958 resultados para Occult Metastases
Introduction. Breast cancer is a highly variable disease, and long-term outcomes for individual patients are difficult to predict. We evaluated a retrospective cohort of early stage breast cancer (ESBC) patients based on a variety of clinical and epidemiological factors, specifically looking at the distribution of metastasis and associations with these clinical and epidemiological factors. ^ Methods. Patients were derived from the Early Stage Breast Cancer Repository (ESBCR) with a breast cancer diagnosed between 1985 and 2000. We conducted univariate and multivariate analysis of the data to evaluate associations between characteristics and occurrence of overall, visceral, and bone metastasis. Visceral metastasis was defined as lung, liver, peritoneal, lymph node (thoracic, abdominal, pelvis), and contralateral breast cancer. ^ Results. Overall, 394 (16%) patients developed a metastasis. Of these, 83% were visceral and 17% were bone. Multivariate analyses identified the following variables to be associated with metastasis: Any metastasis: age at diagnosis, stage, ER/PR status, hormone treatment, and type of surgery (1)Visceral metastasis: age at diagnosis, stage, hormone treatment, and type of surgery (2) Bone metastasis –Alcohol use, stage, and ER/PR status ^ Discussion/conclusion. ER-/PR- status has previously been found to be associated with bone metastasis, as we confirm in our cohort. We report an association between alcohol use and bone metastasis whereas previous studies find an association with recurrence. Distribution of metastases varies from previous studies. Typically, previous studies reported bone metastasis >30%, yet our study found 17%. Previous studies varied in design, and definition of visceral metastasis. Future research is needed to further elucidate prognostic factors associated with specific metastases A more thorough understanding of what might predict which ESBC patients will develop metastases can help direct future treatment. Future studies of this nature could include the Perou intrinsic subtypes, biomarkers like Ki-67, and genetic analyses such as Oncotype DX or MammaPrint.^
This report describes the development of a Markov model for comparing percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) in terms of their cost-utility in treating isolated liver metastases from colorectal cancer. The model is based on data from multiple retrospective and prospective studies, available data on different utility states associated with treatment and complications, as well as publicly available Medicare costs. The purpose of this report is to establish a well-justified model for clinical management decisions. In comparison with SBRT, RFA is the most cost-effective treatment for this patient population. From the societal perspective, SBRT may be an acceptable alternative with an ICER of $28,673/QALY. ^
Alterations in pathways mediated by retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (RB) product are among the most common in human cancer. Mice with a single copy of the Rb gene are shown to develop a syndrome of multiple neuroendocrine neoplasia. The earliest Rb-deficient atypical cells were identified in the intermediate and anterior lobes of the pituitary, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and the adrenal medulla within the first 3 months of postnatal development. These cells form gross tumors with various degrees of malignancy by postnatal day 350. By age of 380 days, 84% of Rb+/− mice exhibited lung metastases from C-cell thyroid carcinomas. Expression of a human RB transgene in the Rb+/− mice suppressed carcinogenesis in all tissues studied. Of particular clinical relevance, the frequency of lung metastases also was reduced to 12% in Rb+/− mice by repeated i.v. administration of lipid-entrapped, polycation-condensed RB complementary DNA. Thus, in spite of long latency periods during which secondary alterations can accumulate, the initial loss of Rb function remains essential for tumor progression in multiple types of neuroendocrine cells. Restoration of RB function in humans may prove an effective general approach to the treatment of RB-deficient disseminated tumors.
Concomitant tumor resistance refers to the ability of some large primary tumors to hold smaller tumors in check, preventing their progressive growth. Here, we demonstrate this phenomenon with a human tumor growing in a nude mouse and show that it is caused by secretion by the tumor of the inhibitor of angiogenesis, thrombospondin-1. When growing subcutaneously, the human fibrosarcoma line HT1080 induced concomitant tumor resistance, preventing the growth of experimental B16/F10 melanoma metastases in the lung. Resistance was due to the production by the tumor cells themselves of high levels of thrombospondin-1, which was present at inhibitory levels in the plasma of tumor-bearing animals who become unable to mount an angiogenic response in their corneas. Animals carrying tumors formed by antisense-derived subclones of HT1080 that secreted low or no thrombospondin had weak or no ability to control the growth of lung metastases. Although purified human platelet thrombospondin-1 had no effect on the growth of melanoma cells in vitro, when injected into mice it was able to halt the growth of their experimental metastases, providing clear evidence of the efficacy of thrombospondin-1 as an anti-tumor agent.
Objectives: To compare the feasibility of mass screening by flexible sigmoidoscopy with screening by faecal occult blood testing (Haemoccult) and both tests combined.
Antibody-cytokine fusion proteins combine the unique targeting ability of antibodies with the multifunctional activity of cytokines. Here, we demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of such constructs for the treatment of hepatic and pulmonary metastases of different melanoma cell lines. Two antibody-interleukin 2 (IL-2) fusion proteins, ch225-IL2 and ch14.18-IL2, constructed by fusion of a synthetic sequence coding for human IL-2 to the carboxyl end of the Cgamma1 gene of the corresponding antibodies, were tested for their therapeutic efficacy against xenografted human melanoma in vivo. Tumor-specific fusion proteins completely inhibited the growth of hepatic and pulmonary metastases in C.B-17 scid/scid mice previously reconstituted with human lymphokine-activated killer cells, whereas treatment with combinations of the corresponding antibodies plus recombinant IL-2 only reduced the tumor load. Even when treatment with fusion proteins was delayed up to 8 days after inoculation of tumor cells, it still resulted in complete eradication of micrometastases that were established at that time point. Selection of tumor cell lines expressing or lacking the targeted antigen of the administered fusion protein proved the specificity of the observed antitumor effect. Biodistribution analysis demonstrated that the tumor-specific fusion protein accumulated not only in subcutaneous tumors but also in lungs and livers affected with micrometastases. Survival times of animals treated with the fusion protein were more than doubled as compared to those treated with the combination of the corresponding antibody plus IL-2. Our data demonstrate that an immunotherapeutic approach using cytokines targeted by antibodies to tumor sites has potent effects against disseminated human melanoma.
BACKGROUND: Treatment of patients with severe liver dysfunction including hyperbilirubinemia secondary to liver metastases of gastrointestinal (GI) cancer is challenging. Regimen of oxaliplatin and fluoropyrimidine (FP)/folinic acid (FA) ± a monoclonal antibody (moAb), represents a feasible option considering the pharmacokinetics. Clinical data on the respective dosage and tolerability are limited and no recommendations are available. METHODS: Consecutive patients with severe hyperbilirubinemia [>2 × upper limit of the normal range (ULN) and >2.4 mg/dl] due to liver metastases of GI cancer without options for drainage receiving oxaliplatin, FP/FA ± moAb were analyzed. To collect further data a review of the literature was performed. RESULTS: A total of 12 patients were identified between 2011 and 2015. At treatment start, median bilirubin level was 6.1 mg/dl (>5 × ULN, range 2.7-13.6). The majority of patients (n = 11) received dose-reduced regimen with oxaliplatin (60-76%) and FP/FA (0-77%), rapidly escalating to full dose regimen. During treatment, bilirubin levels dropped more than 50% within 8 weeks or normalized within 12 weeks in 6 patients (responders). Median overall survival was 5.75 months (range 1.0-16.0 months) but was significantly prolonged in responders compared to nonresponders [9.7 and 3.0 months, p = 0.026 (two-sided test); 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.10-10.22]. In addition, case reports or series comprising a further 26 patients could be identified. Based on the obtained data a treatment algorithm was developed. CONCLUSION: Treatment with oxaliplatin, FP/FA ± moAb is feasible and may derive relevant benefits in patients with severe liver dysfunction caused by GI cancer liver metastases without further options of drainage.
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Publication suspended during 1904, from Oct. 1905-Feb. 1906, July-Dec. 1911, July- Dec. 1912.
The Virginia Glenn Memorial Collection of Readings in Human Potential.
Half-title: Lectures and addresses on Theosophy.
Cover-title: An account of the great New England witchcraft ...
The purpose of this study was to prospectively examine the effectiveness and tolerability of a simple radiotherapy technique for the palliation of symptomatic liver metastases. Twenty-eight patients with symptomatic liver metastases were enrolled from seven centres, and received targeted (partial or whole) liver irradiation consisting of 10 Gy in two fractions over 2 days. Symptoms at baseline were hepatic pain (27 patients), abdominal distension (19), night sweats (12), nausea (18) and vomiting (eight). Twenty-two patients (76%) had failed previous treatment with chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and/or high-dose steroids. Symptoms and potential toxicities were prospectively assessed at the time of treatment, then 2, 6 and 10 weeks later. Individual symptom response rates were 53−66% at 2 weeks. Partial or complete global symptomatic responses were noted in 15 patients (54%) overall. The treatment was well tolerated with two patients (7%) experiencing grade 3 toxicity (one vomiting and one diarrhoea); however, four patients reported temporary worsening of pain shortly after treatment. This simple and well-tolerated treatment achieves useful palliation.