes de pinturas y conductores de vehículos. Se presentó neumonía lipoidea exógena (NLE) de tipo agudo después de 30 minutos a 24 horas de exposición masiva a aceites y sustancias oleosas, luego de de ocho meses a 9,5 años de inhalación continua secundaria. Los métodos más para de la diagnóstico enfermedad incluyen el lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), la biopsia de pulmón y la con radiografía torácica. Finalmente, es posible que en pacientes con neumonía lipoidea exógena, puedan presentarse complicaciones asociadas tales como: sobreinfección, fibrosis, retracción de las lesiones, cáncer de pulmón, bronconeumonías recurrentes e hipercalcemia.


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Cobalt is one of the main components of cast metal alloys broadly used in dentistry. It is the constituent of 45 to 70% of numerous prosthetic works. There are evidences that metal elements cause systemic and local toxicity. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cobalt on the junctional epithelium and reduced enamel epithelium of the first superior molar in rats, during lactation. To do this, 1-day old rats were used, whose mothers received 300mg of cobalt chloride per liter of distilled water in the drinker, during lactation. After 21 days, the rat pups were killed with an anesthetic overdose. The heads were separated, fixed in ""alfac"", decalcified and embedded in paraffin. Frontal sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin were employed. Karyometric methods allowed to estimate the following parameters: biggest, smallest and mean diameters, D/d ratio, perimeter, area, volume, volume/area ratio, eccentricity, form coefficient and contour index. Stereologic methods allow to evaluate: cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, cell and cytoplasm volume, cell number density, external surface/basal membrane ratio, thickness of the epithelial layers and surface density. All the collected data were subjected to statistic analysis by the non-parametric Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test. The nuclei of the studied tissues showed smaller values after karyometry for: diameters; perimeter, area, volume and volume/area ratio. Stereologically, it was observed, in the junctional epithelium and in the reduced enamel epithelium, smaller cells with scarce cytoplasm, reflected in the greater number of cells per mm3 of tissue. In this study, cobalt caused epithelial atrophy, indicating a direct action on the junctional and enamel epithelium.


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Background: Recent studies in animals have shown pronounced resorption of buccal bone plate after immediate implantation. The sectioning of experimental material for histologic evaluation of the bone plates could provide valuable information about the possible effect of bone exposure in periodontal and implant surgeries. Methods: Twenty-four incisors were collected from dogs. After decalcification, the blocks were immersed in paraffin and bucco-lingual histologic sections were examined under light microscope. Some sections were reserved for immunohistochemical analysis. Results: The bone density, the width of the bone plates, and the percentage of vessels presented in the periodontal ligament and periosteum were analyzed in the buccal and lingual bone plates, which were divided corono-apically into thirds. The buccal bone plates showed statistically higher bone density compared to the lingual bone plates in the coronal thirds. The width of both bone plates increased from the coronal to the apical third, but all the buccal thirds were significantly thinner compared to the lingual thirds. No statistically significant differences were found between the bone plates for the percentage of area occupied by the blood vessels in the periodontal ligament or periosteum. Conclusion: It is reasonable to conclude that the higher bone density, represented by the lower number of marrow spaces, in association with the thinner aspect of the buccal bone plates made them more fragile to absorb compared to the lingual bone plates, especially during mucoperiosteal procedures. J Periodontol 2017;82:872-877.


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Seeds of Bixa orellana (L.) have a sclerified palisade cell layer, which constitutes a natural barrier to water uptake. In fact, newly fully developed B. orellana seeds are highly impermeable to water and thereby dormant. The purpose of this work is to investigate, from a developmental point of view, the histochemical and physical changes in the cell walls of the seed coat that are associated with the water impermeability. Seed coat samples were analyzed by histochemical and polarization microscopy techniques, as well as by fractionation/HPAEC-PAD. For histochemical analysis the tissue samples were fixed, dehydrated, embedded in paraffin and the slides were dewaxed and tested with appropriate stains for different cell wall components. Throughout the development of B. orellana seeds, there was a gradual thickening of the seed coat at the palisade region. This thickening was due to the deposition of cellulose and hemicelluloses in the palisade layer cell walls, which resulted in a highly water impermeable seed coat. The carbohydrate composition of the cell walls changed dramatically at the late developmental stages due to the intense deposition of hemicelluloses. Hemicelluloses were mainly deposited in the outer region of the palisade layer cell walls and altered the birefringent pattern of the walls. Xylans were by far the most abundant hemicellulosic component of the cell walls. Deposition of cellulose and hemicelluloses, especially xylans, could be responsible for the impermeability to water observed in fully developed B. orellana seeds.


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Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetry/derivative thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and infrared spectroscopy (IR) techniques were used to investigate the compatibility between prednicarbate and several excipients commonly used in semi solid pharmaceutical form. The thermoanalytical studies of 1:1 (m/m) drug/excipient physical mixtures showed that the beginning of the first thermal decomposition stage of the prednicarbate (T (onset) value) was decreased in the presence of stearyl alcohol and glyceryl stearate compared to the drug alone. For the binary mixture of drug/sodium pirrolidone carboxilate the first thermal decomposition stage was not changed, however the DTG peak temperature (T (peak DTG)) decreased. The comparison of the IR spectra of the drug, the physical mixtures and of the thermally treated samples confirmed the thermal decomposition of prednicarbate. By the comparison of the thermal profiles of 1:1 prednicarbate:excipients mixtures (methylparaben, propylparaben, carbomer 940, acrylate crosspolymer, lactic acid, light liquid paraffin, isopropyl palmitate, myristyl lactate and cetyl alcohol) no interaction was observed.


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Natriuretic peptides are linked to osmoregulation, cardiovascular and volume regulation in fishes. The peptides bind to two guanylyl-cyclase-linked receptors, natriuretic peptide receptor-A (NPR-A) and NPR-B, to elicit their effects. Atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) binds principally to NPR-A, whereas C-type natriuretic peptide (CNP) binds to NPR-B. The teleost kidney has an important role in the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance; therefore, the location of NPR-A and NPR-B in the kidney could provide insights into the functions of natriuretic peptides. This study used homologous, affinity purified, polyclonal antibodies to NPR-A and NPR-B to determine their location in the kidney of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. Kidneys from freshwater and seawater acclimated animals were fixed overnight in 4% paraformaldehyde before being paraffin-embedded and immunostained. NPR-A immunoreactivity was found on the apical membrane of proximal tubule 1 and the vascular endothelium including the glomerular capillaries. In contrast, NPR-B immunoreactivity was located on the smooth muscle of blood vessels including the glomerular afferent and efferent arterioles, and on smooth muscle tissue surrounding the collecting ducts. No difference in the distribution of NPR-A and NPR-B was observed between freshwater and seawater kidneys. Immunoreactivity was not observed in any tissue in which the antibodies had been preabsorbed. In addition, there was no difference in NPR-A and NPR-B mRNA expression between freshwater-acclimated and seawater-acclimated eels. These results suggest that, although utilizing the same second messenger system, ANP and CNP act on different targets within the kidney and presumably elicit different effects.


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Mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule (MAdCAM-1) is a key player in mediating the infiltration of leucocytes into chronically inflamed tissues. Five anti-MAdCAM-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAb), designated 17F5, 201F7, 314G8, 377D10 and 355G8, were generated by fusion of P3 × 63Ag8.653 myeloma cells with spleen cells from BALB/c mice immunized with recombinant human MAdCAM-1-Fc. The latter four mAb recognize the ligand-binding first Ig domain, and block T -cell adhesion to MAdCAM-1. The non-blocking mAb 17F5 recognizes the mucin domain. Extensive analysis of a large panel of paraffin-embedded human tissues revealed that the 314G8 mAb detected MAdCAM-1 on venules in the spleen and small intestine. MAdCAM-1 was strongly expressed in the synovium of osteoarthritis patients, predominantly on the endothelial lining of blood vessels, but also within the vessel lumen. An ELISA, based on mAb 377D10 and 355G8, was developed to determine whether soluble MAdCAM-1 was present in body fluids, and to measure the levels present. The assay detected soluble MAdCAM-1 in the serum and urine of healthy donors, at levels similar to those of soluble forms of the related CAM, ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. The anti-MAdCAM-1 antibodies and assay developed here may be useful therapeutically in the treatment of inflammation in humans. Similarly, they may be useful diagnostically to monitor the presence and levels of MAdCAM-1.


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Amyloid deposition and reduced β-cell mass are pathological hallmarks of the pancreatic islet in type 2 diabetes; however, whether the extent of amyloid deposition is associated with decreased β-cell mass is debated. We investigated the possible relationship and, for the first time, determined whether increased islet amyloid and/or decreased β-cell area quantified on histological sections is correlated with increased β-cell apoptosis. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded human pancreas sections from subjects with (n = 29) and without (n = 39) diabetes were obtained at autopsy (64 ± 2 and 70 ± 4 islets/subject, respectively). Amyloid and β cells were visualized by thioflavin S and insulin immunolabeling. Apoptotic β cells were detected by colabeling for insulin and by TUNEL. Diabetes was associated with increased amyloid deposition, decreased -cell area, and increased β-cell βapoptosis, as expected. There was a strong inverse correlation between β-cell area and amyloid deposition (r=0.42, P < 0.001). β-Cell area was selectively reduced in individual amyloid-containing islets from diabetic subjects, compared with control subjects, but amyloid-free islets had β-cell area equivalent to islets from control subjects. Increased amyloid deposition was associated with β-cell apoptosis (r= 0.56, P < 0.01). Thus, islet amyloid is associated with decreased β-cell area and increased β-cell apoptosis, suggesting that islet myloid deposition contributes to the decreased β-cell mass that characterizes type 2 diabetes.


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EpCAM is expressed at low levels in a variety of normal human epithelial tissues, but is overexpressed in 70–90% of carcinomas. From a clinico-pathological point of view, this has both prognostic and therapeutic significance. EpCAM was first suggested as a therapeutic target for the treatment of epithelial cancers in the 1990s. However, following several immunotherapy trials, the results have been mixed. It has been suggested that this is due, at least in part, to an unknown level of EpCAM expression in the tumors being targeted. Thus, selection of patients who would benefit from EpCAM immunotherapy by determining EpCAM status in the tumor biopsies is currently undergoing vigorous evaluation. However, current EpCAM antibodies are not robust enough to be able to detect EpCAM expression in all pathological tissues.

Here we report a newly developed EpCAM RNA aptamer, also known as a chemical antibody, which is not only specific but also more sensitive than current antibodies for the detection of EpCAM in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded primary breast cancers. This new aptamer, together with our previously described aptamer, showed no non- specific staining or cross-reactivity with tissues that do not express EpCAM. They were able to reliably detect target proteins in breast cancer xenograft where an anti-EpCAM antibody (323/A3) showed limited or no reactivity. Our results demonstrated a more robust detection of EpCAM using RNA aptamers over antibodies in clinical samples with chromogenic staining. This shows the potential of aptamers in the future of histopathological diagnosis and as a tool to guide targeted immunotherapy.


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Orthotopic or intracardiac injection of human breast cancer cell lines into immunocompromised mice allows study of the molecular basis of breast cancer metastasis. We have established a quantitative real-time PCR approach to analyze metastatic spread of human breast cancer cells inoculated into nude mice via these routes. We employed MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells genetically tagged with a bacterial β-galactosidase (Lac-Z) retroviral vector, enabling their detection by TaqMan® real-time PCR. PCR detection was linear, specific, more sensitive than conventional PCR, and could be used to directly quantitate metastatic burden in bone and soft organs. Attesting to the sensitivity and specificity of the PCR detection strategy, as few as several hundred metastatic MDA-MB-231 cells were detectable in 100 μm segments of paraffin-embedded lung tissue, and only in samples adjacent to sections that scored positive by histological detection. Moreover, the measured real-time PCR metastatic burden in the bone environment (mouse hind-limbs, n=48) displayed a high correlation to the degree of osteolytic damage observed by high resolution X-ray analysis (r 2=0.972). Such a direct linear relationship to tumor burden and bone damage substantiates the so-called `vicious cycle' hypothesis in which metastatic tumor cells promote the release of factors from the bone which continue to stimulate the tumor cells. The technique provides a useful tool for molecular and cellular analysis of human breast cancer metastasis to bone and soft organs, can easily be extended to other cell/marker/organ systems, and should also find application in preclinical assessment of anti-metastatic modalities.


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 My research has been the groundwork for the use of aptamers instead of antibodies for identify tumour markers (EpCAM and CD133) in paraffin embedded tissue sections.


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Distinct molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma (MB), including hedgehog (Hh) pathway-activated disease, have been reported. We identified and clinically validated a five-gene Hh signature assay that can be used to preselect patients with Hh pathway-activated MB.

Experimental Design:
Genes characteristic of the Hh MB subgroup were identified through published bioinformatic analyses. Thirty-two genes shown to be differentially expressed in fresh frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tumor samples and reproducibly analyzed by RT-PCR were measured in matched samples. These data formed the basis for building a multi-gene logistic regression model derived through elastic net methods from which the five-gene Hh signature emerged after multiple iterations. Based on signature gene expression levels, the model computed a propensity score to determine Hh activation using a threshold set a priori. The association between Hh activation status and tumor response to the Hh pathway inhibitor sonidegib (LDE225) was analyzed.

Five differentially expressed genes in MB (GLI1, SPHK1, SHROOM2, PDLIM3, and OTX2) were found to associate with Hh pathway activation status. In an independent validation study, Hh activation status of 25 MB samples showed 100% concordance between the five-gene signature and Affymetrix profiling. Further, in MB samples from 50 patients treated with sonidegib, all six patients who responded were found to have Hh-activated tumors. Three patients with Hh-activated tumors had stable or progressive disease. No patients with Hh-nonactivated tumors responded.

This five-gene Hh signature can robustly identify Hh-activated MB and may be used to preselect patients who might benefit from sonidegib treatment.


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Este projeto foi desenvolvido no Laboratório de Patologia Experimental do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), com a aprovação da Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa do HCPA e com apoio financeiro parcial do Fundo de Incentivo à Pesquisa e Eventos do HCPA (FIPE). O experimento 1, chamado de projeto piloto, teve como objetivo implementar a técnica de IHQ para identificar a Listeria monocytogenes (L.m.), utilizando anticorpo policlonal antilisteria monocytogenes (Biodesig ). Vários testes foram realizados para acertar a diluição (1:1000) que foi diferente da preconizada pelo fabricante. Os blocos de parafina, de dez placentas provenientes de parto prematuro ou aborto foram utilizados para os cortes histológicos e a preparação das lâminas para a coloração Hematoxilina e Eosina (HE) e imunoistoquímica (IHQ). As lâminas foram identificadas por números para resguardar a identidade das pacientes. O resultado do HE mostrou alterações inflamatórias em oito placentas e L. m. foi identificada pelo IHQ em cinco dessas placentas. O objetivo do 2º experimento foi identificar a L. m. em tecido nervoso cerebral de ruminantes, utilizando a técnica implementada no projeto piloto. O material utilizado neste trabalho foi cedido pelo Setor de Patologia Veterinária do Departamento de Patologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Os casos estudados (2 ovinos, 1 caprino e 2 bovinos) tinham suspeitas clínicas diversas e as necropsias dos animais evidenciaram aspectos sugestivos da doença. Os cinco casos foram confirmados pelo IHQ, comprovando a importância da utilização desta técnica para o diagnóstico da listeriose no SNC de ruminantes. O 3º experimento objetivou identificar a L. m. em placentas encaminhadas ao Serviço de Patologia do HCPA no ano 2000. Da mesma forma que no experimento 1, as lâminas foram identificadas por números. Após o levantamento realizado nos registros dos exames anatomopatológicos (AP) deste setor, observou-se que 714 AP eram de placentas provenientes de aborto, parto prematuro e nascimento a termo examinados naquele período. Foram sorteados 254 AP para análise através de HE, revelando que 148 desses AP apresentavam alterações inflamatórias (corioamnionite, vilite e deciduite). Os blocos destas placentas foram utilizados para fazer as lâminas e realizar IHQ. A consulta aos prontuários dos casos com alterações inflamatórias permitiu observar que um deles tinha a confirmação bacteriológica de L. m. na placenta, tornando-se este o controle positivo. O controle negativo foi selecionado entre aqueles sorteados que não apresentavam alterações inflamatórias. A presença de L. m. foi identificada em 33,78% das placentas analisadas pela técnica IHQ. Corioamnionite e vilite foram as alterações inflamatórias que mostraram diferença estatística significativa nas placentas positivas. L. m. estava presente nas placentas de 1º, 2º e 3º trimestres gestacionais. A idade das gestantes, casos de aborto e/ou parto prematuro não mostraram diferença estatística significativa com a presença ou ausência de L. m. nas placentas. Abortos habituais ocorreram em pacientes com ou sem L. m. no tecido placentário. Conclusão: a técnica de imunohistoquímica pode ser utilizada para confirmar o diagnóstico histopatológico de listeriose em placentas e tecido nervoso central de ruminantes.


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O câncer colorretal é um tumor maligno freqüente no mundo ocidental. É o terceiro em freqüência e o segundo em mortalidade nos países desenvolvidos. No Brasil está entre as seis neoplasias malignas mais encontradas e a quinta em mortalidade. Dos tumores colorretais, aproximadamente 40% estão localizados no reto. A sobrevida, em cinco anos, dos pacientes operados por câncer do reto varia entre 40% e 50%, estando os principais fatores prognósticos, utilizados na prática clínica corrente, baseados em critérios de avaliação clínico-patológicos. A avaliação das alterações morfométricas e densimétricas nas neoplasias malignas tem, recentemente, sido estudadas e avaliadas através da análise de imagem digital e demonstrado possibilidades de utilização diagnóstica e prognóstica. A assinatura digital é um histograma representativo de conjuntos de características de textura da cromatina do núcleo celular obtida através da imagem computadorizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização dos núcleos celulares neoplásicos no adenocarcinoma primário de reto pelo método da assinatura digital e verificar o valor prognóstico das alterações nucleares da textura da cromatina nuclear para esta doença. Foram avaliados, pelo método de análise de imagem digital, 51 casos de pacientes operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) entre 1988 e 1996 e submetidos à ressecção eletiva do adenocarcinoma primário de reto, com seguimento de cinco anos pós-operatório, ou até o óbito antes deste período determinado pela doença, e 22 casos de biópsias normais de reto obtidas de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos endoscópicos, para controle do método da assinatura digital. A partir dos blocos de parafina dos espécimes estocados no Serviço de Patologia do HCPA, foram realizadas lâminas coradas com hematoxilina e eosina das quais foram selecionados 3.635 núcleos dos adenocarcinomas de reto e 2.366 núcleos dos controles da assinatura digital, totalizando 6.001 núcleos estudados por análise de imagem digital. De cada um destes núcleos foram verificadas 93 características, sendo identificadas 11 características cariométricas com maior poder de discriminação entre as células normais e neoplásicas. Desta forma, através da verificação da textura da cromatina nuclear, foram obtidos os histogramas representativos de cada núcleo ou conjunto de núcleos dos grupos ou subgrupos estudados, também no estadiamento modificado de Dukes, dando origem às assinaturas digitais correspondentes. Foram verificadas as assinaturas nucleares, assinaturas de padrão histológico ou de lesões e a distribuição da Densidade Óptica Total. Houve diferença significativa das características entre o grupo normal e o grupo com câncer, com maior significância para três delas, a Área, a Densidade Óptica Total e a Granularidade nuclear. Os valores das assinaturas médias nucleares foram: no grupo normal 0,0009 e nos estadiamentos; 0,9681 no A, 4,6185 no B, 2,3957 no C e 2,1025 no D e diferiram com significância estatística (P=0,001). A maior diferença do normal ocorreu no subgrupo B de Dukes-Turnbull. As assinaturas nucleares e de padrão histológico mostraram-se distintas no grupo normal e adenocarcinoma, assim como a distribuição da Densidade Óptica Total a qual mostra um afastamento progressivo da normalidade no grupo com câncer. Foi possível a caracterização do adenocarcinoma de reto, que apresentou assinaturas digitais específicas. Em relação ao prognóstico, a Densidade Óptica Total representou a variável que obteve o melhor desempenho, além do estadiamento, como preditor do desfecho.