232 resultados para OVÁRIO


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You can set the resistance training such as making a move against a resistance by performing a muscle contraction and generating a muscular adaptation. This form of training, was initially used only in training athletes aiming to strengthen and improve fitness. Some coaches did not give proper focus, as the increase in muscle mass would cause loss of flexibility and agility. But over time a huge evolution occurred within this area and the practitioners of resistance training are no longer just athletes, and reached the whole community, from young to elderly, being a physical activity that generates a large caloric expenditure and has several health benefits, improve the cardiovascular system and decreasing the amount of body fat in the body. Cortisol is a hormone secreted from a stressful stimulus to the body, secretion undergoes control of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, which releases the hormone into the bloodstream andrenocorticotrópico, going to the adrenal cortex responsible for their release. This has catabolic function, acting in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, as well as having an important effect antiflamatório. Testosterone is a steroid hormone cholesterol from being produced by the testicles in men, as in women is produced to a lesser extent in ovary and adrenal glands, has functions androgenic and anabolic. Androgen function is responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics, while on anabolic function operates in the growth of muscles and bones, influencing the development of the human body organs. Within the metabolic changes that occur in the resistance training testosterone plays an important role in protein synthesis, influencing the production of strength and / or power during exercise. The objective of this work is through a literature review to assess the effects of resistance training on the production of these hormones and the relationship between them


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The present study describes a technique to obtain consecutive luteal samples by colpotomy. The animals received an epidural anesthesia and local anesthesia (vaginal vault) and after ten minutes the vaginal vault was incised with a scalpel blade and tissue was dissected to provide access to the pelvic cavity and to retract the ovary into the vagina. Then, a luteal biopsy was performed with a Yomann biopsy nipper. Signs indicative of pain and stress during the vaginal vault incision, traction of ovary or luteal biopsy were observed only in two collections. However, these signs were observed in ten collections during dissection of the vaginal wall and peritoneum. The occurrence of ataxia was observed in 26 collections and it was usually related to a longer duration of the procedure. Ataxia could be divided in light (15/26), moderate (6/26) and severe (5/26). The occurrence of ovarian adhesions ipsilateral to the incision was evaluated only in the initial four collections. Adhesions were present in 16 collections. The protocol described above provided a safe and efficient method to acquire luteal samples. The low incidence of adhesions allows the consecutive use of females without any interference in subsequent ovulations and collections.


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This work aimed to evaluate the pregnancy rate and follicular diameter using EB or GnRH on the insertion of progesterone implant (D0) in lactating beef cows. Two groups were tested in two experiments. In Exp. 1 were used 61 Nelore cows divided into two groups: G-BE (n = 32) and G-GnRH (n = 29), on D0 was inserted P4 implant (CIDR ) and applied 2 mL of BE (G-BE) or 2.5 mL GnRH (G-GnRH). In D9 was performed ultrasonography (U.S.) to measure the diameter of the dominant follicle (DF) present in the ovary and the implant was removed, with concomitant administration of 2.5 mL of PGF2a and estradiol cypionate (ECP ) followed by calves removal. After 48 hours all the cows were inseminated and the calves returned. In Exp. 2 50 cows were used following the same protocol described above, but the pregnancy was assessed without performing ovarian US. There was no difference (p>0.05) in pregnancy rate between treatments, BE (55%) or GnRH (41%), but the follicular diameter was significantly higher (p<0.05) in pregnant cows treated with EB (10.7 mm vs. 8.5 mm) and in cows treated with GnRH there was no difference (p>0.05) between pregnant and no pregnant cows (11.6 mm vs. 10.2 mm). We concluded the use of GnRH on D0 did not improve the pregnancy rate in lactating beef cows and follicular diameter was greater (p <0.05) in pregnant cows compared to non-pregnant only in G-BE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Chaves E.P., Oliveira S.C.R., Araujo L.P.F., Oliveira A.S., Miglino M.A., Abreu-Silva A.L., Melo F.A. & Sousa A.L. 2012. Morphological aspects of the ovaries of turtle Kinosternon scorpioides raised in captivity. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(7):667-671. Departamento das Clinicas, Curso de Medicina Veterinaria, Universidade Estadual do Maranhao, Cidade Universitaria Paulo VI, Tirirical, Sao Luis, MA 65050-150, Brazil. E-mail: alana@elo.com.br The swear turtle "jurara" (Kinosternon scorpioides) is a mud turtle of the Amazon region exposed to disordering capture in the rural areas of Maranhao, Brazil. Despite its popularity in these areas, little meaningful information regarding the reproductive morphology is currently available, fact that impedes the adoption of policies for preservation of the species. To obtain more information, we studied the ovarian morphology adult jurara females kept in captivity by morphological and morphometric analysis in the dry and rainy season. The results revealed that all females were sexually mature and were in a vitellogenic period. The ovaries are two irregular structures composed by follicles in different stages of development (primary, secondary and tertiary) scattered in a stroma of loose connective highly vascularized tissue. The ovary weight was 6.25+/-4.23g and 2.27+/-1.42g, for the right and left one respectively. The gonadosomatic indexes were 2.06% for the dry season and 1.79% for the rainy season. The average of the follicles was 29.83 units per ovary. Microscopically, the mature ovaries revealed a basal layer composed by four cellular layers: the inner and outer theca, stratum granulosum with perivitelline membrane and zona radiata with vitelline membrane. No significant differences were observed in the ovaries either in the dry or wet period.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de síndrome metabólica e dos seus critérios definidores em mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos do Sudeste brasileiro, estratificadas de acordo com o índice de massa corpóreo e comparadas com controles ovulatórias. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, realizado com 332 mulheres em idade reprodutiva, que foram divididas em dois grupo: Controle, constituído por 186 mulheres com ciclos menstruais regulares, sintomas ovulatórios e sem diagnóstico de síndrome dos ovários policísticos ou outra anovulação crônica; e Síndrome dos ovários policísticos, composto por 146 mulheres com o diagnóstico de síndrome dos ovários policísticos - Consenso de Rotterdam ASRM/ESHRE. Cada um destes grupos foi estratificado de acordo com o índice de massa corpóreo (<25 ≥ 25 e < 30 e ≥ 30 kg/m²). Foram analisadas as frequências da síndrome metabólica e de seus critérios definidores, características clínicas e hormonais (hormônio folículo estimulante, testosterona total, sulfato de dehidroepiandrostenediona). RESULTADOS: A frequência da síndrome metabólica foi seis vezes maior no Grupo Síndrome dos ovários policísticos obesa em relação às mulheres controles de mesmo índice de massa corpóreo (Controle com 10,5 versus Síndrome dos ovários policísticos com 67,9%, p<0,01). Essa frequência foi duas vezes mais elevada entre as mulheres do Grupo Síndrome dos ovários policísticos com índice de massa corpóreo ≥ 25 e <30 kg/m² (Controle com 13,2 versus Síndrome dos ovários policísticos com 22,7%, p<0,01) e três vezes maior em portadoras de síndrome dos ovários policísticos com índice de massa corpóreo < 25 kg/m² (Controle com 7,9 versus Síndrome dos ovários policísticos com 2,5%, p<0,01), em relação às mulheres controles pareadas para o mesmo índice de massa corpóreo. Independente do índice de massa corpóreo, as mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos apresentaram maior frequência dos critérios definidores da síndrome metabólica. CONCLUSÃO: Mulheres com síndrome dos ovários policísticos apresentam maior frequência de síndrome metabólica e de seus critérios definidores, independentemente do índice de massa corpóreo. A hiperinsulinemia e o hiperandrogenismo são características importantes na origem destas alterações em mulheres na terceira década de vida com síndrome dos ovários policísticos.


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OBJETIVOS: Comparar os parâmetros metabólicos, a composição corporal e a força muscular de mulheres com Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP) em relação a mulheres com ciclos menstruais ovulatórios. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle com 27 mulheres com SOP e 28 mulheres controles com ciclos ovulatórios, com idade entre 18 e 37 anos, índice de massa corpórea entre 18 e 39,9 kg/m², que não praticassem atividade física regular. Níveis séricos de testosterona, androstenediona, prolactina, globulina carreadora dos hormônios sexuais (SHBG), insulina e glicemia foram avaliados. Índice de andrógeno livre (FAI) e resistência insulina (por HOMA) foram calculados. As voluntárias submetidas avaliação de composição corporal por dobras cutâneas e absorciometria de raio X de dupla energia (DEXA) e testes de força muscular máxima de 1-RM em três exercícios após procedimento de familiarização e de força isométrica de preensão manual. RESULTADOS: Os níveis de testosterona foram mais elevados no grupo SOP em relação ao CO (68,0±20,2 versus 58,2±12,8 ng/dL; p=0,02), assim como o FAI (282,5±223,8 versus 127,0±77,2; p=0,01), a insulina (8,4±7,0 versus 4,0±2,7 uIU/mL; p=0,01), e o HOMA (2,3±2,3 versus1,0±0,8; p=0,01). O SBHG foi inferior no grupo SOP comparado ao controle (52,5±43,3 versus 65,1±27,4 nmol/L; p=0,04). Não foram observadas diferenças significativas na composição corporal com os métodos propostos entre os grupos. O grupo SOP apresentou maior força muscular no teste de 1-RM nos exercícios supino reto (31,2±4,75 versus 27,8±3,6 kg; p=0,04) e cadeira extensora (27,9±6,2 versus 23,4±4,2 kg; p=0,01), assim como nos testes de força isométrica de preensão manual (5079,6±1035,7 versus 4477,3±69,6 kgf/m²; p=0,04). Ser portadora de SOP foi um preditor independente de aumento de força muscular nos exercícios supino reto (estimativa (E)=2,7) (p=0,04) e cadeira extensora (E=3,5) (p=0,04). Assim como o IMC no exercício de força isométrica de preensão manual do membro dominante (E=72,2) (p<0,01), supino reto (E=0,2) (p=0,02) e rosca direta (E=0,3) (p<0,01). Nenhuma associação foi encontrada entre HOMA-IR e força muscular. CONCLUSÕES: Mulheres com SOP apresentam maior força muscular, sem diferença na composição corporal. A RI não esteve associada ao desempenho da força muscular. Possivelmente, a força muscular pode estar relacionada aos níveis elevados de androgênios nessas mulheres.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a histomorfometria das células intersticiais dos ovários, bem como analisar a concentração sanguínea de esteroides sexuais de ratas portadoras de ovários policísticos induzidos pela luz contínua. MÉTODOS: Vinte ratas foram divididas em dois grupos: ratas na fase de estro (GCtrl ) e ratas portadoras de ovários policísticos induzidos pela iluminação contínua (GOP). Os animais do GCtrl permaneceram com período de luz das 7:00 s 19:00 horas, e os animais do GOP, com iluminação contínua (400 Lux), durante um período de 60 dias. Ao final desse período todos os animais foram anestesiados, foi coletado o sangue, para determinação dos níveis séricos de estradiol (E2), progesterona (P4) e testosterona (T), seguido da retirada dos ovários que foram fixados em formol a 10% e processados para inclusão em parafina. Cortes histológicos com 5 µm corados pela hematoxilina e eosina foram utilizados para análise histomorfométrica. As análises morfológicas, contagem de cistos, determinação da concentração e do volume nuclear das células intersticiais foram realizadas com o auxílio de microscópio de luz adaptado a uma câmera de alta resolução (AxioCam), cujas imagens foram transmitidas e analisadas em computador com software AxioVision Rel 4.8 (Carl Zeiss). Os dados obtidos foram submetidos ao teste t de Student (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: A morfologia mostrou a presença de cistos nos ovários pertencentes ao Grupo OP e de corpos lúteos no GCtrl, mostrando ainda evidências da origem das células intersticiais a partir das células da teca interna desses cistos. Com relação aos níveis hormonais o GOP apresentou níveis séricos de estradiol (pg/mL) aumentados em relação ao GCtrl (GOP=124,9±4,2>GCtrl=73,2±6,5; p<0,05), o mesmo ocorrendo com os níveis de testosterona (pg/mL) (GOP=116,9±4,6>GCtrl=80,6±3,9; p<0,05). Entretanto os níveis de progesterona (ng/mL) foram mais elevados no GCtrl em relação ao GOP (GCtrl=16,3±2,0>GOP=4,2±1,5; p<0,05). A morfometria mostrou haver aumento significante do volume nuclear no grupo GOP (GOP=102,1±5,2>GCtrl=63,6±16,5; p<0,05), assim como da área ocupada (%) pelas células intersticiais (GOP=24,4±6,9>GCtrl=6,9±3,2; p<0,05) em relação aos animais do GCtrl. CONCLUSÃO: As células intersticiais do ovário policístico da rata provavelmente provêm dos cistos ovarianos devido degeneração das células da granulosa e diferenciação das células da teca interna. As elevações dos níveis séricos de testosterona e de estradiol provavelmente provêm do aumento significativo da atividade celular e da área ocupada pelas células intersticiais.


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We have previously shown the differential expression of versican in the mouse uterus under ovarian hormone influence. We also demonstrated there is not a direct correlation between mRNA levels and protein expression, suggesting posttranscriptional events, such as alteration in mRNA stability. This posttranscriptional effect may result in the elongation and stabilization of transcripts poly(A) tail. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze whether estradiol (E2) regulates versican mRNA stability and expression in a dose-related and time-dependent manner. For this purpose female mice were ovariectomized and treated with a single injection of 0.1 or 10 μg E2. To block transcription a group of females received a single injection of alpha-amanitin before hormone administration. Uterine tissues were collected 30 min, 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h after treatments and processed for quantitative real time PCR (qPCR), RACE-PAT Assay and immunohistochemistry. qPCR showed that versican mRNA levels are higher than control from 3 to 24 h after E2 administration, whereas after transcription inhibition versican mRNA unexpectedly increases within 3 h, which can be explained when transcriptional blockers alter the degradation rate of the transcript, resulting in the superinduction of this mRNA. Accordingly, analysis of versican transcript poly(A) tail evidenced a longer product 3 h after treatment, but not after 12 h. Versican immunoreaction becomes conspicuous in the superficial stroma only 3 h after E2 injection, whereas the whole stroma is immunoreactive from 6 h onward. These results demonstrate that E2 modulates versican at the transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels in a time-dependent manner.


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Objective: To evaluate the histomorphometry and expression of Ki-67 and c-kit in ovarian follicles of pinealectomized or melatonin-treated pinealectomized rats. Study design: Forty adult rats were randomly divided into four groups of 10 animals: Group I – control; Group II – sham-pinealectomized; Group III – pinealectomized (Px), and Group IV – Px treated with melatonin (10 mg/night, per animal). After two months’ treatment, on the night of proestrous, the animals were placed in metabolic cages for night urine collection and subsequent measurement of 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (6-SMT). The rats were anesthetized, blood samples were taken for estrogen and progesterone determinations, and they were then euthanized. The ovaries were dissected out for further histological and immunohistochemical analyses. Data were first submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) complemented with the Tukey–Kramer test for multiple comparisons (P < 0.05). Results: The urinary levels of 6-SMT and serum progesterone were lower in the Px group (GIII). Exogenous melatonin treatment restored both blood melatonin and 6-SMT urinary levels. The histomorphometric data in Group III revealed a significant increase of degenerating antral and nonantral follicles with regard to the other groups. In addition no corpora lutea were observed in this group. No significant differences were noticed regarding the number of corpora lutea among the other groups (I, II and IV), but the number of cells and the thickness of the theca interna of Px animals (Group III) were higher than in the other groups. Conversely, the density of progesterone receptors (fmol/g) in the ovaries of Group III was significantly lower than in the other groups. Conclusion: Our data indicate that melatonin exerts a role on the maintenance of a proper follicular function, and is thus important for ovulation and progesterone production.


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BACKGROUND: Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are the main vectors of dengue viruses. Despite global efforts to reduce the prevalence of dengue using integrated vector management strategies, innovative alternatives are necessary to help prevent virus transmission. Detailed characterizations of Ae. aegypti genes and their products provide information about the biology of mosquitoes and may serve as foundations for the design of new vector control methods. FINDINGS: We studied the Ae. aegypti gene, AAEL010714, that encodes a two-domain odorant-binding protein, AaegOBP45. The predicted gene structure and sequence were validated, although single nucleotide polymorphisms were observed. Transcriptional and translational products accumulate in the ovaries of blood fed females and are not detected or are at low abundance in other tissues. CONCLUSIONS: We validated the Ae. aegypti AAEL010714 gene sequence and characterized the expression profile of a two-domain OBP expressed in ovaries. We propose that AaegOBP45 function as a component of the mosquito eggshell.