983 resultados para PL-100


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Avalia a compatibilidade e adequação orçamentária e financeira da Emenda 1/2013, de autoria do Deputado Arnaldo Jordy, apresentada na Comissão de Finanças e Tributação : CFT ao Projeto de Lei nº 6.243, de 2013


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Examina o Projeto de Lei nº 7.925, de 2010, que “Altera a Lei nº 6.938, de 31 de agosto de 1981, para explicitar a responsabilidade do órgão seccional do Sistema Nacional do Meio Ambiente quanto à fiscalização do comércio varejista de combustíveis e produtos derivados de petróleo, e dá outras providências”, quanto à análise de sua compatibilidade ou adequação com o plano plurianual, a lei de diretrizes orçamentárias e o orçamento anual, nos termos do Regimento Interno da Câmara dos Deputados (RI, art. 53, II), no âmbito das Competências da Comissão de Finanças e Tributação.


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Visa a atender solicitação do Presidente da Comissão de Finanças e Tributação – CFT, Deputado Mário Feitoza, acerca da admissibilidade da Emenda na Comissão - EMC nº 1, de 2013, de autoria do Deputado Rubens Bueno, apresentada na Comissão de Finanças e Tributação – CFT ao Projeto de Lei - PL nº 6.052, de 2013.


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Tem a finalidade de subsidiar a análise e os trabalhos legislativos de apreciação do Projeto de Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias para 2016 – PLDO 2016 no âmbito do Congresso Nacional.


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Estuda os efeitos do PL 5069/2013, que altera a Lei 12.845, de 1º de agosto de 2013, que dispõe sobre o atendimento obrigatório e integral de pessoas em situação de violência sexual e as consequências para as mulheres atendidas nos hospitais da rede do SUS.


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We theoretically propose a method of generating a single sub-100 attosecond (as) pulse with a two-colour time-gating laser field. The field is synthesized by an 8 fs/800 nm (three optical cycles) pulse and a 24 fs/2400 nm (three optical cycles) pulse with an optimal time delay between them. In our simulation, we obtain a supercontinuum with an extremely broad spectrum of 150 eV and generate an isolated attosecond pulse with 96 as pulse duration without any dispersion compensation.


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Experimental stocking density of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in larval rearing was conducted in A.G. Aqua Hatchery, Chakaria, Bangladesh to study the effect of different stocking densities on growth, survival rate and diseases stress under hatchery condition. The research work was conducted using six cemented rectangular tanks having 3m3 capacity (1.5mX2mX1m) each. Stocking density were maintained in three experimental setup as 200, 150 and 100ind/L of the T1, T2 and T3 respectively with one replicate each. The larvae were fed with Artemia nauplii, Custard, Maxima and brine shrimp flakes. Water quality was maintained by exchanging 20-30% (12ppt saline water) daily. During the study period, temperature, pH, DO, salinity, nitrite-nitrogen, ammonia and alkalinity were maintained from 28.5-31.5ºC, 7.5-7.8, 5.8-5.9mg/L, 12-13ppt, 0.14-0.2 mg/L, 0.22-0.3mg/L, and 140-160mg/L respectively. The growth rates of larvae at 11th stage were recorded in terms of body length 0.115, 0.136, and 0.169 mm/day whereas body weight were observed 0.000115, 0.000180, and 0.000240g/day. The survival rate of larvae were found 21.8%, 30.4% and 51.3% in treatments T1, T2 and T3 respectively. PL was obtained as 43, 45, and 51PL/L and days required of 41, 38 and 34 days in stocking density of 200, 150, and 100ind/L respectively. It was found that the minimum of 34 days was required to attain the PL (12th stage) using the stocking density of 100 individuals/L. Cannibalism, Zoothamnium, Exuvia Entrapment Disease (EED), and Bacterial Necrosis (BN) were found to be the threat to the commercial hatchery operation that might responsible for potential larval damages which can be reduced by lowering the stocking densities in larval rearing tank that also increased the survival and growth rate.


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This partial translation of a larger paper provides taxonomic descriptions of 5 fungal zoospores species: Olpidium vampyrellae, 0. pseudosporearum, 0. leptophrydis, Rhizophidium leptophrydis and Chytridium lateoperculatum.


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In the Ukraine there are several thousand large, medium and small lakes and lake-like reservoirs, distinguished by origin, salinity, regional position, productivity and by construction a significant number of large and small water bodies, ponds and industrial reservoirs of variable designation. The problem of national systems necessitates the creation of specific schemes and classifications. Classifying into specific types of reservoir by means of suitable specifications is required for planning national measures with the objective of the rational utilisation of natural resources. It is now necessary to consider the present-day characteristics of Ukranian lakes. In the case of the Ukraine it is possible to use two approaches - genetical and ecological. This paper uses the genetical system to classify the lake-like water bodies of the Ukraine.


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Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.