930 resultados para Operating Systems (Computers)


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El objetivo del proyecto es implantar un sistema de monitorización, con la peculiaridad de encontrarse en alta disponibilidad, esto es, que el servicio (la monitorización de una infraestructura) se preste forma continua y no se vea interrumpido. Dado que el propósito del sistema es monitorizar activamente una infraestructura, ha sido necesario desplegar una infraestructura, además del sistema de monitorización. La infraestructura en cuestión está compuesta por un servidor de documentación, un servidor de base de datos, un servidor de aplicaciones y un servidor web. El sistema de monitorización se ha desplegado en la misma red de área local de esta infraestructura y monitoriza que los servicios prestados por los componentes de esta infraestructura se encuentren operativos y funcionando adecuadamente. Así pues, se tendría un sistema de monitorización local funcional. No obstante, el proyecto plantea un sistema escalable, que esté preparado para el crecimiento de la infraestructura y continúe siendo eficiente. Para ello, sistema de monitorización se encuentre dividido por dos componentes:  Sonda delegada: monitoriza localmente los activos de la infraestructura a monitorizar, es el escenario anteriormente descrito.  Sonda maestra: recibe los resultados de la monitorización realizada, este sistema puede estar desplegado en otra red distinta a la sonda delegada. Este enfoque no solo es escalable, sino también es fiel a la realidad, pues puede darse el caso de que las sondas pertenezcan a distintas infraestructuras e inclusive, distintas organizaciones, y se comuniquen a través de internet, mediante un mecanismo confiable a ser posible. El proyecto plantea que ambas sondas se encuentren en alta disponibilidad (en adelante HA, referente a high availability), y que cada sonda está compuesta por dos equipos (nodos, en adelante). Como se analizará en posteriores capítulos, existen diversas configuraciones que permiten implantar un sistema en HA, la configuración escogida para el proyecto es Activo – Pasivo(los detalles de esta configuración también se explican en posteriores capítulos). Para finalizar, se estudiara la posibilidad de ofrecer respuestas activas en ciertas situaciones y configuraciones adicionales sobre el sistema de monitorización base. Por otro lado, para la implantación del proyecto se ha usado software de código abierto para la virtualización de la infraestructura (Virtual Box y GNS3), los sistemas operativos base (Linux), el sistema de monitorización(Nagios Core) así como el software que implementa la HA (corosync y pacemaker).---ABSTRACT---The aim of the Project is to implement a monitoring system, with the peculiarity of being deployed in high availability, what it is that the service (monitoring infrastructure) is provided continuously and not interrupted. As the purpose of the system is monitoring infrastructure actively, an infrastructure has been deployed, and also the monitoring system. The infrastructure monitored is composed of a documentation server, a server database, an application server and a Web server. The monitoring system has been also deployed on the same LAN of this infrastructure and monitors the services provided by the components of this infrastructure are operational and working as expected. This is a local monitoring system functional. However, the project also proposes a scalable system that is ready for growth of infrastructure and efficient. This is the reason of divide the system in two components:  Slave Component: monitors locally the infrastructure assets to be monitored, this is the scenario described above.  Master Component: get the results from the monitoring, provided by the Slave Component. This system can be deployed in a different network than the slave component. This approach is not only scalable but also a real scenario, as may be the case that the Components belongs to different infrastructures and even, different organizations, also this components can communicate over the Internet, through a reliable mechanism if possible. The project proposes that both Components are deployed in high availability (HA onwards concerning high availability), each Component is composed of two servers (nodes, hereafter). As will be discussed in later chapters, there are several settings available to deploy a system in HA, the configuration chosen for the project is Active - Passive (details of this configuration are also explained in later chapters). Finally the possibility of offering active responses in certain situations and additional settings on the monitoring system will be discussed. On the other hand, for the implementation of the project, open source software has been used, for virtualization infrastructure (Virtual Box and GNS3), code-based operating systems (Linux), the monitoring system (Nagios core), as well as the software that implements the HA (corosync and pacemaker).


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El software se ha convertido en el eje central del mundo actual, una compleja creación humana que influye en la vida, negocios y comunicación de todas las personas pertenecientes a la Sociedad de la Información. El rápido crecimiento experimentado en el ámbito del desarrollo software ha permitido la creación de avanzadas estructuras tecnológicas, denominadas “Sistemas Intensivos Software”, capaces de comunicarse con otros sistemas, dispositivos, sensores y personas. A lo largo de los próximos años los sistemas se enfrentarán a una mayor complejidad, surgida de la necesidad de operar en entornos de grandes dimensiones y de comportamientos no deterministas. Los métodos y herramientas actuales no son lo suficientemente potentes para diseñar, construir,implementar y mantener sistemas intensivos software con estas características, y detener la construcción de sistemas intensivos software o construir sistemas poco flexibles o fiables no es una alternativa real. En el desarrollo de “Sistemas Intensivos Software” pueden llegar a intervenir distintas entidades o compañías software que suelen estar en ubicaciones geográficas distintas y constituidas por grandes equipos de desarrollo, multidisciplinares e incluso multilingües. Debido a la criticidad del resultado de las actividades realizadas de forma independiente en el sistema resultante, éstas se han de controlar y monitorizar para asegurar la correcta integración de todos los elementos del sistema completo. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de una herramienta software para dar soporte a la gestión y monitorización de la construcción e integración de sistemas intensivos software, siendo extensible también a proyectos de otra índole. La herramienta resultante se denomina Positioning System, una aplicación web del tipo SPA (Single Page Application) creada con tecnología de última generación como el framework JavaScript AngularJS y tecnología de back-end como SlimPHP. Positioning System provee la funcionalidad necesaria para la creación de proyectos, familias y subfamilias de productos que constituyen los productos software de los proyectos creados, así como la gestión de socios comerciales y gestión de contactos de dichos proyectos. Todas estas funcionalidades son fácilmente monitorizadas y controladas por gráficos estadísticos generados para cada proyecto. ABSTRACT Software has become the backbone of today’s world, a complex human creation that has an important impact in the life, business and communication of all people involved with the Information Society. The quick growth that software development has undergone for last years has enabled the creation of advanced technological structures called “Software Intensive Systems”. They are able to communicate with other systems, devices, sensors and people. Next years, systems will face more complexity. It arises from the need of operating systems of large dimensions with non-deterministic behaviors. Current methods and tools are not powerful enough to design, build, implement and maintain software intensive systems; however stopping the development or developing unreliable and non-flexible systems is not a real alternative. Software Intensive Systems” development may involve different entities or software companies which may be in different geographical locations and may be constituted by large, multidisciplinary and even multilingual development teams. Due to the criticality of the result of each conducted activity, independently in the resulting system, these activities must be controlled and monitored to ensure the proper integration of all the elements within the complete system. The goal of this project is the creation of a software tool to support the management and monitoring of the construction and integration of software intensive systems, being possible to be extended to other kind of projects. The resultant tool is called Positioning System, a web application that follows the SPA (Single Page Application) style. It was created with the latest technologies, such as, the AngularJS framework and SlimPHP. The Positioning System provides the necessary features for the creation of projects, families and subfamilies of products that constitute the software products of the created projects, as well as the management of business partners and contacts of these projects. All these features are easily monitored and controlled by statistical graphs generated for each project.


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En este proyecto se realiza el diseño e implementación de un sistema que detecta anomalías en las entradas de entornos controlados. Para ello, se hace uso de las últimas técnicas en visión por computador y se avisa visual y auditivamente, mediante un sistema hardware que recibe señales del ordenador al que está conectado. Se marca y fotografía, a una o varias personas, que cometen una infracción en las entradas de un establecimiento, vigilado con sistemas de vídeo. Las imágenes se almacenan en las carpetas correspondientes. El sistema diseñado es colaborativo, por lo tanto, las cámaras que intervienen, se comunican entre ellas a través de estructuras de datos con el objetivo de intercambiar información. Además, se utiliza conexión inalámbrica desde un dispositivo móvil para obtener una visión global del entorno desde cualquier lugar del mundo. La aplicación se desarrolla en el entorno MATLAB, que permite un tratamiento de la señal de imagen apropiado para el presente proyecto. Asimismo, se proporciona al usuario una interfaz gráfica con la que interactuar de manera sencilla, evitando así, el cambio de parámetros en la estructura interna del programa cuando se quiere variar el entorno o el tipo de adquisición de datos. El lenguaje que se escoge facilita la ejecución en distintos sistemas operativos, incluyendo Windows o iOS y, de esta manera, se proporciona flexibilidad. ABSTRACT. This project studies the design and implementation of a system that detects any anomalies on the entrances to controlled environments. To this end, it is necessary the use of last techniques in computer vision in order to notify visually and aurally, by a hardware system which receives signs from the computer it is connected to. One or more people that commit an infringement while entering into a secured environment, with video systems, are marked and photographed and those images are stored in their belonging file folder. This is a collaborative design system, therefore, every involved camera communicates among themselves through data structures with the purpose of exchanging information. Furthermore, to obtain a global environment vision from any place in the world it uses a mobile wireless connection. The application is developed in MATLAB environment because it allows an appropriate treatment of the image signal for this project. In addition, the user is given a graphical interface to easily interact, avoiding with this, changing any parameters on the program’s intern structure, when it requires modifying the environment or the data type acquisition. The chosen language eases its execution in different operating systems, including Windows or iOS, providing flexibility.


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En el presente proyecto, se han abordado las distintas soluciones constructivas para tratar las principales exigencias en edificación: aislamiento acústico, acondicionamiento acústico y ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones. Estas soluciones constructivas, se enmarcan dentro de un conjunto de leyes vigentes en España, provenientes de la trasposición de la legislación Europea. Basándose en el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido, donde se encuentran las soluciones constructivas, comentadas anteriormente, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio exhaustivo de las mismas, con la finalidad de crear una herramienta de consulta de fácil y rápido acceso para cualquier persona. En especial, se enfoca a una finalidad didáctica accesible al personal universitario. Se pretende que cualquier persona, con base mínima en la materia, pueda acceder y entender la herramienta creada. Para lograr a esta finalidad, se ha analizado otra documentación, como la Guía de aplicación del DB HR, donde se explica de forma más detallada el Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido. Además, se han consultado diferentes normativas españolas, para conseguir que la información aportada al usuario sea completa y no sea necesario acudir a diferentes documentos externos. De esta manera, un usuario podrá realizar un proyecto para: aislar, acondicionar o controlar el ruido y vibraciones de las instalaciones, en una edificación, acudiendo a esta herramienta. Con el objeto de que sea un proyecto enmarcado en un contexto didáctico, con fácil acceso y tratando que sea lo más intuitivo posible, se buscó una plataforma de acceso gratuito y disponible para distintos equipos y sistemas operativos. El programa empleado ha sido tomado del paquete Office creado por Microsoft. El programa se denomina OneNote. Se trata de un programa para realizar, compartir y gestionar notas de forma rápida y sencilla. Los archivos creados en él, se almacenan en OneDrive, por lo tanto, el usuario puede acceder a ellos desde cualquier parte, en cualquier momento y plataforma disponible. ABSTRACT. The aforementioned project approaches the diverse solutions available to accomplish the chief edification requirements in the Spanish Legal System, remarkably influenced by the European Law, in Construction Planning. The key elements of those solutions are acoustic isolation, acoustic conditioning and noise and vibration of installations. Basing most part of our research in the academic report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido”, which addresses effective solutions about the mentioned queries, but also implements a useful tool that supplies access to the broad public to obtain a wide variety of answers regarding those issues. Its main aim is to improve the knowledge about that subject, however also the access and usage to that system, of every person, although its previous experience. In order to achieve that purpose, the paper also combines an analysis of the study “Guía de aplicación del DB HR” where different elements of the report “Documento Básico HR Protección frente al ruido” are examined in further detail. It is important to remark that all the information provided comply with the current legislation present in Spain at the time this paper was written, so the reader may work on a project of isolation, conditioning or control of noise and vibrations of installations without the requirement of applying external resources. Conclusively, with the intention of giving the paper an educational usage, with intuitive and easy access, the reader is able to join to the platform OneNote by Microsoft Office, software available in utmost part of operating systems and devices. This program allows us to produce, share and manage notes swiftly and efficiently, but also it stores them in The Cloud called OneDrive, so the user can get access to them anywhere and anytime.


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A tecnologização que a sociedade experimenta nas últimas décadas trouxe a profusão de máquinas informatizadas e seus sistemas de operação. Neste período a indústria desenvolveu sofisticados e caros softwares aplicativos proprietários para o pleno uso destas máquinas, o que colocou boa parte do mercado social nas mãos de poucas empresas multinacionais, entre elas, a Microsoft, e outras. Mas, o espírito libertário de membros das comunidades científicas e hackers promoveu o desenvolvimento do software livre e aberto, que pode ser usado como bem social mais amplo e, principalmente, evoluir no melhor do espírito colaborativo. O presente trabalho estuda os dois modelos de produção de software, os compara visando tornar evidentes as qualidades de cada um, seus custos, rendimentos e possibilidades de adoção. Projeta a possibilidade de que as habilitações da área da comunicação possam migrar para o modelo de software livre, dadas as plenas qualidades deste sistema, a radical redução de custos e as constatações que amplos segmentos da produção audiovisual os está adotando. Para tanto, compara as experiências aplicadas com ambos os sistemas em dois cursos de comunicação, em sua habilitação de Rádio e Televisão.(AU)


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desenvolvimento de Software e Sistemas Interactivos, realizada sob a orientação científica do Doutor Osvaldo Arede dos Santos, Professor Adjunto da Unidade Técnico Científica de Informática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco.


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The past few weeks have marked a shift of gear in EU antitrust enforcement. First, the new European Commissioner for Competition Margarethe Vestager announced on April 15th that the Commission had sent a Statement of Objections to Google, arguing that the giant IT company abused its dominant position in the “general Internet search” market and also in the market for mobile operating systems, apps and services. Exactly one week later, she also sent a Statement of Objections to Gazprom for having created artificial barriers to trade between certain EU countries, preventing gas flows and competition across national borders and charging unfair prices in five Central and Eastern European countries. It is indeed hard to recall any other time in which two investigations of this size – both potentially leading to billions of euros of fines – have been launched almost simultaneously.


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This document presents the work that was elaborated at the company Present Technologies as part of the academic discipline Internship/Industrial Project for the Master’s degree in Informatics and Systems, Software Development branch, at Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Coimbra. The area of the mobile web applications has grown exponentially over the last few years turning it into a very dynamic field where new development platforms and frameworks are constantly emerging. Thus, the internship consisted in the study of two new mobile operating systems, Tizen and Firefox OS, as well as two frameworks for packaging of mobile web applications – Adobe PhoneGap and Appcelerator Titanium. These platforms are in the direct interest of Present Technology since it pretends to use them in its future projects in general and in the Phune Gaming project in particular. Since Television is one of the Present Technologies’ business areas, during the course of the internship it was decided to perform additionally a study of two Smart TV platforms, namely Samsung Smart TV and Opera TV, which was considered as a valuable knowledge for the company. For each of the platforms was performed a study about its architecture, supported standards and the development tools that are provided, nevertheless the focus was on the applications and for this reason a practical case study was conducted. The case studies consisted in the creation of a prototype or packaging of an application, for the case of the packaging tools, in order to prove the feasibility of the applications for the Present Technologies’ needs. The outcome of the work performed during the internship is that it raised the awareness of Present Technology of the studied platforms, providing it with prototypes and written documentation for the platforms’ successful usage in future projects.


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Federal Highway Administration, Arlington, Va.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The Environmental Sciences Division within Queensland Environmental Protection Agency works to monitor, assess and model the condition of the environment. The Division has as a legislative responsibility to produce a whole-of-government report every four years dealing environmental conditions and trends in a ”State of the Environment report” (SoE)[1][2][3]. State of Environment Web Service Reporting System is a supplementary web service based SoE reporting tool, which aims to deliver accurate, timely and accessible information on the condition of the environment through web services via Internet [4][5]. This prototype provides a scientific assessment of environmental conditions for a set of environmental indicators. It contains text descriptions and tables, charts and maps with spatiotemporal dimensions to show the impact of certain environmental indicators on our environment. This prototype is a template based indicator system, to which the administrator may add new sql queries for new indicator services without changing the architecture and codes of this template. The benefits are brought through a service-oriented architecture which provides an online query service with seamless integration. In addition, since it uses web service architecture, each individual component within the application can be implemented by using different programming languages and in different operating systems. Although the services showed in this demo are built upon two datasets of regional ecosystem and protection area of Queensland, it will be possible to report on the condition of water, air, land, coastal zones, energy resources, biodiversity, human settlements and natural culture heritage on the fly as well. Figure 1 shows the architecture of the prototype. In the next section, I will discuss the research tasks in the prototype.


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The paper describes two new transport layer (TCP) options and an expanded transport layer queuing strategy that facilitate three functions that are fundamental to the dispatching-based clustered service. A transport layer option has been developed to facilitate. the use of client wait time data within the service request processing of the cluster. A second transport layer option has been developed to facilitate the redirection of service requests by the cluster dispatcher to the cluster processing member. An expanded transport layer service request queuing strategy facilitates the trust based filtering of incoming service requests so that a graceful degradation of service delivery may be achieved during periods of overload - most dramatically evidenced by distributed denial of service attacks against the clustered service. We describe how these new options and queues have been implemented and successfully tested within the transport layer of the Linux kernel.


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O trabalho proposto é a montar um projeto exploratório funcional que parta da cartografia cognitiva, que é definida como a arte, teoria e técnica de construir mapas do conhecimento, visando com esta cartografia a sua aplicabilidade na estruturação de um conjunto de cursos/saberes da área da Comunicação. Assemelhado ao conceito de mapas conceituais, ou cognitivos, representam o conhecimento organizado e são compostos por conceitos. Este mapas foram desenvolvido a partir da década de setenta por vários pesquisadores. A tese experimento foi montada tendo como base os softwares de relacionamento por temas e interesses dentro de um ambiente de interatividade tridimensional , montado no conceito de arvore do conhecimento relacional. Esta experiência é construída em ambiente tridimensional com uso de softwares 3D que rodam como aplicativos de engines de vídeo games, que são motores gráficos. A base de dados e a interatividade de textos e tarefas é realizada sob a plataforma do MediaWiki, que é o software aberto que roda a Wikipédia. A plataforma de mapas roda dentro de um software MindJet MindManager e do CMAPS. As vídeo conferências são administradas pelo FlashMeeting, de Web conferência. A maioria deles são softwares abertos. Todos operando em sistemas presenciais ou de modulação EAD. A base conceitual está estruturada dentro de uma visão de educação disruptiva, que lança um novo modelo educacional baseado em mapas, visto dentro de uma abordagem de um mundo de múltiplas telas, um mundo da era hiper, um mundo hipermoderno, que tem como base uma cultura da era tecnológica, numa renovação dos conceitos de Cultura, agora revigorados à luz das novas tecnologias e da nova sociedade interligada em rede.