501 resultados para Papid Prototyping


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Dynamism and uncertainty are real challenges for present day manufacturing enterprises (MEs). Reasons include: an increasing demand for customisation, reduced time to market, shortened product life cycles and globalisation. MEs can reduce competitive pressure by becoming reconfigurable and change-capable. However, modern manufacturing philosophies, including agile and lean, must complement the application of reconfigurable manufacturing paradigms. Choosing and applying the best philosophies and techniques is very difficult as most MEs deploy complex and unique configurations of processes and resource systems, and seek economies of scope and scale in respect of changing and distinctive product flows. It follows that systematic methods of achieving model driven reconfiguration and interoperation of component based manufacturing systems are required to design, engineer and change future MEs. This thesis, titled Enhanced Integrated Modelling Approach to Reconfiguring Manufacturing Enterprises , introduces the development and prototyping a model-driven environment for the design, engineering, optimisation and control of the reconfiguration of MEs with an embedded capability to handle various types of change. The thesis describes a novel systematic approach, namely enhanced integrated modelling approach (EIMA), in which coherent sets of integrated models are created that facilitates the engineering of MEs especially their production planning and control (PPC) systems. The developed environment supports the engineering of common types of strategic, tactical and operational processes found in many MEs. The EIMA is centred on the ISO standardised CIMOSA process modelling approach. Early study led to the development of simulation models during which various CIMOSA shortcomings were observed, especially in its support for aspects of ME dynamism. A need was raised to structure and create semantically enriched models hence forming an enhanced integrated modelling environment. The thesis also presents three industrial case examples: (1) Ford Motor Company; (2) Bradgate Furniture Manufacturing Company; and (3) ACM Bearings Company. In order to understand the system prior to realisation of any PPC strategy, multiple process segments of any target organisation need to be modelled. Coherent multi-perspective case study models are presented that have facilitated process reengineering and associated resource system configuration. Such models have a capability to enable PPC decision making processes in support of the reconfiguration of MEs. During these case studies, capabilities of a number of software tools were exploited such as Arena®, Simul8®, Plant Simulation®, MS Visio®, and MS Excel®. Case study results demonstrated effectiveness of the concepts related to the EIMA. The research has resulted in new contributions to knowledge in terms of new understandings, concepts and methods in following ways: (1) a structured model driven integrated approach to the design, optimisation and control of future reconfiguration of MEs. The EIMA is an enriched and generic process modelling approach with capability to represent both static and dynamic aspects of an ME; and (2) example application cases showing benefits in terms of reduction in lead time, cost and resource load and in terms of improved responsiveness of processes and resource systems with a special focus on PPC; (3) identification and industrial application of a new key performance indicator (KPI) known as P3C the measuring and monitoring of which can aid in enhancing reconfigurability and responsiveness of MEs; and (4) an enriched modelling concept framework (E-MUNE) to capture requirements of static and dynamic aspects of MEs where the conceptual framework has the capability to be extended and modified according to the requirements. The thesis outlines key areas outlining a need for future research into integrated modelling approaches, interoperation and updating mechanisms of partial models in support of the reconfiguration of MEs.


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该文提出将虚拟样机技术应用于工业机器人仿真研究过程 ,研究与开发工业机器人虚拟样机系统。首先说明虚拟样机技术并分析其关键技术 ,然后说明了工业机器人虚拟样机系统的构成与样机系统在机器人仿真研究中的研究内容。总结该项技术主要解决以下两方面的问题 ,即机器人仿真研究中的系统集成及为以机器人为主体的生产线虚拟设计、验证环境提供底层的数字化环境


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针对快速成形工艺特点,提出了一种基于实物的复杂曲面几何重 建的方法。由此直接生成的快速成形机优化STL接口文件,实现了反求容差与模型网格数的 最佳匹配,避免了由通用软件转换存在的错误和繁复,提高了成形设备的前处理效率,并为 反求工程与快速成形技术的有机集成提供了可靠途径。


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金属粉末激光成形技术是基于快速原型(Rapid Prototyping,RP)技术基础上发展起来的一项新型金属零件加工技术。该技术利用高能量激光束直接作用在金属粉末上,可以直接成形高熔点、形状复杂或异质材料功能梯度零件,其成形过程是按照零件几何形状,利用金属粉末逐层逐道累积成形零件的。其独特的金属零件加工特点使其得到了迅速发展,在航空、军事、医学和汽车等众多领域得到了成功应用,并发挥了重要作用。作为一项新兴技术,金属粉末激光成形技术不可避免的存在一些问题,由于激光成形过程是一个多参数影响的过程,成形过程中各参数存在较强的耦合作用,参数的不稳定往往导致成形效果难以保证,例如成形零件外形尺寸精度低、内部组织性能不佳等。这一问题,引起了国内外许多学者的关注,对加工过程中的一些重要参数与成形效果之间的关系展开研究,通过对成形过程中的一些中间过程输出参数进行实时检测,并实现闭环反馈控制,从而达到改善成形产品质量的目的。本文正是在这种背景下进行研究的,本文对熔池场几何尺寸、熔池温度场、熔覆高度与熔覆宽度实时检测进行了深入研究并实现了切实可行的检测方法,在实践中取得了较好的效果,并进行了熔覆成形过程动态辨识,研究了成形过程控制方法,提出了具有较强自适应能力的模糊PID控制方法,取得了较好的仿真效果。本课题主要研究工作有以下几个方面。 1. 激光成形过程中的熔池场包含大量的过程信息,对熔池进行实时检测,并提取熔池特征信息,为熔池场的闭环控制提供依据。为此建立了熔池场实时检测视觉传感系统,实现了图像采集、图像处理和信息提取等功能,课题成功的进行了硬件系统构建和软件系统开发。 2. 实现了红外图像比色测温法在金属粉末激光成形过程中熔池温度场检测中的应用。研究了测温原理,完成了硬件双波长图像采集系统的构建,对滤光片波长进行了选择并对选择结果进行了仿真。阐述了软件测温实现过程。 3. 激光加工过程中,对熔覆高度进行实时检测,从而实现熔覆高度闭环控制是成形高质量零件的保证。加工过程是一个多参数耦合的非线性过程,在分析激光参数对熔覆高度影响的基础上,建立利用激光工艺参数预测熔覆高度的BP神经网络模型,为实现激光加工过程熔覆高度实时预测与闭环控制打下了基础。 4. 熔覆宽度是激光成形过程中与成形效果密切相关的中间过程输出参数,该参数的实时检测为调整扫描间距,确定合理搭接率,提高熔覆表面平整度具有重要作用。提出了一种基于卡尔曼滤波技术的激光熔覆宽度检测方法。利用视觉传感系统获取激光加工过程中的熔池图像,经过图像处理求熔池宽度作为参量建立系统状态方程和测量方程,应用卡尔曼滤波原理对图像上的熔宽和熔宽变化进行状态估计,得到最小均方差条件下的熔覆宽度最佳预测值,从而减小过程噪声和测量噪声引起的熔覆宽度测量偏差,实现加工过程熔覆宽度的精确检测。 5. 成形过程动态辨识,利用阶跃响应法进行了激光参数与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度的辨识实验,建立了激光功率、扫描速度、送粉速率与熔覆高度、熔覆宽度之间的数学模型,对成形过程有了基本了解,为控制器设计与动态过程调节规范确立打下良好基础。 6. 设计了PID熔覆高度控制系统,并利用遗传算法进行了PID参数寻优,寻优获得的参数可以实现较好的控制效果,但不适于实时控制过程。为此设计了模糊PID控制系统,利用模糊逻辑算法对PID参数实现在线自动调整,控制系统具有较强的适应能力和实时处理能力,对于金属粉末激光成形过程具有较好的控制效果。


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The 1989 AI Lab Winter Olympics will take a slightly different twist from previous Olympiads. Although there will still be a dozen or so athletic competitions, the annual talent show finale will now be a display not of human talent, but of robot talent. Spurred on by the question, "Why aren't there more robots running around the AI Lab?", Olympic Robot Building is an attempt to teach everyone how to build a robot and get them started. Robot kits will be given out the last week of classes before the Christmas break and teams have until the Robot Talent Show, January 27th, to build a machine that intelligently connects perception to action. There is no constraint on what can be built; participants are free to pick their own problems and solution implementations. As Olympic Robot Building is purposefully a talent show, there is no particular obstacle course to be traversed or specific feat to be demonstrated. The hope is that this format will promote creativity, freedom and imagination. This manual provides a guide to overcoming all the practical problems in building things. What follows are tutorials on the components supplied in the kits: a microprocessor circuit "brain", a variety of sensors and motors, a mechanical building block system, a complete software development environment, some example robots and a few tips on debugging and prototyping. Parts given out in the kits can be used, ignored or supplemented, as the kits are designed primarily to overcome the intertia of getting started. If all goes well, then come February, there should be all kinds of new members running around the AI Lab!


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This paper discusses the hardware foundations of the cryptosystem employed by the Xbox(TM) video game console from Microsoft. A secret boot block overlay is buried within a system ASIC. This secret boot block decrypts and verifies portions of an external FLASH-type ROM. The presence of the secret boot block is camouflaged by a decoy boot block in the external ROM. The code contained within the secret boot block is transferred to the CPU in the clear over a set of high-speed busses where it can be extracted using simple custom hardware. The paper concludes with recommendations for improving the Xbox security system. One lesson of this study is that the use of a high-performance bus alone is not a sufficient security measure, given the advent of inexpensive, fast rapid prototyping services and high-performance FPGAs.


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Security policies are increasingly being implemented by organisations. Policies are mapped to device configurations to enforce the policies. This is typically performed manually by network administrators. The development and management of these enforcement policies is a difficult and error prone task. This thesis describes the development and evaluation of an off-line firewall policy parser and validation tool. This provides the system administrator with a textual interface and the vendor specific low level languages they trust and are familiar with, but the support of an off-line compiler tool. The tool was created using the Microsoft C#.NET language, and the Microsoft Visual Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This provided an object environment to create a flexible and extensible system, as well as simple Web and Windows prototyping facilities to create GUI front-end applications for testing and evaluation. A CLI was provided with the tool, for more experienced users, but it was also designed to be easily integrated into GUI based applications for non-expert users. The evaluation of the system was performed from a custom built GUI application, which can create test firewall rule sets containing synthetic rules, to supply a variety of experimental conditions, as well as record various performance metrics. The validation tool was created, based around a pragmatic outlook, with regard to the needs of the network administrator. The modularity of the design was important, due to the fast changing nature of the network device languages being processed. An object oriented approach was taken, for maximum changeability and extensibility, and a flexible tool was developed, due to the possible needs of different types users. System administrators desire, low level, CLI-based tools that they can trust, and use easily from scripting languages. Inexperienced users may prefer a more abstract, high level, GUI or Wizard that has an easier to learn process. Built around these ideas, the tool was implemented, and proved to be a usable, and complimentary addition to the many network policy-based systems currently available. The tool has a flexible design and contains comprehensive functionality. As opposed to some of the other tools which perform across multiple vendor languages, but do not implement a deep range of options for any of the languages. It compliments existing systems, such as policy compliance tools, and abstract policy analysis systems. Its validation algorithms were evaluated for both completeness, and performance. The tool was found to correctly process large firewall policies in just a few seconds. A framework for a policy-based management system, with which the tool would integrate, is also proposed. This is based around a vendor independent XML-based repository of device configurations, which could be used to bring together existing policy management and analysis systems.


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Clare, A. and King R.D. (2003) Data mining the yeast genome in a lazy functional language. In Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages (PADL'03) (won Best/Most Practical Paper award).


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Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.Emerging healthcare applications can benefit enormously from recent advances in pervasive technology and computing. This paper introduces the CLARITY Modular Ambient Health and Wellness Measurement Platform:, which is a heterogeneous and robust pervasive healthcare solution currently under development at the CLARITY Center for Sensor Web Technologies. This intelligent and context-aware platform comprises the Tyndall Wireless Sensor Network prototyping system, augmented with an agent-based middleware and frontend computing architecture. The key contribution of this work is to highlight how interoperability, expandability, reusability and robustness can be manifested in the modular design of the constituent nodes and the inherently distributed nature of the controlling software architecture.


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This thesis is focused on the design and development of an integrated magnetic (IM) structure for use in high-power high-current power converters employed in renewable energy applications. These applications require low-cost, high efficiency and high-power density magnetic components and the use of IM structures can help achieve this goal. A novel CCTT-core split-winding integrated magnetic (CCTT IM) is presented in this thesis. This IM is optimized for use in high-power dc-dc converters. The CCTT IM design is an evolution of the traditional EE-core integrated magnetic (EE IM). The CCTT IM structure uses a split-winding configuration allowing for the reduction of external leakage inductance, which is a problem for many traditional IM designs, such as the EE IM. Magnetic poles are incorporated to help shape and contain the leakage flux within the core window. These magnetic poles have the added benefit of minimizing the winding power loss due to the airgap fringing flux as they shape the fringing flux away from the split-windings. A CCTT IM reluctance model is developed which uses fringing equations to accurately predict the most probable regions of fringing flux around the pole and winding sections of the device. This helps in the development of a more accurate model as it predicts the dc and ac inductance of the component. A CCTT IM design algorithm is developed which relies heavily on the reluctance model of the CCTT IM. The design algorithm is implemented using the mathematical software tool Mathematica. This algorithm is modular in structure and allows for the quick and easy design and prototyping of the CCTT IM. The algorithm allows for the investigation of the CCTT IM boxed volume with the variation of input current ripple, for different power ranges, magnetic materials and frequencies. A high-power 72 kW CCTT IM prototype is designed and developed for use in an automotive fuelcell-based drivetrain. The CCTT IM design algorithm is initially used to design the component while 3D and 2D finite element analysis (FEA) software is used to optimize the design. Low-cost and low-power loss ferrite 3C92 is used for its construction, and when combined with a low number of turns results in a very efficient design. A paper analysis is undertaken which compares the performance of the high-power CCTT IM design with that of two discrete inductors used in a two-phase (2L) interleaved converter. The 2L option consists of two discrete inductors constructed from high dc-bias material. Both topologies are designed for the same worst-case phase current ripple conditions and this ensures a like-for-like comparison. The comparison indicates that the total magnetic component boxed volume of both converters is similar while the CCTT IM has significantly lower power loss. Experimental results for the 72 kW, (155 V dc, 465 A dc input, 420 V dc output) prototype validate the CCTT IM concept where the component is shown to be 99.7 % efficient. The high-power experimental testing was conducted at General Motors advanced technology center in Torrence, Los Angeles. Calorific testing was used to determine the power loss in the CCTT IM component. Experimental 3.8 kW results and a 3.8 kW prototype compare and contrast the ferrite CCTT IM and high dc-bias 2L concepts over the typical operating range of a fuelcell under like-for-like conditions. The CCTT IM is shown to perform better than the 2L option over the entire power range. An 8 kW ferrite CCTT IM prototype is developed for use in photovoltaic (PV) applications. The CCTT IM is used in a boost pre-regulator as part of the PV power stage. The CCTT IM is compared with an industry standard 2L converter consisting of two discrete ferrite toroidal inductors. The magnetic components are compared for the same worst-case phase current ripple and the experimental testing is conducted over the operation of a PV panel. The prototype CCTT IM allows for a 50 % reduction in total boxed volume and mass in comparison to the baseline 2L option, while showing increased efficiency.


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The work presented in this thesis described the development of low-cost sensing and separation devices with electrochemical detections for health applications. This research employs macro, micro and nano technology. The first sensing device developed was a tonerbased micro-device. The initial development of microfluidic devices was based on glass or quartz devices that are often expensive to fabricate; however, the introduction of new types of materials, such as plastics, offered a new way for fast prototyping and the development of disposable devices. One such microfluidic device is based on the lamination of laser-printed polyester films using a computer, printer and laminator. The resulting toner-based microchips demonstrated a potential viability for chemical assays, coupled with several detection methods, particularly Chip-Electrophoresis-Chemiluminescence (CE-CL) detection which has never been reported in the literature. Following on from the toner-based microchip, a three-electrode micro-configuration was developed on acetate substrate. This is the first time that a micro-electrode configuration made from gold; silver and platinum have been fabricated onto acetate by means of patterning and deposition techniques using the central fabrication facilities in Tyndall National Institute. These electrodes have been designed to facilitate the integration of a 3- electrode configuration as part of the fabrication process. Since the electrodes are on acetate the dicing step can automatically be eliminated. The stability of these sensors has been investigated using electrochemical techniques with excellent outcomes. Following on from the generalised testing of the electrodes these sensors were then coupled with capillary electrophoresis. The final sensing devices were on a macro scale and involved the modifications of screenprinted electrodes. Screen-printed electrodes (SPE) are generally seen to be far less sensitive than the more expensive electrodes including the gold, boron-doped diamond and glassy carbon electrodes. To enhance the sensitivity of these electrodes they were treated with metal nano-particles, gold and palladium. Following on from this, another modification was introduced. The carbonaceous material carbon monolith was drop-cast onto the SPE and then the metal nano-particles were electrodeposited onto the monolith material


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Thermoplastic materials such as cyclic-olefin copolymers (COC) provide a versatile and cost-effective alternative to the traditional glass or silicon substrate for rapid prototyping and industrial scale fabrication of microdevices. To extend the utility of COC as an effective microarray substrate, we developed a new method that enabled for the first time in situ synthesis of DNA oligonucleotide microarrays on the COC substrate. To achieve high-quality DNA synthesis, a SiO(2) thin film array was prepatterned on the inert and hydrophobic COC surface using RF sputtering technique. The subsequent in situ DNA synthesis was confined to the surface of the prepatterned hydrophilic SiO(2) thin film features by precision delivery of the phosphoramidite chemistry using an inkjet DNA synthesizer. The in situ SiO(2)-COC DNA microarray demonstrated superior quality and stability in hybridization assays and thermal cycling reactions. Furthermore, we demonstrate that pools of high-quality mixed-oligos could be cleaved off the SiO(2)-COC microarrays and used directly for construction of DNA origami nanostructures. It is believed that this method will not only enable synthesis of high-quality and low-cost COC DNA microarrays but also provide a basis for further development of integrated microfluidics microarrays for a broad range of bioanalytical and biofabrication applications.


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This paper demonstrates a modeling and design approach that couples computational mechanics techniques with numerical optimisation and statistical models for virtual prototyping and testing in different application areas concerning reliability of eletronic packages. The integrated software modules provide a design engineer in the electronic manufacturing sector with fast design and process solutions by optimizing key parameters and taking into account complexity of certain operational conditions. The integrated modeling framework is obtained by coupling the multi-phsyics finite element framework - PHYSICA - with the numerical optimisation tool - VisualDOC into a fully automated design tool for solutions of electronic packaging problems. Response Surface Modeling Methodolgy and Design of Experiments statistical tools plus numerical optimisaiton techniques are demonstrated as a part of the modeling framework. Two different problems are discussed and solved using the integrated numerical FEM-Optimisation tool. First, an example of thermal management of an electronic package on a board is illustrated. Location of the device is optimized to ensure reduced junction temperature and stress in the die subject to certain cooling air profile and other heat dissipating active components. In the second example thermo-mechanical simulations of solder creep deformations are presented to predict flip-chip reliability and subsequently used to optimise the life-time of solder interconnects under thermal cycling.


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Reliability of electronic parts is a major concern for many manufacturers, since early failures in the field can cost an enormous amount to repair - in many cases far more than the original cost of the product. A great deal of effort is expended by manufacturers to determine the failure rates for a process or the fraction of parts that will fail in a period of time. It is widely recognized that the traditional approach to reliability predictions for electronic systems are not suitable for today's products. This approach, based on statistical methods only, does not address the physics governing the failure mechanisms in electronic systems. This paper discusses virtual prototyping technologies which can predict the physics taking place and relate this to appropriate failure mechanisms. Simulation results illustrate the effect of temperature on the assembly process of an electronic package and the lifetime of a flip-chip package.