980 resultados para Original Creative Works - Other


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The doctrine of fair use allows limited copying of creative works based on the rationale that copyright holders would consent to such uses if bargaining were possible. This paper develops a formal model of fair use in an effort to derive the efficient legal standard for applying the doctrine. The model interprets copies and originals as differentiated products and defines fair use as a threshold separating permissible copying from infringement. The analysis highlights the role of technology in shaping the efficient standard. Discussion of several key cases illustrates the applicability of the model.


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A reciclagem profunda com espuma de asfalto tem sido uma alternativa de sucesso para a restauração de pavimentos degradados. Em relação às soluções tradicionais de reabilitação, como os recapeamentos, tem a vantagem de proporcionar a correção de defeitos em camadas inferiores, com a manutenção ou pequena elevação do greide da pista, além de ganhos ambientais, como um menor consumo de materiais virgens da natureza e redução do volume de material descartado. Entretanto, no Brasil não há método para dimensionamento estrutural para esta tecnologia, o que dificulta seu emprego. Para o desenvolvimento de um procedimento de dimensionamento que contemple este tipo de solução, foram estudados métodos presentes na bibliografia internacional: guia da AASHTO de 1993 e Caltrans, dos EUA, TRL386 e TRL611, da Inglaterra, as duas versões do guia sul-africano TG2 e os métodos oriundos do Austroads, tanto o procedimento interino de 2011 como adaptações de órgãos da Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Observou-se divergência de opiniões quanto ao comportamento do material reciclado com espuma de asfalto. Alguns órgãos e autores consideram o comportamento do mesmo mais próximo às misturas asfálticas, sendo o mecanismo de falha o trincamento, e outros o definem como semelhante a um material granular modificado com alta coesão e ruptura devido às deformações permanentes. Correlaciona-se tal associação ao teor de espuma usualmente utilizado nas obras rodoviárias. Outros aspectos que se destacam para este tipo de base são o ganho de resistência ao longo do tempo devido à cura, mesmo com início da operação da rodovia e a importância da infraestrutura remanescente no dimensionamento. Tais fatos foram corroborados pelos estudos de caso e resultados do trecho experimental construído na Rodovia Ayrton Senna - SP 070, monitorado por meio de ensaios deflectométricos com FWD durante um ano. Como resultado do trabalho, foi proposto um procedimento para o dimensionamento estrutural de pavimentos com camadas recicladas a frio com espuma de asfalto utilizando dados deflectométricos que atende o método do Manual de Pavimentação do Departamento Nacional de Infraestrutura de Transportes (DNIT) e incorpora diferentes aspectos na análise mecanicista. Outras conclusões são a viabilidade técnica a longo prazo da solução mencionada e a importância do controle tecnológico, com ênfase para o monitoramento deflectométrico nos primeiros meses de operação do pavimento para averiguar a evolução da cura do material.


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v. 1. The first part: Of the progress made in the reformation during the reign of King Henry VIII.--v. 2. The second part: Of the progress made in the reformation till the settlement of it in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign.--v. 3. The third part: Being a supplement to the two formerly published.--v. 4-5. A collection of records, letters, and original papers, with other instruments referred to in the first [and second] part[s] ... [Appendices] concerning some of the errors and falsehoods in Sanders' book of the English schism.--v. 6. A collection of records ... [etc.] referred to in the third part ... --v. 7. Editors preface. Corrigenda et addenda. Chronological index of records. General index.


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v. 1, pt. 1 The history of the Reformation of the Church of England. Of the progress made in it during the reign of King Henry VIII.--v. 1,pt. 2. A collection of records and original papers, with other instruments referred to in the former history.--v. 2,pt. 1. Of the progress made in it till the settlement of it in the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign.--v. 2.,pt. 2. A collection of records and original papers; with other instruments referred to in the second part of the history of the Reformation of the Church of England.--v. 3,pt. 1. Being a supplement to the two former parts.--v. 3,pt. 2. A collection of records, letters, and original papers; with other instruments referred to in the former history.


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v.1. The first part : Of the progress made in it during the reign of King Henry VIII.--v.2. The second part of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A collection of records and original papers, with other instruments referred to in the second part of the History...2v.--v.3 The third part of the History of the Reformation of the Church of England. A general index to the History... A collection of records, letters, and original papers with other instruments referred to in the former History. 3v.


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Includes prose and poetry by Klopstock, his translations from Roman poets (with original Latin and other German versions), letters to, from, and about Klopstock (some in English), poems in his honor, etc.


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Lettres àune Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie (Letters to a Princess of Germany on various topics of physics and philosophy) is the work taken as an object of study of this thesis. It is a literary success written in the eighteenth century by the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard Paul Euler (1707-1783) in order to meet a request from the Prussian king, Frederick II, the Great (1712-1786) to accept to guide the intellectual education of his niece, the young princess Anhalt-Dessau (1745-1808). The method of teaching and learning through letters elected to the education of the German monarch resulted in a collection of 234 matches in which Euler theory is about music, Philosophy, Mechanics, Optics, Astronomy, Theology and Ethics among others. The research seeks to point out mathematical content contained in this reference work based on the exploitation and adaptation of original historical works as an articulator of development activities for teaching mathematics in basic education and in accordance with the National Curriculum Parameters of Mathematics (NCP) work. The general objective point out the limits and didactic potential of Lettres à une Princesse d'Allemagne sur divers sujets de physique et de philosophie as a source of support for teachers of basic education in developing activities for teaching mathematics. The discussions raised point to concrete possibilities of entanglement between the extracted mathematical content of the bulge of the work with current teaching methodologies from resizing the use of letters according to Freire's pedagogical perspective of the correspondence, and especially the use of new communication channels in the century XXI, both aimed at dialogue and approximation between those who write and those who read.


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El constructivismo ruso se define como una práctica artística que respondió a las demandas sociales y culturales de una nueva sociedad. Se desarrolló como movimiento vanguardista que se propuso realizar un programa de vinculación de la obra artística con la vida, dejando atrás las formas del arte burgués y abriendo nuevas posibilidades a las funciones del arte en las condiciones sociales de la Revolución. El presente trabajo se propone la actualización de ese legado, me-diante apropiaciones irónicas de algunos de sus productos, en relación con las representaciones del heroísmo y el triunfalismo, del héroe y las masas, en los procesos políticos y culturales de la actualidad. En la medida que ese género de lenguaje ha sido utilizado en otros contex-tos, y las formulas constructivistas desbordan su enclave original en otras coor-denadas geopolíticas, este proyecto procura aprovechar las formulaciones ideoestéticas que fueron sustento de las propuestas constructivistas y productivis-tas al respecto de las experimentaciones del fotomontaje, la faktura y la factogra-fia.


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Advances in the technology available to consumers have fundamentally altered the relationship between authors, rights-holders and consumers with regard to copyrighted creative works. The copyright system in the UK is undergoing a gradual process of reform to reflect this new reality.


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Unlike some other major composer-pianists (Franz Liszt and Alexander Scriabin being the most notable examples), Sergei Rachmaninov did not experience any dramatic changes in his compositional style; one can, however, notice certain stylistic differences between piano works composed during different periods of his long creative life. This dissertation argues that a clear evolution of Rachmaninov's pianistic style through his three creative periods can be traced by examining a selection of his compositions, from his first significant cycle for piano, 5 Marceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3 (1892), all the way through to his last piano work, a transcription of P.I.Tchakovsky's Lullaby, Op. 16, No. 1 (1941). Rachmaninov's life as a composer can be divided into three periods. His early period was ended abruptly by the disastrous premiere ofhis First Symphony in 1897, which caused a deep psychological crisis in the life of the young composer. Piano works of this period are often characterized by relatively simple homophonic texture, when Rachmaninov was clearly influenced by some of his Russian predecessors, most notably Tchaikovsky. His second and most productive period, also known as the period of"Russian maturity," started in 1900, when he began working on the Second Suite for two pianos, Op. 17, and the Second Concerto, Op. 18; this phase ended with the Russian Bolshevik revolution of 1917. Works of this time exhibit a mature style of piano writing, with rich, virtuosic - often considered excessive by many critics - texture and ever-increasing use of chromatic harmonies. Rachmaninov's works of the third period are limited in number owing to the composer's preoccupation with a career as pianist. Original works for piano now give way to revisions of earlier compositions and transcriptions: Rachmaninov's piano writing becomes more efficient and economical without losing any of its virtuosic brilliance. This dissertation project examines in detail, over the course of three piano recitals, a variety of works composed during the "Russian maturity" period, from several Preludes from Op. 23 (1903), the first major cycle for solo piano of the period, to 9 Etudes-Tableaux, Op.39 (1917), the last one; the early period is represented by 3 of 5 Marceaux defantaisie, Op. 3 (1892), while the late period is shown through several piano transcriptions and revised versions of the remaining 2 pieces from Op. 3.


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Love and friendship -- Lesley Castle -- The history of England -- Collection of letters -- Scraps.


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This is the final report of an Australian Learning and Teaching Council Teaching Fellowship which addressed the needs of two separate groups of learners: (1) final year law students studying ethics and (2) law academics and other interested educators in higher education wishing to use information and communication technologies (ICT) to create engaging learning environments for their students but lacking the capacity to do so. The Fellowship resulted in final year law students being infused with an improved appreciation of ethical practice than they receive from traditional lecture/tutorial means by the development of an integrated program of blended learning including an online program entitled "Entry into Valhalla". This "ethics capstone‟ utilises multimedia produced using cost effective resources (including the "Second Life" virtual environment) to create engaging, contextualised learning experiences. The Fellowship also constructed the knowledge of producing cost-effective multimedia projects in other law academics and other educators in higher education by staff development activities comprising workshops, conference presentations and an interactive website using the "Entry into Valhalla" program as a case study exemplar.


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Over a seven-year period, Mark Radvan directed a suite of children’s theatre productions adapted from the original Tashi stories by Australian writers Anna and Barbara Fienberg. The Tashi Project’s repertoire of plays performed to over 40,000 children aged between 3 and 10 years old, and their carers, in seasons at the Out of the Box Festival, at Brisbane Powerhouse and in venues across Australia in two interstate tours in 2009 and 2010. The project investigated how best to combine an exploration of theatrical forms and conventions, with a performance style evolved in a specially developed training program and a deliberate positioning of young children as audiences capable of sophisticated readings of action, symbol, theme and character. The results of this project show that when brought into appropriate relationship with the theatre artists, young children aged 3-5 can engage with sophisticated narrative forms, and with the right contextual framing they enjoy heightened dramatic and emotional tension, bringing to the event sustained and highly engaged concentration. Older children aged 6-10 also bring sustained and heightened engagement to the same stories, providing that other more sophisticated dramatic elements are woven into the construction of the performances, such as character, theme and style.