1000 resultados para PMN thin films


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Recently there is an increasing demand and extensive research on high density memories, in particular to the ferroelectric random access memory composed of 1T/1C (1 transistor/1 capacitor) or 2T/2C. FRAM's exhibit fast random acess in read/write mode, non - volatility and low power for good performance. An integration of the ferroelectric on Si is the key importance and in this regard, there had been various models proposed like MFS, MFIS, MFMIS structure etc., Choosing the proper insulator is very essential for the better performance of the device and to exhibit excellent electrical characteristics. ZrTiO4 is a potential candidate because of its excellent thermal stability and lattice match on the Si substrate. SrBi2Ta2O9 and ZrTiO4 thin films were prepared on p - type Si substrate by pulsed excimer laser ablation technique. Optimization of both ZT and SBT thin films in MFS and MFIS structure had been done based on the annealing, oxygen partial pressures and substrate temperatures to have proper texture of the thin films. The dc leakage current, P - E hysteresis, capacitance - voltage and conductance - voltage measurement were carried out. The effect of the frequency dependence on MFIS structure was observed in the C – V curve. It displays a transition of C - V curve from high frequency to low frequency curve on subjection to varied frequencies. Density of interface states has been calculated using Terman and high - low frequency C - V curve. The effect of memory window in the C - V hysteresis were analysed in terms of film thickness and annealing temperatures. DC conduction mechanism were analysed in terms of poole - frenkel, Schottky and space charge limited conduction separately on MFS, MIS structure.


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To investigate the role of grain boundaries and other growth related microstructure in manganite films, a scanning tunneling microscope is used to simultaneously probe surface topography and local potential distribution under current flow at nanometer level in films of epitaxial thin films of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 deposited on single crystal SrTiO3 and NdGaO3 substrate by laser ablation. We have studied two types of films strained and strain relaxed. Thin (50nm) films (strained due to lattice mismatch between substrate and the film) show step growth (unit cell steps) and have very smooth surfaces. Relatively thicker films (strain relaxed, thickness 200nm) do not have these step growths and show rather smooth well connected grains. Charge transport in these films is not uniform on the nanometer level and is accompanied by potential jumps at the internal surfaces. In particular scattering from grain boundaries results in large variations in the local potential resulting in fields as high as 104-105V/cm located near the grain boundaries. We discuss the role of local strain and strain inhomogeneties in determining the current transport in these films and their resistance and magnetoresistivity. In this paper we attempt to correlate between bulk electronic properties with microscopic electronic conduction using scanning tunneling microscopy and scanning tunneling potentiometry.


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Thin films of BaZrO3 (BZ) were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique on platinum coated silicon substrates. Films showed a polycrystalline perovskite structure upon different annealing procedures of in-situ and ex-situ crystallization. The composition analyses were done using Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) and Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The SIMS analysis revealed that the ZrO2 formation at the right interface of substrate and the film leads the degradation of the device on the electrical properties in the case of ex-situ crystallized films. But the in-situ films exhibited no interfacial formation. The dielectric properties have been studied for the different temperatures in the frequency regime of 40 Hz to 100kHz. The response of the film to external ac stimuli was studied at different temperatures, and it showed that ac conductivity values in the limiting case are correspond to oxygen vacancy motion. The electrical modulus is fitted to a stretched exponential function and the results clearly indicate the presence of the non-Debye type of dielectric relaxation in these materials.


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The dielectric response of BaBi2Nb2O9 (BBN) thin films has been studied as a function of frequency over a wide range of temperatures. Both dielectric constant and loss tangent of BBN thin films showed a ‘power law’ dependence with frequency, which was analyzed using the Jonscher's universal dielectric response model. Theoretical fits were utilized to compare the experimental results and also to estimate the value of temperature dependence parameters such as n(T) and a(T) used in the Jonscher's model. The room temperature dielectric constant (ε') of the BBN thin films was 214 with a loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.04 at a frequency of 100 kHz. The films exhibited the second order dielectric phase transition from ferroelectric to paraelectric state at a temperature of 220 °C. The nature of phase transition was confirmed from the temperature dependence of dielectric constant and sponteneous polarization,respectively. The calculated Currie constant for BBN thin films was 4 × 105°C.


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Thin films of Bi2VO5.5 (BVO), a vanadium analog of the n = I member of the Aurivillius family, have been prepared by pulsed laser deposition. The BVO films grow along the [001] direction on LaNiO3(LNO) and YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) electrode buffer layers on LaA- IO3(LAO) substrates as obtained from X-ray diffraction studies. The microstructure of the films and of the interfaces within the film and between the film and the substrate were characterized using transmission electron microscopy. The in-plane epitaxial relationship of the rhombohedral LNO on perovskite LAO was [100] LNO // [100] LAO and [001] LNO // [001] LAO. High resolution lattice images showed a sharp interface between LNO and LAO. However, the LNO film is twinned with a preferred orientation along the growth direction. The BVO layer is single crystalline on both LNO/LAO and YBCO/LAO with the caxis parallel to the growth direction except for a thin layer of about 400 Å at the interface which is polycrystalline.


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Thin films of ferroelectric ABi2Ta2O9 bismuth-layered structure, where A = Ba, Sr and Ca, were prepared by pulsed laser deposition technique on Pt/TiO2/SiO2/Si(100) substrates. The influence of substrate temperature between 500 to 750°C, and oxygen partial pressure 100-300 mTorr, on the structural and electrical properties of the films was investigated. The films deposited above 650°C substrate temperature showed complete Aurivillius layered structure. Films annealed at 750°C for 1h in oxygen atmosphere have exhibited better electrical properties. Atomic force microscopy study of surface topography shows that the films grown at lower temperature has smaller grains and higher surface roughness. This paper discusses the pronounced influence of A-site cation substitution on the structural and ferroelectric properties with the aid of Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and electrical properties. The degradation of ferroelectric properties with Ba and Ca substitution at A-sites is attributed to the higher structural distortion caused by changing tolerance factor. A systematic proportionate variation of coercive field is attributed to electronegativity difference of A-site cations.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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Structural, optical and nanomechanical properties of nanocrystalline Zinc Telluride (ZnTe) films of thickness upto 10 microns deposited at room temperature on borosilicate glass substrates are reported. X-ray diffraction patterns reveal that the films were preferentially oriented along the (1 1 1) direction. The maximum refractive index of the films was 2.74 at a wavelength of 2000 nm. The optical band gap showed strong thickness dependence. The average film hardness and Young's modulus obtained from load-displacement curves and analyzed by Oliver-Pharr method were 4 and 70 GPa respectively. Hardness of (1 1 1) oriented ZnTe thin films exhibited almost 5 times higher value than bulk. The studies show clearly that the hardness increases with decreasing indentation size, for indents between 30 and 300 nm in depth indicating the existence of indentation size effect. The coefficient of friction for these films as obtained from the nanoscratch test was ~0.4.


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As deposited amorphous and crystallized thin films of Ti 37.5% Si alloy deposited by pulsed laser ablation technique were irradiated with 100 keV Xe+ ion beam to an ion fluence of about 1016 ions-cm−2. Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the implanted Xe formed amorphous nanosized clusters in both cases. The Xe ion-irradiation favors nucleation of a fcc-Ti(Si) phase in amorphous films. However, in crystalline films, irradiation leads to dissolution of the Ti5Si3 intermetallic phase. In both cases, Xe irradiation leads to the evolution of similar microstructures. Our results point to the pivotal role of nucleation in the evolution of the microstructure under the condition of ion implantation.


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We have prepared epitaxial thin films of Yy‐Pr1‐y‐Ba‐Cu‐O (y= 1 to 0) and superlattices of Y‐Ba‐Cu‐O/Yy‐Pr1‐y ‐Ba‐Cu‐O using pulsed laser deposition technique. The zero resistance transition temperatures of Yy‐Pr1‐y‐Ba‐Cu‐O bulk samples are reproduced in the films. The composition oscillations in the superlattices are observed by SIMS. The films and superlattices are found to have c‐axis orientations and good crystallinity.


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We report the synthesis of thin films of B–C–N and C–N deposited by N+ ion-beam-assisted pulsed laser deposition (IBPLD) technique on glass substrates at different temperatures. We compare these films with the thin films of boron carbide synthesized by pulsed laser deposition without the assistance of ion-beam. Electron diffraction experiments in the transmission electron microscope shows that the vapor quenched regions of all films deposited at room temperature are amorphous. In addition, shown for the first time is the evidence of laser melting and subsequent rapid solidification of B4C melt in the form of micrometer- and submicrometer-size round particulates on the respective films. It is possible to amorphize B4C melt droplets of submicrometer sizes. Solidification morphologies of micrometer-size droplets show dispersion of nanocrystallites of B4C in amorphous matrix within the droplets. We were unable to synthesize cubic carbon nitride using the current technique. However, the formation of nanocrystalline turbostratic carbo- and boron carbo-nitrides were possible by IBPLD on substrate at elevated temperature and not at room temperature. Turbostraticity relaxes the lattice spacings locally in the nanometric hexagonal graphite in C–N film deposited at 600 °C leading to large broadening of diffraction rings.


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The ferroelectric Pb(Zr0.53Ti0.47)O-3 (PZT) and SrBi2Ta2O9 (SBT) thin films were prepared by laser ablation technique. The dielectric analysis, capacitance-voltage, ferroelectric hysteresis and DC leakage current measurements were performed before and after 50 MeV Li3+ ion irradiation. In both thin films, the irradiation produced some amount of amorphisation, considerable degradation in the ferroelectric properties and change in DC conductivity. On irradiation of these thin films, the phase transition temperature [T-c] of PZT decreased considerably from 628 to 508 K, while SBT exhibited a broad and diffuse transition with its T-c decreased from 573 to 548 K. The capacitance-voltage curve at 100 kHz showed a double butterfly loop with a large decrease in the capacitance and switching voltage. There was decrease in the ferroelectric hysteresis loop, remanant polarisation and coercive field. After annealing at a temperature of 673 K for 10 min while PZT partially regained the ferroelectric properties, while SBT did not. The DC conductivity measurements showed a shift in the onset of non-linear conduction region in irradiated SBT. The degradation of ferroelectric properties of the irradiated thin films is attributed to the irradiation-induced partial amorphization and the pinning of the ferroelectric domains by trapped charges. The regaining of properties after annealing is attributed to the thermal annealing of the defects generated during the irradiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Titanium dioxide films have been deposited using DC magnetron sputtering technique onto well-cleaned p-silicon substrates at an oxygen partial pressure of 7 x 10(-5) mbar and at a sputtering pressure (Ar + O-2) Of I X 10(-3) mbar. The deposited films were calcinated at 673 and 773 K. The composition of the films as analyzed using Auger electron spectroscopy reveals the stoichiometry with an 0 and Ti ratio 2.08. The influence of post-deposition annealing at 673 and 773 K on the structural properties of the titanium dioxide thin films have been studied using XRD and Raman scattering. The structure of the films deposited at the ambient was found to be amorphous and the films annealed at temperature 673 K and above were crystalline with anatase structure. The lattice constants, grain size, microstrain and the dislocation density of the film are calculated and correlated with annealing temperature. The Raman scattering study was performed on the as-deposited and annealed samples and the existence of Raman active modes A(1g), B-1g and E-g corresponding to the Raman shifts are studied and reported. The improvement of crystallinity of the TiO2 films was also studied using Raman scattering studies. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Thin films of (Ba0.5Sr0.5)TiO3 (BST) with different concentrations of Al doping were grown using a pulsed laser deposition technique. dc leakage properties were studied as a function of Al doping level and compared to that of undoped BST films. With an initial Al doping level of 0.1 at. % which substitutes Ti in the lattice site, the films showed a decrease in the leakage current, however, for 1 at. % Al doping level the leakage current was found to be relatively higher. Current time measurements at elevated temperatures on 1 at. % Al doped BST films revealed space-charge transient type characteristics. A complete analysis of the transient characteristics was carried out to identify the charge transport process through variation of applied electric field and ambient temperature. The result revealed a very low mobility process comparable to ionic motion, and was found responsible for the observed feature. Calculation from ionic diffusivity and charge transport revealed a conduction process associated with an activation energy of around 1 eV. The low mobility charge carriers were identified as oxygen vacancies in motion under the application of electric field. Thus a comprehensive understanding of the charge transport process in highly acceptor doped BST was developed and it was conclusive that the excess of oxygen vacancies created by intentional Al doping give rise to space-charge transient type characteristics. © 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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Zinc oxide (ZnO) thin films have been prepared on silicon substrates by sol-gel spin coating technique with spinning speed of 3,000 rpm. The films were annealed at different temperatures from 200 to 500 A degrees C and found that ZnO films exhibit different nanostructures at different annealing temperatures. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results showed that the ZnO films convert from amorphous to polycrystalline phase after annealing at 400 A degrees C. The metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) capacitors were fabricated using ZnO films deposited on pre-cleaned silicon (100) substrates and electrical properties such as current versus voltage (I-V) and capacitance versus voltage (C-V) characteristics were studied. The electrical resistivity decreased with increasing annealing temperature. The oxide capacitance was measured at different annealing temperatures and different signal frequencies. The dielectric constant and the loss factor (tan delta) were increased with increase of annealing temperature.