919 resultados para Ostergren, Robert C.: The Europeans: a geography of people, culture and environment


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The goal of the study was to calculate the direct costs of therapy for patients with MAP. This retrospective study included 242 MAP patients treated at the Department of Prosthodontics of the University of Bern between 2003 and 2006. The following parameters were collected from the clinical charts: chief complaint, diagnosis, treatment modalities, total costs, costs of the dental technician, number of appointments, average cost per appointment, length of treatment, and services reimbursed by health insurance agencies. The average age of the patients was 40.4 ± 17.3 years (76.4% women, 23.6% men). The chief complaint was pain in 91.3% of the cases, TMJ noises (61.2%) or limitation of mandibular mobility (53.3%). Tendomyopathy (22.3%), disc displacement (22.4%), or a combination of the two (37.6%) were more often diagnosed than arthropathy alone (7.4%). Furthermore, 10.3% of the MAP patients had another primary diagnosis (tumor, trauma, etc.). Patients were treated with counseling and exercises (36.0%), physiotherapy (23.6%), or occlusal splints (32.6%). The cost of treatment reached 644 Swiss francs for four appointments spread over an average of 21 weeks. In the great majority of cases, patients can be treated with inexpensive modalities. 99.9% of the MAP cases submitted to the insurance agencies were reimbursed by them, in accordance with Article 17d1-3 of the Swiss Health Care Benefits Ordinance (KLV) and Article 25 of the Federal Health Insurance Act (KVG). The costs of treatment performed by dentists remain modest. The more time-consuming services, such as providing information, counseling and instructions, are poorly remunerated. This aspect should be re-evaluated in a future revision of the tariff schedule.


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In my thesis, I explore the cultural history of the French Revolution and its relation to the modern era which ensued. Many historians have studied the French Revolution as it relates to culture, the rise of modernity, and fashion. I combine the unique histories of all three of these aspects to reach an understanding of the history of the French Revolution and fashion’s role in bringing about change. In the majority of literature of costume history, discussion of fashion surrounds its reflective properties. Many historians conclude fashion as a reflection of the broader cultural shifts that occurred during the Revolution. I, on the other hand, propose that fashion is an active force in bringing out cultural change during this time. In exploring fashion as a historical motivator, I examine the aesthetic world of fashion from 1740 to 1815, the modern system of cultural dissemination of fashion through particular historical heroes, and the rise of “taste” and its relation to modern identity. Through aesthetics, culture, and identity, I argue that fashion is a decisive force of culture in that it creates a visual world through which ideas form and communicate.


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The coevolution of parental investment and offspring solicitation is driven by partly different evolutionary interests of genes expressed in parents and their offspring. In species with biparental care, the outcome of this conflict ma!: be influenced by the sexual conflict over parental investment, Models for the resolution of such family conflicts have made so far untested assumptions about genetic variation and covariation in the parental resource provisioning response and the level of offspring solicitation. Using a combination of cross-fostering and begging playback experiments, we show that, in the great tit (Parus major), (i) the begging call intensity of nestlings depends on their common origin, suggesting genetic variation for this begging display, (ii) only mothers respond to begging calls by increased food provisioning, and (iii! the size of the parental response is positively related to the begging call intensity of nestlings in the maternal but not paternal line. This study indicates that genetic covariation, its differential expression in the maternal and paternal lines and/or early environmental and parental effects need to be taken into account when predicting the phenotypic outcome of the conflict over investment between genes expressed in each parent and the offspring. [References: 36]


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The intraoral lipoma is a benign, slowly growing, painless soft tissue neoplasia, which can cause esthetic or functional problems for the patient, depending on its size. All parts of the body can be affected, whereas the oral cavity is rarely involved. Clinically, the tumour often exhibits an exophytic growth pattern, a soft consistency, a broad base connected to the underlying tissue, and frequently has a reddish-yellowish colour. Instead of a superficial mucosal involvement, a deep localization in the soft tissues is also possible. Depending on the localization of the tumour, the diagnosis and the resulting therapy can turn out to be a challenge for the clinician. A clear differentiation to malign neoplasias of the fat tissues and other soft tissue expansions is essential. The following case report presents a female patient who is affected by a lipoma in the proximity of the mental nerve. The diagnostic work-up and resulting therapy including a review of the current literature are presented and discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: To examine the Young's modulus of the human amniotic membranes, as well as its relationship to gestational age. To determine whether cellular and material-related parameters affect this modulus. STUDY DESIGN: In a prospective study at the Obstetric outpatient clinic of the University Hospital Zurich Young's modulus, thickness and mesenchymal:epithelial cell ratio of amniotic membranes of preterm (N=23) and term (N=40) placentae were examined. Significance (P<0.05) was calculated with the Mann-Whitney two-sample rank sum test and Wilcoxon signed rank test, while correlations were made using the Spearman's correlation. RESULTS: The Young's modulus of preterm amniotic membranes was significantly higher than that of term membranes. It varied within the same amniotic membrane. The thickness of the amnion in both preterm and term membranes did not differ significantly. The thinner the preterm and term amniotic membranes, the higher the Young's modulus was. There was no relation to the mesenchymal:epithelial cell ratio in the amnion. CONCLUSIONS: Preterm amniotic membranes are stiffer than term amniotic membranes. Tentatively, we hypothesise that there may be a correlation between the extracellular matrix components and the elastic properties of the membrane.


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Energy efficiency has become an important research topic in intralogistics. Especially in this field the focus is placed on automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS) utilizing stacker cranes as these systems are widespread and consume a significant portion of the total energy demand of intralogistical systems. Numerical simulation models were developed to calculate the energy demand rather precisely for discrete single and dual command cycles. Unfortunately these simulation models are not suitable to perform fast calculations to determine a mean energy demand value of a complete storage aisle. For this purpose analytical approaches would be more convenient but until now analytical approaches only deliver results for certain configurations. In particular, for commonly used stacker cranes equipped with an intermediate circuit connection within their drive configuration there is no analytical approach available to calculate the mean energy demand. This article should address this research gap and present a calculation approach which enables planners to quickly calculate the energy demand of these systems.


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RATIONALE The vaporization of Sm, Eu, and Yb tri- and dibromides is accompanied by decomposition and disproportionation reactions. These result in complex vapor compositions whose analysis is an intricate problem for experimentalists. Approaches have been developed to interpret mass spectra and accurately determine the vapor composition of thermally unstable compounds. METHODS A sector type magnet instrument was used. A combined ion source allowed the study of both the molecular and ionic vapor compositions in the electron ionization (EI) and the thermionic emission (TE) modes. The methodological approaches were based on a joint analysis of the ionization efficiency functions, the temperature and time dependences of the ion currents, and special mathematical data evaluation. RESULTS The vaporization of SmBr3, YbBr3, SmBr2, EuBr2, and YbBr2 was studied in the temperature range of 850–1300 K. An initial stage of incongruent vaporization was observed in the case of the tribromides, SmBr2, and YbBr2. This eventually changed to a congruent vaporization stage. Various neutral (Ln, Br, Br2, LnBr, LnBr2, LnBr3, Ln2Br4, Ln2Br5, and Ln2Br6) and charged (Br–, LnBr3–, LnBr4–) species were detected at different vaporization stages. CONCLUSIONS The quantitative vapor composition of Sm, Eu, and Yb tri- and dibromides was determined. It was found that only EuBr2 was stable in the studied temperature range. The developed approaches can be useful in the case of other thermally unstable compounds.


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There are two competing hypotheses concerning the connection between democracy and globalization. The critics hold globalization responsible for an ongoing crisis of democracy. The enthusiasts highlight the positive contributions of financial openness and international political cooperation on the development of democracy. In this contribution the author investigates the interrelation between globalization and the quality of established democracies. He introduces the Democracy Barometer, a new instrument that measures the quality of democracy in 30 established democratic regimes between 1995 and 2005 and that explicitly does not measure sustainable government because it aims at serving as dependent as well as independent variable to explain different economic, societal and natural environment, i.e. sustainable development. Based on this instrument, the author first shows that one cannot speak of an ongoing crisis of (established) democracies. Second, he also conducts several multilevel analyses to model the different developments of the quality of democracy in the different countries. The author then shows that economy, i.e. economic globalization indeed has a positive impact on the quality of democracy. However, this impact is stronger in stable, i.e. older than in younger established democracies. Further investigations show that a high quality of democracy also goes hand in hand with societal and environmental performance.


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It is becoming clear that if we are to impact the rate of medical errors it will have to be done at the practicing physician level. The purpose of this project was to survey the attitude of physicians in Alabama concerning their perception of medical error, and to obtain their thoughts and desires for medical education in the area of medical errors. The information will be used in the development of a physician education program.