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BACKGROUND: Mismatch repair deficient (MMRD) colorectal (CRC) or endometrial (EC) cancers in the absence of MLH1 promoter hypermethylation and BRAF mutations are suggestive of Lynch syndrome (LS). Positive germline genetic test results confirm LS. It is unclear if individuals with MMRD tumors but no identified germline mutation or sporadic cause (MMRD+/germline-) have LS. HYPOTHESIS: Since LS is hereditary, individuals with LS should have a stronger family history of LS-related cancers than individuals with sporadic tumors. We hypothesized that MMRD+/germline- CRC and/or EC patients would have less suggestive family histories than LS CRC and/or EC patients. METHODS: 253 individuals with an MMRD CRC or EC who underwent genetic counseling at one institution were included in analysis in 1 of 4 groups: LS, MMRD+/germline-, MMRD+/VUS, sporadic MSI-H (MMRD tumor with MLH1 promoter hypermethylation or BRAF mutation). Family histories were analyzed utilizing MMRpro and PREMM1,2,6. Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to compare family history scores. Logistic regression was used to determine what factors were predictive of LS. RESULTS: MMRD+/germline- individuals had significantly lower median family history scores (PREMM1,2,6=7.3, MMRpro=8.1) than LS individuals (PREMM1,2,6=26.1, MMRpro=89.8, p CONCLUSION: MMRD+/germline- individuals have less suggestive family histories of LS than individuals with LS, but more suggestive family histories than sporadic MSI-H individuals. CRC and/or EC patients with abnormal tumor studies are more likely to have a germline LS mutation if they have a family history suggestive of hereditary cancer. These results imply that the MMRD+/germline- group may not all have LS. This finding highlights the need to determine other somatic, epigenetic or germline causes of MMRD tumors so that these patients and their families can be accurately counseled regarding screening and management.
There is not a large body of evidence on in-utero exposure to chemotherapy for pregnancy-associated cancers to help determine the long term effects on offspring. This study is a systematic review of long term follow-up to find evidence for adverse outcomes in exposed offspring. In order for studies to be eligible for this systematic review, they had to have a median follow up of at least 24 months with the resulting child. PubMed, Medline, and Scopus were the databases used, and we included all eligible articles, regardless of the date of publication. The search resulted in six articles meeting the eligibility requirements. The review of findings of these studies suggested that there is not enough evidence to make a determination of the risk of chemotherapy for the offspring. Exposed children in the sample of reviewed papers did have some medical conditions, but the rate and type did not differ from the non-exposed population. However, a limitation of this literature review is the very small sample size of publications on this important topic. This finding of few studies on this topic is an important result of this systematic review. More research and long term follow-up studies must be conducted to address this issue.^
Because Hispanic women are even less likely than women of other ethnic groups to receive early prenatal care, the purpose of this study was to identify factors that may influence these women to initiate care. After giving consent, 300 Hispanic women (100 who initiated first trimester care, 100 who initiated second trimester care, and 100 who initiated third trimester care or received no care) were interviewed in the post partum unit of a local public hospital. The interview included recollection of events leading to the first prenatal appointment, including first physical indicators of pregnancy, confirmation of pregnancy, feelings about the pregnancy, appointment making behavior, and system barriers encountered. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for determining psychosocial variables. Using this model, perceived susceptibility to problems during pregnancy, perceived seriousness of possible problems, perceived benefits of prenatal care, perceived barriers to care, and cues to action were assessed. Time of entry into prenatal care was assessed by interview.^ In this sample of low-income Hispanic women, a higher perception of barriers to care was associated with later initiation of care and non-use of care, higher perceived benefits of care for the baby were associated with earlier care, especially in women without a card to access hospital district services, and having a card to access hospital district services was associated with earlier care. Several barriers to care were mentioned by women on open-ended questioning including long waiting times, embarrassment, and lack of transportation.^ Recommendations for practice included decreasing the number of visits for low-risk women while increasing the time spent with the provider, decreasing the number of vaginal exams for low-risk women, increasing the use of midwives, training lay workers to do risk assessment, giving specific messages about benefits of care to baby, and increasing general health motivation through community intervention methods. More research on the psychosocial and cultural factors associated with initiation of care is needed. In the meantime, the recommendations for practice can be implemented now to increase the use of prenatal care by low-income Hispanic women. ^
Regulation of uterine quiescence involves the integration of the signaling pathways regulating uterine contraction and relaxation. Uterine contractants increase intracellular calcium through receptor/GαqPLC coupling, resulting in contraction of the myometrium. Elevation of cAMP concentration has been correlated with relaxation of the myometrium. However, the mechanism of cAMP action in the uterus is unclear. ^ Both endogenous and exogenous increases in cAMP inhibited oxytocin-stimulated phosphatidylinositide turnover in an immortalized pregnant human myometrial cell line (PHM1-41). This inhibition was reversed by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) inhibitors, suggesting the involvement of PKA. cAMP inhibited phosphatidyinositide turnover stimulated by different agonists in different cell lines. These data suggest that the cAMP inhibitory mechanism is neither cell nor receptor dependent, and inhibits Gαq/PLCβ1 and PLCβ3 coupling. ^ The subcellular localization of PKA occurs via PKA binding to A-Kinase-Anchoring-Proteins (AKAP), and peptides that inhibit this association have been developed (S-Ht31). S-Ht31 blocked cAMP-stimulated PKA activity and decreased PKA concentration in PHM1-41 cell plasma membranes. S-Ht31 reversed the ability of CPT-cAMP, forskolin and relaxin to inhibit phosphatidylinositide turnover in PHM1-41 cells. Overlay analysis of both PHM1-41 cell and nonpregnant rat myometrium found an AKAPs of 86 kDa and 150 kDa associated with the plasma membrane, respectively. These data suggest that PKA anchored to the plasma membrane via AKAP150/PKA anchoring is involved in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism. ^ CPT-cAMP and isoproterenol inhibited phosphatidylinositide turnover in rat myometrium from days 12 through 20 of gestation. In contrast, neither agent was effective in the 21 day pregnant rat myometrium. The decrease in the cAMP inhibitory mechanism was correlated with a decrease in PKA and an increase in protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) concentration in rat myometrial plasma membranes on day 21 of gestation. In myometrial total cell homogenates, both PKA and PP2B concentration increased on day 21. S-Ht31 inhibited cAMP inhibition of phosphatidylinositide turnover in day 19 pregnant rat myometrium. Both PKA and PP2B coimmunoprecipitated with an AKAP150 in a gestational dependent manner, suggesting this AKAP localizes PKA and PP2B to the plasma membrane. ^ These data presented demonstrate the importance of the cAMP inhibitory mechanism in regulating uterine contractility. ^
Résumé Selon l'OMS, la retard de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU; 10% en dessous du poids normal pendant la grossesse) affecte 5-10% des grossesses et est une cause principale de la morbidité et de la mortalité périnatales. Dans notre étude précédente sur un modèle de souris transgénique de prééclampsie (R+A+), nous avons constaté que l’entraînement physique (ExT) avant et pendant la grossesse réduisait la pression artérielle maternelle et empêchait la RCIU en améliorant le développement placentaire. Dans le cadre de mon projet, nous avons confirmé les bénifices de l’ExT dans un modèle de RCIU (souris déficiente en p57Kip2 (p57-/+). Ainsi, nous avons observé la présence de RCIU, d’une masse placentaire réduite, d’une augmentation de la pathologie placentaire ainsi qu’une plus petite taille des portées chez les souris p57-/+ sédentaire. L’ExT prévient la RCIU ainsi que tous les paramètres mentionnés ci-haut. Nous avons observé que l'expression du facteur de croissance de l’endothélium vasculaire, un régulateur clé de l'angiogenèse lors de la croissance placentaire, était réduite dans le placenta des souris p57-/+ et normalisée par l’ExT. Nous avons également trouvé que l'expression en ARN dans le placenta de 2 facteurs inflammatoires (interleukine-1β et MCP-1) était augmenté chez les souris sédentaires p57-/+ alors que ceci n’était pas présent chez les souris entraînées, ce qui suggère que l'inflammation placentaire peut contribuer à la pathologie placentaire. Toutefois, contrairement aux souris R+A+, le système rénine-angiotensine placentaire chez les souris p57-/+ était normale et aucun effet de l’ExT a été observé. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’ExT prévient la RCIU en normalisant la pathologie placentaire, l’angiogenèse et l’inflammation placentaire.
On verso: Exercise in obstetrics and gynecology in 1893. Prof. James Nelson Martin listening to the history read by a student.
Objective - Soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor–1 (also know as soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase [sFlt]-1) is a key causative factor of preeclampsia. Resveratrol, a plant phytoalexin, has antiinflammatory and cardioprotective properties. We sought to determine the effect of resveratrol on sFlt-1 release. Study Design - Human umbilical vein endothelial cells, transformed human trophoblast-8 (HTR/SVneo)-8/SVneo trophoblast cells, or placental explants were incubated with cytokines and/or resveratrol. Conditioned media were assayed for sFlt-1 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and cell proteins used for Western blotting. Results - Resveratrol inhibited cytokine-induced release of sFlt-1 from normal placental explants and from preeclamptic placental explants. Preincubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells or HTR-8/SVneo cells with resveratrol abrogated sFlt-1 release. Resveratrol prevented the up-regulation of early growth response protein-1 (Egr-1), a transcription factor necessary for induction of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor–1 gene and caused up-regulation of heme oxygenase–1, a cytoprotective enzyme found to be dysfunctional in preeclampsia. Conclusion - In summary, resveratrol can inhibit sFlt-1 release and up-regulate heme oxygenase–1; thus, may offer therapeutic potential in preeclampsia.
It is well established that hydrogen sulfide (H 2S) has a signaling role in the body. So far it has been shown that H 2S is produced by intra-uterine tissues in the pregnant rat and the human placenta. Two main enzymes responsible for H 2S production, cystathionine- synthase and cystathionine-lyase, have been demonstrated in the pregnant and nonpregnant uterus, fetal membranes and placenta in the rat, and in human placenta. H 2S donors have been shown to inhibit contraction of the pregnant rat uterus. H 2S could play a role in maintaining uterine quiescence during pregnancy, as an oxygen sensor and vasodilator in the placenta, or as an anti-inflammatory. More research is required in this area to elucidate the roles of H 2S in the female reproductive tract and its mechanisms of action. © 2010 Expert Reviews Ltd.
Press Release from Florida International University 's Office of Media Relations on the appoinrment of Dr. Manuel A Penalver as chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Florida International University 's College of Medicine.
Occupational therapists and other health professionals are faced with the challenge of helping parents cope with the birth of their preterm infant and fostering parent-infant bonding and attachment. Kangaroo care, or skin to skin contact, has the potential to minimize the delay in the parent-infant attachment process and facilitate more normal infant growth and development. The present study investigated the impact of parent participation in a hospital-based kangaroo care program on time spent with their preterm infant in the NICU. Fourteen parents with preterm infants in the NICU participated in the study. The results indicated that parents who participated in the kangaroo care program spent significantly more time with their infant than the parents who did not participate in the program (p $<$.022). In addition, parents in the kangaroo care group visited their infant more frequently than the control group (p $<$.037). However, the mean time with baby per day did not show a significant difference between the groups (p $<$.194). This information may assist occupational therapists in developing family-centered early intervention programs beginning in the NICU. ^
In 1999, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (pMTCT) using antiretrovirals was introduced in the Dominican Republic (DR). Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) was introduced for immunosuppressed persons in 2004 and for pMTCT in 2008. To assess progress towards MTCT elimination, data from requisitions for HIV nucleic acid amplification tests for diagnosis of HIV infection in perinatally exposed infants born in the DR from 1999 to 2011 were analyzed. The MTCT rate was 142/1,274 (11.1%) in 1999–2008 and 12/302 (4.0%) in 2009–2011 (), with a rate of 154/1,576 (9.8%) for both periods combined. This decline was associated with significant increases in the proportions of women who received prenatal HAART (from 12.3% to 67.9%) and infants who received exclusive formula feeding (from 76.3% to 86.1%) and declines in proportions of women who received no prenatal antiretrovirals (from 31.9% to 12.2%) or received only single-dose nevirapine (from 39.5% to 19.5%). In 2007, over 95% of DR pregnant women received prenatal care, HIV testing, and professionally attended delivery. However, only 58% of women in underserved sugarcane plantation communities (2007) and 76% in HIV sentinel surveillance hospitals (2003–2005) received their HIV test results. HIV-MTCT elimination is feasible but persistent lack of access to critical pMTCT measures must be addressed.
A recent multi-country study on hormonal contraceptives (HC) and HIV acquisition and transmission among African HIV-serodiscordant couples reported a statistically significant doubling of risk for HIV acquisition among women as well as transmission from women to men for injectable contraceptives. Together with a prior cohort study on African women seeking health services, these data are the strongest yet to appear on the HC-HIV risk. This paper will briefly review the Heffron study strengths and relevant biological and epidemiologic evidence; address the futility of further trials; and propose instead an alternative framework for next steps. The weight of the evidence calls for a discontinuation of progestin-dominant methods. We propose here five types of productive activities: (1) scaling injectable hormones down and out of the contraceptive mix; (2) strengthening and introducing public health strategies with proven potential to reduce HIV spread; (3) providing maximal choice to reduce unplanned pregnancy, starting with quality sexuality education through to safe abortion access; (4) expanding provider training, end-user counseling and access to male and female barriers, with a special renewed focus on female condom; (5) initiating a serious research agenda to determine anti-STI/HIV potential of the contraceptive cervical cap. Trusting women to make informed choices is critical to achieve real progress in dual protection.
Background. Vulvovaginal candidiasis is characterized by curd-like vaginal discharge and itching, and is associated with considerable health and economic costs. Materials and Methods. We examined the incidence, prevalence, and risk factors for vulvovaginal candidiasis among a cohort of 898 women in south India. Participants completed three study visits over six months, comprised of a structured interview and a pelvic examination. Results. The positive predictive values for diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis using individual signs or symptoms were low (<19%). We did not find strong evidence for associations between sociodemographic characteristics and the prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis. Women clinically diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis had a higher prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis (Prevalence 12%, 95% CI 8.2, 15.8) compared to women assessed to be negative for bacterial vaginosis (Prevalence 6.5%, 95% 5.3, 7.6); however, differences in the prevalence of vulvovaginal candidiasis were not observed by the presence or absence of laboratory-confirmed bacterial vaginosis. Conclusions. For correct diagnosis of vulvovaginal candidiasis, laboratory confirmation of infection with Candida is necessary as well as assessment of whether the discharge has been caused by bacterial vaginosis. Studies are needed of women infected with Candida yeast species to determine the risk factors for yeast’s overgrowth.
Résumé Selon l'OMS, la retard de croissance intra-utérine (RCIU; 10% en dessous du poids normal pendant la grossesse) affecte 5-10% des grossesses et est une cause principale de la morbidité et de la mortalité périnatales. Dans notre étude précédente sur un modèle de souris transgénique de prééclampsie (R+A+), nous avons constaté que l’entraînement physique (ExT) avant et pendant la grossesse réduisait la pression artérielle maternelle et empêchait la RCIU en améliorant le développement placentaire. Dans le cadre de mon projet, nous avons confirmé les bénifices de l’ExT dans un modèle de RCIU (souris déficiente en p57Kip2 (p57-/+). Ainsi, nous avons observé la présence de RCIU, d’une masse placentaire réduite, d’une augmentation de la pathologie placentaire ainsi qu’une plus petite taille des portées chez les souris p57-/+ sédentaire. L’ExT prévient la RCIU ainsi que tous les paramètres mentionnés ci-haut. Nous avons observé que l'expression du facteur de croissance de l’endothélium vasculaire, un régulateur clé de l'angiogenèse lors de la croissance placentaire, était réduite dans le placenta des souris p57-/+ et normalisée par l’ExT. Nous avons également trouvé que l'expression en ARN dans le placenta de 2 facteurs inflammatoires (interleukine-1β et MCP-1) était augmenté chez les souris sédentaires p57-/+ alors que ceci n’était pas présent chez les souris entraînées, ce qui suggère que l'inflammation placentaire peut contribuer à la pathologie placentaire. Toutefois, contrairement aux souris R+A+, le système rénine-angiotensine placentaire chez les souris p57-/+ était normale et aucun effet de l’ExT a été observé. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’ExT prévient la RCIU en normalisant la pathologie placentaire, l’angiogenèse et l’inflammation placentaire.
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of multimodal supervised physiotherapy programs with the absence of treatment among women with persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence. METHODS: This was a single-blind randomized controlled trial. Sixty-four women with stress urinary incontinence were randomly assigned to 8 weeks of either multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 21), multimodal pelvic floor rehabilitation with abdominal muscle training (n = 23), or control non–pelvic floor rehabilitation (n = 20). The primary outcome measure consisted of a modified 20-minute pad test. The secondary outcome measures included a Visual Analog Scale describing the perceived burden of incontinence, the Urogenital Distress Inventory, the Incontinence Impact Questionnaire, and pelvic floor muscle function measurements. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out, leaving 62 for analysis. At follow-up, more than 70% of the women in the treatment groups (14/20 in the pelvic floor and 17/23 in the pelvic floor plus abdominal group) were continent on pad testing compared with 0% of women in the control group. Scores on the pad test, Visual Analog Scale, Urogenital Distress Inventory, and Incontinence Impact Questionnaire improved significantly in both treatment groups (all P < .002), whereas no changes were observed in the control group. Pelvic floor muscle function, however, did not improve significantly in either active group. CONCLUSION: Multimodal supervised pelvic floor physiotherapy is an effective treatment for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence.