823 resultados para Pain management in animals


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A través dels seus serveis de gestió documental a les aules de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, UOC), la Biblioteca de la UOC actua com un veritable facilitador de l'aprenentatge i l'ensenyament i té un paper central en el model de aprenentatge de la universitat. A més a més, serveix com un model a seguir per altres biblioteques universitàries en termes del que s'espera d'elles en el marc del nou Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES) i la creixent necessitat que funcionin com a centres de recursos d'aprenentatge. Contribuint a l'èxit de la biblioteca, el model d'aprenentatge i ensenyament de la UOC crea un entorn d'aprenentatge virtual i asíncron per als estudiants, i permet a la biblioteca de la UOC ser present en totes les seves aules.


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BACKGROUND: In Switzerland, nurses are allowed to prescribe and administer morphine in emergency situations without a doctor. Still, nurses and other health professionals are often reluctant to prescribe and administer morphine for pain management in patients. No valid French-speaking instrument is available in Switzerland to assess the attitudes of nurses and other health professionals towards the prescription and administration of morphine. In this study, we evaluated the psychometric properties of the French version of the questionnaire "Attitudes towards morphine use". METHODS: The instrument was derived from an Italian version. Forward and back translations of the questionnaire were performed. Item analysis and construct validity were assessed between April and December 2010 in a cross sectional study including five Swiss hospitals in a sample of 588 health professionals (533 nurses, mean age 38.3 ± 10.2 years). Thirty subjects participated in test-retest reliability. RESULTS: The time to complete the instrument ranged between 12 and 15 minutes and neither floor nor ceiling effect were found. The initial 24-item instrument showed an intraclass correlation (ICC) of 0.69 (95% CI: 0.64 to 0.73, P < 0.001), and a Cronbach's α of 0.700. Factor analysis led to a six-component solution explaining 52.4% of the total variance. After excluding five items, the shortened version showed an ICC of 0.74 (95% CI, 0.70 to 0.77, P < 0.001) and a Cronbach's α of 0.741. Factor analysis led to a five-component solution explaining 54.3% of the total variance. The five components were named "risk of addiction/dependence"; "operational reasons for not using morphine"; "risk of escalation"; "other (non-dependence) risks" and "external (non-operational) reasons". In test-retest, the shortened instrument showed an ICC of 0.797 (95% CI, 0.630 to 0.911, P < 0.001) and a Cronbach's α of 0.797. CONCLUSIONS: The 19-item shortened instrument assessing attitudes towards the prescription and administration of morphine showed adequate content and construct validity.


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Food-borne toxoplasmosis in humans may result from exposure to different stages of Toxoplasma gondii, in particular from the ingestion of tissue cysts or tachyzoites contained in meat, primary offal (viscera) or meat-derived products of many different animals, or the ingestion of sporulated oocysts that are contained in the environment and may contaminate food and water. Although the potential for transmission of the parasite to humans via food has been known for several decades, it is not known which routes are most important from a public health point of view. It is likely that transmission of the parasite to humans is influenced not only by the potential contamination of various food sources, but also by the individual behaviour of consumers in different ethnic groups and geographical regions. Most current methods for detection of T. gondii in meat-producing animals, in products of animal origin, or in the environment are insufficient because they do not allow quantification of infectious stages. Hence, most studies report only qualitative data from which it is difficult to assess the true risk of infection in individual cases. There is a need for quantitative data so that efficient strategies to reduce food-borne transmission of T. gondii to humans can be developed.


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Introduction: Vertebral fracture is one of the major osteoporotic fractures which are unfortunately very often undetected. In addition, it is well known that prevalent vertebral fracture increases dramatically the risk of future additional fracture. Instant Vertebral Assessment (IVA) has been introduced in DXA device couple years ago to ease the detection of such fracture when routine DXA are performed. To correctly use such tool, ISCD provided clinical recommendation on when and how to use it. The aim of our study was to evaluate the ISCD guidelines in clinical routine patients and see how often it may change of patient management. Methods: During two months (March and April 2010), a medical questionnaire was systematically given to our clinical routine patient to check the validity of ISCD IVA recommendations in our population. In addition, all women had BMD measurement at AP spine, Femur and 1/3 radius using a Discovery A System (Hologic, Waltham, USA). When appropriate, IVA measurement had been performed on the same DXA system and had been centrally evaluated by two trained Doctors for fracture status according to the semi-quantitative method of Genant. The reading had been performed when possible between L5 and T4. Results: Out of 210 women seen in the consultation, 109 (52%) of them (mean age 68.2 ± 11.5 years) fulfilled the necessary criteria to have an IVA measurement. Out of these 109 women, 43 (incidence 39.4%) had osteoporosis at one of the three skeletal sites and 31 (incidence 28.4%) had at least one vertebral fracture. 14.7% of women had both osteoporosis and at least one vertebral fracture classifying them as "severe osteoporosis" while 46.8% did not have osteoporosis nor vertebral fracture. 24.8% of the women had osteoporosis but no vertebral fracture while 13.8% of women did have osteoporosis and vertebral fracture (clinical osteoporosis). Conclusion: In conclusion, in 52% of our patients, IVA was needed according to ISCD criteria. In half of them the IVA test influenced of patient management either by changing the type of treatment of simply by classifying patient as "clinical osteoporosis". IVA appears to be an important tool in clinical routine but unfortunately is not yet very often used in most of the centers.


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Vertebral fracture is one of the major osteoporotic fractures which are unfortunately very often undetected. In addition, it is well known that prevalent vertebral fracture increases dramatically the risk of future additional fracture. Instant Vertebral Assessment (IVA) has been introduced in DXA device couple years ago to ease the detection of such fracture when routine DXA are performed. To correctly use such tool, ISCD provided clinical recommendation on when and how to use it. The aim of our study was to evaluate the ISCD guidelines in clinical routine patients and see how often it may change of patient management. During two months (March and April 2010), a medical questionnaire was systematically given to our clinical routine patient to check the validity of ISCD IVA recommendations in our population. In addition, all women had BMD measurement at AP spine, Femur and 1/3 radius using a Discovery A System (Hologic, Waltham, USA). When appropriate, IVA measurement had been performed on the same DXA system and had been centrally evaluated by two trained Doctors for fracture status according to the semi-quantitative method of Genant. The reading had been performed when possible between L5 and T4. Out of 210 women seen in the consultation, 109 (52%) of them (mean age 68.2±11.5 years) fulfilled the necessary criteria to have an IVA measurement. Out of these 109 women, 43 (incidence 39.4%) had osteoporosis at one of the three skeletal sites and 31 (incidence 28.4%) had at least one vertebral fracture. 14.7% of women had both osteoporosis and at least one vertebral fracture classifying them as "severe osteoporosis" while 46.8% did not have osteoporosis not vertebral fracture. 24.8% of the women had osteoporosis but no vertebral fracture while 13.8% of women did have osteoporosis but vertebral fracture (Clinical osteoporosis). In conclusion, in 52% of our patients, IVA was needed according to ISCD criteria. In half of them the IVA test influenced of patient management either my changing the type of treatment of simply by classifying patient as "clinical osteoporosis". IVA appears to be an important tool in clinical routine but unfortunately is not yet very often use in most of the centers.


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Urinary incontinence in women is a largely under-evaluated problem that affects nearly one out of two adult women. Even thouh its physiopathology is complex and its etiologies are multiple (and often intricate), urodynamic investigations are not considered necessary before starting a conservative therapy, which can be initiated by the primary care physician. Conservative management is based upon lifestyle modifications, specialized physiotherapy, and in certain cases medication. In the case of insufficient response after three months, the patient should be recommended to a specialist who can evaluate the need for a surgical procedure.


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Complex multimorbid patients are now more common in ambulatory care and the management of their medication more frequently needs interprofessional collaboration. This qualitative study explored health professional's main challenges when introducing, preparing and sharing the use of a pill box for a patient. Another objective of this study was to explore options for improving care in these situations.


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BACKGROUND In the last decades the presence of social inequalities in diabetes care has been observed in multiple countries, including Spain. These inequalities have been at least partially attributed to differences in diabetes self-management behaviours. Communication problems during medical consultations occur more frequently to patients with a lower educational level. The purpose of this cluster randomized trial is to determine whether an intervention implemented in a General Surgery, based in improving patient-provider communication, results in a better diabetes self-management in patients with lower educational level. A secondary objective is to assess whether telephone reinforcement enhances the effect of such intervention. We report the design and implementation of this on-going study. METHODS/DESIGN The study is being conducted in a General Practice located in a deprived neighbourhood of Granada, Spain. Diabetic patients 18 years old or older with a low educational level and inadequate glycaemic control (HbA1c > 7%) were recruited. General Practitioners (GPs) were randomised to three groups: intervention A, intervention B and control group. GPs allocated to intervention groups A and B received training in communication skills and are providing graphic feedback about glycosylated haemoglobin levels. Patients whose GPs were allocated to group B are additionally receiving telephone reinforcement whereas patients from the control group are receiving usual care. The described interventions are being conducted during 7 consecutive medical visits which are scheduled every three months. The main outcome measure will be HbA1c; blood pressure, lipidemia, body mass index and waist circumference will be considered as secondary outcome measures. Statistical analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions will include multilevel regression analysis with three hierarchical levels: medical visit level, patient level and GP level. DISCUSSION The results of this study will provide new knowledge about possible strategies to promote a better diabetes self-management in a particularly vulnerable group. If effective, this low cost intervention will have the potential to be easily incorporated into routine clinical practice, contributing to decrease health inequalities in diabetic patients. TRIAL REGISTRATION Clinical Trials U.S. National Institutes of Health, NCT01849731.


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Medication nonadherence is common and its determinants are diverse. Adherence is influenced by many parameters, such as patient's self-efficacy, knowledge of health risk, outcome expectations, benefits of change, and barriers and facilitators. The sociocognitive theory helps professionals to structure their approach and to support patients in managing their treatment. Professionals need skills and time, and benefit from coordination in care, in particular between physicians and pharmacists. This article presents the key elements of a medication adherence program as well as tools and some useful questions.


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This paper compares the procedures of local Brazilian companies (those which have plants in Brazil only) with those of international Brazilian companies (which have plants in at least two countries) regarding the patent management. Although there are a lot more variables to consider when examining the issue of patents in companies, this study presents and analyzes the results of a qualitative research on the decision to patent innovations, the choice of countries where to patent and the strategic significance of patents to the company.


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Taking as an example three study cases in the Costa Brava area, this paper examines the social perceptionof floods through surveys, interviews and Focus Group sessions. Perception is then related to vulnerability, flood management, and citizen’s preferences regarding alternatives to curb flood losses in the future. The study concludes that flood awareness and the willingness to take actions regarding this hazard are clearly related to the degree of social involvement with the affairs of the local community. Furthermore, participatory settings such as Focus Group sessions appear to enable a better environment for assessing and implementing flood management options that attempt to modify human activities rather than modify natural processes as has been frequently the case in the past


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Introduction Vertebral fracture is one of the major osteoporoticfractures which are unfortunately very often undetected. In addition,it is well known that prevalent vertebral fracture increases dramaticallythe risk of future additional fracture. Instant Vertebral Assessment(IVA) has been introduced in DXA device a couple of years ago toease the detection of such fracture when routine DXA are performed.To correctly use such tool, ISCD provided clinical recommendationon when and how to use it. The aim of our study was to evaluate theISCD guidelines in clinical routine patients and see how often itmay change of patient management.Methods During two months (March and April 2010), a medicalquestionnaire was systematically given to our clinical routine patientto check the validity of ISCD IVA recommendations in our population.In addition, all women had BMD measurement at AP spine,femur and 1/3 radius using a Discovery A System (Hologic, Waltham,USA). When appropriate, IVA measurement had been performedon the same DXA system and had been centrally evaluated by twotrained doctors for fracture status according to the semi-quantitativemethod of Genant. The reading had been performed when possiblebetween L5 and T4.Results Out of 210 women seen in the consultation, 109 (52 %)of them (mean age 68.2 ± 11.5 years) fulfilled the necessary criteriato have an IVA measurement. Out of these 109 women, 43 (incidence39.4 %) had osteoporosis at one of the three skeletal sitesand 31 (incidence 28.4 %) had at least one vertebral fracture. 14.7 %of women had both osteoporosis and at least one vertebral fractureclassifying them as "severe osteoporosis" while 46.8 % did not haveosteoporosis and no vertebral fracture. 24.8 % of the women hadosteoporosis but no vertebral fracture while 13.8 % of women didhave osteoporosis but vertebral fracture (clinical osteoporosis).Conclusions In 52 % of our patients, IVA was needed accordingto ISCD criteria. In half of them the IVA test influenced of patientmanagement either may changing the type of treatment of simplyby classifying patient as "clinical osteoporosis". IVA appears to bean important tool in clinical routine but unfortunately is not yetvery often use in most of the centers.


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Strategy Report for Electronics Waste Management


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Purpose: To set local dose reference levels (DRL) that allow radiologists to control stochastic and deterministic effects. Methods and materials: Dose indicators for cerebral angiographies and hepatic embolizations were collected during 4 months and analyzed in our hospital. The data were compared when an image amplifier was used instead of a flat panel detector. The Mann and Whitney test was used. Results: For the 40 cerebral angiographies performed the DRL for DAP, fluoroscopy time and number of images were respectively: 166 Gy.cm2, 19 min, 600. The maximum DAP was 490 Gy.cm2 (fluoroscopy time: 84 min). No significant difference for fluoroscopy time and DAP for image amplifier and flat panel detector (p = 0.88) was observed. The number of images was larger for flat panel detector (p = 0.004). The values obtained were slightly over the present proposed DRL: 150 Gy.cm2, 15 min, 400. Concerning the 13 hepatic embolizations the DRL for DAP fluoroscopy time and number of images were: 315 Gy.cm2, 25 min, 370. The maximum DAP delivered was 845 Gy.cm2 (fluoroscopy time of 48 min). No significant difference between image amplifier and flat panel detector was observed (p = 0.005). The values obtained were also slightly over the present proposed DRL: 300 Gy.cm2, 20 min, 200. Conclusion: These results show that the introduction of flat panel detector did not lead to an increase in patient dose. A DRL concerning the cumulative dose (that allow to control the deterministic effect) should be introduced to allow radiologists to have full control on the risks associated with ionizing radiations. Results of this on going study will be presented.