O objetivo deste estudo é propor um plano de marketing de relacionamento para ser utilizado pela Genyus Baterias na construção de relacionamentos duradouros com os participantes da cadeia de relacionamentos. Para isto são revistos conceitos na área de marketing de relacionamento. Partindo do plano de marketing sugerido por Gordon (1999), foram verificadas quais estratégias deste plano foram ou estão sendo utilizadas pela Genyus Baterias. O plano de marketing utilizado possui oito fases: plano para um plano (fase O), avaliação do cliente (fase 1), referencial (fase 2), avaliação da empresa (fase 3), declaração de oportunidade (fase 4), estado futuro (fase 5), caso empresarial (fase 6) e administração de mudança e implementação (fase 7); dentro dessas fases são analisadas diversas estratégias de marketing de relacionamento para garantir a sua eficácia e para que a organização atinja seus objetivos na formação de relacionamentos e no alcance de uma posição diferenciada no mercado de baterias. Verificou-se que a organização estudada não possui um plano de marketing de relacionamento e, através desta pesquisa a organização poderá utilizar o plano criado para obter eficácia na utilização do marketing de relacionamento.
o grande crescimento do mercado segurador no Brasil trouxe, ao longo dos últimos, dificuldades para as empresas se relacionarem adequadamente com seus clientes (corretores e segurados), obrigando-as a repensarem seus negócios. Nesse contexto, o comportamento do consumidor do mercado securitário de automóvel assume conotação especial e passa a ser questão obrigatória na busca da vantagem competitiva. Assim, o objetivo geral do presente estudo é estabelecer procedimentos entre o corretor, o segurado e a seguradora, com um plano de ação de fidelização para maximizar resultados para as empresas, a partir de estratégias de marketing de relacionamento, baseadas na tríade cliente, corretor e seguradora. Para tanto, utiliza-se de um levantamento teórico e empírico da realidade do setor de seguros de automóvel, apurada no estágio atual, e apresenta conceitos e ferramentas de marketing de relacionamento que, adaptadas, poderiam levar ao aumento dos valores alTecadados pelas seguradoras, com conquista de novos clientes e retenção dos atuais. Os resultados indicam que há inúmeras felTamentas de marketing de relacionamento passíveis de aplicabilidade no segmento de seguros de automóvel, como sugere o estudo de caso da filial Niterói da organização pesquisada, capazes de fazer com que as empresas do setor incrementem seu potencial de receita e maximizem seu relacionamento com os COlTetores e com os consumidores finais.
This study aims to understand the effects of the mobile marketing use as a relationships tool for companies that operate locally, because of the lack of information about this new marketing tool, as well as the scarcity of studies in this area. This is an exploratory and qualitatively study, based on primary sources, raised through books, articles in the marketing area and the telecommunications industry organs as well as secondary sources. With the purpose to look into the issue, a semi-structured interview is made with the companies managers of the sectors of trade and services in Natal-RN. The advances in technology allow an important discussion focused on the marketing in the new communication technologies scenario. It appears that the mobile marketing adoption and use by local companies is already a reality and companies are awake to changes and technological innovations accessible, especially the mobile telephony as well as convergence with other media. There is, however, that the use of technologies offered by mobile marketing is still limited to the sending of text messages (SMS), despite the numerous possibilities of it use. Moreover, the results obtained with mobile marketing use show that companies can identify them, but there is no effective monitoring in quantity and financial terms. Only affect sales growth and support for progress in loyalty with customers. It shows up that the mentality of not measuring the results still in the plan of changes and technological innovations. The data allow saying that the mobile marketing is a reality, however has not yet signed as a tool for carrying out campaigns and marketing tool for loyalty of customers, despite presenting a wide range of possibilities to streamline and make more effective the marketing businesses process
This study presents an analysis of International Tourism, one of the most growing economic activities in the world. To realize promotion in this area, countries use diverse strategies, among them the touristic marketing. It consists on an instrument used to attract foreign tourists and build the image of the country as a touristic destination, transforming it into a global emergent leader. Due to the big sports events which will happen in Brazil, the World Cup and the Olympic Games, respectively, it is expected a growth on touristic activities. This is an opportunity to promote the country and build its image, the reason why the Federal Government made Plano Aquarela 2020, formed by a strategic plan which aims the international promotion of the country through a marketing program focused on the international tourist. What this image is and how to promote it are issues that the public relations professionals are capable to solve, with their abilities to develop instruments and their important actions to build a good touristic destination image of the country. This study aims to analyze the collaboration of public relations to improve the country's image from the actions developed by Plano Aquarela 2020. For this, a literature search was performed to expose the concepts of communication involved, the analysis of the plan and their actions, use the interview as an exploratory study to clarify information and stimulate new ideas
This work contains a preliminary marketing plan for host services on Frei Galvão’s Church in Guaratinguetá, SP, Brazil. It started from the analysis of the current situation and of a study on visitors’ profiles. The development of the marketing plan proposal used the methodology of the 7 P’s of service marketing. The studies brought some relevant results, as they have indicated a lack of restaurants, adequate signalization, restrooms and a good parking lot. The studies have also shown that the host services managers lack data about number of visitors and about the distribution of pills. These results allowed the author to elaborate some strategies and formulate the proposal here presented
Public organizations today ar constantly developing relationship strategies with audiences in search of acceptance before the public. The objective of this wor is to present strategies of Governmental Public Relations and Political Marketing that can be implemented by communication professionals in government. Therefore, duscysses principles and instruments of the objects mentioned, conducting study on actions taken by the Municipality of Botucatu city during the anniversary year of 2012, with na emphasis on the social event, Food Court Solidarity. The instruments studied contribute to the strengthening of relations between government and citizens, while complying with its commitments under its plan, meeting the demands of the population
This work of course conclusion has as objective main the development of a plan of marketing for academy of Acquamondo gymnastics. The enterprise has good equipment and training structure, allowing the client a propitious exercise that shows valuables results. However, there's no structured organization of internal and external communication and marketing: the concern with this topics, essential nowadays to the companies' survivor, practically doesn't exists. Expecting the improvement of the relationship between academy and its clients, enlarge the horizons of the mark and make it known at Bauru and region, stablish priority publics and actions and prospect new clients, the main ideas have been used of practices which contribute in an expressive way for the e stablished objective, like planning, strategic planning, marketing, communication and Public Relations, all applied to the reality of a micro and small company. Based on the concepts described above and by means of SWOT Analysis, a model of marketing plan was proposed with the aim of expanding the reach and impact power of Acquamondo gymnastics in the region its operates
This work points out innovative alternatives for increasing the visibility of nonprofits using the creative profile of the public relations professional through guerrilla marketing. By means of methodological literature and document the suggested proposal is that the public relations through a Strategic Planning, articulate actions of guerrilla marketing on behalf of third sector concerns increasing its visibility to the state's eyes, the private sector and company making the fundraising and the visibility of these entities increase with low cost, creativity and technique. How guerrilla marketing can encourage smaller competitor it is evident to face their opponents with great creative weapons, innovative and cost effective, providing improvement in the area of activity and easier to raise funds; especially in the third sector entities, which is moved without any profit, only for individual or collective will to solve social issues
La presente investigación tiene por objetivo analizar el funcionamiento y la dinámica de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas en la estrategia de una empresa. Busca comprobar la efectividad que las redes sociales digitales suponen cuando son incluidas en el plan de marketing de una compañía. Los planes de marketing deben ser integrales e incluir políticas de acción que tengan cohesión e integración entre sí. El mayor beneficio que surge de ello es la sinergia generada por las mismas y los resultados obtenidos a partir de acciones conjuntas. El presente trabajo intenta descubrir también cuál es el impacto conseguido en las redes sociales digitales a partir de las acciones realizadas fuera de los medios digitales. Además se busca identificar, dentro de lo posible, las intervenciones que generan mejores resultados en función de los objetivos propuestos por cada empresa.
El propósito del presente trabajo es elaborar un plan de negocio para una Productora prestadora de servicios profesionales, con el objeto de que el mismo sirva no solo como herramienta para la búsqueda de financiamiento, sino como guía para la introducción y desarrollo en el mercado laboral y empresarial de personas que se desenvuelven en el área de la prestación de un servicio profesional. El armado de un plan de negocios como diseño arquitectónico sirve de guía, es una herramienta para competir y ayuda al crecimiento de una Productora de Eventos; además de ser un medio de consulta para decisiones. La planificación, la aplicación de técnicas operativas y sistemas estructurales en las empresas de servicios, y el plan de negocio como una de esas herramientas es fundamental, ya que minimiza riesgos, permite proyectar a largo plazo y brinda información útil para decidir.
Hoy en día existe poco interés por parte de la población mendocina, al asesorarse en temas como la prevención de enfermedades respiratorias, más aun en informarse a cerca de la tuberculosis, a eso le sumamos la nula difusión masiva por parte de medios o el mismo gobierno en lanzar campañas de concientización. Esto provoca una total desinformación dentro del territorio mendocino y conlleva a un mayor índice de contagios haciendo que el control de las enfermedades sea más complicado. Al proceso de desinformación e ignorancia de gran parte de los habitantes de la provincia, contribuye a un antecedente relevante del proceso comunicativo que se traslada a las escuelas primarias de Mendoza. Se advierte una debilidad institucional dentro del núcleo social-salud de las escuelas en generar ámbitos comunicacionales para la prevención y control de enfermedades respiratorias. Dicho de otro modo, el plan de estudios a nivel primario casi no contempla contenidos relacionados con la salud, se puede decir que es una institución débil en contenidos comunicativos e informativos.
Fil: Iglesias, Mauricio Germán . Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas
El presente trabajo es la formulación de un plan de negocios del Complejo turístico, formulando e implementando estrategias para evaluar la viablidad del proyecto acorde a un análisis de estimación del valor empresario, situación actual, análisis del entorno, establecimiento de metas y objetivos, análisis organizacional y de elaboración de estrategias de marketing.
El presente trabajo de investigación analiza un proyecto de inversión consistente en la puesta en marcha de una empresa elaboradora de artículos de uso doméstico cerámicos. A partir del análisis de fuentes secundarias y del trabajo de campo, se desarrollan los planes de marketing, operativo y financiero para determinar la factibilidad del proyecto, y en consecuencia, decidir la puesta en marcha o no del proyecto.
En este trabajo se lleva a cabo un plan de negocios para conocer la viabilidad de llevar a cabo un restaurante temático cultural del Mercosur.