955 resultados para Non-thermal lensing effect


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We present optical and near-infrared (NIR) photometry and spectroscopy of the Type IIb supernova (SN) 2011dh for the first 100 days. We complement our extensive dataset with Swift ultra-violet (UV) and Spitzer mid-infrared (MIR) data to build a UV to MIR bolometric lightcurve using both photometric and spectroscopic data. Hydrodynamical modelling of the SN based on this bolometric lightcurve have been presented in Bersten et al. (2012, ApJ, 757, 31). We find that the absorption minimum for the hydrogen lines is never seen below ~11 000 km s-1 but approaches this value as the lines get weaker. This suggests that the interface between the helium core and hydrogen rich envelope is located near this velocity in agreement with the Bersten et al. (2012) He4R270 ejecta model. Spectral modelling of the hydrogen lines using this ejecta model supports the conclusion and we find a hydrogen mass of 0.01-0.04 M⊙ to be consistent with the observed spectral evolution. We estimate that the photosphere reaches the helium core at 5-7 days whereas the helium lines appear between ~10 and ~15 days, close to the photosphere and then move outward in velocity until ~40 days. This suggests that increasing non-thermal excitation due to decreasing optical depth for the γ-rays is driving the early evolution of these lines. The Spitzer 4.5 μm band shows a significant flux excess, which we attribute to CO fundamental band emission or a thermal dust echo although further work using late time data is needed. Thedistance and in particular the extinction, where we use spectral modelling to put further constraints, is discussed in some detail as well as the sensitivity of the hydrodynamical modelling to errors in these quantities. We also provide and discuss pre- and post-explosion observations of the SN site which shows a reduction by ~75 percent in flux at the position of the yellow supergiant coincident with SN 2011dh. The B, V and r band decline rates of 0.0073, 0.0090 and 0.0053 mag day-1 respectively are consistent with the remaining flux being emitted by the SN. Hence we find that the star was indeed the progenitor of SN 2011dh as previously suggested by Maund et al. (2011, ApJ, 739, L37) and which is also consistent with the results from the hydrodynamical modelling. Figures 2, 3, Tables 3-10, and Appendices are available in electronic form at http://www.aanda.orgThe photometric tables are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or via http://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/qcat?J/A+A/562/A17


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L’asthme maternel complique environ 3,4% à 12,4% des grossesses dans les pays développés ce qui en fait une des maladies chroniques les plus fréquentes pouvant engendrer de sérieux problèmes médicaux chez la mère et le fœtus. D’autre part, un taux relativement important de femmes enceintes, soit 4 à 7%, utilisent des médicaments anti-asthmatiques. La mortinaissance, la mortalité néonatale et/ou la mortalité périnatale sont les issues de grossesses les plus dramatiques pour l’enfant et la famille. Toutefois, l’effet de l’asthme et de l’utilisation des corticostéroïdes inhalés (CSI) pendant la grossesse sur ces complications a été inadéquatement évalué. La majorité des études qui ont évalué ces associations souffraient d’un manque de puissance statistique et/ou d’une absence ou d’un ajustement inadéquat pour les variables potentiellement confondantes. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont donc pour objectif d’évaluer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques comparativement aux femmes non- asthmatiques. Cette thèse vise également à évaluer si les femmes asthmatiques exposées aux CSI courent plus de risque de mortalité périnatale que les femmes asthmatiques non exposées et si le risque de mortalité périnatale varie en fonction de la dose quotidienne de CSI utilisée par la mère pendant la grossesse. À l’aide du croisement de trois bases de données administratives du Québec, une large cohorte de femmes asthmatiques et non-asthmatiques qui ont eu au moins une grossesse entre 1990 et 2002 a été construite (n=41 142). À partir de cette cohorte, deux cohortes de grossesses ont été constituées. Les deux premières études présentées dans cette thèse sont basées sur toute la cohorte alors que la dernière étude est basée uniquement sur les grossesses de femmes asthmatiques. Une étude de cohorte a d’abord été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’effet de l’asthme maternel sur le risque de mortalité périnatale permettant l’ajustement pour les variables provenant des bases de données administratives. Afin de mieux estimer le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques une étude de cohorte comprenant deux phases d’échantillonnage a ensuite été réalisée à l’aide d’informations additionnelles sur le tabagisme, l’utilisation de drogue illicite et l’histoire de mortinaissances, colligées à partir du dossier médical de la mère. Finalement, le risque de mortalité périnatale chez les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utilisé des CSI pendant la grossesse et le risque de mortalité périnatale en fonction de la dose moyenne quotidienne de CSI consommée par la mère pendant la grossesse ont été investigués à l’aide d’une étude de cohorte à deux phases d’échantillonnage chez les femmes asthmatiques uniquement. Nous avons premièrement observé que l’asthme pendant la grossesse pourrait augmenter le risque de mortalité périnatale due à l’augmentation du risque de bébés de petits poids et de bébés prématurés chez les femmes asthmatiques (OR=1,30; IC 95%: 1,05-1,57). Toutefois, après avoir ajusté pour le tabagisme pendant la grossesse, le risque relatif de mortalité périnatale a diminué à 12% et l’association n’est pas demeurée statistiquement significative (OR= 1,12; IC 95%: 0,87-1,45). Finalement, l’utilisation de CSI pendant la grossesse, lorsque la dose n’a pas été considérée, n’a pas été associé à une augmentation significative du risque de mortalité périnatale (OR= 1,07; IC 95% : 0,70-1,61) et un effet protecteur non-significatif de l’utilisation de doses de CSI de 250 ug ou moins par jour a été observé (OR=0,89; IC 95%: 0,55 -1,44). Toutefois, les femmes qui ont pris des doses >250 ug/jour avaient un risque accru de mortalité périnatale de 52%, mais cette association n’était pas statistiquement significative (OR=1,52; IC 95%: 0,62-3,76). Cette augmentation du risque pourrait toutefois résulter d’un ajustement imparfait pour la sévérité et le contrôle de l’asthme (les femmes asthmatiques qui ont utlisé >250 ug/jour sont susceptibles d’avoir un asthme plus sévère ou inadéquatement maîtrisé). Les conclusions de nos travaux qui sont plutôt rassurantes pourront contribuer à une meilleure prise en charge des femmes enceintes asthmatiques, à aider les médecins dans la prescription de CSI pendant la grossesse et à rassurer les femmes enceintes souffrant d’asthme et les femmes enceintes qui doivent utiliser des CSI. Toutefois, des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires afin de pouvoir conclure que l’utilisation de doses plus élevées de CSI (>250 ug/jour) pendant la grossesse sont sécuritaires.


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The authors apply the theory of photothermal lens formation and also that of pure optical nonlinearity to account for the phase modulation in a beam as it traverses a nonlinear medium. It is used to simultaneously determine the nonlinear optical refraction and the thermo-optic coefficient. They demonstrate this technique using some metal phthalocyanines dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide, irradiated by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser with 10 Hz repetition rate and a pulse width of 8 ns. The mechanism for reverse saturable absorption in these materials is also discussed.


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Integration of natural ventilation and daylighting in a single installation would make both technologies more attractive. One method for the integration is the use of concentric light pipe and ventilation stack. By constructing the light pipe using dichroic materials, the infrared part of the solar radiation is allowed to be transmitted to the stack but the visible light is guided by the light pipe into a room. The heat gain to the interior can be reduced and the thermal stack effect strengthened. Work presented here involved the experimental and computational evaluation of dichroic materials for enhancing both natural stack ventilation and daylighting. The transmittance of a dichroic light pipe was found to be similar to that of a light pipe with a 95% specular reflectance. The infra-red radiation transmitted through the dichroic material into a passive stack was found to enhance the natural ventilation flow by up to 14%. The effect is greater in summer than in winter, which is highly desirable as there is often a lack of driving force for natural stack ventilation in summer.


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Palaeodata in synthesis form are needed as benchmarks for the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). Advances since the last synthesis of terrestrial palaeodata from the last glacial maximum (LGM) call for a new evaluation, especially of data from the tropics. Here pollen, plant-macrofossil, lake-level, noble gas (from groundwater) and δ18O (from speleothems) data are compiled for 18±2 ka (14C), 32 °N–33 °S. The reliability of the data was evaluated using explicit criteria and some types of data were re-analysed using consistent methods in order to derive a set of mutually consistent palaeoclimate estimates of mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO), mean annual temperature (MAT), plant available moisture (PAM) and runoff (P-E). Cold-month temperature (MAT) anomalies from plant data range from −1 to −2 K near sea level in Indonesia and the S Pacific, through −6 to −8 K at many high-elevation sites to −8 to −15 K in S China and the SE USA. MAT anomalies from groundwater or speleothems seem more uniform (−4 to −6 K), but the data are as yet sparse; a clear divergence between MAT and cold-month estimates from the same region is seen only in the SE USA, where cold-air advection is expected to have enhanced cooling in winter. Regression of all cold-month anomalies against site elevation yielded an estimated average cooling of −2.5 to −3 K at modern sea level, increasing to ≈−6 K by 3000 m. However, Neotropical sites showed larger than the average sea-level cooling (−5 to −6 K) and a non-significant elevation effect, whereas W and S Pacific sites showed much less sea-level cooling (−1 K) and a stronger elevation effect. These findings support the inference that tropical sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) were lower than the CLIMAP estimates, but they limit the plausible average tropical sea-surface cooling, and they support the existence of CLIMAP-like geographic patterns in SST anomalies. Trends of PAM and lake levels indicate wet LGM conditions in the W USA, and at the highest elevations, with generally dry conditions elsewhere. These results suggest a colder-than-present ocean surface producing a weaker hydrological cycle, more arid continents, and arguably steeper-than-present terrestrial lapse rates. Such linkages are supported by recent observations on freezing-level height and tropical SSTs; moreover, simulations of “greenhouse” and LGM climates point to several possible feedback processes by which low-level temperature anomalies might be amplified aloft.


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The EISCAT radar has provided data for a comprehensive study of the high-latitude trough in electron concentration, which occurs in the auroral zone. In this paper the characteristics of the trough are illustrated, the method of its formation is outlined and important features of the trough are described. A large upward velocity along the geomagnetic field line is shown to play a significant role in the formation of the trough. The large ion-neutral difference velocities which initiate the formation of the trough may also drive the plasma into a non-thermal state which should be taken into account during the analysis of incoherent scatter data.


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In the auroral zone, ionospheric plasma often moves horizontally at more than 1 km s−1, driven by magnetospheric electric fields, but it has usually been assumed that vertical velocities are much smaller. On occasions, however, plasma has been seen to move upwards along the magnetic field line at several hundred m s−1. These upward velocities are associated with electric fields strong enough to heat the ion population and drive it into a non-thermal state1,2. Here we report observations of substantial upwards acceleration of plasma, to velocities as high as 500 m s−1. An initial upthrust was provided by a combined upwelling of the neutral atmosphere and ionosphere but the continued acceleration at greater heights is explained by a combination of enhanced plasma pressure and the 'hydrodynamic mirror force'3. This acceleration marks an important stage in the transport of plasma from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere.


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Configurations of supercooled liquids residing in their local potential minimum (i.e. in their inherent structure, IS) were found to support a non-zero shear stress. This IS stress was attributed to the constraint to the energy minimization imposed by boundary conditions, which keep size and shape of the simulation cell fixed. In this paper we further investigate the influence of these boundary conditions on the IS stress. We investigate its importance for the computation of the low frequency shear modulus of a glass obtaining a consistent picture for the low- and high frequency shear moduli over the full temperature range. Hence, we find that the IS stress corresponds to a non-thermal contribution to the fluctuation term in the Born-Green expression. This leads to an unphysical divergence of the moduli in the low temperature limit if no proper correction for this term is applied. Furthermore, we clarify the IS stress dependence on the system size and put its origin on a more formal basis.


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It is supposed that there should be a thermal electric effect if a dc current is applied across two dissimilar conducting polymers, similar to so called “Peltier effect” in metals or semiconductors. However, this hypothesis has not been tested on conducting polymers and using these materials to make cooling fabrics has never been attempted before. Polypyrrole coated fabrics were used to test the hypothesis in this preliminary study. Seebeck and the Peltier effects were proven to exist. However, thermoelectricity effect between two conducting polymer coated fabric samples was only about 10 μV/°C. Cooling effect by conductive polymer powder was achieved but performance was unsteady due to electrical degradation of the conducting polymer. Nevertheless, the concept was demonstrated and the development of a cooling fabric is possible.


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 This thesis explored the association between body dissatisfaction and binge eating by comparing three competing theoretical frameworks. Study I utilised a cross-sectional design and collectively these findings suggest the superiority of the dual pathway model (dietary restraint and negative affect) over the objectification theory and the escape model. The purpose of Study II was then to extend on the findings from Study I by further examining in real-time the model/theory that most strongly explained the body dissatisfaction-binge eating relationship. Participants were prompted at random intervals seven times daily across the course of a week to self-report their state body dissatisfaction, current mood experiences, and eating practices. Results revealed that negative mood, but not dietary restraint, significantly mediated the state body dissatisfaction-binge eating relationship. These results highlight that the dual pathway model is robust, but raise the possibility that the dietary restraint path in the model is not well operationalized. In light of the non-significant mediating effect of dietary restraint, this led the researcher to identify various modeling alternatives to further understand the mediating influences of the pathways of negative affect and dietary restraint.


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BACKGROUND: There is growing interest in brief contact interventions for self-harm and suicide attempt. AIMS: To synthesise the evidence regarding the effectiveness of brief contact interventions for reducing self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide. METHOD: A systematic review and random-effects meta-analyses were conducted of randomised controlled trials using brief contact interventions (telephone contacts; emergency or crisis cards; and postcard or letter contacts). Several sensitivity analyses were conducted to examine study quality and subgroup effects. RESULTS: We found 14 eligible studies overall, of which 12 were amenable to meta-analyses. For any subsequent episode of self-harm or suicide attempt, there was a non-significant reduction in the overall pooled odds ratio (OR) of 0.87 (95% CI 0.74-1.04, P = 0119) for intervention compared with control. The number of repetitions per person was significantly reduced in intervention v. control (incidence rate ratio IRR = 066, 95% CI 0.54-0.80, P<0001). There was no significant reduction in the odds of suicide in intervention compared with control (OR = 0.58, 95% CI 0.24-1.38). CONCLUSIONS: A non-significant positive effect on repeated self-harm, suicide attempt and suicide and a significant effect on the number of episodes of repeated self-harm or suicide attempts per person (based on only three studies) means that brief contact interventions cannot yet be recommended for widespread clinical implementation. We recommend further assessment of possible benefits in well-designed trials in clinical populations.


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Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances


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The plasma produced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is a promising technique for producing plasma in atmospheric pressure and has been highlighted in several areas, especially in biomedical and textile industry, this is due to the fact that the plasma generated by DBD not reaches high temperatures, enabling use it for thermally sensitive materials. But still it is necessary the development of research related to understanding of the chemical, physical and biological interaction between the non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure with cells, tissues, organs and organisms. This work proposes to develop equipment DBD and characterize it in order to obtain a better understanding of the process parameters of plasma production and how it behaves under the parameters adopted in the process, such as distance, frequency and voltage applied between electrodes. For this purpose two techniques were used to characterize distinct from each other. The first was the method of Lissajous figures, this technique is quite effective and accurately for complete electrical characterization equipment DBD. The second technique used was Optical Emission Spectroscopy (EEO) very effective tool for the diagnosis of plasma with it being possible to identify the excited species present in the plasma produced. Finally comparing the data obtained by the two techniques was possible to identify a set of parameters that optimize the production when combined DBD plasma atmosphere in the equipment was built precisely in this condition 0.5mm-15kV 600Hz, giving way for further work


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The development of chalcogenide glasses fibers for application in the infrared wavelength region between 1 and 10 μm is a big opportunity. More particularly, the possibility to generate efficient non linear effects above 2 μm is a real challenge. We present in this work the elaboration and optical characterizations of suspended core microstructured optical fibers elaborated from the As2S3 chalcogenide glass. As an alternative to the stack and draw process a mechanical machining has been used to the elaboration of the preforms. The drawing of these preforms into fibers allows reaching a suspended core geometry, in which a 2.5 μm diameter core is linked to the fiber clad region by three supporting struts. The zero dispersion wavelength is thus shifted towards 2 μm. At 1.55 μm our fibers exhibit a dispersion around -250 ps/nm/km. Their background level of losses is below 0,5 dB/m. By pumping them at 1.55 μm with a ps source, we observe self phase modulation as well as Raman generation. Finally a strong spectral enlargement is obtained with an average output power of - 5 dbm. © 2010 SPIE.