Graphene is in the focus of research due to its unique electronic and optical properties. Intrinsic graphene is a zero gap semiconductor with a linear dispersion relation for E-k leading to zero-effective-mass electrons and holes described by Fermi-Dirac theory. Since pristine graphene has no bandgap no photoluminescence would be expected. However, recently several groups showed non-linear photoluminescence from pristine graphene putting forward different physical models explaining this remarkable effect [1-3]. © 2011 IEEE.
a-C:H films deposited from methane and helium mixture in a capacitively coupled rf plasma were found to show photoluminescence (PL) with peak intensities at energies far above the Taue gap of these films. Apart from the PL the films were investigated with respect to their IR and UV/VIS absorption properties as well as their Raman spectra were examined. The ultraviolet (UV) and blue luminescence from hard a-C:H thin films are explained by incorporation of polycyclic hydrocarbons from gas-phase reactions in the methane helium plasma into the film.
Using a photonic crystal cavity and a hydrogen plasma treatment, we enhance the photoluminescence (PL) from optically active defects in silicon by a factor of 3000 compared to the as-bought material at room temperature. © 2011 IEEE.
Nonequilibrium spin distributions in single GaAs/AlGaAs core-shell nanowires are excited using resonant polarized excitation at 10 K. At all excitation energies, we observe strong photoluminescence polarization due to suppressed radiative recombination of excitons with dipoles aligned perpendicular to the nanowire. Excitation resonances are observed at 1- or 2-LO phonon energies above the exciton ground states. Using rate equation modeling, we show that, at the lowest energies, strongly nonequilibrium spin distributions are present and we estimate their spin relaxation rate.