229 resultados para Oestrus ovis
Follicular estradiol triggers luteolysis in cattle. Therefore, the control of follicle growth and steroidogenesis is expected to modulate luteal function and might be used as an anti-luteolytic strategy to improve embryo survival. Objectives were to evaluate follicular dynamics, plasma concentrations of estradiol and luteal lifespan in Bos indicus and crossbred cows subjected to sequential follicular aspirations. From D13 to D25 of a synchronized cycle (ovulation = D1), Nelore or crossbred, non-pregnant and non-lactating cows were submitted to daily ultrasound-guided aspiration of follicles >6 mm (n = 10) or to sham aspirations (n = 8). Diameter of the largest follicle on the day of luteolysis (7.4 +/- 1.0 vs 9.7 +/- 1.0 mm; mean +/- SEM), number of days in which follicles >6 mm were present (2.3 +/- 0.4 vs 4.6 +/- 0.5 days) and daily mean diameter of the largest follicle between D15 and D19 (6.4 +/- 0.2 vs 8.5 +/- 0.3 mm) were smaller (p <0.01) in the aspirated group compared with the control group, respectively. Aspiration tended to reduce (p< 0.10) plasma estradiol concentrations between D18 and D20 (2.95 +/- 0.54 vs 4.30 +/- 0.55 pg/ml). The luteal lifespan was similar (p > 0.10) between the groups (19.6 +/- 0.4 days), whereas the oestrous cycle was longer (p <0.01) in the aspirated group (31.4 +/- 1.2 vs 21.2 +/- 1.3 days). Hyperechogenic structures were present at the sites of aspiration and were associated with increase in concentration of progesterone between luteolysis and oestrus. It is concluded that follicular aspiration extended the oestrous cycle and decreased the average follicular diameter on the peri-luteolysis period but failed to delay luteolysis.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de isolamento em cultura pura de Histophilus somni em secreção vaginal de uma fêmea ovina da raça Texel, em propriedade localizada no estado de São Paulo, a qual apresentou histórico de endometrite e infertilidade. No exame clínico específico do aparelho genital, foi observada na vagina secreção de coloração esbranquiçada, com aspecto mucoso e odor fétido. Os exames sorológicos para Brucella ovis, Leptospirose e Neospora caninum resultaram negativos, enquanto o exame para Toxoplasma gondii foi positivo.
La tesi è organizzata in 4 capitoli: -nel primo vengono brevemente riferite le patologie associate all’infezione da PCV2 con particolare riferimento all’iter diagnostico ed al ruolo rivestito dall’esame istologico e dalla identificazione dell’agente eziologico in situ contestualmente alle lesioni istologiche; -nel secondo viene presentato un iter diagnostico originale da applicare in condizioni di campo, qualora si voglia accertare la presenza del PCV2 nei tessuti dei prodotti di natimortalità/aborto del suino. In specifico si riferisce all’applicazione del protocollo in 2 aziende ed i risultati vengono analizzati per una revisione critica del protocollo impiegato; -nel terzo vengono presentati i risultati di un protocollo di infezione con PCV2 per via genitale tramite seme infetto. Scrofe convenzionali sono state sincronizzate per l’estro e fecondate con un’unica dose di seme PCV2 negativo alla PCR (gruppo controlli) o sperimentalmente esposto al PCV2 (gruppo infette). I risultati vengono analizzati in funzione delle ripercussioni che l’infezione precoce in gravidanza può produrre sulla scrofa (mancata gravidanza, ritorno in calore), sui feti e sugli invogli fetali. Viene stabilito il ruolo protettivo degli anticorpi circolanti al momento dell’infezione, stante l’evenienza che un basso titolo anticorpale si associa a viremia prolungata e maggiore numero di feti positivi al virus; -nel quarto viene presentato un esperimento sovrapponibile a quello riferito nel capitolo 3, però con la presenza anche di un gruppo di soggetti convenzionali vaccinati ed infettati con PCV2 durante la fecondazione artificiale usando seme sperimentalmente esposto al virus. Nella discussione dei risultati vengono enfatizzati 2 aspetti importanti nell’epidemiologia dell’infezione da PCV2: la eliminazione di virus è fortemente ridotta dalla vaccinazione, con conseguenze verosimilmente positive sulla circolazione del virus negli effettivi dell’allevamento; l’esposizione uterina è protetta dalla vaccinazione, stante la bassa percentuale di placente infette nel gruppo dei soggetti vaccinati rispetto a quelli non vaccinati e nei controlli.
Durch die ansteigende Inzidenz und niedrige Mortalität steigt die Anzahl der überlebenden Männer nach Prostatakarzinom. Mit einer 5-Jahresprävalenz von 279.000 Männern stellte das Prostatakarzinom im Jahr 2010 den größten Anteil der Krebspatienten. Die absolute 5-Jahres-Überlebensrate liegt bei 78 %. Studien zur Lebensqualität dieser Langzeitüberlebenden (> 5 Jahre nach Diagnosestellung) beschränken sich meist auf bestimmte Therapien, schließen höhere Tumorstadien aus oder untersuchen nur die Wirkung von klinischen Einflussfaktoren. In Schleswig-Holstein wurde im Rahmen der populationsbezogenen OVIS- und CAESAR-Studie die Lebensqualität bei Männern mit bzw. nach Prostatakrebs zu drei Zeitpunkten erhoben (15 Monate, 3 ½ und 7 Jahre nach initialer Diagnose). Für die allgemeine krebsspezifische Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-C30) erfolgt eine Beschreibung des Verlaufs sowie ein Vergleich mit Referenzdaten aus der deutschen Allgemeinbevölkerung. Aus der dritten Befragung liegen auch Daten zur prostataspezifischen Lebensqualität (EORTC QLQ-PR25) vor. Mittels multipler linearer Regressionen werden für elf ausgewählte Lebensqualitätsskalen (mögliche Werte 0 bis 100) potenzielle Einflussfaktoren (klinisch, soziodemographisch, Lifestyle) untersucht. Die Lebensqualität der 911 Männer (medianes Alter bei Drittbefragung: 72 Jahre) nimmt im zeitlichen Verlauf nur gering, aber nicht klinisch relevant ab. Es zeigen sich nur geringe Unterschiede zur Lebensqualität der Referenzbevölkerung. Im absoluten Vergleich aller Skalen werden zum Zeitpunkt der Drittbefragung auf den prostataspezifischen Skalen die größten Einschränkungen berichtet. In den berechneten multiplen Regressionen war sieben Jahre nach Diagnose eine Krankheitsprogression auf allen untersuchten Skalen signifikant mit einer geringeren Lebensqualität assoziiert (niedrigster Regressionskoeffizient βadj -13,8, 95 %-CI -18,8; -8,8). Eine Strahlentherapie zeigte auf zehn, eine Hormontherapie auf fünf Skalen einen negativen Einfluss. Ebenfalls auf fünf Skalen war ein höherer Body-Mass-Index ein Prädiktor für eine geringere Lebensqualität. Auf allen Funktionsskalen war ein höherer Sozialstatus mit einer besseren Lebensqualität assoziiert und zeigte tendenziell einen größeren Einfluss als die initiale Therapie. Alleinstehende Männer berichteten eine geringere sexuelle Aktivität (βadj -7,5, 95 %-CI -13,8; -1,2) als Männer in einer Partnerschaft. Neben klinischen Faktoren beeinflussen auch soziodemographische Variablen die Lebensqualität von langzeitüberlebenden Männern nach bzw. mit Prostatakarzinom signifikant. Daher sollten in nicht-randomisierten Studien zum Adjustieren die entsprechenden Variablen (wie z. B. Body-Mass-Index, Sozialstatus, Partnerschaft) mit erhoben werden. Klinisch relevante Veränderungen der allgemeinen krebsspezifischen Lebensqualität finden – wenn überhaupt – innerhalb der ersten 15 Monate nach Diagnosestellung statt. Referenzdaten für die prostataspezifische Lebensqualität der Allgemeinbevölkerung liegen nicht vor. Eine Erhebung dieser scheint sinnvoll, da hier größere Unterschiede im Vergleich beider Gruppen erwartet werden.
We report the development of a colourimetric PCR/dot blot assay targeting the mitochondrial gene NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (nad1) for differential diagnosis of taeniid eggs. Partial sequences of the cestode nad1 gene were aligned and new primers were designed based on conserved regions. Species-specific oligonucleotide probes (S-SONP) for canine taeniid cestodes were then designed manually based on the variable region between the conserved primers. Specifically, S-SONP were designed for the Taenia crassiceps, T. hydatigena, T. multiceps, T. ovis, T. taeniaeformis, Echinococcus granulosus (genotype 1), E. multilocularis and E. vogeli. Each probe showed high specificity as no cross-hybridisation with any amplified nad1 fragment was observed. We evaluated the assay using 49 taeniid egg-positive samples collected from dogs in Zambia. DNA from 5 to 10 eggs was extracted in each sample. Using the PCR/dot blot assay, the probes successfully detected PCR products from T. hydatigena in 42 samples, T. multiceps in 3 samples, and both species (mixed infection) in the remaining 4 samples. The results indicate that the PCR/dot blot assay is a reliable alternative for differential diagnosis of taeniid eggs in faecal samples.
Many foals develop diarrhoea within the first two weeks of life which has been suggested to coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams. To analyse the pathogenesis of this diarrhoea we have determined faecal bacteria in foals and their dams (n=30 each), and serum IGF-1 and gamma-globulins for 6 weeks after birth. In addition, effects of beta-carotene supplementation to mares (group 1: 1000 mg/day, n=15, group 2: control, n=15) on diarrhoea in foals were studied. Diarrhoea occurred in 92 and 79% of foals in groups 1 and 2, respectively, but was not correlated with oestrus in mares. Beta-carotene supplementation was without effect on foal diarrhoea. In mares, bacterial flora remained stable. The percentage of foals with cultures positive for E. coli was low at birth but increased within one day, the percentage positive for Enterococcus sp. was low for 10 days and for Streptococcus sp. and Staphylococcus sp. was low for 2-4 weeks. By 4 weeks of age, bacterial flora in foals resembled an adult pattern. Concentration of serum IGF-1 was low at birth (group 1: 149 +/- 11, group 2: 166 +/- 17ng/ml), increased after day 1 (day 7 group 1: 384 +/- 30, group 2: 372 +/- 36) but at no time differed between groups. Serum gamma-globulin concentration in foals was low before colostrum intake and highest on day 1 (p<0.001 over time). In conclusion, neonatal diarrhoea in foals does not coincide with postpartum oestrus in their dams but with changes in intestinal bacteria and is not influenced by beta-carotene supplementation given to mares.
In traditional medicine of Cameroon, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (Nympheaceae) is used for treatment of male sexual disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the N. lotus flowers aqueous extracts on general mating behavior, fertility and some androgenic parameters of normoglycemic and diabetic adult male rats. Mating behavior assessment was carried out with primiparous and with oestrus female rats. Male rats were divided into 5 groups and subjected once in a day to the following treatment: distilled water (10 mL/kg), Sildenafil citrate (5mg/kg), Testosterone enanthate (5mg/kg) and plant extract (75 mg/kg and 150 mg/kg). Treatment lasted for 8 and 55 days before sacrifice. Organ weight, epididymal sperm counts, motility, viability, histomorphometric analysis, muscular strength, seminal fructose, cholesterol level, epididymal and serum proteins testicular were determined. Results showed a dose- dependant influence of the treatment in sperm count and motility which significantly increases compared to the distilled water-administered control. An increase in some sexual performance parameters (mount and intromission frequencies) was observed in both diabetic and normal rats compared to respective controls. The latencies of mount and intromission were significantly reduced. Computed frequencies of penile licking, index of libido and sexual motivation were higher in normal and diabetic extract-treated animals; which suggest an enhancement of motivational parameters. The treatment also caused significant increases in the weight of the testis, prostate, epididymis, in serum cholesterol and epididymal protein level in normal rats compared to the distilled water-administered control. These results indicate an androgenic pro-sexual potential of N. lotus in male rats and justify the empirical use of N. lotus in the management of erectile dysfunction and fertility disorders in males. Key-words: Nymphaea lotus, prosexual, androgenic, fertility, diabetic, male rat. //Selon les tradipraticiens de l’Ouest-Cameroun, Nymphaea lotus Linn. (N. lotus), de la famille des Nymphéacées, est utilisé pour le traitement des dysfonctionnements sexuels chez les hommes. Dans cette étude, l’effet de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur la fonction de reproduction des rats mâles adultes normaux et diabétiques a été évalué. Dans le but d’évaluer les effets de l’extrait aqueux des fleurs de N. lotus sur les paramètres généraux de copulation, d’androgénicité et de fertilité, les rats normoglycémiques et diabétiques ont été divisé en 3 groupes contrôle [Groupe I- recevant de l’eau distillée, Groupe II et III recevant respectivement du citrate de sildénafil (5 mg/kg) et l’énanthate de testostérone (5 mg/kg)] et deux groupes expérimentaux traités à l’extrait aux doses 75 mg/kg (Groupe IV) et 150 mg/kg (Groupe V). L’eau distillée, l’extrait et la substance de référence était administré per os une fois par jour. Pour analyser le comportement sexuel et la fertilité, des femelles primipares et en oestrus étaient utilisées. Le traitement a duré 8 et 55 jours avant le sacrifice. Le poids relatif des organes, le nombre de spermatozoïde, la motilité, les analyses morphométriques, la force musculaire, le taux de cholestérol, le taux de protéines sériques et épididymaires étaient déterminé. Le temps de latence de monte et d’intromission a diminué significativement alors que la fréquence d’éjaculation a augmenté. L’index de libido, la fréquence de monte, d’intromission, d’éjaculation, d’orientation des mâles vis-à-vis d’eux même et l’index de motivation sexuelle a augmenté chez les animaux traités l’extrait comparés à ceux ayant reçu de l’eau distillée aussi bien chez les normaux que chez le diabétiques qui n’enregistrent d’ailleurs aucune éjaculation. Le traitement a augmenté significativement (P < 0,01) le poids des testicules, de la prostate et de l’épididyme. Il est observé une augmentation dose-dépendante du nombre et de la motilité des spermatozoïdes (P < 0,05), ainsi qu’une augmentation significative (P < 0,001) temps-dépendant du taux de cholestérol sérique et de protéines épididymaires. Ces résultats indiquent un potentiel androgénique pro-érectile de N. lotus chez les rats mâles et justifient l’utilisation empirique des fleurs de N. lotus dans le traitement des dysfonctions érectiles et des problèmes de fertilité chez les hommes. Mots-clés: Nymphaea lotus, pro-érectile, androgénique, fertilité, diabétiques, rat male
To date, investigations of genetic diversity and the origins of domestication in sheep have utilised autosomal microsatellites and variation in the mitochondrial genome. We present the first analysis of both domestic and wild sheep using genetic markers residing on the ovine Y chromosome. Analysis of a single nucleotide polymorphism (oY1) in the SRY promoter region revealed that allele A-oY1 was present in all wild bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), two subspecies of thinhorn sheep (Ovis dalli), European Mouflon (Ovis musimon) and the Barbary (Ammontragis lervia). A-oY1 also had the highest frequency (71.4%) within 458 domestic sheep drawn from 65 breeds sampled from Africa, Asia, Australia, the Caribbean, Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. Sequence analysis of a second locus, microsatellite SRYM18, revealed a compound repeat array displaying fixed differences, which identified bighorn and thinhorn sheep as distinct from the European Mouflon and domestic animals. Combined genotypic data identified 11 male-specific haplotypes that represented at least two separate lineages. Investigation of the geographical distribution of each haplotype revealed that one (H6) was both very common and widespread in the global sample of domestic breeds. The remaining haplotypes each displayed more restricted and informative distributions. For example, H5 was likely founded following the domestication of European breeds and was used to trace the recent transportation of animals to both the Caribbean and Australia. A high rate of Y chromosomal dispersal appears to have taken place during the development of domestic sheep as only 12.9% of the total observed variation was partitioned between major geographical regions.
AIM: During each oestrous cycle, the mammary gland is subject to changes in ovarian hormone levels. It responds with limited proliferation, differentiation and regression. To understand the processes resulting in these changes, particularly the regulation of cell death, we examined protein levels in mammary epithelium during the oestrous cycle of the Sprague-Dawley rat. METHODS: Studies of serum hormone levels, vaginal smears, uterine weight and morphology, mammary gland morphology, proliferation and apoptotic indices, and protein levels during the stages of the Sprague-Dawley rat oestrous cycle were used to examine the response of mammary epithelium to the oestrous cycle. RESULTS: Proliferation of mammary epithelium was greater in diestrus and proestrus, while apoptosis was increased in metestrus and diestrus. Growth factor-, hormone- and anchorage-mediated cell survival signalling, indicated by activation of Stat5A, FAK and Akt 1 and expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members, was greater in proestrus and reduced in metestrus. In contrast, the levels of pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members and proteins associated with apoptosis in mammary epithelium (TGFbeta3, pStat3) were increased during metestrus and diestrus. CONCLUSION: Decreases in growth factor, hormone and cell attachment survival signals corresponded with increased apoptosis during the second half of the oestrous cycle. The protein levels detected during oestrus suggest parallels to apoptosis in mammary involution.
The incidence of human brucellosis in Kyrgyzstan has been increasing in the last years and was identified as a priority disease needing most urgent control measures in the livestock population. The latest species identification of Brucella isolates in Kyrgyzstan was carried out in the 1960s and investigated the circulation of Brucella abortus, B. melitensis, B. ovis, and B. suis. However, supporting data and documentation of that experience are lacking. Therefore, typing of Brucella spp. and identification of the most important host species are necessary for the understanding of the main transmission routes and to adopt an effective brucellosis control policy in Kyrgyzstan. Overall, 17 B. melitensis strains from aborted fetuses of sheep and cattle isolated in the province of Naryn were studied. All strains were susceptible to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, gentamicin, rifampin, ofloxacin, streptomycin, doxycycline, and ciprofloxacin. Multilocus variable number tandem repeat analysis showed low genetic diversity. Kyrgyz strains seem to be genetically associated with the Eastern Mediterranean group of the Brucella global phylogeny. We identified and confirmed transmission of B. melitensis to cattle and a close genetic relationship between B. melitensis strains isolated from sheep sharing the same pasture.
The importance of small ruminants to the dairy industry has increased in recent years, especially in developing countries, where it has a high economic and social impact. Interestingly and despite the fact that the mammary gland is the specialised milk production organ, very few authors studied the modifications occurring in the mammary gland through the lactation period in production animals, particularly in the small ruminants, sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus). Nevertheless, understanding the different mammary gland patterns throughout lactation is essential to improve dairy production. In addition, associating these patterns with different milking frequencies, lactation number or different diets is also of high importance, directly affecting the dairy industry. The mammary gland is commonly composed of parenchyma and stroma, which includes the ductal system, with individual proportions of each changing during the different periods and yields in a lactation cycle. Indeed, during late gestation, as well as during early to mid-lactation, mammary gland expansion occurs, with an increase in the number of epithelial cells and lumen area, which leads to increment of the parenchyma tissue, as well as a reduction of stroma, corresponding macroscopically to the increase in mammary gland volume. Throughout late lactation, the mammary gland volume decreases owing to the regression of the secretory structure. In general, common mammary gland patterns have been shown for both goats and sheep throughout the several lactation stages, although the number of studies is limited. The main objective of this manuscript is to review the colostrogenesis and lactogenesis processes as well as to highlight the mammary gland morphological patterns underlying milk production during the lactation cycle for small ruminants, and to describe potential differences between goats and sheep, hence contributing to a better description of mammary gland development during lactation for these two poorly studied species.
Standard stereotaxic reference systems play a key role in human brain studies. Stereotaxic coordinate systems have also been developed for experimental animals including non-human primates, dogs, and rodents. However, they are lacking for other species being relevant in experimental neuroscience including sheep. Here, we present a spatial, unbiased ovine brain template with tissue probability maps (TPM) that offer a detailed stereotaxic reference frame for anatomical features and localization of brain areas, thereby enabling inter-individual and cross-study comparability. Three-dimensional data sets from healthy adult Merino sheep (Ovis orientalis aries, 12 ewes and 26 neutered rams) were acquired on a 1.5 T Philips MRI using a T1w sequence. Data were averaged by linear and non-linear registration algorithms. Moreover, animals were subjected to detailed brain volume analysis including examinations with respect to body weight (BW), age, and sex. The created T1w brain template provides an appropriate population-averaged ovine brain anatomy in a spatial standard coordinate system. Additionally, TPM for gray (GM) and white (WM) matter as well as cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) classification enabled automatic prior-based tissue segmentation using statistical parametric mapping (SPM). Overall, a positive correlation of GM volume and BW explained about 15% of the variance of GM while a positive correlation between WM and age was found. Absolute tissue volume differences were not detected, indeed ewes showed significantly more GM per bodyweight as compared to neutered rams. The created framework including spatial brain template and TPM represent a useful tool for unbiased automatic image preprocessing and morphological characterization in sheep. Therefore, the reported results may serve as a starting point for further experimental and/or translational research aiming at in vivo analysis in this species.