975 resultados para Oat bioassay
The present study was designed to explore the correlation between the frequency of micronuclei in Trad-MN, measured across 28 biomonitoring stations during the period comprised between 11 of May and 2 of October, 2006, and adjusted mortality rates due to cardiovascular, respiratory diseases and cancer in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, an area with different sources of air pollution. For controlling purposes, mortality rate due to gastrointestinal diseases (an event less prone to be affected by air pollution) was also considered in the analysis. Spatial distribution of micronuclei frequency was determined using average interpolation. The association between health estimators and micronuclei frequency was determined by measures of Pearson`s correlation. Higher frequencies of micronuclei were detected in areas with high traffic and close to a petrochemical pole. Significant associations were detected between micronuclei frequency and adjusted mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases (r = 0.841, p = 0.036) and cancer (r = 0.890, p = 0.018). The association between mortality due to chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases was positive but did not reach statistical significance (r = 0.640, p = 0.172), probably because of the small number of events. Gastrointestinal mortality did not exhibit significant association with micronuclei frequency. Because the small number of observations and the nature of an ecological study, the present findings must be considered with caution and considered as preliminary. Further studies, performed in different conditions of contamination and climate should be done before considering Trad-MN in the evaluation of human health risk imposed by air pollutants. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The sludge produced in sewage treatment plants can contain toxic substances. Among these, the genotoxic substances are of great concern. The present paper aimed at evaluating the genotoxicity of treated sludge samples collected at four different sewage treatment plants (STP) located in the State of Sao Paulo Brazil, using the Trad-MN assay. Another objective of the study was to compare the responses of the Clone #4430 with the Tradescantia pallida. Sludge samples mixed with reference soil in concentrations of 10, 25 and 50% (v/v) were tested in experiments with 3 months exposure in the field. Negative and positive controls (arsenic trioxide) were also tested with both plants. In Clone #4430 two sludge samples induced genotoxicity while in T pallida three were positive, although no clear dose-response were observed for both plants. Results with the negative and positive controls suggest that T pallida presented similar results when compared to the Clone #4430. The protocol using plants chronically exposed to sludge mixed with soil seems to be a promising tool to assess the genotoxicity of sludge although time consuming. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate clinical and laboratorial features of 1234 patients with different etiologies of hyper-prolactinemia, as well as the response of 388 patients with prolactinomas to dopamine agonists. Design, setting, and patients: A total of 1234 hyperprolactinemic patients from 10 Brazilian endocrine centers were enrolled in this retrospective study. Main outcome measure: PRL measurement, thyroid function tests, and screening for macroprolactin were conducted. Results: Patients were subdivided as follows: 56.2% had prolactinomas, 14.5% drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, 9.3% macroprolactinemia, 6.6% non-functioning pituitary adenomas, 6.3% primary hypothyroidism, 3.6% idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, and 3.2% acromegaly. Clinical manifestations were similar irrespective of the etiology of the hyperprolactinemia. The highest PRL levels were observed in patients with prolactinomas but there was a great overlap in PRL values between all groups. However, PRL>500 ng/ml allowed a clear distinction between prolactinomas and the other etiologies. Cabergoline (CAB) was more effective than bromocriptine (BCR) in normalizing PRL levels (81.9% vs 67.1%, p<0.0001) and in inducing significant tumor shrinkage and complete disappearance of tumor mass. Drug resistance was observed in 10% of patients treated with CAB and in 18.4% of those that used BCR (p=0.0006). Side-effects and intolerance were also more common in BCR-treated patients. Conclusion: Prolactinomas, drug-induced hyperprolactinemia, and macroprolactinemia were the 3 most common causes of hyperprolactinemia. Although PRL levels could not reliably define the etiology of hyperprolactinemia, PRL values >500 ng/ml were exclusively seen in patients with prolactinomas. CAB was significantly more effective than BCR in terms of prolactin normalization, tumor shrinkage, and tolerability.
Prostacyclin (PgI(2)) and endothelium-derived nitric oxide (EDNO) are produced by the arterial and venous endothelium. In addition to their vasodilator action on vascular smooth muscle, both act together to inhibit platelet aggregation and promote platelet disaggregation. EDNO also inhibits platelet adhesion to the endothelium. EDNO and PgI(2) have been shown to be released from the cultured endocardial cells. In this study, we examined the release of vasoactive substances from the intact endocardium by using isolated rabbit hearts perfused with physiological salt solution (95% O(2)/5% CO(2), T = 37 degrees C). The right and left cardiac chambers were perfused through separate constant-flow perfusion loops (physiological salt solution, 8 ml min(-1)). Effluent from left and right cardiac, separately, was bioassayed on canine coronary artery smooth muscle, which had been contracted with prostaglandin F(2 alpha_)(2 x 10(-6) M) and no change in tension was exhibit. However, addition of calcium ionophore A23187 (10(-6) M) to the cardiac chambers` perfusion line induced vasodilation of the bioassay coronary ring, 61.4 +/- 7.4% versus 70.49 +/- 6.1% of initial prostaglandin F(2 alpha) contraction for the left and right cardiac chambers perfusate, respectively (mean +/- SEM, n = 10, p > 0.05). Production of vasodilator was blocked totally in the left heart but, only partially blocked in the right heart by adding indomethacin (10(-5) M) to the perfusate, respectively, 95.2 +/- 2.2% versus 41.5 +/- 4.8% (mean +/- SEM, n = 10, p < 0.05). 6-Keto prostaglandin F(1 alpha), measured in the endocardial superfusion effluent was also higher for the left cardiac chambers than for the right at the time of stimulation with the A23187, respectively, 25385.88 +/- 5495 pg/ml (n = 8) versus 13,132.45 +/- 1839.82 pg/ml (n = 8), (p < 0.05). These results showed that cyclooxygenase pathway plays major role in generating vasoactive substances for the left cardiac chamber endocardium; while it is not the main pathway for the right ventricular endocardium at which EDNO and PgI(2) Could act together and potentiate their antithrombogenic activities in isolated perfused rabbit heart. This may be an explanation for the intraventricular thrombus mostly seen in left ventricle rather than in right ventricle as a complication of myocardial infarction. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Neospora caninum is one of the most important causes of abortion in dairy cattle worldwide. The distribution of N. caninum in tissues of adult cattle is unknown and the parasite has not been demonstrated histologically in tissues of cows. In the present study the distribution of N. caninum in different tissues of adult cattle was evaluated by bioassays in dogs. Seventeen dogs (2-3 month-old) were fed different tissues of 4 naturally exposed adult cattle (indirect fluorescent antibody test N. caninum titer >= 400): 5 were fed with masseter: 5 with heart, 3 with liver, 4 with brain, and 3 pups were used as non-infected control. Two dogs fed masseter, 2 fed heart, 1 fed liver, and 3 fed brain shed oocysts, and all dogs presented no seroconvertion to N. caninum during the observation period of 4 weeks. The oocysts were confirmed as N. caninum based on the detection of N. caninum-specific DNA by PCR and sequencing. The results indicate that dogs can be infected by N. caninum with different tissues of infected cattle. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neospora caninum is widely distributed in the world and this parasite is one of the major causes of abortion in cattle. Dogs and coyotes are definitive hosts of N. caninum and several species of domestic and wild animals are intermediate hosts. Dogs can become infected by the ingestion of tissues containing cysts and then excrete oocysts. It is not yet known whether sporulated oocysts are able to induce a patent infection in dogs, i.e. a shedding of N. caninum oocysts in feces. The objective of this study was to experimentally examine the infection of dogs by sporulated oocysts. The oocysts used in the experiment were obtained by feeding dogs with brain of buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) positive for anti-N. caninum antibodies by indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT >= 200). Oocysts shed by these dogs were confirmed to be N. caninum by molecular methods and by bioassay in gerbils, and sporulated N. caninum oocysts were used for the oral infection of four dogs. The dogs were 8 weeks old and negative for antibodies to N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii. Dogs 1 and 4 received an inoculum of 10,000 sporulated oocysts each; dog 2 an inoculum of 5000 sporulated oocysts and dog 3 received 1000 sporulated oocysts of N. caninum. The total feces excreted by these dogs were collected and examined daily for a period of 30 days. No oocysts were found in their feces. The dogs were monitored monthly for a 6-month period to observe a possible seroconversion and when this occurred the animals were eliminated from the experiment. Dogs 1 and 4 seroconverted 1 month after the infection with titer, in the IFAT, of 1600 and 800, respectively; the other two dogs presented no seroconvertion during the 6-month period. Dogs 1 and 2 were euthanized 180 days after infection and were examined for the detection of N. caninum in tissues (brain, muscle, lymph node, liver, lung, heart and bone marrow) by immunohistochemistry and PCR with negative results in both techniques. Bioassay in gerbils with brain of these dogs was also performed and again the results were negative. In conclusion, dogs infected with sporulated oocysts of N. caninum were not able to shed oocysts in feces. However, a higher dose of infection stimulated the production of antibodies against N. caninum in the dogs. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Toxoplasma gondii isolates are highly diverse in domestic animals from Brazil. However, little is known about the genetics of this parasite from wild mammals in the same region. Reveal genetic similarity or difference of T. gondii among different animal populations is necessary for us to understand transmission of this parasite. Here we reported isolation and genetic characterisation of three T. gondii isolates from wild animals in Brazil. The parasite was isolated by bioassay in mice from tissues of a young male red handed howler monkey (Alouatta belzebul), an adult male jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi), and an adult female black-eared opossum (Didelphis aurita). The monkey and the jaguarundi had inhabited the Zoo of Parque Estadual Dois Irmaos, Pernambuco State, Northeastern Brazil, for 1 year and 8 years, respectively. The wild black-eared opossum was captured in Sao Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil, and euthanised for this study because it was seropositive for T. gondii (titre 1:100 by the modified agglutination test, MAT). Ten PCR-RFLP (Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1 and Apico, were used to genotype the isolates. T. gondii was isolated from the brain and heart homogenate of the monkey, the muscle homogenate of the jaguarundi, and the heart homogenate of the black-eared opossum. This was the first isolation of T. gondii from a neotropical fetid from Brazil. The isolate from the monkey (TgRhHmBr1) was not virulent in mice, whereas the isolates from the jaguarundi (TgJagBr1) and the black-eared opossum (TgOpBr1) were virulent in mice. The genotype of the isolate from the monkey has been identified in isolates from a goat and ten chickens in the same region of Brazil, suggesting that it may be a common lineage circulating in this region. The genotypes of the isolates from the jaguarundi and the black-eared opossum have not been previously reported. Although there are already 88 genotypes identified from a variety of animal hosts in Brazil, new genotypes are continuously being identified from different animal species, indicating an extremely high diversity of T. gondii in the population. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In this article, we propose a mathematical model that describes the competition between two plant virus strains (MAV and PAV) for both the host plant (oat) and their aphid vectors. We found that although PAV is transmitted by two aphids and MAV by only one, this fact, by itself, does not explain the complete replacement of MAV by PAV in New York State during the period from 1961 through 1976; an interpretation that is in agreement with the theories of A. G. Power. Also, although MAV wins the competition within aphids, we assumed that, in 1961, PAV mutated into a new variant such that this new variant was able to overcome MAV within the plants during a latent period. As shown below, this is sufficient to explain the swap of strains; that is, the dominant MAV was replaced by PAV, also in agreement with Power`s expectations.
The aim of this study was to determine if Toxoplasma gondii are present in oysters (Crassostrea rhizophorae) and mussels (Mytella guyanensis) under natural conditions using a bioassay in mice and molecular detection methods. We first compared two standard protocols for DNA extraction, phenol-chloroform (PC) and guanidine-thiocyanate (GT), for both molluscs. A total of 300 oysters and 300 mussels were then acquired from the fish market in Santos city, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, between March and August of 2008 and divided into 60 groups of 5 oysters and 20 groups of 15 mussels. To isolate the parasite, five mice were orally inoculated with sieved tissue homogenates from each group of oysters or mussels. For molecular detection of T. gondii, DNA from mussels was extracted using the PC method and DNA from oysters was extracted using the GT method. A nested-PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) based on the amplification of a 155 bp fragment from the B1 gene of T. gondii was then performed. Eleven PCR-RFLP (Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism) markers, SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, L358, PK1, CS3 and Apico, were used to genotype positive samples. There was no isolation of the parasite by bioassay in mice. T. gondii was not detected in any of the groups of mussels by nested-PCR. DNA of T. gondii was apparently detected by nested-PCR in 2 groups of oysters (3.3%). Genotyping of these two positive samples was not successful. The results suggest that oysters of the species C. rhizophorae, the most common species from the coast of Sao Paulo, can filter and retain T. gondii oocysts from the marine environment. Ingestion of raw oysters as a potential transmission source of T. gondii to humans and marine mammals should be further investigated. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A strain of Raphidiopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fish pond in Wuhan, P. R. China was examined for its taxonomy and production of the alkaloidal hepatotoxins cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxy-cylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). Strain HB1 was identified as R. curvata Fritsch et Rich based on morphological examination of the laboratory culture. HB1 produced mainly deoxy-CYN at a concentration of 1.3 mg(.)g(-1) (dry ut cells) by HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS. CYN was also detected in trace amounts (0.56 mug(.)g(-1)). A mouse bioassay did not show lethal toxicity when tested at doses up to 1500 mg dry weight cells(.)kg(-1) body weight within 96 h, demonstrating that production of primarily deoxy CYN does not lead to significant mouse toxicity by strain BB I. The presence of deoxy-CYN and CYN in R curvata suggests that Raphidiopsis belongs to the Nostocaceae, but this requires confirmation by molecular systematic studies. Production of these cyanotoxins by Raphidiopsis adds another genus, in addition to Cylindrospemopsis, Aphanizomenon, and Umezakia, now known to produce this group of hepatotoxic cyanotoxins. This is also the first report from China of a CYN and deoxy-CYN producing cyanobacterium.
A strain of Cylindrospermopsis (Cyanobacteria) isolated from a fishpond in Thailand was examined for its taxonomy based upon morphology and 16S rRNA gene sequence. It was also examined for production of the hepatotoxic cyanotoxin called cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and deoxycylindrospermopsin (deoxy-CYN). The strain (CY-Thai) was identified as C. raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenaya and Subba Raju based upon morphological examination which was confirmed by 16S rRNA gene sequences and phylogenetic comparisons based upon its 16S rRNA gene. The alkaloid heptatotoxin CYN was confirmed using mouse bioassay, HPLC and HPLC-MS/MS while deoxy-CYN was confirmed using HPLC-MS/MS. The mouse bioassay gave a minimum lethal dose at 250 mg dry weight cells/kg body weight within 24 h and 125 mg/kg at 72 h, with signs of poisoning the same as in literature reports for CYN. HPLC chromatographic comparison of the CY-Thai toxin with standard CYN gave the same retention time and an absorbance maximum at 262 nm. HPLC-MS/MS confirmed the presence of CYN (M + H 416) and deoxy-CYN (M + H 400). The CYN content in strain CY-Thai was estimated at 1.02 mg/g and approximately 1/10 of this amount for deoxy-CYN. This is the first report from Asia of a CYN, deoxy-CYN producing Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A commercially available smoke-water solution (Seed Starter (R)) stimulated the germination of caryopses and intact florets of Avena fatua L. The solution was most effective when diluted (5-50%) and presented to intact or dehulled grain that had received a short period of dry after-ripening. It was less effective when applied at full strength or to grains that had been freshly harvested. The same stimulatory effect was observed in par-fly after-ripened caryopses of nine different wild oat biotypes obtained from three different cropping regions of the world. When freshly harvested caryopses were re-tested with the commercial solution (100%) for just 7 days prior to placement on to distilled water, a much higher germination percentage was possible than seen with continuous smoke-water incubation. The stimulatory ability of smoke water was more closely matched to that of gibberellic acid than to potassium nitrate, which had little or no effect on freshly harvested caryopses. The smoke-water solution (5-100%) was tested on the germination of 18 other cool temperate arable weed species. All monocotyledonous species tested (viz. Avena sterilis ssp. ludoviciana L., Alopecurus myosuroides, Sorghum halepense, Phalaris paradoxa) responded positively, while those of the dicotyledonous species were either strongly stimulated (greater than or equal to 40% stimulation Malva neglecta), moderately stimulated (greater than or equal to 20% stimulation Galium aparine, Veronica persica), slightly stimulated (Polygonum persicaria, P pennsylvanicum, Fallopia convolvulus), unaffected (P. aviculare, Sinapis arvensis, Heracleum sphondylium, Angelica sylvestris, Mercurialis annua, Veronica hederifolia) or inhibited (Lamium purpureum). The optimal concentrations required to stimulate germination of the monocotyledonous species were similar to those observed for A. fatua (5-10%). However, for the dicotyledonous species slightly stronger solutions were required (10-20%). When the unaffected species were retested using a 10-day pre-chilling treatment, smoke water showed a small promotive response in three (S. arvensis, P. aviculare and V hederifolia) of the six species. When four different smoke-water solutions (Seed Starter (R), Regen 2000 (R), charred-wood solution and wheat-straw solution) were tested on two representative species (A. fatua and M. neglecta), three formulations were effective in promoting the germination of both species, while the fourth (charred-wood solution) was only active on A. fatua. The active concentrations were different for the four solutions. Three solutions were active in the 2-20% dilution range, while the fourth (Regen 2000 (R)) was only active in the 1-2% dilution range and was inhibitory at higher concentrations. These observations are discussed in the context that smoke may play an important ecological role in the management and control of introduced weeds in native and arable communities.
Laboratory bioassay studies were conducted in southeast Queensland, Australia,: on the efficacy of Teknar (R), VectoBac (R) 12AS, and Cybate (R) (active ingredient: 1,200 international toxic units Bacillus thuringiensis var, israelensis [Bti]) against 3rd instars of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti. Ae. notoscriptus, Ae. vigilax, and Ae. camptorhynchus. Probit analyses were then used to determine LD,, (median lethal dose), LD95, and lethal dose ratios (LDR). Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, both container-habitat species, tolerated the highest Bti concentrations compared with saltmarsh Ae. vigilax and Ae. camptorhynchus. For example, the LDR for Ae. vigilax versus Ae. notoscriptus exposed to Cybate was 0.14 (95% confidence limit [CL] 0.03-0.61). Similarly, the Cybate LDR for Ae. camptorhynchus versus Ae. notoscriptus was 0.22 (95% CL 0.07-0.70). Teknar produced similar results with an LDR of 0.21 (95% CL 0.04-1.10) for Aedes vigilax versus Aedes notoscriptus. Differences in product efficacy were found when tested against the 2 container-breeding species. Cybate was less effective than Teknar with LDRs of 1.55 (95% CL 0.65-3.67) and 1.87 (95% CL 0.68-5.15) for Aedes aegypti and Ae. notoscriptus, respectively. The significant differences in susceptibility between mosquito species and varying efficacy between products highlight the importance of evaluating concentration-response data prior to contracting with distributors of mosquito control products. This information is crucial to resistance management strategies.
Early pregnancy factor (EPF) is a secreted protein with growth regulatory and immunomodulatory properties. Human platelet-derived EPF shares amino acid sequence identity with chaperonin 10 (Cpn10), a mitochondrial matrix protein which functions as a molecular chaperone. The striking differences in cellular localization and function of the two proteins suggest differential regulation of production reflecting either alternative transcription of the same gene or transcription from different genes. In mammals and more distantly related genera, there is a large gene family with homology to CPN 10 cDNA, which includes intronless copies of the coding sequence. To determine whether this could represent the gene for EPF, we have screened a mouse genomic library and sequenced representative Cpn10 family members, looking for a functional gene distinct from that of Cpn 10, which could encode EPF. Eight distinct genes were identified. Cpn10 contains introns, while other members are intronless. Six of these appear to be pseudogenes, and the remaining member, Cpn10-rs1, would encode a full-length protein. The 309-bp open reading frame (ORF) is identical to that of mouse Cpn10 cDNA with the exception of three single-base changes, two resulting in amino acid changes. Only one further single nucleotide difference between the Cpn10-rs1 and Cpn10 cDNAs is observed, located in the 3' UTR. Single nucleotide primer extension was applied to discriminate between Cpn10-rs1 and Cpn10 expression. Cpn10, which is ubiquitous, was detected in all tissue samples tested, whereas Cpn10-rs1 was expressed selectively. The pattern was completely coincident with known patterns of EPF activity, strongly suggesting that Cpn10-rs1 does encode EPF. The complete ORF of Cpn10-rs1 was expressed in E. coli. The purified recombinant protein was found to be equipotent with native human platelet-derived EPF in the bioassay for EPF, the rosette inhibition test.
Backhousia citriodora is typical of the many commercially valuable woody Australian Myrtaceae species that are recalcitrant in forming adventitious roots from cuttings after maturation. A series of experiments were conducted to identify an endogenous rooting inhibitor in line with established criteria. Endogenous levels of citral were correlated with the rooting capacities of juvenile versus mature, and easy- versus difficult-to-root genotypes of B. citriodora, in both winter and summer. The biological activity of citral was confirmed in bioassays on mung beans and easy-to-root B. citriodora seedlings. Evidence of a common mechanism of root inhibition with other species in the Myrtaceae and the role of action of citral are discussed.