986 resultados para Numerical Wave Maker, Numerical Wave Tank, CFD


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In this dissertation, we study the behavior of exciton-polariton quasiparticles in semiconductor microcavities, under the sourceless and lossless conditions.

First, we simplify the original model by removing the photon dispersion term, thus effectively turn the PDEs system to an ODEs system,

and investigate the behavior of the resulting system, including the equilibrium points and the wave functions of the excitons and the photons.

Second, we add the dispersion term for the excitons to the original model and prove that the band of the discontinuous solitons now become dark solitons.

Third, we employ the Strang-splitting method to our sytem of PDEs and prove the first-order and second-order error bounds in the $H^1$ norm and the $L_2$ norm, respectively.

Using this numerical result, we analyze the stability of the steady state bright soliton solution. This solution revolves around the $x$-axis as time progresses

and the perturbed soliton also rotates around the $x$-axis and tracks closely in terms of amplitude but lags behind the exact one. Our numerical result shows orbital

stability but no $L_2$ stability.


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Wave energy converters are currently proposed to be deployed near coastal area for the closeness to the infrastructure and for ease of maintenance in order to reduce operational costs. The motivation behind this work is the fact that the deployment depths during the highest and lowest tides will have a significant effect on the mooring system of WECs. In this paper, the issue will be investigated by numerical modelling (using ANSYS AQWA) for both catenary and taut moorings to examine the performance of the mooring system in varying tides. The case study being considered is the ¼- scale wave energy test site in Galway Bay off the west coast of Ireland where some marine renewable energy devices can be tested. In this test site, the tidal range is macro-tidal with a range of approximately 6 m which is a large value relative to the water depth. In the numerical analysis, ANSYS AQWA suite has been used to simulate moored devices under wave excitation at varying tidal ranges. Results show that the highest tide will give rise to larger forces. While at lower depths, slackening of the mooring occurs. Therefore, the mooring lines must be designed to accommodate both situations.


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This paper presents an investigation on air compressibility in the air chamber and its effects on the power conversion of oscillating water column (OWC) devices. As it is well known that for practical OWC plants, their air chambers may be large enough for accommodating significant air compressibility, the “spring effect,” an effect that is frequently and simply regarded to store and release energy during the reciprocating process of a wave cycle. Its insight effects on the device’s performance and power conversion, however, have not been studied in detail. This research will investigate the phenomena with a special focus on the effects of air compressibility on wave energy conversion. Air compressibility itself is a complicated nonlinear process in nature, but it can be linearised for numerical simulations under certain assumptions for frequency domain analysis. In this research work, air compressibility in the OWC devices is first linearised and further coupled with the hydrodynamics of the OWC. It is able to show mathematically that in frequency-domain, air compressibility can increase the spring coefficients of both the water body motion and the device motion (if it is a floating device), and enhance the coupling effects between the water body and the structure. Corresponding to these changes, the OWC performance, the capture power, and the optimised Power Take-off (PTO) damping coefficient in the wave energy conversion can be all modified due to air compressibility. To validate the frequency-domain results and understand the problems better, the more accurate time-domain simulations with fewer assumptions have been used for comparison. It is shown that air compressibility may significantly change the dynamic responses and the capacity of converting wave energy of the OWC devices if the air chamber is very large.


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The distribution, abundance, behaviour, and morphology of marine species is affected by spatial variability in the wave environment. Maps of wave metrics (e.g. significant wave height Hs, peak energy wave period Tp, and benthic wave orbital velocity URMS) are therefore useful for predictive ecological models of marine species and ecosystems. A number of techniques are available to generate maps of wave metrics, with varying levels of complexity in terms of input data requirements, operator knowledge, and computation time. Relatively simple "fetch-based" models are generated using geographic information system (GIS) layers of bathymetry and dominant wind speed and direction. More complex, but computationally expensive, "process-based" models are generated using numerical models such as the Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) model. We generated maps of wave metrics based on both fetch-based and process-based models and asked whether predictive performance in models of benthic marine habitats differed. Predictive models of seagrass distribution for Moreton Bay, Southeast Queensland, and Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia, were generated using maps based on each type of wave model. For Lizard Island, performance of the process-based wave maps was significantly better for describing the presence of seagrass, based on Hs, Tp, and URMS. Conversely, for the predictive model of seagrass in Moreton Bay, based on benthic light availability and Hs, there was no difference in performance using the maps of the different wave metrics. For predictive models where wave metrics are the dominant factor determining ecological processes it is recommended that process-based models be used. Our results suggest that for models where wave metrics provide secondarily useful information, either fetch- or process-based models may be equally useful.


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Hurricane Sandy was the largest storm on historical record in the Atlantic Ocean basin with extensive coastal damage caused by large waves and high storm surge. The primary objectives of this thesis are to compare and evaluate three different spatially-varying surface wind fields of Hurricane Sandy to investigate the impact of the differences between the complex wind fields on predictions of the sea surface evolution, and to evaluate the impact of the storm on the hydrodynamics in Great South Bay (GSB) and the discharge of ocean water into the back-barrier bay from overwash over Fire Island. Three different spatially-varying surface wind fields were evaluated and compared to wind observations, including the parametric Holland (1980) model (H80), the parametric Generalized Asymmetric Holland Model (GAHM), and results from the WeatherFlow Regional Atmospheric Modelling System (WRAMS). The winds were used to drive the coupled Delft3D-SWAN hydrodynamic and ocean wave models on a regional grid. The results indicate that the WRAMS wind field produces wave model predictions in the best agreement with significant wave height observations, followed by the GAHM and H80 wind fields and that a regional atmospheric wind model is best for hindcasting hurricane waves and water levels when detailed observations are available, while a parametric vortex model is best for forecasting hurricane sea surface conditions. Using a series of four connected Delft3D-SWAN grids to achieve finer resolution over Fire Island and GSB, a higher resolution WRAMS was used to predict waves and storm surge. The results indicate that strong local winds have the largest influence on water level fluctuations in GSB. Three numerical solutions were conducted with varying extents of barrier island overwash. The simulations allowing for minor and major overwash indicated good agreement with observations in the east end of GSB and suggest that island overwash provided a significant contribution of ocean water to GSB during the storm. Limiting the overwash in the numerical model directly impacts the total discharge into GSB from the ocean through existing inlets. The results of this study indicate that barrier island overwash had a significant impact on the water levels in eastern GSB.


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Utilization of graphene covered waveguide inserts to form tunable waveguide resonators is theoretically explained and rigorously investigated by means of full-wave numerical electromagnetic simulations. Instead of using graphene-based switching elements, the concept we propose incorporates graphene sheets as parts of a resonator. Electrostatic tuning of the graphene surface conductivity leads to changes in the electromagnetic field boundary conditions at the resonator edges and surfaces, thus producing an effect similar to varying the electrical length of a resonator. The presented outline of the theoretical background serves to give phenomenological insight into the resonator behavior, but it can also be used to develop customized software tools for design and optimization of graphene-based resonators and filters. Due to the linear dependence of the imaginary part of the graphene surface impedance on frequency, the proposed concept was expected to become effective for frequencies above 100 GHz, which is confirmed by the numerical simulations. A frequency range from 100 GHz up to 1100 GHz, where the rectangular waveguides are used, is considered. Simple, all-graphene-based resonators are analyzed first, to assess the achievable tunability and to check the performance throughout the considered frequency range. Graphene–metal combined waveguide resonators are proposed in order to preserve the excellent quality factors typical for the type of waveguide discontinuities used. Dependence of resonator properties on key design parameters is studied in detail. Dependence of resonator properties throughout the frequency range of interest is studied using eight different waveguide sections appropriate for different frequency intervals. Proposed resonators are aimed at applications in the submillimeter-wave spectral region, serving as the compact tunable components for the design of bandpass filters and other devices.


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A key issue in pulse detonation engine development is better understanding of the detonation structure and its propagation mechanism. Thus, in the present work the turbulent structure of an irregular detonation is studied through very high resolution numerical simulations of 600 points per half reaction length. The aim is to explore the nature of the transverse waves during the collision and reflection processes of the triple point with the channel walls. Consequently the formation and consumption mechanism of unreacted gas pockets is studied. Results show that the triple point and the transverse wave collide simultaneously with the wall. The strong transverse wave switches from a primary triple point before collision to a new one after reflection. Due to simultaneous interaction of the triple point and the transverse wave with the wall in the second half of the detonation cell, a larger high-pressurised region appears on the wall. During the reflection the reaction zone detaches from the shock front and produces a pocket of unburned gas. Three mechanisms found to be of significance in the re-initiation mechanism of detonation at the end of the detonation cell; i: energy resealed via consumption of unburned pockets by turbulent mixing ii: compression waves arise due to collision of the triple point on the wall which helps the shock to jump abruptly to an overdriven detonation iii: drastic growth of the Richtmyer–Meshkov instability causing a part of the front to accelerate with respect to the neighbouring portions.


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Les convertisseurs de longueur d’onde sont essentiels pour la réalisation de réseaux de communications optiques à routage en longueur d’onde. Dans la littérature, les convertisseurs de longueur d’onde basés sur le mélange à quatre ondes dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteur constituent une solution extrêmement intéressante, et ce, en raison de leurs nombreuses caractéristiques nécessaires à l’implémentation de tels réseaux de communications. Avec l’émergence des systèmes commerciaux de détection cohérente, ainsi qu’avec les récentes avancées dans le domaine du traitement de signal numérique, il est impératif d’évaluer la performance des convertisseurs de longueur d’onde, et ce, dans le contexte des formats de modulation avancés. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont : 1) d’étudier la faisabilité des convertisseurs de longueur d’onde basés sur le mélange à quatre ondes dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteur pour les formats de modulation avancés et 2) de proposer une technique basée sur le traitement de signal numérique afin d’améliorer leur performance. En premier lieu, une étude expérimentale de la conversion de longueur d’onde de formats de modulation d’amplitude en quadrature (quadrature amplitude modulation - QAM) est réalisée. En particulier, la conversion de longueur d’onde de signaux 16-QAM à 16 Gbaud et 64-QAM à 5 Gbaud dans un amplificateur optique à semi-conducteur commercial est réalisée sur toute la bande C. Les résultats démontrent qu’en raison des distorsions non-linéaires induites sur le signal converti, le point d’opération optimal du convertisseur de longueur d’onde est différent de celui obtenu lors de la conversion de longueur d’onde de formats de modulation en intensité. En effet, dans le contexte des formats de modulation avancés, c’est le compromis entre la puissance du signal converti et les non-linéarités induites qui détermine le point d’opération optimal du convertisseur de longueur d’onde. Les récepteurs cohérents permettent l’utilisation de techniques de traitement de signal numérique afin de compenser la détérioration du signal transmis suite à sa détection. Afin de mettre à profit les nouvelles possibilités offertes par le traitement de signal numérique, une technique numérique de post-compensation des distorsions induites sur le signal converti, basée sur une analyse petit-signal des équations gouvernant la dynamique du gain à l’intérieur des amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteur, est développée. L’efficacité de cette technique est démontrée à l’aide de simulations numériques et de mesures expérimentales de conversion de longueur d’onde de signaux 16-QAM à 10 Gbaud et 64-QAM à 5 Gbaud. Cette méthode permet d’améliorer de façon significative les performances du convertisseur de longueur d’onde, et ce, principalement pour les formats de modulation avancés d’ordre supérieur tel que 64-QAM. Finalement, une étude expérimentale exhaustive de la technique de post-compensation des distorsions induites sur le signal converti est effectuée pour des signaux 64-QAM. Les résultats démontrent que, même en présence d’un signal à bruité à l’entrée du convertisseur de longueur d’onde, la technique proposée améliore toujours la qualité du signal reçu. De plus, une étude du point d’opération optimal du convertisseur de longueur d’onde est effectuée et démontre que celui-ci varie en fonction des pertes optiques suivant la conversion de longueur d’onde. Dans un réseau de communication optique à routage en longueur d’onde, le signal est susceptible de passer par plusieurs étages de conversion de longueur d’onde. Pour cette raison, l’efficacité de la technique de post-compensation est démontrée, et ce pour la première fois dans la littérature, pour deux étages successifs de conversion de longueur d’onde de signaux 64-QAM à 5 Gbaud. Les résultats de cette thèse montrent que les convertisseurs de longueur d’ondes basés sur le mélange à quatre ondes dans les amplificateurs optiques à semi-conducteur, utilisés en conjonction avec des techniques de traitement de signal numérique, constituent une technologie extrêmement prometteuse pour les réseaux de communications optiques modernes à routage en longueur d’onde.


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This work presents the analysis of wave and turbulence measurements collected at a tidal energy site. A new method is introduced to produce more consistent and rigorous estimations of the velocity fluctuations power spectral densities. An analytical function is further proposed to fit the observed spectra and could be input to the numerical models predicting power production and structural loading on tidal turbines. Another new approach is developed to correct for the effect of the Doppler noise on the high frequencies power spectral densities. The analysis of velocity time series combining wave and turbulent contributions demonstrates that the turbulent motions are coherent throughout the water column, rendering the wave coherence-based methods not applicable to our dataset. To avoid this problem, an alternative approach relying on the pressure data collected by the ADCP is introduced and shows appreciable improvement in the wave-turbulence separation.


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As advances in numerical modelling techniques support the increased confidence in predictions from computer simulations, the need remains to have experimental verification built into the design process. This paper outlines the experimental investigation carried out on a shielded vertical axis turbine in a marine environment. The experiments consist of performance measurements and the use of particle image velocimetry on a small scale device in a marine current flume. The results demonstrate that the performance of the device can be modelled numerically; in particular, the results show that the numerical model used can correctly predict the increase in performance with Reynolds number.


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This thesis focuses on experimental and numerical studies of the hydrodynamic interaction between two vessels in close proximity in waves. In the model tests, two identical box-like models with round corners were used. Regular waves with the same wave steepness and different wave frequencies were generated. Six degrees of freedom body motions and wave elevations between bodies were measured in a head sea condition. Three initial gap widths were examined. In the numerical computations, a panel-free method based seakeeping program, MAPS0, and a panel method based program, WAMIT, were used for the prediction of body motions and wave elevations. The computed body motions and wave elevations were compared with experimental data.


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This thesis describes two separate projects. The first is a theoretical and experimental investigation of surface acoustic wave streaming in microfluidics. The second is the development of a novel acoustic glucose sensor. A separate abstract is given for each here. Optimization of acoustic streaming in microfluidic channels by SAWs Surface Acoustic Waves, (SAWs) actuated on flat piezoelectric substrates constitute a convenient and versatile tool for microfluidic manipulation due to the easy and versatile interfacing with microfluidic droplets and channels. The acoustic streaming effect can be exploited to drive fast streaming and pumping of fluids in microchannels and droplets (Shilton et al. 2014; Schmid et al. 2011), as well as size dependant sorting of particles in centrifugal flows and vortices (Franke et al. 2009; Rogers et al. 2010). Although the theory describing acoustic streaming by SAWs is well understood, very little attention has been paid to the optimisation of SAW streaming by the correct selection of frequency. In this thesis a finite element simulation of the fluid streaming in a microfluidic chamber due to a SAW beam was constructed and verified against micro-PIV measurements of the fluid flow in a fabricated device. It was found that there is an optimum frequency that generates the fastest streaming dependent on the height and width of the chamber. It is hoped this will serve as a design tool for those who want to optimally match SAW frequency with a particular microfluidic design. An acoustic glucose sensor Diabetes mellitus is a disease characterised by an inability to properly regulate blood glucose levels. In order to keep glucose levels under control some diabetics require regular injections of insulin. Continuous monitoring of glucose has been demonstrated to improve the management of diabetes (Zick et al. 2007; Heinemann & DeVries 2014), however there is a low patient uptake of continuous glucose monitoring systems due to the invasive nature of the current technology (Ramchandani et al. 2011). In this thesis a novel way of monitoring glucose levels is proposed which would use ultrasonic waves to ‘read’ a subcutaneous glucose sensitive-implant, which is only minimally invasive. The implant is an acoustic analogy of a Bragg stack with a ‘defect’ layer that acts as the sensing layer. A numerical study was performed on how the physical changes in the sensing layer can be deduced by monitoring the reflection amplitude spectrum of ultrasonic waves reflected from the implant. Coupled modes between the skin and the sensing layer were found to be a potential source of error and drift in the measurement. It was found that by increasing the number of layers in the stack that this could be minimized. A laboratory proof of concept system was developed using a glucose sensitive hydrogel as the sensing layer. It was possible to monitor the changing thickness and speed of sound of the hydrogel due to physiological relevant changes in glucose concentration.


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We did a numerical investigation of the propagation of short light pulses in the region of 1.55 mu m and the conversion efficiency (CE) for the four wave mixing generation (FWM) of ordinary and dispersion decreasing fibers for use in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, Our simulations studies three different profiles, linear, hyperbolic. and constant, One conclude that for all the profiles there is decrease of the conversion efficiency with the increase in the channel separation. The hyperbolic profile present a higher efficiency of around 1000 above in magnitude compared with the others profiles at 0.2 nm of channel separation. We calculate the conversion efficiency versus the fiber length for the three profiles. The conversion efficiency for the hyperbolic profile is higher when compared to the constant and linear profiles. The other interesting point of the hyperbolic profile is that the increase of the CE in the beginning of the fiber does not show my oscillation in the CE value (log eta), which was observed for the constant and linear profiles. For all the profiles there is an increase of the conversion efficiency with the increase of the pump power. The compression factor C-i for the generated FWM signal at omega(3) was measured along the DDF's and the constant profile fibers. One can conclude that with the use of decreasing dispersion profile (DDF) fibers one can have a control of the (CE) conversion efficiency and the compression factor of the four wave mixing (FWM) generation in WDM systems. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Digital rock physics combines modern imaging with advanced numerical simulations to analyze the physical properties of rocks -- In this paper we suggest a special segmentation procedure which is applied to a carbonate rock from Switzerland -- Starting point is a CTscan of a specimen of Hauptmuschelkalk -- The first step applied to the raw image data is a nonlocal mean filter -- We then apply different thresholds to identify pores and solid phases -- Because we are aware of a nonneglectable amount of unresolved microporosity we also define intermediate phases -- Based on this segmentation determine porositydependent values for the pwave velocity and for the permeability -- The porosity measured in the laboratory is then used to compare our numerical data with experimental data -- We observe a good agreement -- Future work includes an analytic validation to the numerical results of the pwave velocity upper bound, employing different filters for the image segmentation and using data with higher resolution


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The paper presents an investigation of fix-referenced and self-referenced wave energy converters and a comparison of their corresponding wave energy conversion capacities from real seas. For conducting the comparisons, two popular wave energy converters, point absorber and oscillating water column, and their power conversion capacities in the fixed-referenced and self-referenced forms have been numerically studied and compared. In the numerical models, the deviceâ s power extractions from seas are maximized using the correspondingly optimized power take-offs in different sea states, thus their power conversion capacities can be calculated and compared. From the comparisons and analyses, it is shown that the energy conversion capacities of the self-referenced devices can be significantly increased if the motions of the device itself can be utilized for wave energy conversion; and the self-referenced devices can be possibly designed to be compliant in long waves, which could be a very beneficial factor for device survivability in the extreme wave conditions (normally long waves). In this regards, the self-referenced WECs (wave energy converters) may be better options in terms of wave energy conversion from the targeted waves in seas (frequently the most occurred), and in terms of the device survivability, especially in the extreme waves when compared to the fix-referenced counterparts.