798 resultados para Normas ISO 14.000


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In the present paper the influence of the reference system with regard to the characterization of the surface finishing is analyzed. The effect of the reference system’s choice on the most representative surface finishing parameters (e.g. roughness average Ra and root mean square values Rq) is studied. The study can also be applied to their equivalent parameters in waviness and primary profiles. Based on ISO and ASME standards, three different types of regression lines (central, mean and orthogonal) are theoretically and experimentally analyzed, identifying the validity and applicability fields of each one depending on profile’s geometry. El presente trabajo realiza un estudio de la influencia que supone la elección del sistema de referencia en la determinación los valores de los parámetros más relevantes empleados en la caracterización del acabado superficial tales como la rugosidad media aritmética Ra o la rugosidad media cuadrática Rq y sus equivalentes en los perfiles de ondulación y completo. Partiendo de la definición establecida por las normas ISO y ASME, se analizan tres tipos de líneas de regresión cuadrática (línea central, línea media y línea ortogonal), delimitando los campos de validez y de aplicación de cada una de ellas en función de la geometría del perfil. Para ello se plantean diversos tipos de perfiles y se desarrolla un estudio teórico y experimental de los mismos.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio y análisis de dos sistemas de seguridad y protección para muros de vidrio en terminales de transporte, frente a ondas de choque ocasionadas por la detonación de cargas explosivas. Se ha ensayado en primer lugar un adhesivo de seguridad y protección ("Ultra S400") colocado en la cara expuesta a la detonación y un sistema de bandejas metálicas ("kalzip"), tanto en el exterior como en el interior, en el segundo ensayo. Los ensayos se han instrumentado con captadores de presión, acelerómetros, sismógrafos y con cámaras convencionales y de alta velocidad, ésta última nos ha permitido calcular la velocidad de choque en el primero de los ensayos. El análisis de las presiones ha permitido caracterizar la explosión y compararla con los valores de referencia para el TNT del manual norteamericano UFC 3-340. El diseño de los ensayos se ha hecho conforme a las normas ISO y GSA de modo que los resultados han permitido clasificar las diferentes configuraciones de muro cortina ensayadas. ABSTRACT The main objective of this thesis is the analysis and evaluation of two safety and protective systems for glass walls at transportation terminals, against impact waves caused by the detonation of an explosive charge. It has been tested in first place, a safety and protective adhesive ("Ultra S400"), located at the exposed side of the explosion, and a system consisting of some metallic trays ("kalzip"), both inside and outside, for the second experiment. The tests have been monitored by pressure captures, accelerometer, seismographs, conventional cameras, and high-speed cameras, which allow us to determine the impact speed in the first experiment. The analysis of the pressure enables the characterization of the explosion and its comparison against typical TNT reference values from the UFC 3-340 North American manual. The design of the tests has been made according to ISO and GSA standards. Therefore, the results allow us to classify different patterns of curtain walls tested.


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La aproximación de las organizaciones a la mejora de sus procesos ha venido por distintos caminos. Muchas Administraciones Públicas se acercaron a este universo a través del modelo EFQM de calidad y excelencia que surgió en la década de los 80 y que sirvió como referente en el ámbito de la Unión Europea como vía de autoevaluación y determinación de procesos de mejora continua. Está basado en la identificación de los puntos fuertes y débiles aplicados a diferentes ámbitos de la organización, siendo éstos el punto de partida para el proceso de mejora continua. Se trata de un modelo en el que puedes decir que estás en calidad aunque tu puntuación sea muy pequeña, por lo que, por imagen, muchas empresas públicas empezaron a implantarlo. La empresa privada sin embargo se decantó por los sistemas de calidad basados en normas ISO. En estos sistemas has de tener un nivel mínimo para poder exhibir una certificación o acreditación del sistema de calidad. La más extendida es la ISO 9001:2008 ya que es válida para todo tipo de empresa. Este sistema se centra en la satisfacción del cliente y está basada en gran medida en el PDCA, acrónimo de Plan, Do, Check, Act (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar y Actuar). Al tratarse de sistemas documentados, pasados los años se llega a la misma conclusión, aquellas empresas que simplemente tienen un certificado colgado en la pared y que arreglan los papeles antes de la auditoría no tienen nada que aporte valor añadido a la empresa y se autoengañan. La potencia de todo sistema de gestión de calidad reside en aprovechar el potencial de sus recursos humanos dirigiendo los recursos de la empresa de forma eficiente y haciendo participe de los objetivos de la organización a su personal para que se impliquen y sepan que se espera de cada uno. La formación de ingeniero siempre nos hace ser críticos con los modelos existentes y tratar de buscar caminos alternativos que sean más eficientes. Para ello es necesario tener un conocimiento muy preciso de la organización. Por ello, después de más de cinco años trabajando en la Organización, desempeñando diversos cometidos, analizando diferentes esferas de actuación y tras estudiar informes de diferentes organizaciones que supervisan el funcionamiento de la empresa me di cuenta que la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante podía cambiar de forma de actuar para modernizarse y ser más transparente, eficaz y eficiente. Esta tesis versa sobre la posibilidad de implantar un nuevo servicio en la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante que le permita mejorar su competitividad a nivel mundial, como estado de abanderamiento, y que, dentro de nuestras fronteras, haga que sus servicios se reorienten aprovechando el conocimiento de su personal, teniendo en cuenta las necesidades de sus usuarios y los recursos de la Organización. Las cartas de servicio permiten acercar al ciudadano al funcionamiento de la organización. Le informa de las condiciones en las que se presta el servicio, los compromisos de la empresa y la forma en la que puede participar para mejorarlos, entre otros. Por otra parte, la empresa no necesita previamente tener ningún sistema de calidad implantado, aunque, como veremos en el capítulo tres y cuatro siempre ayuda a la hora de tener sistemas de aseguramiento implantados. En el capítulo seis se detallan los objetivos que se lograrían con la implantación de las cartas de servicio en la DGMM y en el capítulo siete se discuten dichos resultados y conclusiones. ABSTRACT Different ways have been used by organizations to approach process improvement. Many Public Administrations chose quality and excellence EFQM model for that approachment. This quality program began in 80 decade and that it was the Europe Unión reference to continuous improvement autoevaluation and determination. It is based on strong and weak points of different organization fields, and they are considered as starting point for continuous improvement. This model allows enterprises to say that they are working on a quality scheme even though their score is very little, and this was why a lot of Public Administrations began using it. Nevertheless private enterprises chose quality management systems based on ISO standards. In these systems there is a threshold you must have to be able to have a certification or an accreditation of quality management system. ISO 9001:2008 is the standard most used because of it can be applied to a great range of enterprises. This system is focused on customer satisfaction and it is based on PDCA, Plan, Do, Check, Act. All these systems are documented ones, so once time goes by the same conclusion is reached: enterprises that have the certificate hung on the wall and that papers are fixed for audits have nothing that give them added value and they self-delusion. Quality management system power is related to the usage of human resources potential to lead enterprise resources efficiently and to make them participate in organization objectives. Naval architect training makes them to be critic with existing models and to try to find alternative ways to be more efficient. To achieve this goal, a precise knowledge of the organization is needed. That is the reason why, after five years in quality related issues in the Organization, in different chores, analyzing our scope and reports of organizations that supervise our operation, I realized that Merchant Marine Directorate could change the way of operation to modernize and be more transparent, efficient and effective. This thesis is about the possibility of implantation of a new service in Merchant Marine Directorate that will make it possible to improve their worldwide competitiveness as Flag State, and that to reorient all services taking into account citizens needs and Organization resources. Citizen’s charters able approachment to organization operation. It gives the following information: which are terms in which service is given, enterprise compromises, ways in which citizen can collaborate to improve them, and etc. Additionally, no quality management system is needed to be implemented. Although we’ll see in chapter three and four that having it is of great help. In chapter six are detailed goals achieved if citizen’s charters are implemented in Merchant Marine Directorate, and in chapter seven conclusions and results are discussed.


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El sector energético, en España en particular, y de forma similar en los principales países de Europa, cuenta con una significativa sobrecapacidad de generación, debido al rápido y significativo crecimiento de las energías renovables en los últimos diez años y la reducción de la demanda energética, como consecuencia de la crisis económica. Esta situación ha hecho que las centrales térmicas de generación de electricidad, y en concreto los ciclos combinados de gas, operen con un factor de utilización extremadamente bajo, del orden del 10%. Además de la reducción de ingresos, esto supone para las plantas trabajar continuamente fuera del punto de diseño, provocando una significativa pérdida de rendimiento y mayores costes de explotación. En este escenario, cualquier contribución que ayude a mejorar la eficiencia y la condición de los equipos, es positivamente considerada. La gestión de activos está ganando relevancia como un proceso multidisciplinar e integrado, tal y como refleja la reciente publicación de las normas ISO 55000:2014. Como proceso global e integrado, la gestión de activos requiere el manejo de diversos procesos y grandes volúmenes de información, incluso en tiempo real. Para ello es necesario utilizar tecnologías de la información y aplicaciones de software. Esta tesis desarrolla un concepto integrado de gestión de activos (Integrated Plant Management – IPM) aplicado a centrales de ciclo combinado y una metodología para estimar el beneficio aportado por el mismo. Debido a las incertidumbres asociadas a la estimación del beneficio, se ha optado por un análisis probabilístico coste-beneficio. Así mismo, el análisis cuantitativo se ha completado con una validación cualitativa del beneficio aportado por las tecnologías incorporadas al concepto de gestión integrada de activos, mediante una entrevista realizada a expertos del sector de generación de energía. Los resultados del análisis coste-beneficio son positivos, incluso en el desfavorable escenario con un factor de utilización de sólo el 10% y muy prometedores para factores de utilización por encima del 30%. ABSTRACT The energy sector particularly in Spain, and in a similar way in Europe, has a significant overcapacity due to the big growth of the renewable energies in the last ten years, and it is seriously affected by the demand decrease due to the economic crisis. That situation has forced the thermal plants and in particular, the combined cycles to operate with extremely low annual average capacity factors, very close to 10%. Apart from the incomes reduction, working in out-of-design conditions, means getting a worse performance and higher costs than expected. In this scenario, anything that can be done to improve the efficiency and the equipment condition is positively received. Asset Management, as a multidisciplinary and integrated process, is gaining prominence, reflected in the recent publication of the ISO 55000 series in 2014. Dealing Asset Management as a global, integrated process needs to manage several processes and significant volumes of information, also in real time, that requires information technologies and software applications to support it. This thesis proposes an integrated asset management concept (Integrated Plant Management-IPM) applied to combined cycle power plants and develops a methodology to assess the benefit that it can provide. Due to the difficulties in getting deterministic benefit estimation, a statistical approach has been adopted for the cot-benefit analysis. As well, the quantitative analysis has been completed with a qualitative validation of the technologies included in the IPM and their contribution to key power plant challenges by power generation sector experts. The cost- benefit analysis provides positive results even in the negative scenario of annual average capacity factor close to 10% and is promising for capacity factors over 30%.


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El presente trabajo estudia el empleo del olmo de Siberia (Ulmus Pumila L.) y el chopo (Populus spp.) en corta rotación y alta densidad para la producción de biomasa con fines energéticos. En el área mediterránea las disponibilidades hídricas son limitadas, por lo que la mayoría de los cultivos energéticos utilizados hasta el momento requieren el aporte de agua de riego; por ello resulta fundamental encontrar especies con bajos requerimientos hídricos, analizar la eficiencia en el uso del agua de diferentes materiales genéticos y optimizar la dosis de riego. Las parcelas experimentales se ubicaron en la provincia de Soria. En el ensayo llevado a cabo con olmo de Siberia se ha analizado el efecto en la producción de la disponibilidad de agua mediante el establecimiento de parcelas en secano y con dos dosis de riego (2000 m3 ha-1 año-1 y 4000 m3 ha-1 año-1 aproximadamente); además, al ser una especie poco estudiada hasta el momento, se ha estudiado también el efecto que tiene sobre el rendimiento la densidad de plantación (3.333 plantas ha-1 y 6.666 plantas ha-1), el tipo de suelo (2 calidades diferentes) y el turno de corta (3 y 4 años). En el caso del chopo, se han evaluado cuatro clones (AF-2, I-214, Monviso y Pegaso) establecidos con una densidad de 20.000 plantas por hectárea. Durante el primer ciclo de tres años se aportó el mismo volumen de riego a todas las parcelas, mientras que durante el segundo ciclo se establecieron 8 regímenes hídricos diferentes. Por otra parte, se ha investigado sobre el uso del potencial hídrico de las plantas para evaluar el estrés hídrico de las mismas y se ha estimado la producción de biomasa foliar y el Índice de Área Foliar (LAI) de ambas especies, relacionando los valores obtenidos con la dosis de riego y la producción de biomasa. Los resultados muestran que los suelos inundados reducen la tasa de supervivencia de los olmos durante el periodo de implantación, sin embargo la mortalidad durante los siguientes periodos vegetativos es baja y muestra buena capacidad de rebrote. La productividad (kg ha-1 año-1) obtenida fue mayor con un turno de corta de cuatro años que con turno de tres años. El área basal y la altura fueron variables eficaces para predecir la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia, obteniendo una variabilidad explicada de más del 80%. En cuanto a los parámetros que mayor influencia tuvieron sobre el crecimiento, el tipo de suelo resulto ser el más relevante, obteniéndose en un suelo agrícola considerado de buena calidad una producción en condiciones de secano de unos 8.000 kg ha-1 año-1. En condiciones de regadío el rendimiento del olmo de Siberia fue al menos el doble que en secano, pero la diferencia entre las dos dosis de riego estudiadas fue pequeña. La producción de biomasa fue mayor en la densidad de plantación más alta (6.666 plantas ha–1) en las parcelas de regadío, sin embargo no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre las dos densidades en secano. El clon de chopo que presentó un mayor rendimiento durante el primer ciclo fue AF-2, alcanzando los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1, sin embargo la producción de este clon bajó sustancialmente durante el segundo ciclo debido a su mala capacidad de rebrote, pasando a ser I-214 el clon más productivo llegando también a los 14.000 kg ha-1 año-1. Un aporte adicional de agua proporcionó un incremento de la biomasa recogida, pero a partir de unos 6.500 m3 ha-1 año-1 de agua la producción se mantiene constante. El potencial hídrico foliar ha resultado ser una herramienta útil para conocer el estrés hídrico de las plantas. Los olmos de regadío apenas sufrieron estrés hídrico, mientras que los implantados en condiciones de secano padecieron un acusado estrés durante buena parte del periodo vegetativo, que se acentuó en la parte final del mismo. Los chopos regados con las dosis más altas no sufrieron estrés hídrico o fue muy pequeño, en las dosis intermedias sufrieron un estrés moderado ocasionalmente y únicamente en las dosis más bajas sufrieron puntualmente un estrés severo. El LAI aumenta con la edad de los brotes y oscila entre 2 y 4 m2 m−2 en los chopos y entre 2 y 7 m2 m−2 en los olmos. Se encontró una buena relación entre este índice y la producción de biomasa del olmo de Siberia. En general, puede decirse que el olmo de Siberia podría ser una buena alternativa para producir biomasa leñosa en condiciones de secano, mientras que el chopo podría emplearse en regadío siempre que se haga una buena elección del clon y de la dosis de riego. ABSTRACT This work explores the possibilities of biomass production, for energy purposes, of Siberian elm (Ulmus Pumila L.) and poplar (Populus spp.) in Spain. Irrigation is required for the viable cultivation of many energy crops in Mediterranean areas because of low water availability, for this reason species with low water requirements should be a good alternative for biomass production. Moreover, the optimal amount of irrigation water and the performance of the different genetic material in terms of production and water use efficiency should be studied in order to use water wisely. The experimental plots were established in the province of Soria in Spain. Given the small amount of information available about Siberian elm, besides studying the influence of water availability (rain-fed and two different irrigation doses) on biomass production, two different plantation densities (3,333 plants ha-1 and 6,666 plants ha-1), two different soil type and two cutting cycles (three years and four years) were assessed. In the case of poplar, four clones belonging to different hybrids (I-214, AF2, Pegaso, and Monviso) were included in a high density plantation (20,000 plants ha-1). During the first cycle, the water supplied in all plots was the same, while 8 different watering regimes were used during the second cycle. The suitability of the use of the leaf water potential to assess the water stress situations has also been investigated. Moreover, leaf biomass production and leaf area index (LAI) were estimated in both species in order to analyze the relationship between these parameters, irrigation dose and biomass production. The results shows that flooded soils have an adverse effect on elm survival in the implantation period, but the percentage of mortality is very low during the following vegetative periods and it shows a good ability of regrowth. The annual yield from a four-year cutting cycle was significantly greater than that from the three-year cutting cycle. Basal diameter and height are effective variables for predicting the production of total biomass; equations with R squared higher than 80% were obtained. The analysis of parameters having an influence on elm growth shows that soil type is the most important factor to obtain a good yield. In soils with enough nutrients and higher waterholding capacity, biomass productions of 8,000 kg ha-1 yr-1 were achieved even under rain-fed conditions. In irrigated plots, Siberian elm production was double than the production of biomass under rain-fed conditions; however, small differences were obtained between the 2 different irrigation doses under study. Biomass yield was greater for the highest planting density (6,666 plants ha–1) in irrigated plots, but significant differences were not found between the 2 densities in rain-fed plots. The clone AF-2 showed the highest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1) during the first cycle, however during the second cycle its growth was lower because of a high mortality rate after regrowth and I-214 achieves the greatest production (14,000 kg ha-1 yr-1). An additional water supply provided a greater amount of biomass, but over about 6500 m3 ha-1 yr-1 of water the production is constant. Leaf water potential has been shown to be a useful tool for finding out plant water status. Irrigated elms hardly suffered water stress, while rain-fed elms suffered a pronounced water stress, which was more marked at the end of the vegetative period. Most of poplars did not show water stress; leaf water potentials only showed an important water stress in the plots irrigated with the lowest doses. LAI increases with shoot age and it ranges from 2 to 4 m2 m−2 in poplars and from 2 to 7 m2 m−2 in elms. A good relationship has been found between this index and Siberian elm production. In general, Siberian elm could be a good alternative to produce woody biomass in rainfed plots, while poplar could be used in irrigated plots if a suitable clone and irrigation dose are chosen.


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The Pleistocene was a dynamic period for Holarctic mammal species, complicated by episodes of glaciation, local extinctions, and intercontinental migration. The genetic consequences of these events are difficult to resolve from the study of present-day populations. To provide a direct view of population genetics in the late Pleistocene, we measured mitochondrial DNA sequence variation in seven permafrost-preserved brown bear (Ursus arctos) specimens, dated from 14,000 to 42,000 years ago. Approximately 36,000 years ago, the Beringian brown bear population had a higher genetic diversity than any extant North American population, but by 15,000 years ago genetic diversity appears similar to the modern day. The older, genetically diverse, Beringian population contained sequences from three clades now restricted to local regions within North America, indicating that current phylogeographic patterns may provide misleading data for evolutionary studies and conservation management. The late Pleistocene phylogeographic data also indicate possible colonization routes to areas south of the Cordilleran ice sheet.


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Vaccination of two chimpanzees against hepatitis B virus (HBV) by intramuscular injection of plasmid DNA encoding the major and middle HBV envelope proteins induced group-, subtype- and preS2-specific antibodies. These were initially of IgM isotype, and then they were of IgG (predominantly IgGl) isotype. The chimpanzee injected with 2 mg of DNA attained >100 milli-international units/ml of anti-HBs antibody after one injection and 14,000 milli-international units/ml after four injections. A smaller dose (400 microg) induced lower and transient titers, but a strong anamnestic response occurred 1 year later. Comparison with responses in 23 chimpanzees receiving various antigen-based HBV vaccines suggests that the DNA approach is promising for prophylactic immunization against HBV.


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The mouse is the best model system for the study of mammalian genetics and physiology. Because of the feasibility and importance of studying genetic crosses, the mouse genetic map has received tremendous attention in recent years. It currently contains over 14,000 genetically mapped markers, including 700 mutant loci, 3500 genes, and 6500 simple sequence length polymorphisms (SSLPs). The mutant loci and genes allow insights and correlations concerning physiology and development. The SSLPs provide highly polymorphic anchor points that allow inheritance to be traced in any cross and provide a scaffold for assembling physical maps. Adequate physical mapping resources--notably large-insert yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) libraries--are available to support positional cloning projects based on the genetic map, but a comprehensive physical map is still a few years away. Large-scale sequencing efforts have not yet begun in mouse, but comparative sequence analysis between mouse and human is likely to provide tremendous information about gene structure and regulation.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Les villes, forts et châteaux de Malte. It was published ca. 1724. Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. Cover Vallette, Malta. Map in French.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Europe Lambert Conformal Conic coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, cities and other human settlements, built-up areas, fortification, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: A plan of Pondicherry in the East Indies, subject to France. It was published by London Magazine in 1759. Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Kalianpur 1975 India Zone IV projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, and more. Includes index.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Map of the city of New York with the adjacent cities of Brooklyn and Jersey City, and the village of Williamsburg, drawn & engraved by Story & Atwood. It was published by H. Phelps in 1844. Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. Covers Manhattan below 32nd St. and portions of Brooklyn and Jersey City. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 18N NAD83 projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, city wards, fire districts, selected public buildings, ferry lines, wharves, radial distances from City Hall, and more. Includes insets: Jersey City -- Northern part of New York island. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Philadelphia, M.H. Traubel sct. It was published by A. McElroy in 1849. Scale [ca. 14,000]. Covers Philadelphia and a portion of Camden, New Jersey. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Pennsylvania South State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 3702). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, built-up areas, selected public buildings, wharves, and more. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: H. Carly's Bebauungs-Plan von Hamburg und sämtlichen Hamburgischen Vororten : nebst Plan von Altona-Ottensen, Wandsbeck und Umgebung sowie Plan von Hagenbecks Tierpark. It was published by Druck und Verlag H. Carly (Inh. Oscar und Robert Enoch) in [1910]. Scale [ca. 1:14,000]. Map in German. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the WGS84 UTM Zone 32N coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads and stations, street car lines, drainage, docks, built-up areas and selected buildings, parks, city districts, and more. Colored to show land use. Relief is shown pictorially. Includes inset: Carl Hagenbeck's Tierpark Stellingen. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Grundriß des K. K. Hauptstadt Prag und ihres nächsten Umgebungen, Leop. Wöltner del. ; C Pluth sc. It was published in 1823. Scale [ca . 1:14,000]. Covers Prague, Czech Republic. Map in German.The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'European Datum 1950 UTM Zone 33N' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map.This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Includes index.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Barcelona : city plan. 1st ed.--AMS 1. It was published by the Army Map Service in 1943. Scale 1:14,000. Covers Barcelona, Spain. Copied from a Spanish Map, 1:14,000, Plano de Barcelona; corrected from I.S.I.S. Report, 1:8,000, Barcelona, CB 1811 No. 22, 1942 and a Spanish Map, 1:25,000, Barcelona, 1935. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the WGS 1984 UTM Zone 31 North coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, railroads, drainage, docks, selected buildings, points of military interest, city districts, and more. Includes inset: [Enlargement of old city section]. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.