966 resultados para Nuclear Respiratory Factor 1


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The mechanisms responsible for the induction of matrix-degrading proteases during lung injury are ill defined. Macrophage-derived mediators are believed to play a role in regulating synthesis and turnover of extracellular matrix at sites of inflammation. We find a localized increase in the expression of the rat interstitial collagenase (MMP-13; collagenase-3) gene from fibroblastic cells directly adjacent to macrophages within silicotic rat lung granulomas. Conditioned medium from macrophages isolated from silicotic rat lungs was found to induce rat lung fibroblast interstitial collagenase gene expression. Conditioned medium from primary rat lung macrophages or J774 monocytic cells activated by particulates in vitro also induced interstitial collagenase gene expression. Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) alone did not induce interstitial collagenase expression in rat lung fibroblasts but did in rat skin fibroblasts, revealing tissue specificity in the regulation of this gene. The activity of the conditioned medium was found to be dependent on the combined effects of TNF-α and 12-lipoxygenase-derived arachidonic acid metabolites. The fibroblast response to this conditioned medium was dependent on de novo protein synthesis and involved the induction of nuclear activator protein-1 activity. These data reveal a novel requirement for macrophage-derived 12-lipoxygenase metabolites in lung fibroblast MMP induction and provide a mechanism for the induction of resident cell MMP gene expression during inflammatory lung processes.


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The cellular aging-associated transcriptional repressor that we previously named as Orpheus was identical to Oct-1, a member of the POU domain family. Oct-1 represses the collagenase gene, one of the cellular aging-associated genes, by interacting with an AT-rich cis-element in the upstream of the gene in preimmortalized cells at earlier population-doubling levels and in immortalized cells. In these stages of cells, considerable fractions of the Oct-1 protein were prominently localized in the nuclear periphery and colocalized with lamin B. During the cellular aging process, however, this subspecies of Oct-1 disappeared from the nuclear periphery. The cells lacking the nuclear peripheral Oct-1 protein exhibited strong collagenase expression and carried typical senescent morphologies. Concomitantly, the binding activity and the amount of nuclear Oct-1 protein were reduced in the aging process and resumed after immortalization. However, the whole cellular amounts of Oct-1 protein were not significantly changed during either process. Thus, the cellular aging-associated genes including the collagenase gene seemed to be derepressed by the dissociation of Oct-1 protein from the nuclear peripheral structure. Oct-1 may form a transcriptional repressive apparatus by anchoring nuclear matrix attachment regions onto the nuclear lamina in the nuclear periphery.


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The functional role of the interaction between c-Jun and simian virus 40 promoter factor 1 (Sp1) in epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced expression of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene in human epidermoid carcinoma A431 cells was studied. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicated that EGF stimulated interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Overexpression of Ha-ras and c-Jun also enhanced the amount of c-Jun binding to Sp1. In addition, the c-Jun dominant negative mutant TAM-67 not only inhibited the coimmunoprecipitated c-Jun binding to Sp1 in a dose-dependent manner in cells overexpressing c-Jun but also reduced promoter activity of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene induced by c-Jun overexpression. Treatment of cells with EGF increased the interaction between the Sp1 oligonucleotide and nuclear c-Jun/Sp1 in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, EGF activated the chimeric promoter consisting of 10 tandem GAL4-binding sites, which replaced the three Sp1-binding sites in the 12(S)lipoxygenase promoter only when coexpressed with GAL4-c-Jun () fusion proteins. These results indicate that the direct interaction between c-Jun and Sp1 induced by EGF cooperatively activated expression of the 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene, and that Sp1 may serve at least in part as a carrier bringing c-Jun to the promoter, thus transactivating the transcriptional activity of 12(S)-lipoxygenase gene.


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The ubiquitously expressed basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH)-PAS protein ARNT (arylhydrocarbon receptor nuclear transporter) forms transcriptionally active heterodimers with a variety of other bHLH-PAS proteins, including HIF-1α (hypoxia-inducible factor-1α) and AHR (arylhydrocarbon receptor). These complexes regulate gene expression in response to hypoxia and xenobiotics, respectively, and mutation of the murine Arnt locus results in embryonic death by day 10.5 associated with placental, vascular, and hematopoietic defects. The closely related protein ARNT2 is highly expressed in the central nervous system and kidney and also forms complexes with HIF-1α and AHR. To assess unique roles for ARNT2 in development, and reveal potential functional overlap with ARNT, we generated a targeted null mutation of the murine Arnt2 locus. Arnt2−/− embryos die perinatally and exhibit impaired hypothalamic development, phenotypes previously observed for a targeted mutation in the murine bHLH-PAS gene Sim1 (Single-minded 1), and consistent with the recent proposal that ARNT2 and SIM1 form an essential heterodimer in vivo [Michaud, J. L., DeRossi, C., May, N. R., Holdener, B. C. & Fan, C. (2000) Mech. Dev. 90, 253–261]. In addition, cultured Arnt2−/− neurons display decreased hypoxic induction of HIF-1 target genes, demonstrating formally that ARNT2/HIF-1α complexes regulate oxygen-responsive genes. Finally, a strong genetic interaction between Arnt and Arnt2 mutations was observed, indicating that either gene can fulfill essential functions in a dose-dependent manner before embryonic day 8.5. These results demonstrate that Arnt and Arnt2 have both unique and overlapping essential functions in embryonic development.


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Fen1 or maturation factor 1 is a 5'-3' exonuclease essential for the degradation of the RNA primer-DNA junctions at the 5' ends of immature Okazaki fragments prior to their ligation into a continuous DNA strand. The gene is also necessary for repair of damaged DNA in yeast. We report that human proliferating-cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) associates with human Fen1 with a Kd of 60 nM and an apparent stoichiometry of three Fen1 molecules per PCNA trimer. The Fen1-PCNA association is seen in cell extracts without overexpression of either partner and is mediated by a basic region at the C terminus of Fen1. Therefore, the polymerase delta-PCNA-Fen1 complex has all the activities associated with prokaryotic DNA polymerases involved in replication: 5'-3' polymerase, 3'-5' exonuclease, and 5'-3' exonuclease. Although p21, a regulatory protein induced by p53 in response to DNA damage, interacts with PCNA with a comparable Kd (10 nM) and a stoichiometry of three molecules of p21 per PCNA trimer, a p21-PCNA-Fen1 complex is not formed. This mutually exclusive interaction suggests that the conformation of a PCNA trimer switches such that it can either bind p21 or Fen1. Furthermore, overexpression of p21 can disrupt Fen1-PCNA interaction in vivo. Therefore, besides interfering with the processivity of polymerase delta-PCNA, p21 also uncouples Fen1 from the PCNA scaffold.


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Latent infection membrane protein 1 (LMP1), the Epstein-Barr virus transforming protein, associates with tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) associated factor 1 (TRAF1) and TRAF3. Since TRAF2 has been implicated in TNFR-mediated NF-kappa B activation, we have evaluated the role of TRAF2 in LMP1-mediated NF-kappa B activation. TRAF2 binds in vitro to the LMP1 carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic domain (CT), coprecipitates with LMP1 in B lymphoblasts, and relocalizes to LMP1 plasma membrane patches. A dominant negative TRAF2 deletion mutant that lacks amino acids 6-86 (TRAF/ delta 6-86) inhibits NF-kappa B activation from the LMP1 CT and competes with TRAF2 for LMP1 binding. TRAF2 delta 6-86 inhibits NF-kappa B activation mediated by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT by more than 75% but inhibits NF-kappa B activation through the last 55 amino acids of the CT by less than 40%. A TRAF interacting protein, TANK, inhibits NF-kappa B activation by more than 70% from both LMP1 CT domains. These data implicate TRAF2 aggregation in NF-kappa B activation by the first 45 amino acids of the LMP1 CT and suggest that a different TRAF-related pathway may be involved in NF-kappa B activation by the last 55 amino acids of the LMP1 CT.


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Dictyostelium discoideum cells initiate development when nutrients are depleted. DNA synthesis decreases rapidly thereafter but resumes during late aggregation, only in prespore cells. This observation has been previously interpreted as indicating progression of prespore cells through the cell cycle during development. We show that developmental DNA replication occurs only in mitochondria and not in nuclei. We also show that the prestalk morphogen known as differentiation-inducing factor 1 can inhibit mitochondrial respiration. A model is proposed for cell type divergence, based on competition to become prespores, that involves mitochondrial replication in prespore cells and reduction of mitochondrial activity in prestalk cells.


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Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-encoded nuclear antigen (EBNA)1 is thought to escape cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) recognition through either self-inhibition of synthesis or by blockade of proteasomal degradation by the glycine-alanine repeat (GAr) domain. Here we show that EBNA1 has a remarkably varied cell type-dependent stability. However, these different degradation rates do not correspond to the level of major histocompatibility complex class I-restricted presentation of EBNA1 epitopes. In spite of the highly stable expression of EBNA1 in B cells, CTL epitopes derived from this protein are efficiently processed and presented to CD8(+) T cells. Furthermore, we show that EBV-infected B cells can readily activate EBNA1-specific memory T cell responses from healthy virus carriers. Functional assays revealed that processing of these EBNA1 epitopes is proteasome and transporter associated with antigen processing dependent. We also show that the endogenous presentation of these epitopes is dependent on the newly synthesized protein rather than the long-lived stable EBNA1. Based on these observations, we propose that defective ribosomal products, not the full-length antigen, are the primary source of endogenously processed CD8(+) T cell epitopes front EBNA1.


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Objectives: Long-term, low-dose macrolide therapy is effective in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. It is believed that macrolide antibiotics produce this benefit through an anti-inflammatory effect. In this study, the effect of clarithromycin treatment on the expression of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta and the key pro-inflammatory nuclear transcription factor, NF-kappaB, was examined in vitro and in vivo. Study Design and Methods: In vitro: nasal mucosa was obtained from 10 patients with chronic sinusitis and was cultured for 24 hours in the presence of clarithromycin or control. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was determined by immunohistochemistry. In vivo: 10 patients with chronic rhinosinusitis were treated for 3 months with clarithromycin. Nasal mucosal biopsies were taken pre- and posttreatment. Cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB was again determined by immunohistochemistry. Results: Clarithromycin, when applied to nasal biopsies in vitro, reduced cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB. Nasal biopsies taken before and after clarithromycin treatment showed no differences in cellular expression of NF-kappaB or TGF-beta. Conclusion: Clarithromycin can reduce cellular expression of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB when applied in vitro, but its action during clinical therapy is less clear. Clarithromycin is capable of inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokines in vitro, and reductions of TGF-beta and NF-kappaB may represent additional mechanisms by which macrolides reduce inflammation in chronic airway disease. Discrepancies between the actions of clarithromycin on nasal biopsies in vitro and after clinical therapy warrant further investigation.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF) is critical for angiogenesis but fails to induce neovascularization in ischemic tissue lesions in mice lacking endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR-2) is critical for angiogenesis, although little is known about the precise role of endothelial VEGFR-1 and its downstream effectors in this process. Here we have used a chimeric receptor approach in which the extracellular domain of the epidermal growth factor receptor was substituted for that of VEGFR-1 (EGLT) or VEGFR-2 (EGDR) and transduced into primary cultures of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) using a retroviral system. Activation of HUVECs expressing EGLT or EGDR induced rapid phosphorylation of eNOS at Ser1177, release of NO, and formation of capillary networks, similar to VEGF. Activation of eNOS by VEGFR-1 was dependent on Tyr794 and was mediated via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, whereas VEGFR-2 Tyr951 was involved in eNOS activation via phospholipase Cgamma1. Consistent with these findings, the VEGFR-1-specific ligand placenta growth factor-1 activated phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and VEGF-E, which is selective for VEGFR-2-activated phospholipase Cgamma1. Both VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 signal pathways converged on Akt, as dominant-negative Akt inhibited the NO release and in vitro tube formation induced following activation of EGLT and EGDR. The identification Tyr794 of VEGFR-1 as a key residue in this process provides direct evidence of endothelial VEGFR-1 in NO-driven in vitro angiogenesis. These studies provide new sites of modulation in VEGF-mediated vascular morphogenesis and highlight new therapeutic targets for management of vascular diseases.


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INTRODUCTION: The dichotomization of non-small cell carcinoma (NSCLC) subtype into squamous (SQCC) and adenocarcinoma (ADC) has become important in recent years and is increasingly required with regard to management. The aim of this study was to determine the utility of a panel of commercially available antibodies in refining the diagnosis on small biopsies and also to determine whether cytologic material is suitable for somatic EGFR genotyping in a prospectively analyzed series of patients undergoing investigation for suspected lung cancer. METHODS: Thirty-two consecutive cases of NSCLC were first tested using a panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, 34betaE12, and a D-PAS stain for mucin, to determine their value in refining diagnosis of NSCLC. After this test phase, two further pathologists independently reviewed the cases using a refined panel that excluded 34betaE12 because of its low specificity for SQCC, and refinement of diagnosis and concordance were assessed. Ten cases of ADC, including eight derived from cytologic samples, were sent for EGFR mutation analysis. RESULTS: There was refinement of diagnosis in 65% of cases of NSCLC to either SQCC or ADC in the test phase. This included 10 of 13 cases where cell pellets had been prepared from transbronchial needle aspirates. Validation by two further pathologists with varying expertise in lung pathology confirmed increased refinement and concordance of diagnosis. All samples were adequate for analysis, and they all showed a wild-type EGFR genotype. CONCLUSION: A panel comprising cytokeratin 5/6, P63, thyroid transcription factor-1, and a D-PAS stain for mucin increases diagnostic accuracy and agreement between pathologists when faced with refining a diagnosis of NSCLC to SQCC or ADC. These small samples, even cell pellets derived from transbronchial needle aspirates, seem to be adequate for EGFR mutation analysis.


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Hematopoiesis is the tightly controlled and complex process in which the entire blood system is formed and maintained by a rare pool of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), and its dysregulation results in the formation of leukaemia. TRIB2, a member of the Tribbles family of serine/threonine pseudokinases, has been implicated in a variety of cancers and is a potent murine oncogene that induces acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) in vivo via modulation of the essential myeloid transcription factor CCAAT-enhancer binding protein α (C/EBPα). C/EBPα, which is crucial for myeloid cell differentiation, is commonly dysregulated in a variety of cancers, including AML. Two isoforms of C/EBPα exist - the full-length p42 isoform, and the truncated oncogenic p30 isoform. TRIB2 has been shown to selectively degrade the p42 isoform of C/EBPα and induce p30 expression in AML. In this study, overexpression of the p30 isoform in a bone marrow transplant (BMT) leads to perturbation of myelopoiesis, and in the presence of physiological levels of p42, this oncogene exhibited weak transformative ability. It was also shown by BMT that despite their degradative relationship, expression of C/EBPα was essential for TRIB2 mediated leukaemia. A conditional mouse model was used to demonstrate that oncogenic p30 cooperates with TRIB2 to reduce disease latency, only in the presence of p42. At the molecular level, a ubiquitination assay was used to show that TRIB2 degrades p42 by K48-mediated proteasomal ubiquitination and was unable to ubiquitinate p30. Mutation of a critical lysine residue in the C-terminus of C/EBPα abrogated TRIB2 mediated C/EBPα ubiquitination suggesting that this site, which is frequently mutated in AML, is the site at which TRIB2 mediates its degradative effects. The TRIB2-C/EBPα axis was effectively targeted by proteasome inhibition. AML is a very difficult disease to target therapeutically due to the extensive array of chromosomal translocations and genetic aberrations that contribute to the disease. The cell from which a specific leukaemia arises, or leukaemia initiating cell (LIC), can affect the phenotype and chemotherapeutic response of the resultant disease. The LIC has been elucidated for some common oncogenes but it is unknown for TRIB2. The data presented in this thesis investigate the ability of the oncogene TRIB2 to transform hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells in vitro and in vivo. TRIB2 overexpression conferred in vitro serially replating ability to all stem and progenitor cells studied. Upon transplantation, only TRIB2 overexpressing HSCs and granulocyte/macrophage progenitors (GMPs) resulted in the generation of leukaemia in vivo. TRIB2 induced a mature myeloid leukaemia from the GMP, and a mixed lineage leukaemia from the HSC. As such the role of TRIB2 in steady state hematopoiesis was also explored using a Trib2-/- mouse and it was determined that loss of Trib2 had no effect on lineage distribution in the hematopoietic compartment under steady-state conditions. The process of hematopoiesis is controlled by a host of lineage restricted transcription factors. Recently members of the Nuclear Factor 1 family of transcription factors (NFIA, NFIB, NFIC and NFIX) have been implicated in hematopoiesis. Little is known about the role of NFIX in lineage determination. Here we describe a novel role for NFIX in lineage fate determination. In human and murine datasets the expression of Nfix was shown to decrease as cells differentiated along the lymphoid pathway. NFIX overexpression resulted in enhanced myelopoiesis in vivo and in vitro and a block in B cell development at the pre-pro-B cell stage. Loss of NFIX resulted in disruption of myeloid and lymphoid differentiation in vivo. These effects on stem and progenitor cell fate correlated with changes in the expression levels of key transcription factors involved in hematopoietic differentiation including a 15-fold increase in Cebpa expression in Nfix overexpressing cells. The data presented support a role for NFIX as an important transcription factor influencing hematopoietic lineage specification. The identification of NFIX as a novel transcription factor influencing lineage determination will lead to further study of its role in hematopoiesis, and contribute to a better understanding of the process of differentiation. Elucidating the relationship between TRIB2 and C/EBPα not only impacts on our understanding of the pathophysiology of AML but is also relevant in other cancer types including lung and liver cancer. Thus in summary, the data presented in this thesis provide important insights into key areas which will facilitate the development of future therapeutic approaches in cancer treatment.