948 resultados para OSTEO-ARTHRITIS
We have developed a thrombin-sensitive polymeric photosensitizer prodrug (T-PS) to selectively image and eradicate inflammatory lesions in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Thrombin is a serine protease up-regulated in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. T-PS consists of a polymeric backbone, to which multiple photosensitizer (PS) units are tethered via short thrombin-cleavable peptide linkers. Fluorescence emission and phototoxicity of the prodrug are efficiently quenched due to the interaction of neighboring photosensitizer units. The prodrug is passively delivered to the inflammation site via the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) effect. Subsequent site-selective proteolytic cleavage of the peptide linkers restores its photoactivity by increasing the mutual distance between PS. Whole animal imaging in murine collagen-induced arthritis, an experimental model of RA revealed a dose-dependent fluorescence increase in arthritic paws after systemic prodrug injection. In addition, administration of T-PS resulted in much higher fluorescence selectivity for arthritic joints as compared to the free PS. Irradiation of the arthritic joints induced light dose dependent phototoxic effects such as apoptosis, vascular damage and local hemorrhage. Long-term observations showed complete regression of the latter. Irradiated non-arthritic tissues or non-irradiated arthritic tissues showed no histological effects after photodynamic therapy with T-PS. This illustrates that T-PS can localize inflammatory lesions with excellent selectivity and induce apoptosis and vascular shut down after irradiation.
BACKGROUND: Interleukin 6 is involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis via its broad effects on immune and inflammatory responses. Our aim was to assess the therapeutic effects of blocking interleukin 6 by inhibition of the interleukin-6 receptor with tocilizumab in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS: In this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, parallel group phase III study, 623 patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis were randomly assigned with an interactive voice response system, stratified by site with a randomisation list provided by the study sponsor, to receive tocilizumab 8 mg/kg (n=205), tocilizumab 4 mg/kg (214), or placebo (204) intravenously every 4 weeks, with methotrexate at stable pre-study doses (10-25 mg/week). Rescue therapy with tocilizumab 8 mg/kg was offered at week 16 to patients with less than 20% improvement in both swollen and tender joint counts. The primary endpoint was the proportion of patients with 20% improvement in signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis according to American College of Rheumatology criteria (ACR20 response) at week 24. Analyses were by intention to treat. This trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00106548. FINDINGS: The intention-to-treat analysis population consisted of 622 patients: one patient in the 4 mg/kg group did not receive study treatment and was thus excluded. At 24 weeks, ACR20 responses were seen in more patients receiving tocilizumab than in those receiving placebo (120 [59%] patients in the 8 mg/kg group, 102 [48%] in the 4 mg/kg group, 54 [26%] in the placebo group; odds ratio 4.0 [95% CI 2.6-6.1], p<0.0001 for 8 mg/kg vs placebo; and 2.6 [1.7-3.9], p<0.0001 for 4 mg/kg vs placebo). More people receiving tocilizumab than those receiving placebo had at least one adverse event (143 [69%] in the 8 mg/kg group; 151 [71%] in the 4 mg/kg group; 129 [63%] in the placebo group). The most common serious adverse events were serious infections or infestations, reported by six patients in the 8 mg/kg group, three in the 4 mg/kg group, and two in the placebo group. INTERPRETATION: Tocilizumab could be an effective therapeutic approach in patients with moderate to severe active rheumatoid arthritis. FUNDING: F Hoffmann-La Roche, Chugai Pharmaceutical.
Background : Monosodium urate (MSU) crystals stimulate the productionof interleukin-1b (IL-1b), a potent inflammatory cytokine. Targeted IL-1b blockade with canakinumab, a fully human monoclonal anti-IL-1b antibody, is a novel treatment for gouty arthritis. Its effects on pain and inflammation in acute gouty arthritis flares were compared with triamcinolone acetonide (TA). TA has been shown to be effective in the treatment of acute gouty arthritis flares.Methods : This was an 8-week, dose-ranging, multicenter, blinded, active-controlled trial. Patients _18 to _80 years with an acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAIDs and/or colchicine were randomized to one subcutaneous dose of canakinumab (10, 25, 50, 90, or 150 mg; n¼143) or one intramuscular dose of TA (40 mg; n¼57). Primary outcome was pain intensity at 72 hours post dose on VAS scale (0-100 mm). Secondary outcomes included Creactive protein (CRP), serum amyloid A (SAA), and physician's assessment of tenderness, swelling and erythema of target joint at 72 hours, 7 days, 4 and 8-weeks post dose.Results : 191/200 patients completed the study. Canakinumab showed a statistically significant dose response at 72 hours. The 150mg dose group reached superior pain relief compared to TA group starting from 24 hours as previously reported. At 72 hours post dose, 78% of canakinumab 150mg treated patients achieved _75% and 96% achieved _50% reduction in pain from baseline. In contrast, 45% and 61% of patients treated with TA achieved _75% and _50% pain reduction, respectively. Median CRP/SAA levels were normalized by Day 7 for all canakinumab doses above 10mg and remained below the upper limit of normal [(ULN): CRP 3.0 mg/L; SAA 6.7 mg/L)] for rest of the study. In TA group, median CRP levels remained above the ULN throughout the study while median SAA levels decreased below ULN only 28 days after first dose. At 72 hours post dose, canakinumab 150mg group was 3.2 (95% CI, 1.27-7.89) times more likely to have less joint tenderness and 2.7 (95% CI, 1.09-6.5) times more likely to have less joint swelling than TA group (p<0.05). At 72 hours post dose, erythema disappeared in 74.1% of patients receiving canakinumab150mg and 69.6% of patients receiving TA. At 7 days post dose, erythema was absent in 96.3% of canakinumab 150mg treated patients vs. 83.9% of patients receiving TA. The overall incidence of AEs was similar for canakinumab (41%) and triamcinolone acetonide (42%). Serious AEs (canakinumab treatment groups n¼4, TA n¼1) were not considered treatment-related by investigators. No discontinuationsdue to AEs occurred.Conclusions : Canakinumab 150mg provided superior pain relief compared to TA for acute flares in difficult-to-treat gouty arthritis patients. Canakinumab provided rapid normalization of markers of inflammation accompanied by reduction of clinical signs and symptoms of inflammation.Disclosure statement : U.A., V.M., D.R. and P.S. are shareholders and employees of Novartis Pharma AG. A.P. has received research support from Novartis Pharma AG. N.S. has received research support from and acts as a consultant for Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, has served on advisory boards for Novartis, Takeda, Savient, URL Pharma and Enzyme Rx, and is/has been a member of a speakers' bureau for Takeda. A.S. has received consultancy fees from Novartis Pharma AG, Abbott, Wyeth, UCB, Roche, MSD, Pfizer, Essex and Bristol-Myers Squibb. All other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
Background/Purpose: Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are critical in evaluating RA treatment effects on function and health-related quality of life (HR-QoL). Significant improvement in PROs has been reported in RA studies of biologic agents, including etanercept (ETN), but most studies have been conducted in patients with established disease. In addition to assessing treatment effects in early RA, there is interest in therapeutic strategies that allow dose reduction or withdrawal of biologic therapy (biologic-free) after induction of response. The PRIZE trial is an ongoing, 3-period study to evaluate the efficacy of combined ETN and methotrexate (MTX) therapy in patients with early, moderate-to-severe RA and to assess whether efficacy (remission) can be maintained with ETN dose reduction or biologic-free (Period 2) or drug-free (Period 3). Herein we report PROs associated with ETN 50 mg QW plus MTX (ETN50/MTX) therapy administered for 52 wks in Period 1 (induction) of the PRIZE trial. Methods: In Period 1, MTX- and biologic-naı‥ve patients with early, active RA (symptom onset 12 mo from enrollment; DAS28 _3.2) received open-label ETN50/MTX for 52 wks. The starting dose of MTX was 10 mg QW; at the discretion of the investigator, titration was permitted up to a maximum of 25 mg QW to achieve remission. Corticosteroid boosts were administered to patients not achieving low disease state at wks 13 and 26, unless contraindicated or not tolerated. PROs were assessed using the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) total score; Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS); EuroQol-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) total index; Short Form Health Survey (SF-36); Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-Fatigue; Work Instability Scale for Rheumatoid Arthritis (RAWIS); and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire: Rheumatoid Arthritis (WPAI:RA). Results: A total of 306 patients received treatment in Period 1 (mITT population); 222 (73%) patients completed the period. The majority of patients were female (70%), with a mean age of 50 y, mean DAS28 of 6.0 (median, 6.0), and duration of disease symptoms from onset of 6.5 months (median, 6.3 mo). Significant and clinically meaningful improvements in PROs, including in HAQ, EQ-5D, SF-36, and FACIT-Fatigue, were demonstrated with ETN50/MTX therapy from baseline to the final on therapy visit (Table; P_0.0001). Similar improvements were observed in all dimensions of RA-WIS and WPAI:RA (Table; P_0.0001). Conclusion: Combination therapy with ETN50/MTX for 52 wks in patients with _12 mo of symptomatic, active RA resulted in significant, clinically important improvements in measures of physical function, including normal HAQ (66.6% of patients), HR-QoL, fatigue, and work productivity. These outcomes are consistent with those reported in prior studies in patients with more established disease.
Background: Gouty arthritis is a painful inflammatory disease with a significant impact on patients' HRQoL. In gouty arthritis, the inflammatory response is initiated by interleukin-1b (IL-1b) release, due to activation of the NALP3 inflammasome by MSU crystals. Canakinumab, a fully human anti-IL-1b antibody has a long half-life and has been shown to control inflammation in gouty arthritis. This study evaluated changes in HRQoL in gouty arthritis patients following treatment with canakinumab or triamcinolone acetonide (TA).Methods: This was an 8-week, dose-ranging, multi-center, active controlled, single-blind study. Patients (>=18 to <=80 years) experiencing an acute gouty arthritis flare, refractory to or contraindicated to NSAlDs and/or colchicine, were randomized to canakinumab 10, 25, 50, 90, 150 mg sc or TA 40 mg im. HRQoL was assessed as an exploratory endpoint at baseline and different pre-specified time-points using patient reported outcomes evaluating general mental and physical component summary scores and subscale scores of SF-36® (acute version 2) and functional disability (HAQ-DI©). We report HRQoL results for canakinumab 150 mg, the dose that was selected for the Phase III studies.Results: Baseline assessments showed a major impact on the HRQoL during acute gouty arthritis. Compared to TA, canakinumab 150 mg showed greater improvements in SF-36® physical and mental component summary and subscale scores at 7 days post-dose.In the canakinumab 150 mg group, the most severe impairment at baseline was reported for physical functioning and bodily pain; levels of 41.5 and 36.0, respectively, which improved within 7 days to 80.0 and 72.2 (mean increases of 39.0 and 35.6) approaching levels of the general US population (84.2 and 75.2). 8 weeks post-dose patients reached levels of 86.1 and 86.6 (mean increases of 44.6 and 50.6 for physical functioning and bodily pain, respectively) and these were higher than levels seen in the general US population. This was in contrast to patients treated with TA, who showed less improvement within 7 days (mean increases of 23.3 and 21.3 for physical function and bodily pain, respectively). None of the scores reached levels of the general US population 8 weeks post-dose. Functional disability scores, as measured by the HAQ-DI© decreased in both treatment groupsConclusions: All canakinumab doses showed a rapid improvement in physical and mental well-being of gouty arthritis patients based on SF-36® scores, in particular the 150 mg dose. In contrast to the TA group, patients treated with canakinumab showed improvement within 7 days in physical function and bodily pain approaching levels of the general population. The 150 mg dose of canakinumab was selected for further development in Phase III studies.
Septic arthritis of the pubic symphisis is distinguished from osteitis pubis by positive cultures. The symptoms, physical examination and laboratory findings of these two conditions are comparable. We present a case of 57-year-old woman with septic arthritis of pubic symphisis caused by Streptococcus mitis, a commensal oral flora that belongs to viridans group streptococci, which normally reside in the oral cavity, the gastrointestinal and the urogenital tract.
Background and objectives: Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) pathogenesis. This studywas carried out to evaluate the efficicacy of interleukin-18 binding protein (IL-18BP) gene therapy in the rat adjuvant-induced arthritis (AIA) model and to decipher the mechanisms by which IL-18BP delivery lessens bone destruction. Materials and methods: Arthritis was induced in female Lewis rat by Mycobacterium butyricum and the mRNA expression of IL-18 and IL-18BP was determined in the joints. In a preventative study, rats were divided into an adenovirus producing IL-18BP-Fc (AdmIL-18BP-Fc) group (n=8) and an adenovirus producing green fluorescent protein (AdGFP) group (n=7). On day 8 after AIA induction, adenoviruses were injected. Clinical parameters were assessed. At day 18, during maximal arthritis, the rats were euthanized, ankles were collected, and X-rays were performed. mRNA and protein were extracted from joints for analyses by qRT-PCR, multiplex, Western blot, and zymography. Results: We observed a decrease in the [IL-18BP/IL-18] ratio from day 7 to day 45. Administration of AdmIL-18BPd-Fc decreased clinical parameters and prevented bone and joint destruction compared to AdGFP administration. IL-18BP delivery reduced the metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) levels by 33% (at protein level (Fig. 1B) and functional level (Fig. 1C) and the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) level by 44% (Fig. 1D) in the joint homogenates from AdmIL-18BPd-Fc compared to AdGFP treated rats.However, no variationwas observed forMMP-2 at the protein level (Fig.1A) and functional level (Fig. 1C). Conclusions: In rat AIA, a decrease in the [IL-18BP/ IL-18] ratio was observed. IL-18BP delivery prevented joint and bone destruction by downregulating MMP-9 and TRAP, suggesting a potential benefit of a similar therapy in RA.
OBJECTIVE: To assess health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in abatacept-treated children/adolescents with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). METHODS: In this phase III, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, subjects with active polyarticular course JIA and an inadequate response/intolerance to ≥1 disease-modifying antirheumatic drug (including biologics) received abatacept 10 mg/kg plus methotrexate (MTX) during the 4-month open-label period (period A). Subjects achieving the American College of Rheumatology Pediatric 30 criteria for improvement (defined "responders") were randomized to abatacept or placebo (plus MTX) in the 6-month double-blind withdrawal period (period B). HRQOL assessments included 15 Child Health Questionnaire (CHQ) health concepts plus the physical (PhS) and psychosocial summary scores (PsS), pain (100-mm visual analog scale), the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire, and a daily activity participation questionnaire. RESULTS: A total of 190 subjects from period A and 122 from period B were eligible for analysis. In period A, there were substantial improvements across all of the CHQ domains (greatest improvement was in pain/discomfort) and the PhS (8.3 units) and PsS (4.3 units) with abatacept. At the end of period B, abatacept-treated subjects had greater improvements versus placebo in all domains (except behavior) and both summary scores. Similar improvement patterns were seen with pain and sleep. For participation in daily activities, an additional 2.6 school days/month and 2.3 parents' usual activity days/month were gained in period A responders with abatacept, and further gains were made in period B (1.9 versus 0.9 [P = 0.033] and 0.2 versus -1.3 [P = 0.109] school days/month and parents' usual activity days/month, respectively, in abatacept- versus placebo-treated subjects). CONCLUSION: Improvements in HRQOL were observed with abatacept, providing real-life tangible benefits to children with JIA and their parents/caregivers.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), in addition to the traditional joint damage can affect all organs as a systemic disease. Extra-articular manifestations of RA are highly variable ranging from rheumatoid nodules (most common) to rheumatoid vasculitis presenting a significant morbidity and mortality (49% at 5 years). With the new algorithms of treatment (earlier) and the use of biologics, the incidence of severe extra-articular manifestations decreases. Regarding the treatment of rheumatoid vasculitis, rituximab looks promising. RA also increases cardiovascular risk and the risk of osteoporosis. It is therefore important to identify these risks and, if appropriate, treat them. Collaboration with the general practitioner is essential in this situation.
OBJECTIVE: Assess the incidence of intraocular inflammation (uveitis) and ocular complications in children with various types of JIA in a single cohort of patients. PATIENTS: Included are 172 children (35 boys and 137 girls) diagnosed with JIA. All underwent thorough initial ophthalmologic examination and were followed for a minimum of 3 years. RESULTS: Of 172 children with JIA, 152 (88.4%) presented with arthritis. Uveitis was detected in 14 of the152 children (9.2%) during the first ophthalmic examination. In 17 additional patients of this group (11.2%), uveitis developed during the follow up period of up to 15 years. Twenty children out of the total of 172 (11.6%) presented initially with uveitis. In children developing uveitis before or along with arthritic manifestations, the ocular disease was chronic with a high rate of secondary complications (band keratopathy, glaucoma, posterior synechiae and cataract). In all affected eyes the initial ocular inflammation was typically confined to the anterior segment. On longer follow up however, most children developed binocular disease and posterior segment involvement. Dense cataract and amblyopia were the major cause of severe visual disabilities. CONCLUSION: Pauciarticular JIA is associated with intraocular inflammation (uveitis) early during the arthritic disease course. The ocular disease course is unpredictable. Therefore education of parents regarding its signs and symptoms is of utmost importance. To preserve functional vision, secondary ocular complications and amblyopia should be avoided.
Protease-sensitive macromolecular prodrugs have attracted interest for bio-responsive drug delivery to sites with up-regulated proteolytic activities such as inflammatory or cancerous lesions. Here we report the development of a novel polymeric photosensitizer prodrug (T-PS) to target thrombin, a protease up-regulated in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, for minimally invasive photodynamic synovectomy. In T-PS, multiple photosensitizer units are tethered to a polymeric backbone via short, thrombin-cleavable peptide linkers. Photoactivity of the prodrug is efficiently impaired due to energy transfer between neighbouring photosensitizer units. T-PS activation by exogenous and endogenous thrombin induced an increase in fluorescence emission by a factor of 16 after in vitro digestion and a selective fluorescence enhancement in arthritic lesions in vivo, in a collagen-induced arthritis mouse model. In vitro studies on primary human synoviocytes showed a phototoxic effect only after enzymatic digestion of the prodrug and light irradiation, thus demonstrating the functionality of T-PS induced PDT. The developed photosensitizer prodrugs combine the passive targeting capacity of macromolecular drug delivery systems with site-selective photosensitizer release and activation. They illuminate lesions with pathologically enhanced proteolytic activity and induce cell death, subsequent to irradiation.
Objective This study assessed the efficacy and safety of canakinumab, a fully human anti-interleukin 1 beta monoclonal antibody, for prophylaxis against acute gouty arthritis flares in patients initiating urate-lowering treatment.Methods In this double-blind, double-dummy, dose-ranging study, 432 patients with gouty arthritis initiating allopurinol treatment were randomised 1:1:1:1:1:1:2 to receive: a single dose of canakinumab, 25, 50, 100, 200, or 300 mg subcutaneously; 4 x 4-weekly doses of canakinumab (50 + 50 + 25 + 25 mg subcutaneously); or daily colchicine 0.5 mg orally for 16 weeks. Patients recorded details of flares in diaries. The study aimed to determine the canakinumab dose having equivalent efficacy to colchicine 0.5 mg at 16 weeks.Results A dose-response for canakinumab was not apparent with any of the four predefined dose-response models. The estimated canakinumab dose with equivalent efficacy to colchicine was below the range of doses tested. At 16 weeks, there was a 62% to 72% reduction in the mean number of flares per patient for canakinumab doses >= 50 mg versus colchicine based on a negative binomial model (rate ratio: 0.28-0.38, p <= 0.0083), and the percentage of patients experiencing >= 1 flare was significantly lower for all canakinumab doses (15% to 27%) versus colchicine (44%, p<0.05). There was a 64% to 72% reduction in the risk of experiencing >= 1 flare for canakinumab doses >= 50 mg versus colchicine at 16 weeks (hazard ratio (HR): 0.28-0.36, p <= 0.05). The incidence of adverse events was similar across treatment groups.Conclusions Single canakinumab doses >= 50 mg or four 4-weekly doses provided superior prophylaxis against flares compared with daily colchicine 0.5 mg.