943 resultados para P300 latency
Dissertação de natureza científica realizada para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Redes de Computadores e Multimédia
Neste trabalho propus-me realizar um Sistema de Aquisição de Dados em Tempo Real via Porta Paralela. Para atingir com sucesso este objectivo, foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre sistemas operativos de tempo real, salientando e exemplificando quais foram marcos mais importantes ao longo da sua evolução. Este levantamento permitiu perceber o porquê da proliferação destes sistemas face aos custos que envolvem, em função da sua aplicação, bem como as dificuldades, científicas e tecnológicas, que os investigadores foram tendo, e que foram ultrapassando com sucesso. Para que Linux se comporte como um sistema de tempo real, é necessário configura-lo e adicionar um patch, como por exemplo o RTAI ou ADEOS. Como existem vários tipos de soluções que permitem aplicar as características inerentes aos sistemas de tempo real ao Linux, foi realizado um estudo, acompanhado de exemplos, sobre o tipo de arquitecturas de kernel mais utilizadas para o fazer. Nos sistemas operativos de tempo real existem determinados serviços, funcionalidades e restrições que os distinguem dos sistemas operativos de uso comum. Tendo em conta o objectivo do trabalho, e apoiado em exemplos, fizemos um pequeno estudo onde descrevemos, entre outros, o funcionamento escalonador, e os conceitos de latência e tempo de resposta. Mostramos que há apenas dois tipos de sistemas de tempo real o ‘hard’ que tem restrições temporais rígidas e o ‘soft’ que engloba as restrições temporais firmes e suaves. As tarefas foram classificadas em função dos tipos de eventos que as despoletam, e evidenciando as suas principais características. O sistema de tempo real eleito para criar o sistema de aquisição de dados via porta paralela foi o RTAI/Linux. Para melhor percebermos o seu comportamento, estudamos os serviços e funções do RTAI. Foi dada especial atenção, aos serviços de comunicação entre tarefas e processos (memória partilhada e FIFOs), aos serviços de escalonamento (tipos de escalonadores e tarefas) e atendimento de interrupções (serviço de rotina de interrupção - ISR). O estudo destes serviços levou às opções tomadas quanto ao método de comunicação entre tarefas e serviços, bem como ao tipo de tarefa a utilizar (esporádica ou periódica). Como neste trabalho, o meio físico de comunicação entre o meio ambiente externo e o hardware utilizado é a porta paralela, também tivemos necessidade de perceber como funciona este interface. Nomeadamente os registos de configuração da porta paralela. Assim, foi possível configura-lo ao nível de hardware (BIOS) e software (módulo do kernel) atendendo aos objectivos do presente trabalho, e optimizando a utilização da porta paralela, nomeadamente, aumentando o número de bits disponíveis para a leitura de dados. No desenvolvimento da tarefa de hard real-time, foram tidas em atenção as várias considerações atrás referenciadas. Foi desenvolvida uma tarefa do tipo esporádica, pois era pretendido, ler dados pela porta paralela apenas quando houvesse necessidade (interrupção), ou seja, quando houvesse dados disponíveis para ler. Desenvolvemos também uma aplicação para permitir visualizar os dados recolhidos via porta paralela. A comunicação entre a tarefa e a aplicação é assegurada através de memória partilhada, pois garantindo a consistência de dados, a comunicação entre processos do Linux e as tarefas de tempo real (RTAI) que correm ao nível do kernel torna-se muito simples. Para puder avaliar o desempenho do sistema desenvolvido, foi criada uma tarefa de soft real-time cujos tempos de resposta foram comparados com os da tarefa de hard real-time. As respostas temporais obtidas através do analisador lógico em conjunto com gráficos elaborados a partir destes dados, mostram e comprovam, os benefícios do sistema de aquisição de dados em tempo real via porta paralela, usando uma tarefa de hard real-time.
This study investigated the influence of wearing unstable shoe construction (WUS) on compensatory postural adjustments (CPA) associated with external perturbations. Thirty-two subjects stood on a force platform resisting an anterior-posterior horizontal force applied to a pelvic belt via a cable, which was suddenly released. They stood under two conditions: barefoot and WUS. The electromyographic (EMG) activity of gastrocnemius medialis, tibialis anterior, rectus femoris, biceps femoris, rectus abdominis, and erector spinae muscles and the center of pressure (CoP) displacement were acquired to study CPA. The EMG signal was used to assess individual muscle activity and latency, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation at joint and muscle group levels. Compared to barefoot, WUS led to: (1) increased gastrocnemius medialis activity, (2) increased total agonist activity, (3) decreased antagonist co-activation at the ankle joint and muscle group levels, (4) increased reciprocal activation at the ankle joint and muscle group levels, and (5) decrease in all muscle latencies. No differences were observed in CoP displacement between conditions. These findings demonstrate that WUS led to a reorganization of the postural control system associated to improved performance of some components of postural control responses.
Purpose: This study investigated the influence of long-term wearing of unstable shoes (WUS) on compensatory postural adjustments (CPA) to an external perturbation. Methods: Participants were divided into two groups: one wore unstable shoes while the other wore conventional shoes for 8 weeks. The ground reaction force signal was used to calculate the anterior– posterior (AP) displacement of the centre of pressure (CoP) and the electromyographic signal of gastrocnemius medialis (GM), tibialis anterior (TA), rectus femoris (RF) and biceps femoris (BF) muscles was used to assess individual muscle activity, antagonist co-activation and reciprocal activation at the joint (TA/GM and RF/(BF + GM) pairs) and muscle group levels (ventral (TA + RF)/dorsal (GM + BF) pair) within time intervals typical for CPA. The electromyographic signal was also used to assess muscle latency. The variables described were evaluated before and after the 8-week period while wearing the unstable shoes and barefoot. Results: Long-term WUS led to: an increase of BF activity in both conditions (barefoot and wearing the unstable shoes); a decrease of GM activity; an increase of antagonist co-activation and a decrease of reciprocal activation level at the TA/GM and ventral/dorsal pairs in the unstable shoe condition. Additionally, WUS led to a decrease in CoP displacement. However, no differences were observed in muscle onset and offset. Conclusion: Results suggest that the prolonged use of unstable shoes leads to increased ankle and muscle groups’ antagonist co-activation levels and higher performance by the postural control system.
The relation of automatic auditory discrimination, measured with MMN, with the type of stimuli has not been well established in the literature, despite its importance as an electrophysiological measure of central sound representation. In this study, MMN response was elicited by pure-tone and speech binaurally passive auditory oddball paradigm in a group of 8 normal young adult subjects at the same intensity level (75 dB SPL). The frequency difference in pure-tone oddball was 100 Hz (standard = 1 000 Hz; deviant = 1 100 Hz; same duration = 100 ms), in speech oddball (standard /ba/; deviant /pa/; same duration = 175 ms) the Portuguese phonemes are both plosive bi-labial in order to maintain a narrow frequency band. Differences were found across electrode location between speech and pure-tone stimuli. Larger MMN amplitude, duration and higher latency to speech were verified compared to pure-tone in Cz and Fz as well as significance differences in latency and amplitude between mastoids. Results suggest that speech may be processed differently than non-speech; also it may occur in a later stage due to overlapping processes since more neural resources are required to speech processing.
Introdução Os potenciais evocados auditivos de média latência (PEAML) reflectem actividade neuronal mesencefáfica, mais precisamente da região tálamo-cortical, dos colículos inferiores e da formação reticular. A epilepsia é caracterizada por variadas manifestações anormais do comportamento cerebral, sendo descrita como uma perturbação da função cerebral, tendo origem numa descarga anómala de um conjunto ou da totalidade dos neurónios do córtice cerebral. Está documentado, que as descargas eléctricas provocadas pelas crises de epilepsia podem levar a perdas neuronais, pelo que poderão existir alterações nos PEAML. Objectivos A escassa existência de literatura sobre o tema e a não investigação na população portuguesa, originou a execução deste estudo, que teve como objectivo investigar e documentar a existência de alterações ou achados nos componentes neuronais de média latência (PEAML), numa amostra de portugueses com epilepsia. Metodologia Foram realizados PEAML a um grupo de controlo (GC) composto por 16 participantes e a um grupo clínico (GCL) de 8 participantes com epilepsia, sendo analisados os componentes Na, Pa e Na-Pa quanto à sua morfologia, latência e amplitude. Resultados A morfologia das ondas e a presença de epilepsia não estão associados, no entanto, contrariamente ao GC que evidenciou latências e amplitudes de Na, Pa e Na-Pa dentro dos padrões de normalidade, a alteração ou ausência de respostas por parte do GCL é significativa na totalidade das medidas investigadas. Conclusão Em epilepsias generalizadas e focais do lobo temporal os PEAML evidenciam alterações, tal achado poderá ser eventualmente justificado pela propagação ascendente e descendente da informação auditiva se encontrar comprometida, devido a sequelas deixadas pelas crises epilépticas nas vias auditivas mesencefálicas. As alterações verificadas foram uma morfologia anómala das ondas ou ausência das mesmas.
We present an algorithm for bandwidth allocation for delay-sensitive traffic in multi-hop wireless sensor networks. Our solution considers both periodic as well as aperiodic real-time traffic in an unified manner. We also present a distributed MAC protocol that conforms to the bandwidth allocation and thus satisfies the latency requirements of realtime traffic. Additionally, the protocol provides best-effort service to non real-time traffic. We derive the utilization bounds of our MAC protocol.
Hexagonal wireless sensor network refers to a network topology where a subset of nodes have six peer neighbors. These nodes form a backbone for multi-hop communications. In a previous work, we proposed the use of hexagonal topology in wireless sensor networks and discussed its properties in relation to real-time (bounded latency) multi-hop communications in large-scale deployments. In that work, we did not consider the problem of hexagonal topology formation in practice - which is the subject of this research. In this paper, we present a decentralized algorithm that forms the hexagonal topology backbone in an arbitrary but sufficiently dense network deployment. We implemented a prototype of our algorithm in NesC for TinyOS based platforms. We present data from field tests of our implementation, collected using a deployment of fifty wireless sensor nodes.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Engenharia Informática
In global scientific experiments with collaborative scenarios involving multinational teams there are big challenges related to data access, namely data movements are precluded to other regions or Clouds due to the constraints on latency costs, data privacy and data ownership. Furthermore, each site is processing local data sets using specialized algorithms and producing intermediate results that are helpful as inputs to applications running on remote sites. This paper shows how to model such collaborative scenarios as a scientific workflow implemented with AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic), a decentralized framework offering a feasible solution to run the workflow activities on distributed data centers in different regions without the need of large data movements. The AWARD workflow activities are independently monitored and dynamically reconfigured and steering by different users, namely by hot-swapping the algorithms to enhance the computation results or by changing the workflow structure to support feedback dependencies where an activity receives feedback output from a successor activity. A real implementation of one practical scenario and its execution on multiple data centers of the Amazon Cloud is presented including experimental results with steering by multiple users.
Although the computational power of mobile devices has been increasing, it is still not enough for some classes of applications. In the present, these applications delegate the computing power burden on servers located on the Internet. This model assumes an always-on Internet connectivity and implies a non-negligible latency. The thesis addresses the challenges and contributions posed to the application of a mobile collaborative computing environment concept to wireless networks. The goal is to define a reference architecture for high performance mobile applications. Current work is focused on efficient data dissemination on a highly transitive environment, suitable to many mobile applications and also to the reputation and incentive system available on this mobile collaborative computing environment. For this we are improving our already published reputation/incentive algorithm with knowledge from the usage pattern from the eduroam wireless network in the Lisbon area.
The surface of human syncytiotrophoblast does not induce maternal blood platelet aggregation even though it is not an endothelium. It can be surmised that as occurs in endothelial injury the subcellular components of the syncytiotrophoblast may have pro-or antiaggregatory activity. During congenital Chagas' disease which is associated to trophoblast lesions, platelets may play a role in the development of T. cruzi-induced placentitis. In the present work the aggregatory behaviour of normal human blood platelets was recorded after their challenging with subcellular fractions of syncytiotrophoblast isolated from normal and chagasic women. Nuclear, Mitochondrial, Microsomal and Supernatant fractions isolated from normal and chagasic syncytiotrophoblast failed to induce per se any aggregatory reaction on platelets. When samples of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) were preincubated with normal and chagasic nuclear fractions and then stimulated with collagen at threshold level (CT-PRP) an inhibition of the aggregatory response was observed. Treatment of CT-PRP with normal and chagasic mitochondrial fractions induced inhibition of platelet aggregation whereas only chagasic fraction reduced latency time. Microsornal fraction from normal placentas showed no significant effects on platelet aggregation. It is concluded that subcellular fractions of normal human syncytiotrophoblast do not exhibit any effect on platelet aggregation, whereas those subcellular fractions enriched in intracellular membrane components isolated from chagasic placentas inhibit platelet aggregation.
Task scheduling is one of the key mechanisms to ensure timeliness in embedded real-time systems. Such systems have often the need to execute not only application tasks but also some urgent routines (e.g. error-detection actions, consistency checkers, interrupt handlers) with minimum latency. Although fixed-priority schedulers such as Rate-Monotonic (RM) are in line with this need, they usually make a low processor utilization available to the system. Moreover, this availability usually decreases with the number of considered tasks. If dynamic-priority schedulers such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF) are applied instead, high system utilization can be guaranteed but the minimum latency for executing urgent routines may not be ensured. In this paper we describe a scheduling model according to which urgent routines are executed at the highest priority level and all other system tasks are scheduled by EDF. We show that the guaranteed processor utilization for the assumed scheduling model is at least as high as the one provided by RM for two tasks, namely 2(2√−1). Seven polynomial time tests for checking the system timeliness are derived and proved correct. The proposed tests are compared against each other and to an exact but exponential running time test.
Benign focal epilepsy in childhood with centro-temporal spikes (BECTS) is one of the most common forms of idiopathic epilepsy, with onset from age 3 to 14 years. Although the prognosis for children with BECTS is excellent, some studies have revealed neuropsychological deficits in many domains, including language. Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) reflect activation of different neuronal populations and are suggested to contribute to the evaluation of auditory discrimination (N1), attention allocation and phonological categorization (N2), and echoic memory (mismatch negativity – MMN). The scarce existing literature about this theme motivated the present study, which aims to investigate and document the existing AERP changes in a group of children with BECTS. AERPs were recorded, during the day, to pure and vocal tones and in a conventional auditory oddball paradigm in five children with BECTS (aged 8–12; mean = 10 years; male = 5) and in six gender and age-matched controls. Results revealed high amplitude of AERPs for the group of children with BECTS with a slight latency delay more pronounced in fronto-central electrodes. Children with BECTS may have abnormal central auditory processing, reflected by electrophysiological measures such as AERPs. In advance, AERPs seem a good tool to detect and reliably reveal cortical excitability in children with typical BECTS.
Auditory event-related potentials (AERPs) are widely used in diverse fields of today’s neuroscience, concerning auditory processing, speech perception, language acquisition, neurodevelopment, attention and cognition in normal aging, gender, developmental, neurologic and psychiatric disorders. However, its transposition to clinical practice has remained minimal. Mainly due to scarce literature on normative data across age, wide spectrumof results, variety of auditory stimuli used and to different neuropsychological meanings of AERPs components between authors. One of the most prominent AERP components studied in last decades was N1, which reflects auditory detection and discrimination. Subsequently, N2 indicates attention allocation and phonological analysis. The simultaneous analysis of N1 and N2 elicited by feasible novelty experimental paradigms, such as auditory oddball, seems an objective method to assess central auditory processing. The aim of this systematic review was to bring forward normative values for auditory oddball N1 and N2 components across age. EBSCO, PubMed, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholarwere systematically searched for studies that elicited N1 and/or N2 by auditory oddball paradigm. A total of 2,764 papers were initially identified in the database, of which 19 resulted from hand search and additional references, between 1988 and 2013, last 25 years. A final total of 68 studiesmet the eligibility criteria with a total of 2,406 participants from control groups for N1 (age range 6.6–85 years; mean 34.42) and 1,507 for N2 (age range 9–85 years; mean 36.13). Polynomial regression analysis revealed thatN1latency decreases with aging at Fz and Cz,N1 amplitude at Cz decreases from childhood to adolescence and stabilizes after 30–40 years and at Fz the decrement finishes by 60 years and highly increases after this age. Regarding N2, latency did not covary with age but amplitude showed a significant decrement for both Cz and Fz. Results suggested reliable normative values for Cz and Fz electrode locations; however, changes in brain development and components topography over age should be considered in clinical practice.