994 resultados para Numès, Armand (1857-1933)
L'anàlisi de nombrosos inventaris procedents dels Pirineus centrals i orientals ens ha dut a realitzar una revisió de I'aliança Polygonion avicularis Br.-Bl. ex Dich 1933 en aquesta àrea. Reconeixem fins al moment sis associacions per a les quals donem la seva caracterització florística i ecologica, així com la seva distribució als Pirineus catalans. Descrivim, a més, una subass. scleranthetosum uncinatae del Rumici-Spergularietum rubrae, comunitat altimontana i subalpina pròpia dels sòls calcigats.
In this order the governor declares that the recently elected Constitution of Iowa is the supreme law of the State of Iowa.
A constitutional convention convened in Iowa City on January 19, 1857 ending on March 5, 1857. The convention drafted and approved the Constitution of Iowa. This constitution is the still in use today by the State of Iowa. It has been amended many times from 1868 thru 2010. NOTE: A .tiff file version of this document is available. The file is very large. Contact the State Library of Iowa to inquire about receiving this version.
A constitutional convention convened in Iowa City on January 19, 1857 ending on March 5, 1857. The convention drafted and approved the Constitution of Iowa. This constitution is the still in use today by the State of Iowa. It has been amended many times from 1868 thru 2010. NOTE: This version of the Constitution of Iowa has been enhanced to darken the handwritten text and the covers and blank pages have been omitted. Only the handwritten text is included.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Turner delivered at the State Capitol.
A transcript of the Condition of the State of Iowa speech by Governor Herring delivered at the State Capitol.
A transcript of the Governor's Inaugural Address by Governor Herring.
Film Propaganda and the Balance between Neutrality and Alignment: Nazi Films in Switzerland, 1933-45